Hanns' SFW RP Prompt Thread ~ (Updated 10/6)


Aug 10, 2017

you write so beautifully
[size=-2]the inside of your mind must be a terrible place [/size]​

Good day, morning, noon or night! As a writer, I put a lot of love and details into my stories and now I'm looking for someone to do the same with together. Well thought out characters and plots only please - I would love for a partner is able to play more than just one character too. All types of role-players - beginner, advanced and expert are also all welcomed!

Love/Will Do:
❤ Well developed character relationships (Platonic, Romantic, and everything in between!).
❤ Story depth and detail.
❤ Original characters (I love them, they are babies and I will draw lots of art of them)
❤ Favorite Genres: Fantasy, Slice of Life, Adventure, Romance, Science-Fiction, & Apocalypse/Dystopian

Ok/Might Do:
✔ Mythical/Fantasy creatures (I just ask that we set up lore/expectations for the creatures we use!)
✔ Gore/Heavy violence
✔ Furries/Anthros
✔ Feral Animals
✔ Horror elements/genre
✔ Romance, both light and heavy.

Hate/Won't Do:
✖ OC x Cannon or FC (fan character) x Cannon.
✖ One Liners (Unless it's super casual, please DON'T send me ONE liners!!)
✖ Incest/Underage sex
✖ Smut
✖ Killing/Hurting OCs without permission. (ask me first!)
✖ Fandoms
✖ Rape

Genre Key
While many a good story has more than one genre, usually they are classified as one main genre.
Here's quick key to verify some genres you might see down yonder:
► Fantasy
► Sci-Fi
► Romance
► Horror/Psychological Horror
► Action
► Dystopian
► Adventure/Quest
► Slice of Life
► Comedy
► Supernatural

Down below are some ideas I've sketched out in hopefully something coherent.
Just to clarify, this is just a prompt, so things can be changed if needed.
Have something you want to add? See something that just doesn't fit?
Let's world build it together!

(OPEN) ✿ The Healing Home ✿[/color]]

Other Optional Genres: Romance , Slice of Life , Comedy
Optional Pairing(s): human-x-monster or monster-x-monster (FxM, MxM, FxF)
Keywords: (vampires) (werewolves) (faeries) (modern fantasy)

In a world where humans and supernatural beings mingle freely among each other, an influential family finds out their sickly child/grandchild (Your OC) has supernatural blood. Worried that news of this might spread and ruin their reputation, Your OC is sent to a supernatural hospital for treatment for a cure.

Unlike all the human hospitals, this hospital, the Healing Home, consists only of supernaturals creatures. Vampire doctors perform more accurate blood transplants. Werewolves act as service animals for sick patients. Unicorns graze freely in the surrounding countryside. Mermaids specialize with water therapy. Faeries use their magic to enchant food and clean bed-side flowers. Witches use potions to create and prescribe medicine.

Your OC meets other patients there and finally finds that he/she is not alone. This place is so peaceful that your OC is finally coming to terms with his/her supernatural genes and when the safety of the hospital is threatened, is willing to do anything to protect it.

(CLOSED) ✿ The Favor Returned ✿[/color]]

Other Optional Genres: Romance , Slice of Life , Adventure/Quest
Optional Pairing(s): human-x-mermaid (Preferred FxM but will consider MxM or FxF)
Keywords: (mermaid) (princess) (forbidden love) (lost at sea)

A young princess lives in a western kingdom near the sea. As a little girl, she would play near the palace pond inside the castle grounds. And every time, she would see him there. A strange boy lived in the pond. The top of him looked like any other boy, but he had those funny looking fins on his back and even a pointy tail that splashed in the water. Yet, even though he never came out of that pond, the two of you had a lot of fun together and became fast friends. He was your little secret. No one else knew.

After a while, she notices her friend is growing increasingly sad. He tells her that he longs to a kingdom beyond the tide. He had tried swimming through the river that leads out of the palace grounds, but it’s blocked by the dam. He doesn’t have legs like she does and the blockade is too strong to pull apart. He’s trapped here. His sadness becomes unbearable and she makes a promise to him to help him escape.

