Subsidiary Independence (Yugioh!)


Logic better pray I don't kick its ass too!
Apr 18, 2017
“Where are we going?” Big dough eyes peered up at him as white hair shifted over the boy's shoulder in turning to look at him. He seemed more confident today than usual. He couldn't mind it so long as it didn't go too far. That bit of fight in him was always thrilling.

“I see you haven't lost the will to keep up with those annoying little questions of yours.” He stood beside and just behind him, a sharper version of matching eyes lowering down on him critically.

“....” The look on the albino boy's face mingled somewhere between those two intense features of his that represented weakness and strength. He was worried about the tone he'd be responded to in. But it seemed he really was feeling a bit more bold today. It was hard to tell which was winning out though... That was fixed easily enough.

“I suppose I could indulge you,” he chuckled out mirthfully as those void chocolate eyes narrowed on him. “Curiosity killed the cat after all, not the little abandoned boy no one cares for.”

“...!” The youngster didn't need to make a sound to voice his shock at the sudden jab. Nor did he need to in order for the old spirit beside him to see clearly through bangs that quickly covered his face precisely how deeply it had cut.

He basked in it for a lovely moment, taking in a breath of the heavy air that suddenly surrounded them. This boy's pain fed his sadistic nature wonderfully. And he'd long since found just the right buttons to press to bring it out. It was a beautiful, delicious sight he often found he couldn't get enough of. It made him want to... Ah, but there was a small hitch to garnering himself such a lovely helping of misery from his captor.

“Cease your pouting, Ryou.” Using Bakura's first name always tended to cheer him up. Of course, being the creator behind this particular psychological tick made it no stumbled upon mistake like some other things he'd learned about him over time. This made it an incredibly handy tool to work with. “If you wish for me to explain, allow your feet to continue carrying you.”

It had helped, but only enough to keep him moving. And while he might like to dwell in the trenches of that misery pit just a little longer himself, the boy did need that particular form of 'kindness' to keep him properly motivated. Thus the old soul refused to allow the exasperated sigh that might have left him for the need to shed this affection Ryou so desperately craved and instead leaned forward as they went.

A hollow hand was placed on slumped shoulder, and though it shouldn't be it was felt; as was heated breath that neared his ear as he spoke quietly only to him despite the fact that no one else could hear regardless. “Come now. Would I still be here if I didn't care?” The possibility of finding another host had been brought up in the past. On a whim he'd joked that he would have found one already if it weren't so clear that the boy needed him. It had been taken for far more than it was. And he had capitalized on it immediately; and since.

Despite the fact that Ryou said nothing still, the slight climb of his shoulders and lift of his chin spoke volumes toward how much the simple, manipulative question effected him. He had nothing; nothing but this old soul who continually cared for him and kept away the horrors he so often faced.

“There now,” he cooed happily. “That's better. And to answer your question we are on our way to do precisely what I said we should previously. The organizer of The Duelist Kingdom Tournament invited the best duelists in the world to join his little circus. I've taken it as quite an insult not to be included in that line up. So I have decided I'd like to tell him just how much he's hurt my feelings in person.”

“You aren't really going to tell me then, are you?” The boy sounded a little exasperated with that sigh he let out along with the question. There was no stopping the chuckle it pulled from the man still clasping his shoulder lightly.

That hand was removed, and mock offense replaced humor. “What ever do you mean? Should it not offend me that I'm not recognized for my talents and all around greatness?” Ryou didn't look impressed. “Well, I'll have you know that part certainly is true. Any other reasonings are my own for now. You will learn them in time.”


Bakura ducked back behind the large crate and huffed a light sigh. 'I'm liable to have a panic attack attempting to keep out of the sights of those horrifying men. Am I honestly meant to sneak onto the ship? At this rate I'll be caught for sure. There are too many.'

The spirit of the Millennium Ring chuckled in that mirthful way of his that never bode well for any situation. 'Of course not. Simply stay out of sight for just a while longer and...'

Suddenly there was a commotion by the boarding plank. If it were any closer the albino male would have been sure he was caught. As it stood, he chanced another peek instead. “Is that Joey?... And Yugi too?” Plush lip was bitten slightly as he watched the altercation and its conclusion. Those two certainly were quite close. It would be hard for anyone to fit themselves into that equation when one thought about it.

'Enough dawdling. We don't have much more time. Just about everyone has boarded the ship.' In a flash their positions were switched and the darker form moved from their spot behind the crates toward the slow moving line. 'There aren't many left to choose from... However none of them have much skill...'

He stepped up to one of the last few people in line. “Are you aware that you must have star chips to board this ship?”

The fool first looked confused, and then offended. “Uh duh. Didn't you just see that idiot almost get thrown out of here?”

“I did. That was what made me realize I don't quite meet the criteria. Luckily for me, I have you to help me out with that minor detail.”

“What the heck makes you think I'm gonna help you? That other kid was just as dumb for giving up his star chip! He practically made himself a walking target... Heh. I might just go after him right off the bat to show him what a dumb move that was for the heck of it.” A devious grin and sharp cackle left his chest for the thought.

“Yes yes, hilarious.” His hand waved off the child's bratty notion quickly to get past it. Then he smiled down on him just as deviously. “By the by. I wasn't asking you to simply hand me one of your chips. As you said, that would be ridiculous. I propose a duel, of course. What other way would there be?”

