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Sonic Adventure R (matttheman89 & MewMew)

Jun 12, 2017
Emerald Hill Zone; a peaceful and idyllic segment of West Side Island that boasted beautiful beaches, long grassy plains, and rolling hills. It was a veritable paradise for the denizens of the Island...or at least it would be, were it not for the recent infestation of badniks that were combing over the Zone in search of a Chaos Emerald that had been detected in the area by the nefarious Dr. Eggman. Even a single Chaos Emerald was a great source of power that could be used for all manner of schemes, so the evil scientist had poured many of his resources into the search...although the jury was still out as to whether or not he was actually present to oversee the search personally, or if he had left it in the hands of one of his Super Badniks.

Regardless of whether or not he was actually within the boundaries of the Zone or not though, his presence could be felt as the badniks continued their search...unware that a familiar thorn in the Doctor's side was fast approaching...

Revving up a powerful Spin Dash and rocketing forward at speeds few could match, Sonic the Hedgehog slammed into a nearby badnik and heard a satisfying pop as the machine exploded, releasing the animal trapped inside to serve as a battery. Coming to a stop with a smirk on his face as the animal fled to relative safety, Sonic looked out over Emerald Hill Zone with his hand shielding his eyes from the sun. "Is it just me, or does this bring back memories?"

Sonic looked over his shoulder in the direction of his companion, beginning to tap his foot against the grass impatiently as he waited for her to catch up. "So, is that do-dad of yours having any luck picking up the Chaos Emerald yet, or do I get to keep running circles around these badniks?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It sure does Sonic!" Tails replied, grinning brightly at her friend. If Tails could remember they always use to go to Emerald Hill Zone to find emeralds and defeat badniks! Remembering these adventures made Tails nostalgic.

"I got this Sonic," assured the fox. "It is detecting the emerald now." Tails tweaked with her latest creation-- the chaos emerald detector for couple seconds before it start to vibrator. "Eureka! It is working Sonic!" Tails exclaimed, her eyes shining vibrantly.

The chaos emerald detector pointed South indicating that the chaos emerald was somewhere in that direcion.

"It is this way Sonic!" Tails yelled, using the chaos emerald detector to locate the emerald.
Sonic nodded his head with a grin as Tails and her device began homing in on the location of the Chaos Emerald, glad that his best friend had thought to bring it along to help in their search. He may have been able to cover a lot of ground quickly, but finding the Emerald without some sort of help could still be like trying to find a needle in a haystack at times. "Cool! Let's get moving then!" he replied, quickly speeding off to the South, though he kept it slow enough that Tails would be able to keep up.

Leaping up into the air and shooting forward like a wrecking ball, Sonic collided with a flying badnik, downing it in a single blow before bouncing away to strike another in mid-air, breaking it apart as well. "You better keep up, or there won't be any badniks left for you, Tails!" he called teasingly over his shoulder before he took off again.

There was almost nothing Sonic enjoyed more than speeding along at high velocity, but he had to admit, he wished he had an excuse to go a little slower while Tails was there. Watching her breasts bounce and the way her shapely ass and thighs worked as she moved was enticing. Maybe he would get the chance to sneak a peek a little later?

Skidding to a stop on the sands of one of Emerald Hill Zone's beaches, Sonic glanced from side to side with his hands on his hips, looking for any obvious signs of the Chaos Emerald. "What now, Tails? Is the Emerald nearby?" he asked, hoping that it wasn't in the ocean somewhere.
Despite fact Sonic was running slow so she could keep up, Tails still had trouble keeping up. Her chest grew a little bit -- or that is what the fox thought because she felt her breast grew heavier. Tails didn't want to tell Sonic if they could catch a break she knew how important it was to capture a chaos emerald before Robotonik did.

As usual Tails was amazed by Sonic's impeccable strength and speed. Tails knew how strong and fast but seeing Sonic attacked a badnik and defeat it with ease still wad incredible. "I am sure you can take of the badniks, Sonic!" Tails called back, grinning at Sonic as he ran off. Wiping sweat that was trickling on her forehead, Tails, pulled out a water bottle from her bag and gulp down some water.

It wasn't like Tails to complain, though, she was really tired from all this running around and looking for the emerald. But she knew better to complain, like seriously, if anyone was tired it was Sonic. He was the one defeating most of badniks! Tails decided to stop complaining how tired she was and persevere.

