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A Hero Spreads His Wings (pods6827 & MellowYellow)


Apr 11, 2016
Ask any random person off the street what they knew about Gotham City and odds were good that the answer you got would involve their high crime rates, both regular and meta-human related. To be fair, Dick Grayson thought, the reputation wasn't wrong so much as exaggerated. There was definitely a lot of crime there, but work was being done by many to reduce it.

And Dick was one of those many, at least he was while acting as the hero Robin. Which was why he was crouching on a rooftop in the warehouse district, a pair of binoculars against his eyes as he looked down at where the infamous criminal Poison Ivy was hiding out. Word on the street was that the plant-controlling villain was working on something big, which meant that he needed more information.
Ordinarily he'd have been working with Batman on something like this, but Robin had been feeling a bit underappreciated lately and so he wanted to prove that he was capable of accomplishing something big without the Caped Crusader's help. And if that meant flying solo for a bit, then that was no skin off his nose.

Putting the binoculars away Robin took a running leap and landed softly on the roof of Ivy's current hideout, his acrobatic training meaning that he didn't so much as stumble on the cold metal paneling. Stepping towards the skylight he looked down into it, hoping to get some idea of what she was planning.
Of the many breeds of criminal that made Gotham their home, Poison Ivy was perhaps the most dangerous based on raw power. Wherever she went nature blossomed, and then rapidly grew beyond the constraints of an urban environment. That was how she liked it, and that control of plants had let her consume entire city blocks in the past. Such was the case with the former factory she currently found herself in, thick vines adhering to every wall while colourful flowers blossomed at her feet.

At present she was standing by a broad table weighted with chemicals of various shades in large glass bottles. The green skinned woman flicked her rose-coloured hair back, her right eye open and inspecting a heavy glass tube positioned over a bunsen burner and steadily altering the colour of the liquid from indigo to pink. Her full ruby lips formed into a distinct smile at her own handiwork.

At this rate, this new compound was due to be her magnum opus...
Peering down into the warehouse Robin could see that Poison Ivy was working on something, a series of vials and bottles visible from the roof. Given the woman's MO there were a number of things that she might be developing; from a stronger fertilizer for her plants to a new kind of toxin. Either way, the young hero knew that he would need to be careful if he was going to put a stop to her plans.

Slipping into the warehouse through a gap in the skylight Robin started to creep closer to the notorious villain, careful to avoid touching any of the plants that were crawling around the edges of the walls. While it seemed like Poison Ivy was entirely focused on her project the Boy Wonder figured that it wasn't worth risking her noticing his presence if he didn't have to, and given her talents that meant avoiding touching as much of the plant life as possible until he was much closer.
"Now then... let's have a look at you." The leaves adorning Ivy's curvaceous body as a makeshift bustier began to shimmy slightly as a thin vine sprouted from her back. It slithered into the neck of the bottle, dipping gingerly into the pink liquid. "Hm..." In this state she was able to read it on a chemical level, understanding the makeup and effects of the toxin with a fine degree of clarity.

It was, put plainly, something to boost her pheromone to a new height. Normally it was rather strong, able to reel in normal men and women. But it was also limited by range, and superhuman types had a tendency to be immune or at least resistant to it. Well, not anymore. A smug smile rested on Ivy's beautiful face. "My magnum opus," Ivy purred. All she needed to do was breed a plant capable of mass distribution.
Narrowing his eyes at Poison Ivy's words, Robin figured that if the villainess was calling whatever she was working on her greatest work then it wasn't something he wanted out in the world. Drawing one of his birdarangs he took aim before throwing it, neatly cutting the thin vine before embedding in the wall, as well as revealing that she wasn't alone.

"Sorry Poison Ivy," Robin said, stepping out of the shadows and into the warehouse's flickering lights, eyeing the beautiful green woman carefully, "But your Magnum opus won't be doing you any good while you're sitting in one of Arkham's cells." Jumping down from the rafters the Boy Wonder charged the redhead, wanting to put a quick end to her misdeeds.
"What?!" The bird patterned throwing blade left her eyes widening in shock. Only one person had those stupid boomerangs, the bird brat! And if he was here, then that meant the Bat was here too! Just when she was on the verge of a breakthrough... The shorter figure lunged from the shadows and slammed into her abruptly. For as powerful as Ivy's plants were, she wasn't much of a hand to hand fighter.

The glass shattered as they hit the ground, the pink liquid exploding outward and coating Robin's uniform. It quickly soaked through the material and into his skin, sending a great heat radiating through acrobatic muscles. "You fool!" Ivy barked, quickly rolling onto her front and trying to pull away. What would that substance do on a human host? She shuddered to think of it.
As he felt the chest of his costume become soaked with liquid Robin realized what had happened; Poison Ivy's chemical must have gotten onto him! Slightly dizzy from the crash, the Boy Wonder got back to his feet and clutched his head as a warm feeling started to envelop him. "What was in that flask?" He asked, almost demanding the answer as he glared at the plant villain.
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