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A fairly specific and simple fantasy..


Jun 21, 2016
Soo I've been craving a reenactment of an evening that actually happened to me (no judgement!) and has stuck firmly in my happiest memories.

Here's the scene: my closest female friend and I are both very flirtatious people. She's married I'm single. We're alone watching a movie and both a bit drunk. While getting closer/cozier I accidentally graze her breast in a way that's fairly obvious but genuinely unintentional. I'm a total boob guy and she knows this, and she laughs and says "there's the feel you've always wanted" I reply with something to the effect of "close but not quite." She then, with charming reluctance, let's me touch for real, under the bra even. That's all that happened though I've always fantasized about where else it could have gone.

Edit: Let me stress that this pairing is all about build-up and tension and subtlety. If it works its way there, then that's totally great (I should also note that I don't need this to be a perfect retelling of my evening, just inspired by), but this pairing is NOT about sex. It's not off the table, but the less is more erotic approach would be ideal here.

Currently, I'd be looking to write in PM or possibly YIM. I am pretty busy but am usually good for at least one good post per day. Would love to connect with someone sharing similar interests and would be okay with that rate of correspondence.
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