"Yes, it is nearby!" Tails exclaimed, gleefully. Her gadget started vibrating vigorously and pointed towards the water. "It is somewhere under the water, Sonic." Uh oh that is not good for Sonic. Tails know Sonic did not like water.
Sonic felt a sinking sensation as Tails caught up to him and let her chaos emerald detector do it's thing, revealing that the emerald they were looking for was in fact...underwater. To say that he didn't share her enthusiasm would be an understatement, and the blue hedgehog shivered at the thought of diving in in search of their objective. "Great..." he muttered sarcastically as he looked out at the ocean. Why did it have to be underwater, the one place that Sonic was uncomfortable with?

And it wasn't as if they could just leave it there. Eggman would find it sooner or later, and then the emerald would be out of their reach. They couldn't let this opportunity slip through their fingers. could he get to it without actually entering the water?

"Hey, Tails. I don't suppose you brought a swimsuit with you, huh?" he asked, turning to face his friend with a curious expression. Unlike the hedgehog, the twin-tailed fox actually knew how to swim, so diving down to look for the emerald wouldn't be as troublesome for her. Getting to see her in a swimsuit wouldn't be so bad either...and if she'd actually forgotten to bring one...who knows...maybe she'd even skinny-dip for the emerald? Hey, a hedgehog could dream, right?
Tails knew Sonic couldn't swim. She would not forced him to go in the water despite knowing it was best for him to face his fear. Besides they needed to get the chaos emerald before Robotonik did. "It isn't that bad Sonic, look at bright side, at least we found it before Robotonik." Tails hoped her optismicsm would cheer Sonic up.

Sonic cannot swim. I got to do it most likely. Assuming this is only reasonable option for them, Tails from happily. Finally, she can show Sonic that she cam be useful aside from locating chaos emerald and making airplanes to get to Robotnik' s hidden hideouts.

"A swimsuit huh... lemme check..." Tails said as she rummaged through her packback and pulled out a white bikini. The fox frowned when she saw the swimsuit. This swimsuit was Amy's but it is doable to wear. "It is kind of small but I can wear it." The fox said. She knew Amy would be angry at her for stretching out her bikini however Tails could not wear just her panties and go bare cheated. Yeah, Tails did not wear a bra today so she would be definitely be exposed if she done that so instead she had Amy's swimsuit.

"Turn around, Sonic, please." She requested, kindly. Tails did not want Sonic to see her naked now that is embarassing! Of course Sonic would never looked at her that way because she knew he was not his type of girl to actually date but still she did not want him to see her naked.

Once Sonic turned around, Sonic removed her undergarments, revealing her curvaceous body. She had a figure like an hourglass but Tails often ashamed by her figure and did everything she could hide. Her backside was not too big just decent size where someone can grope whereas her thighs was nice and strong. When she took off her panties, nestled between her legs was her womanhood.

Only garment left to take off was her shirt, Tails quickly took off her shirt and clumsily put on bra part of the bikini though unfortunately to her breasts didn't fit perfectly. One boob was sticking out of the cup holder thay was suppose to be out whereas her other boob barely fit, and was bulging out.

Now don't get me started with the bottoms of the bikini they were basically showing her add!

"Oh no," Tails grimaced. "I barely can't fit this bikini!" She blamed Amy for being so small! "You can look now!" She called over to Sonic. Walking towards the shoreline, Tails started to swim into the ocean for awhile before diving to locate where the emerald was below.
Sonic watched as Tails began rummaging through her pack, and his eyes widened a little as his friend produced a simple white bikini, not having really expected her to have thought ahead and actually brought one. Then again, Tails was highly intelligent and often planned for most contingencies, so maybe he shouldn't have been so surprised. And was it his imagination, or had he seen that bikini before? Thinking back, he remembered Amy wearing a similar outfit the last time she'd dragged him to the beach for a date...though it hadn't stayed on long once the date had actually gotten underway.

Having a slightly different figure than Tails though, Amy's bikini was a little on the small side, which drew a snicker from Sonic as she commented on it. Being the gentleman that he was though, he didn't take long to honor Tails' request to turn around and give her privacy while she changed. Little did the fox know though, that Sonic would have given just about anything to actually sneak a peak at her as she undressed. She may have been his best friend, but it was still hard at times to ignore her shapely figure, thick thighs, and plump ass.

Feeling his interest piqued even further as Tails lamented the fact that she barely fit in the swimsuit, Sonic turned around when she said it was safe to look, and very nearly whistled at the enticing view as she walked past him towards the shoreline. She hadn't been kidding; the swimsuit was nearly so small that Tails was practically popping out of it, and her ass in particular was very much on display for the hedgehog, nearly leaving Sonic in a trance as he watched her swim out into the ocean.

"Be careful, buddy!" Sonic called out seconds before she dove beneath the water in search of the chaos emerald. He knew she could take care of herself, but hopefully there weren't too many underwater badniks dispatched to the area.
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