Nims search for kinky romance rp. Fandoms, OC's and celebs. FxM & FxF - Discord/Mail


Sep 18, 2014
Greetings ladies and gentlemen. Lately I've been doing mostly noncon, rape, bad ending rps that seems to be trendy around here, but to be honest, the constant darkness starts to repeat itself fast.. so here I am, hoping to find a rare writer who would be willing to write interesting stories that would include romance and possibly other, happy things of life. However this does not mean I don't want kinkyness in my stories, I just feel that things are even more lewd when the characters do experimental things willingly.

Anyway, let's get the boring stuff out of the way.


Do not pressure me to post before I'm ready. I will post a reply to our roleplay as soon as I get time for it, but as we all know, life happens and sometimes when I seem to be online I might be sitting in a bus and just lurking the forums with my phone and therefor not in a place/mood to contribute in our roleplay. I reply when I get time for it, no worries :]
/iddqd - godmode OFF: Please don't control my character too much, for example if the roleplay is in a smutty situation, don't go from the foreplay to the end in one post without leaving me any room to contribute or decide what my character is doing in said situation. Of course if the situation is where my character is forced to do something via extensive use of strength the situation is different, but I'm sure you know what I mean.
Like so many others, please don't give me just one liners, as it is really hard to construct a nice roleplay flow from nothing


This varies so much from game to game. For example if I'm doing a best friends turned into lovers romantic story the kinks I'd like to involve would be different than what I'd like to use when doing a monster rapist roleplay for example.

So rather than posting a long tedious list of kinks that all are either "maybe" or "favorite" depending on situation, I'll just post my limits which are:
Scat, I don't like it and don't want to get it into my roleplays, I like anal sex/play a lot but there's never scat involved and everything is clean :)
No breeding / pregnancy etc. I just don't find it sexy at all.
No urethal play. Like above, This is just a turnoff for me


As I already stated, at the moment I'm really on the mood for something romantic, or atleast consensual. This could include taboos and variety of kinks and settings that I'd happily brainstorm with my potential rp partner.

Could also be up for using celeb or canon faceclaims if you have a specific crush :)
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RE: Nims search for kinky romance rp. Spiced with celebs and fandoms. FxM & futaxM...

After an unfortunate hiatus I'm searching again, in other words BUMP
RE: Nims search for kinky romance rp. Fandoms, OC's and celebs. FxM & FxF - EMAIL ...

Updated cravings. Really wanting to do so something involving ff7 but also open for other suggestions. :)
RE: Nims search for kinky romance rp. Fandoms, OC's and celebs. FxM & FxF - EMAIL ...

New day, same cravings :)
RE: Nims search for kinky romance rp. Fandoms, OC's and celebs. FxM & FxF - EMAIL ...

RE: Nims search for kinky romance rp. Fandoms, OC's and celebs. FxM & FxF - EMAIL ...

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