Agent Louisa Morris
- Joined
- Oct 4, 2014
Hi there -
My 'unconventional' superheroine character, Louise Lareau, exists in a future where advanced biotechnological knowledge is widely available and biologically enhanced criminals have become almost untouchable by conventional law enforcement. In an effort to combat this lawlessness, Louise volunteered to be 'augmented' by a highly experimental process which modified her breasts to permanently lactate milk containing a "super-soldier" serum. The results were dramatic: she became incredibly powerful, fast, strong and resistant to damage ...and the scourge of augmented villains everywhere. The serum also altered her physique – increasing her fat deposits and massively enlarging her breasts.
After decades of victory, she thought herself undefeatable. She was wrong…
I'm looking to play out a scene where she's shockingly beaten and savagely killed by a repulsive and brutal human (females preferred, but men can work too) and/or a vicious feral dog who has been trained to hunt her. I have a lot of very dark and niche kinks related to extreme violence, gross disgrace (especially the use of watersports to humiliate/disgrace/degrade my character), noncon and horrific bad ends. My character won't appeal to most, but let me know if you think there's scope for mutual fun.
Generally, I love playing out scenes where her decades of victory are brought to a horrific end by a foe who's brutality and sheer sadistic viciousness overwhelms her power, regenerative capability and combat skill - the eventual triumph of brute power and sadism over skill and experience.
I am very fetish driven, so it's very much about how she's degraded brutalised during the fight – and how the fight turns from holding her own to being beaten and killed. Her foe shouldn't be so overpowered that it turns into a quick win, more a brutal battle where she holds her own until either she's worn down or there's some table turning event that allows her foe to treat her as a 'punch-bag' or throw her into some intensely toxic environment or her foe becomes so enraged that the attacks become too brutal for her to resist etc. It doesn't work well for me if she's captured and simply becomes a passive victim!
I have an f-list profile but as you'll have gathered, it is pretty dark and extreme - let me know if want the link!
Oh, and player gender is not important to me
My 'unconventional' superheroine character, Louise Lareau, exists in a future where advanced biotechnological knowledge is widely available and biologically enhanced criminals have become almost untouchable by conventional law enforcement. In an effort to combat this lawlessness, Louise volunteered to be 'augmented' by a highly experimental process which modified her breasts to permanently lactate milk containing a "super-soldier" serum. The results were dramatic: she became incredibly powerful, fast, strong and resistant to damage ...and the scourge of augmented villains everywhere. The serum also altered her physique – increasing her fat deposits and massively enlarging her breasts.
After decades of victory, she thought herself undefeatable. She was wrong…
I'm looking to play out a scene where she's shockingly beaten and savagely killed by a repulsive and brutal human (females preferred, but men can work too) and/or a vicious feral dog who has been trained to hunt her. I have a lot of very dark and niche kinks related to extreme violence, gross disgrace (especially the use of watersports to humiliate/disgrace/degrade my character), noncon and horrific bad ends. My character won't appeal to most, but let me know if you think there's scope for mutual fun.
Generally, I love playing out scenes where her decades of victory are brought to a horrific end by a foe who's brutality and sheer sadistic viciousness overwhelms her power, regenerative capability and combat skill - the eventual triumph of brute power and sadism over skill and experience.
I am very fetish driven, so it's very much about how she's degraded brutalised during the fight – and how the fight turns from holding her own to being beaten and killed. Her foe shouldn't be so overpowered that it turns into a quick win, more a brutal battle where she holds her own until either she's worn down or there's some table turning event that allows her foe to treat her as a 'punch-bag' or throw her into some intensely toxic environment or her foe becomes so enraged that the attacks become too brutal for her to resist etc. It doesn't work well for me if she's captured and simply becomes a passive victim!
I have an f-list profile but as you'll have gathered, it is pretty dark and extreme - let me know if want the link!
Oh, and player gender is not important to me

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