With wits, strategy and a lot of luck, she manages to smuggle him out of the pond and into the sea. His delight was well worth the hassle. With tears and hugs, the two part ways and he promises that if their paths met again he shall return her kindness.

Many years went by and now the princess a young lady and at age to take the throne. However, much to her father/mother/guardian’s insistence, they plan to pair her with some stuffy prince she's never met. She is certainly more than capable to rule by herself, but as long as she under her guardian(s) rule, she has little choice in the matter. She's been summoned by a prince in the islands in the east and on the next ship, she reluctantly set to sail. But on the way, the ship is met with a fierce storm. When she is certain that the fates have decided she face a water grave, a warm embrace and a familiar voice promises her that she is going to be alright. That she will live another day. That they will return the kindness that she gave to them.

(OPEN) ✿ The Silver Son ✿[/color]]

Other Genres: Romance, Adventure/Quest, Slice of Life
Optional Pairing(s): god/diety-x-human (FxM, MxM)
Keywords: (childhood sweethearts) (prophecy) (forbidden love) (astrology)

In a land far beyond the horizon, where the sands are warm ivory and the mountains jagged black, the land of Quana is ruled by a monarchy of celestial beings said to be born from the fire of stars and smoke of the nebulas. These dark fae-like creatures are the founders of the land and thus, the true rulers of the land. The new king or queen, when the time is right, is born from a drop of starlight that falls from the sky and crystalizes into the sea, bathing the ocean and rivers in sparkling galaxy light. The old queen has left to be with her kin in the stars and thus, a new king is born.

Some say this is where the kingdom is most vulnerable. And so it has come to pass that traitors and outsiders have taken a grab to the throne. Until they can come up with a way to permanently incompacitate the king, their strongest mage casts a spell to disguise

Your OC (female, but can be male) is the child of a poor merchant who lives and travels near the outskirts of the village. Your OC don't have many friends, but there is one boy they're are quite fond of. While Your OC doesn't know much about where he came from, but that makes little difference. The two children bond quickly and soon they spend as much time as they can together.

And then just as he came, he is gone and many years pass by. Your OC is certain your paths will never cross again. As they get older, he/she find work in the palace staff as a hand maid (or servant) to the country's very demanding steward. It isn't until a string of mysterious phenomenon occur that Quana is overturned and the true king is returned to the throne. A king that is all too familiar to Your OC, more than any of the courtiers or advisors or any one in the court could ever know.

Your OC soon realizes that the country's prince, future king, is not just wise and born to rule, but more importantly, he is very lonely. Your OC wish to see that kind, innocent and playful boy you remember. And even though they are separated by time, royal blood and political agendas, Your OC are determined to stay by his side no matter what adventures lie ahead.

(OPEN) ☁ The Nameless ☁[/color]]

Other Optional Genres: Action , Dystopia , Slice of Life , Horror/Psychological Horror
Optional Pairing(s): nameless-x-nameless (FxM, MxM, FxF)
Keywords: (mystery) (afterlife) (the beyond) (limbo)

What is the true mystery behind the Jane & John Does of this world?

Your OC finds that out first hand when he/she awakens

What sacrifices is your OC willing to make to close the final chapter of their existence?
Do they seek to find what's been stolen from them or will they forever remain nameless?

(OPEN) ◆ The Echoer ◆[/color]]

Other Optional Genres: Action , Dystopia , Romance/ Triangle Romance
Optional Pairing(s): human-x-cyborg (FxM, MxM, FxF)
Keywords: (interstellar civilization) (mafia) (tough love)
A futuristic city is having problems with their criminal rates. In an effort to lower the crime level in the city slums, the government issues a rehabilitation program called ECHO where criminals are "recycled" and turned into servant androids that aid the public.

When (Your OC) is falsely accused and sentenced to be recycled, they catch the attention of a notorious mobster - a cyborg who is not only the mob boss of the biggest underground crime syndicate in the nation but is also to have been the only one to have escaped the ECHO program. In exchange for freedom, the cyborg demands help arranging a cyber attack on the city's plasmid bank so they can smuggling illegal plasmids out of city. The only problem is that the cyborg thinks (Your OC) is someone else, an ex government system's engineer who has knowledge of the under-city's codes and data lines.