“I got just as much reason to duel you right now as I do to be nice. You don't have any star chips at all. That means you aren't even invited. Which, by the way, also means you didn't make the cut. So you probably aren't even worth my time. So why should I?”

“Oh, there are plenty of reasons,” the offer was nonchalant. They were reaching the front of the line. So he'd need to hurry this up. The foul mouthed child was beginning to get on his nerves. Honestly he'd planned on settling this civilly to be sure to keep a lid on things, but since no one of any significance was within sight anymore it didn't matter quite as much. “You wish to make a name for yourself, do you not? Well, what better way then to have the pleasure of the first technical duel before the ship even departs? Even against a nobody such as myself it is sure to win you a few points. On top of that, the endless boasting material could prove more than a little useful when it came to intimidating future foes—however!” The last bit was added quickly as the boy took a breath to decline or argue once again. It cut him off and allowed him to continue.

“If bragging rights and intimidation tactic aren't enough for you... I suppose I could sweeten the pot, as it were.”

This seemed to intrigue him. “With what?”

“If you win, I will give you the thing I covet most in this world. If you do not, you will give me your place in line and your star chip; Just one. I simply want entry to this tournament. I see no need to take the other chip to stop you from doing so as well.”

“Wow, that sounds like a pretty great deal!” Another boy took a step forward without losing his place in line slightly behind them. “If he doesn't take it, I sure will.”

“Oh?” Bakura took a single step himself, toward the child who seemed to want to jump at the occasion. He, however, was not his target.

The movement proved as perfectly useful as he'd thought it would be. “Hey! You asked me first! Don't just take off for anyone! I'm all for getting what I want. Beating some loser into the pavement isn't even the best of it, so let's do this already! We gotta hurry up before it's my turn. I don't feel like going to the end of the line for either reason!”

A malicious smile cracked over pale face smoothly. “But of course. Let us make this quick. One thing though. I'd like to play something I like to call a Shadow Game. It's nearly no different from a regular duel. It simply has a different ending. After all, I'd also like to get what I want.”

“Ha! Call it whatever you want.” The flare in the boy's ego knew just about no bounds. “No matter what it'll totally end the same; with me whippin' your butt!”

“Indeed...” He pulled out his own deck as the boy did the same.

“But hey, we don't really have time for a duel,” he mentioned as he looked to the front of the line.

“That is true. Perhaps a quick game then. How about each of us pulls five cards from the top of their deck. We can judge by rating and effect.”

“Fine!” The dark look he had for the boy didn't leave him for a moment as they shuffled and drew their cards. When the boy checked on his own, he gained a smug sneer. “So basically it'd be like we're putting all of our cards out on the field at once, right?” When he was given a nod, the hand was flipped to show Bakura. In the same instance Bakura did so for him too; though without looking at his own. “Ha! What lame cards! No way they'll match up to mine!”

That sneer didn't falter until a long, low hum came from the challenger's lips. “So sorry but I must disagree. You see I'm more than certain that at least one of the cards I'm holding out has a dark hole effect. And as I can see from your hand, yours do not.” He turned his own hand around smugly and looked over his cards. “Ah, yes. It seems I was right. This one does. And it destroys every monster on the 'field', as it were. We could go deeper into this scenario since this wouldn't take effect until this monster was taken out of play if we'd had time to do things properly. But since that isn't the case it seems we both lose our entire hands.”

“W-what? Then who wins?!”

“I believe it's a draw.”

The boy was only growing more frantic, and angrier at that. Especially since the smug look on Bakura's face hadn't faded in the least bit. “So why are you so cocky? We go again!”

“I'm afraid not. The terms we agreed on before this match were perfectly clear. Should you win, you would get something of mine. Should you not, I will take what's yours.” The sinister end to his reminder wasn't at all for the star chip he plucked from the boy's hand, of course. "As it so happens you didn't win; which means that by default you lose."

“W...Wha...” That was all that made it from the boy who was trying to catch up with the scenario he'd been manipulated into before the light faded from his eyes and he crumpled to the ground.

I simply want entry to this tournament. I see no need to take the other chip to stop you from doing so as well. Just as he hadn't said he'd get what he wanted if he won, neither had he stated that he wouldn't stop him from winning the tournament in general. After all, I'd also like to get what I want from this.

“Woah that kid is totally passed out!”

“Hahaha! He fainted from the shock of his foot jamming into his mouth. What a loser!”

“Hey, he seriously did pass out though. We should probably get him some help...”

“What's going on here, what are you kids-- Hey!..... HEY! Someone get a medic!”

It was that sort of panic ringing in his ears as he quite simply presented his star chip and made his way pleasantly up the walk. More energy and chatter was starting to rise on the ship's deck as he made his way toward the bow smoothly, but the unsightly scene was removed from view before the chatter ever made its way inside. How boorish human beings were; rushing over themselves and each other to get a view of the carnage and gore before they missed it. These simple creatures would never cease to amuse and disgust him.

It was with a hearty chuckle that he receded into Ryou's mind and allowed him control over himself once again. He'd allowed him to watch the happenings if he so chose. But he hadn't given him the power to interrupt or break his concentration with that incessant nagging of his. He expected to hear a little something now that he'd shattered the silent wall he'd placed between them. After all, if one didn't allow their dog to bark and beg, eventually it would give up all together and he couldn't have that... Not yet anyway.
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