Green and Orange {Potter}


Sep 28, 2013
A very small sigh escaped Koriand'r as she examined the door to the boy's locker room. Why now, of all times, did the Tower's female shower have to break down? It had only been by complete chance that Plasmus' sudden attack on the tower had ruptured the pipes in there, leaving that area off limits, but it would still take some time to repair, and they had yet to find a decent person to hire.

For as strong as the Teen Titans were, none of them were plumbers. Even Cyborg had passed on fixing them. So for now, if the girls were to use the Tower gym (mostly Starfire, since Raven so rarely got involved in exercise) they'd have to use the male locker room to wash up.

Which, under normal circumstances, would be fine. But Starfire had recently entered into the mating cycle of her species, as was common for a Tamaranean her age. With that cycle came a strong desire to mate that she had never known before, and every step she took seemed to send a heat radiating through her body. She closed her emerald coloured eyes and flicked her straight strawberry hair over her shoulders.

The locker room was empty, it was fine. There were no guys in there to worry about. No strong... virile males to-

Starfire swallowed hard and pushed through the door, floating along toward the small row of lockers that lined the back wall. "Goodness... this cycle is already unbearable." All she had to do was quickly wash the sweat from her body and then she could take care of business in her room. Kori removed her knee high boots, setting them under the bench before sliding her silver armguards off. Within seconds her purple tube top and miniskirt were resting on the bench, revealing the orange curves of her heart-shaped ass and her firm, heavy bosom.

Star floated around the tiled wall, making for the showers. She swiftly turned the handle of the nearest shower, feeling a sigh of relief leave her as the steaming hot water washed down, causing her crimson locks to adhere to her golden skin.
Beast Boy entered the men's locker room, exhausted from a workout around the tower. His breath ragged and his body covered in sweat, his clothes clinging to his slim but toned body. So tired was he, that he had forgotten about the fact that the women's locker room was down. Not that he would have remembered anyway, he basically slept through that meeting to begin with.

He stripped his clothes off as he entered the locker room, tossing them to the side carelessly as was his nature. His green body, while lithe and slime was well toned and muscular, he wasn't a Titan for nothing. Even more surprising perhaps was what hung between his legs. His cock, in its regular and unerect form was rather large and could only imagine how it would look when erect but needless to say, he was well hung.

He noticed a whiff of something as he walked in though, something smelled feminine and aroused him slightly but the scent was masked by his sweat and the steam from the shower.

He walked into the shower with his eyes closed, bumping into someone. "Ah...isn't that you Robin? Sorry." Beast Boy chuckled as he slowly opened his eyes. They were adjusting to see through the steam, where he could only just now start to make out the figure of who he bumped into...
Star felt the heat washing over her, sending tingles through her nerves. While the water was cleaning her off, the heat was doing nothing to quell the storm inside her. It was frustrating, she wanted nothing more than to find some much needed release here and now... but, well, that would hardly be appropriate. She was still considering the notion when something slightly shorter than her bumped into her.

The alien princess yelped in shock and pushed backward, pushing against the wall in shock. The thick waves of steam left her with some modesty (no doubt to the frustration of anyone else in the area) but she still couldn't help but feel... very exposed right now. Raven often said Beast Boy was a pervert, but... well surely this was unintentional.

Star swallowed. "A-apologies. I er... w-well the female showers are still closed, a-and I needed to clean up after my exercise!" she hastily said, glancing away in her embarrassment.
Beast Boy shook his head as he heard the voice....that wasn't Robin's voice, or Cyborg's...that was Starfire's wasn't it? That was the thought running through his mind as his sight finally adjusted to his surroundings. His eyes locked onto the figure of the alien princess, back pressed against the wall. The steam obfuscated his view of her whole body, her breasts and lower half in particular. Enough of her was in sight though to arouse, and certainly her curves and shape were well defined...

Beast Boy's hand shot down to his own crotch, trying to contain a slowly growing erection as he laughed nervous, attempting to fight back his body's automatic desires and impulses. "Ah, right...sorry about that Star...I totally forgot..." he cleared his throat. He really should leave, this wasn't right. Something was compelling him to stay though...her beautiful body and that lingering scent of feminine mystique.