A case of mistaken identity, (Your OC) must play a dangerous game to ensure they don't end up in the belly of the ECHO.

(CLOSED) ◆ The Phantom Code ◆[/color]]

Other Optional Genres: Action , Dystopia , Adventure/Quest
Optional Pairing(s): N/A
Keywords: (powers) (underground lab) (astral projection) (twins)
There is a futuristic society where some people hold supernatural powers and some do not. This is a lie. Starting at a very young age, people outside of the government positions are forced to take medication that suppresses their powers so that the those in power can easily control them. They believe they're talking vitamin supplements or medicine to help with migraines, but the medicine itself is actually making them more passive and moldable.

Worried that the effects will eventually wear off, the government starts developing a new pill called MOTH. It's designed not only to make the people more vulnerable, but it will ultimately remove the people of their powers permanently. However, they're missing part of their code needed to finish Project MOTH.

A young girl (Your OC) is raised in an underground lab, a place where bizarre and often cruel tests occur. She's here for a specific reason. She has the power to communicate with things that other people cannot. Plants, animals and even the dead. The only reason she's allowed to use her powers is so that the supreme leader can communicate to his dead brother and receive the finishing codes to the MOTH project.

The dead brother, the phantom, explains to her how in his past life he was interrogated for data about the new pill by his own brother, but he died before they could break it out of him. And now they're using her to get him to spill the code with the promise that he can be returned to his body, which is being held in a stasis facility.

Disgusted with his brother and ashamed of himself for starting Project MOTH, the phantom takes pity of the girl and implants a part of himself inside a defective guard dog. Together, they must either face the wrath of the new Order and find a way to stop them.

(OPEN) ➹ The Last Goddess ➹[/color]]
b]Other Optional Genres:
Fantasy , Romance/ Triangle Romance
Optional Pairing(s): goddess x human, goddess x angel, goddess x demon, love triangle (FxM, MxM, FxF)
Keywords: (end times) (prophecy) (fallen deity)

Everyone thinks that gods are immortal. Just because mortal man can't kill them doesn't mean that they love forever. The downfall of the keepers of the heavens lies within themselves.

The religious speak the fall of the immortals. The legend goes that the cosmos were once in chaos and a war raged out high in the heavens between sun god and the moon goddess. All of the celestial deities of law, life and nature came together and choose a side. It was either side of their sun king or the side the queen of the night. Then, they fought for nearly a millennium. It’s said that heaven groaned and bent under their hatred for one another and in the thousandth year when the moon eclipsed the sun, the heavens split in two and devoured the immortals. The universe was on it’s own and race it’s wobbly course through time, buying time before it's inevitable demise.

Many say this is were it ends, that the gods are dead and that is why the land is slowly dying. Why the heavens were once beautiful, but are nothing more than stars wandering in their own separate orbits. But a legend has it that not all the gods have fallen. It is said that there is one, the only daughter of the sun and moon, whose soul was casted out of heaven. Her soul now lies buried in the bones of a mortal that she may have a chance to restore what their kind has destroyed.

Your OC (female, age ranging from teen to young adult) lives a safe yet sheltered life in a small upper class community known as Neuhaven. You’ve grown up with a caring mother who has cared for you the best she can, despite being blind. She’s given you lots of love and you are well provided for regardless. From growing up inside the walls of the city, you have an idealized yet innocent view of how the world works.

Despite your life appearing to be perfect, you know something is missing. Deep down in your bones, you feel like you didn’t fit in here even if you don’t know why. That something is missing and that you have a purpose beyond filling the hole the community wants you to fill. Sometimes, you sneak away your secret place where you can think to yourself. Until one day, you stumble upon something. In your secret place away from people, there is what looks like to be a crack… in the air next to you. In the normally clean, fresh air, there is a black crack that hums and sparks upon closer examination. You can’t see anything at first, but it seems to be growing bigger everyday.