" that I'm here...wanna just shower together? Saves water, right?" Beast Boy hazed, unsure if Starfire would take offensive, but he gave her the largest smile he could, hoping that would help sell his case.
Starfire swallowed hard. He wanted to shower... with her? The thought sent an animalistic pulse through her brain that she fought to shove away, but standing by the wall gave her a good look at Garfield. Had he always been so attractive? His taut muscles, lean and athletically inclined. His handsome face and enticing toothy grin. She just barely got a glimpse of his shaft through the steam...

"I... w-well, if you think that would be best," Kori replied. She pushed off the wall, a gesture that oh-so-nearly pushed her bust into his face. Kori turned toward the wall, breathing a small sigh of relief to have her eyes on something that didn't get her motor running. But even as she glanced away, Star couldn't dictate her body's own natural desires, and the alluring fertile scene catching Beast Boy's superhuman sniffer.

"I must say, this is... very new, even for me. On my planet, males and females tend to wash seperately," Kori said, trying to make some sort of smalltalk to distract her mind. Even if it was only to a tiny degree.
Beast Boy was surprised to hear Starfire's answer. Out of all the possible answers he was expecting, that wasn't really one of them, but his grin got larger as he nodded. "Sure. Saving water is always good, and what's wrong with two teammates showering, right?" Garfield laughed and gave Starfire a playful wink, trying to play down the fact of their different genders. He was starting to calm down, but that was when Kori basically shoved his nose between her cleavage. He knew she hadn't meant to, but that brief glimpse of her rounded and perky breasts was enough to get his hormones raging again. He distracted himself by letting the hot water flow over his head, letting out a blissful sigh as he kept one hand on his crotch, attempting to force his still growing bulge down.

"It's not really normal here. I mean, you've mention Tamerian's are pretty open people. Why don't you tell me a bit more about your people, Star? I'd love to learn more about them!" Beast Boy stated excitedly, again trying to distract himself as he started to lather shampoo in hands, his hormones under enough control that he could keep his shaft from growing anymore. Garfield was never the sharpest tool in the shed, one aspect of education he did find interesting was learning about other cultures. He felt like part of that came from his shape shifting. Being able to transform into any animal, a number of whom where revered among some cultures, naturally made him interested in it.
"You're interested in knowing that?" Kori asked in surprised, resisting the urge to glance back in surprise. If she did that, then all her worries would come rushing back up to the surface. "Well, our culture has largely built itself around strength. Ours is a harsh planet, with most biomes being comparable to the harsh deserts of earth. While combat is important to us, we have built our own bastions of culture too. Art, music... the sort of things the people of earth have," the buxom redhead explained. It had been some time since she spoke of home, almost as long since she had actually been back there... she couldn't help but get engrossed in the nostalgia.

That same nostalgic thought, perhaps, left her distracted enough for her mind to automatically segue into less innocent topics.

"I suppose a large part of my culture is the mating cycle," Star said, slowly dragging her hands up her taut abdomen to idly cup her glistening breasts from below. "Hah... when a member of my people reaches a certain age, our bodies adjust so that at least once a year, we're filled with a strong desire to mate... it's greatly helped motivate our survival in harsher periods..."
"Of course, I love learning about cultures. It's one of the few things I like to learn." Garfield teased about himself as he listened to her explain, rubbing his shampoo covered hands through his locks. As he listened to her explain, he silently nodded his head. It made sense that a harsh environment would create good warriors. That's just how evolution worked. "I'd like to see some of your art and listen to your music, I'm sure it's beautiful." Garfield commented, he knew beauty was in the eye of the beholder, but he's still like to see Tamerian art.

That was when her topic took a turn. For Garfield, talking about mating cycles wasn't unnatural, most animals had them after all. Still, that gave him a pretty big hint as to what that feminine scent was. Still, he didn't want to be too upfront about it and he cleared his throat softly before he asked his question.

"That makes sense....your people needed to reproduce more to survive, it's naturally that evolved with you. Have you....had your first cycle yet?" Beast Boy asked, his tone curious. He hoped he wasn't sounding too nosy or anything, but he was curious so he could confirm what he was thinking...
His question made her glance to her feet. "I um... w-well, this is my second cycle," Starfire said, feeling a deep crimson shade break out across her cheeks. "My first occurred roughly last year. But the first one is usually rather tame, as we adjust to the changes in our body... b-but this one has been rather rough so far." It had been a few days for her, but even using her fingers was doing little for her now.

Star finally managed to glance over her shoulder at Garfield, maintaining her same deep blush. Once more she examined him, taking in his taut features and handsome visage. He was quite different from a male of her species, skin colour notwithstanding, but he managed to be so... enticing. "Beast Boy," Star gently said. "You have such urges, yes? You have many animal traits, correct?" Perhaps he could understand her issues, and if he could...

... perhaps he could help deal with them?
When Starfire confirmed what he was suspecting, he nodded his head softly and listened. It sounded like she was struggling to deal with it, he wondered just how much it effected her. Right as Starfire turned to look at him, he turned to look at Starfire. It brought her beautiful face back into view and her shapely breasts were now much more visible through the steam.

Garfield licked his lips as Starfire spoke. He knew what she was saying and he knew what that meant...his cock began to grow erect once more but this time, he didn't try to stop it. He took a step towards Starfire and looked into her eyes as he balled one of his hands into a fist to control his own urges, letting out a deep breath.

"I think I understand what you are saying, Starfire...but you know what me helping you entails, right?" He asked, giving her a serious look. He didn't want it to feel like he was manipulating her just to fulfill his own desires.
Starfire could feel the heat between them, not daring to glance down at what she knew was oh so close to her abdomen. She could tell he was erect, and a single inch forward would leave his cock pressed into her taut abdomen. Already she could tell it was big without even looking at it.

"It is... definitely a large request, I shall admit, but..." Starfire gave a small sigh. Going through with this would forever alter their relationship, and they'd no doubt have to act in secrecy for the time being. They weren't dating or anything, and she knew how important that was to humans. Slowly, she reached out until her left hand was gingerly wrapped around his cock. "I quite need this, Beast Boy and I feel I cannot handle the arousal with just my fingers."
Beast Boy stood at attention, both him and his little solider down south as he awaited Starfire's answer. His cock was fully erect now and it was now totally clear just how large and massive the veiny monster was. He let out a small moan as he felt Starfire's smooth fingers gently wrap around his pulsing cock. That was all he needed. Starfire barely finished her sentence before his lips were own her own.

He wrapped an arm around her slim waist and pulled her into his surprisingly strong chest. His cock, what wasn't covered by her hand, was now rubbing against her inner thigh as his tongue lashed at her lips and sought entry. Beast Boy wasn't thinking of how this encounter would fundamentally alter their relationship...right now, he was just focused on making them both feel good, so Starfire wouldn't have to struggle with her arousal anymore.
"Mm?" Star hadn't kissed anyone since she made her first trip to earth, needing to learn English to have a better chance at blending in. But this felt nice, a simple yet enticing gesture of contact that soothed some of the longing in her body. Starfire pulled into his mouth, her hand maintaining a languid stroking pace. The hot water washing down on them gave her a healthy bit of lubrication to work with.

Pulling back, as even alien princesses needed to breath, she gave him a smile that would melt even the coldest heart. "You are rather strong. And your size is..." She glanced down to his cock, her large orange breasts gently pushing into his chest. "Impressive too. H-have you ever done this before? This will be my first time..."
Beast Boy was rather enjoying the sensation of the kiss, his breath ragged as Starfire pulled away. He let out a soft moan as her hand continued to stroke. His own hands moved as well. One moved to spank her bubbly ass, groping her rear while the other moved to stroke her smooth back up and down, his fingers getting tangled in her hair as he felt her large breasts molding against his chest.

"It's my first time too....but I want to make you feel good so you can feel better..." Beast Boy blushed at Starfire's smile, returning it with a smile of his own. He guide his hips so his massive cock was now rubbing up against her pussy, his tip pressing against her clitoris as he looked into Starfire's eyes and gave her a small nod.

"Guide it in when you are ready, Star...I'll move at your pace." He stated, not wanting to go to fast or slow for the girl in need. He would move at whatever pace she wanted him to move at.
For his first time, Star would admit that his hands were rather... handsy. Then again Raven had often called him a pervert, so perhaps he had done plenty of research on this. Regardless Kori nodded, glancing to the weighty green dick aiming her way. She hesitated for just a moment and slowly lowered herself down, breathing a low moan as the fat mushroom head started spreading her open.