One day, it grows big enough that you can peek through it. All you see is blackness at first, but as it gets bigger more things come into view of the other side. Things you never thought you’d see…

There seems to be a lot of things you don’t know. You don’t know that outside this fake hologram dome over your city, there is another world. One that is colder, harsher and filled with people who wander the Earth trying to survive. You don’t know that your community is an illusion created by a strange government with even strange men and women who seem to be nothing more than puppets in the system. You don’t know that your safe haven will soon become apart of an age old battle ground between the proletarians and the bourgeois the moment that shield comes down. And it will come down, leaving you to face the bitter cold outside with no chance of return.

You don’t know that the sun is going to die unless an immortal mends it, that the elements are withering away and the stars will wander from their orbits unless an immortal keeps the balance. You don’t know that the moon is slowly pulling further away and the seasons are growing colder. You don’t know that you are the child of the god, sent here to save humanity from the same fate that took your ancestors. You’re here to save humanity from each other.

(CLOSED) ❤ The Gentle Art of Making Enemies (18+) ❤[/color]]

Other Genres: DARK Comedy , Supernatural
Optional Pairing(s): angel-x-demon (FxM, MxM, FxF)
Keywords: (toxic love) (frenemies) (divine intervention)

In a new, modern yet classy area, angels and demons battle each other over the lives of mortal man through a challenge of wit, contest of charisma and the occasional stab to the neck. These are New Testament times and this calls for new measures. Thus, Paradise Academy (Heaven) and the Institute of Fire and Brimstone (Hell) set up new defense divisions to train their best angelic soldiers and fiercest demonic warriors to learn the new art of making enemies.

Angels and demons cannot die through mortal means of course, but that doesn't mean that bashing in the skull of your once heavenly brother or sister won't leave you to an advantage.

Your OC (male or female) is a an young angel/demon sent out into the world for the first time to save/decieve as many souls as you can. However, your advances are constantly sabotaged when a rookie angel/demon (My OC).You manage to the even the odds, only for your opponent to one up you. The circle continues for centuries. Your annoyance turns to hatred which turns to sick curiosity which turns to fixation.

And so your ways of flirtation are how badly you can maim, torture and kill each other and before long the two of you have an addiction. Don't think your superiors won't notice eventually and take decisive measures to make sure the two of you remember your places.

(OPEN) ❤ The Saving Grace ❤[/color]]

Other Genres: Dystopian , Supernatural , Adventure/Quest
Optional Pairing(s): dictator-x-time traveller (FxM, MxM, FxF)
Keywords: (alternate history) (separate timelines) (vintage inspired)

Your OC (female or male) is an individual who has the power to see and pass across several timelines. And there is one person whom they've been looking after in each plain they cross, (My OC) - someone whom they care for more than all the worlds combined.

So when Your OC comes across a timeline where My OC has been corrupted into a ruthless dictator whose threatening the safety , he/she immediately steps in to stop him/her. But matters become complicated when Your OC becames trapped inside this dystopian world and the rules

(OPEN) ϟ The Marked ϟ[/color]]

Other Genres: Supernatural , Dystopian
Optional Pairing(s): N/A
Keywords: (hitman) (assassin) (on the run) (government experiments)

There's a city that God forgot - A sin city where those in power are either shady individuals in high government positions or vicious crime bosses that mark their territory in the underground in blood

Your OC (male or female) is a bounty hunter notorious in the black marker known for deadly skill and professionalism, often performing hits that others of the profession turn down. Your OC is contacted by an government organization who keeps them on a strict 'need to know' basis - they wants the hitman to take out a rouge experiment.

This experiment's trail has been marked down the inner city slums and the subject’s presence among the humans makes it extremely dangerous. It’s up to you to see this subject is take down. When arrive arrive to meet the contact, who shows a picture of your target, the realization hits - your target is a child.

There has to be some mistake, but your contact assures you that they are quite serious and have every intention on paying you extra for your troubles. You’ve has promised a large sum, enough to retire on plus an additional costs for any troubles. It's in a time like this where you're reminded of your humanity - and now a final choice lays ahead.
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