The tightness was perhaps to be exoected, even with the rushing water providing some lubrication. But her head was phenomenal, a warmth caressing progressively more of Garfield's cock and seeming to suck him in more. Star bit her bottom lip, her eyes fluttering slightly as she got exactly what her body had craved. "Magnificent~" Starfire dreamily purred, soon reaching the halfway point. Either she had no hymen, being an alien, or hers had been through her rough and action-packed lifestyle.
Garfield gripped Starfire's ass more tightly as her tight and hot pussy began to engulf his cock. It felt amazing, totally different from doing it with his hand. His moans became louder and he couldn't be content with just standing there. Thus, he began to move his hips.

His cock slammed deeper into Starfire, his tip pressing against her cervix as he groaned, digging his fingers into her ass. Another movement of his hips and soon his cock had past her cervix, sheathing itself in her womb as he moaned. "How is it, Star...." Beast Boy managed to ask between ragged breaths as he gyrated his hips, his throbbing cock pounding in and out of her womb and pussy like a finely tuned piston.
Star felt the peak of his thick green dick probing toward her cervix, the hard thrusts building the pressure until even that barrier couldn't keep him out. The alien felt her legs wobble and, for her own safety, she proceeded to wrap her legs around his waist, her arms settled over his shoulders. She was however kind enough to float, keeping her weight from bearing down too much on him.

She was heavier than she looked, after all...

Starfire kissed his neck briefly, closing her eyes tight. "It's s-so... so amazing Beast Boy!" she cried, her sweet mewls echoing throughout the locker room. She felt her pussy tightening, pressure rising as an orgasm gradually built up inside her. "X'hal!" she gasped, sending more sweet cries of delight to her patron god.
Beast Boy's hands moved to grip Starfire's ass as she wrapped her legs around him. He slammed his massive cock in and out of her rapidly, slamming Starfire's back against the shower wall repeatedly as he took his pleasure. He was losing all reason and the beastly and instinctual side of him was starting to take over. It was just too amazing.

"Ah, fuck feel amazing. It's too fucking good." Beast Boy moaned as he too started to feel are pressure building up in his cock. He wanted to make the alien girl climax first so he bit back his climax. His teeth sank into her neck and her sucked, marking her with a hickey...marking her as his. He wasn't even thinking about how Starfire would be able to explain that away, he just knew he wanted to claim her somehow...his animistic traits coming to the forefront.
"X'hal!" His teeth met the flesh of her neck, just strong enough to leave a purple mark against her incredibly strong skin. But it didn't hurt, it felt positively wonderful. A quick shiver ran down her body, eyes rolling back partially in her head as she savoured each rough intrusion of Garfield's hips. Her whole body tensed, slick walls squeezing tight around Beast Boy's intruding green cock.

Star's orgasm was a powerful one, rocking her busty body and pulling low groans from her as her juices coated his shaft and oozed down his weighty balls. She buried her face into the crook of his neck, more sweet moans leaving the gold-skinned beauty as she rode out the intense high..
Starfire's climax was more than enough to trigger Garfield's own. With a loud moan and a final, violent thrust, he came. Star's walls would milk its cock for all it had, wringing out his hot and sticky seed, filling her to the brim with his cum. He filled her womb, her stomach bulging slightly from how full it was before he pulled his still erect and hard cock out of Starfire's ravished cunt.

He let her body fall to the floor as he looked down on her, licking his lips as he slapped his messy rod against her cheek. "Don't you think you should clean me up as thanks for helping you out?" the young man asked with a deep chuckle, making it clear that his mind was still addled with lust and desire.
Star could feel his seed fill her, the enticing warmth seeming to be just what her own aroused mind had been craving. At the very least that niggling voice in her head had fallen silent, and that was more than enough for the time being. She felt her plush butt hit the floor, her chest heavy for breath in the aftermath. She only paused when his weighty green cock smeared her cheek.

Wordlessly, and without any protest, Kori opened wide and took the first half of his monster into her mouth, slurping at her own juices and the dribbling remnants of his cum. Soon the princess was bobbing her head back and forth, occasionally letting her shimmering emerald eyes look up to meet his own.
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