What I Want...

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Mar 7, 2015
What I want, that really is such a simple title that has a complex meaning? Of course, the foundation of coming here revolves around roleplaying, losing one's self in other worldly adventures for numerous reasons. I enjoy to write and tell a story, when we get to the heart of the matter but I am not a English professor. Truthfully, born and raised in the south, I probably slander and brutalize the proper form of the English language. So no, I do not want someone who feels each line they write is about to be published within some hopeful best seller. If I was a author though, my stories would certainly revolve around romance and adventure. Let's be honest, whether we are talking about love or lust, some twisted sense of romance is involved. The adventure though, that is what keeps someone hanging on and coming back for more.

Yes, if you were intelligent enough to deduce from my name that I am a super heroine fan, than bravo to you... such a fine detective you are. I think the idea of what I am truly looking for can be found somewhere within the Batman TellTale series. I want to play my central character, Zoe Michaels, while the world unfolds around her. She is beautiful, young and intelligent... this leaves a lot to the imagination but for now, you can indulge in what that might be. I want to explore her life, from a normal girl to someone extordinary. To do this, I need you! How does it feel knowing you are going into this just to be used? Hehe... I want to explore the beautiful mind upon your shoulders and create a world together. From the very beginning though I have a slight road map for the start. Sorry, this mind just creates ideas on the go.

So... still with me? Haven't pushed the back button yet? Great, figures I would have lost most by now. I like my adventure to be full of action, drama and sex. Yes, lots of sex would be nice but my character is strong willed and even quite flirty at times. Does not mean you should always run with that and turn this into some kind of vivid production. Action, when your playing a villain or anti-hero, I really want to hate you. Push me to the limit where I want to through my hands up and say this is impossible... how am I suppose to win? Those make the best stories but please do not believe that means capture, peril, sex, repeat because that becomes boring. Ever watch the Dark Knight? Yeah, Joker was not out to kill Batman, he was out to ruin him. You should be too.

So, this is quite a bit to type on a mobile device but I have gotten my message to the masses. If anyone responds, time will tell. As for your characters, if we go by my road map... like the Spartans told some of their rivals, IF, we use my idea than you get to play a pissed off, cold and calculating solider hell bent on revenge along with a super powered body guard trying to hide his healing powers and heart from my forbidden little fruit. Should be fun ??? Anyways... here are my ideas, enjoy!


Name: Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons
Body Model: Peta Jensen
Home: Themyscira
Age: Over 4,000 years old

Roleplay Hook[/b]]
A long time ago, the Amazons walked the earth as the fiercest warriors to ever step foot on land but their beauty made them the lust of every man’s dream which lead to their down fall. With the betrayal of their father Ares, the Amazons found themselves slaves to men and would only be freed by the Goddess of Wisdom and Warfare, Athena. Banished to an island paradise known as Utopia, the Amazons drifted into legend as they became the guardians of all things the Olympians wanted the world to forget but the promise of power and gain can turn legends into conquests. These warrior women, forgotten by all but time, have grown complacent they are safe from the world of man but within the sides hides secrets that could change the world forever…Who will you be? An Olympian out for personal gain like Ares? An intruder from man’s world seeking knowledge and treasures beyond imagination? A conqueror out for an army of slaves? Someone here by accident or someone seeking knowledge with no malicious intentions? What will you be that sends legend and reality on a collision course?

My Character[/b]]
She is the Queen of the Amazons herself, Hippolyta. The daughter of Ares, a demi-god with the fighting prowess second only to her father, the God of War himself, and her aunt, the Goddess of War. She is a brave and passionate warrior, willing to die in battle but she is also a benevolent leader who puts her people’s wellbeing first. She holds the weight of the world on her shoulders, given her failure ages ago at the hands of Hercules placed her people into slavery and lost favor of the Olympians. This is the event which cast the Amazons to this island where they would be forgotten about guarding the secrets the Olympians want the world to forget about.

Secrets of Utopia[/b]]
  • Found on the island is many things which could change the world forever.
  • The Library of the Olympians - The central location where all the scrolls and knowledge of the gods themselves are stored, hidden from man's world for multiple reasons.
  • Ancient Creatures - The creatures which haunt your nightmares: Medusa, Hydra, Minotaur, etc... All were cast here to avoid havoc on man's world.
  • Objects - Pieces of history people have long searched for. The golden city of El Dorado, they call it their palace. The River of Styx, they bath in it for youth and beauty. The Gates of Alexander, the only known worm hole to the planet Olympus. It's all here.
  • Maps - Maps of all sorts; unimaginable treasures, enchanted objects and even the Tomb of Ares.
  • Artifacts - A piece of creation itself, the Artifact of Life, which was one of the five pieces left of Gaea after she created the universe at the beginning of time. A small liquidized stone, no bigger than pebble that glows blue.


Name: Centauri
Body Model: Alexas Texas
Home: Planet Centauri Alpha
Age: 32

Roleplay Hook[/b]]
Where she came from, the United Centuarian Kingdom lead the way in galactic advancement in technology and space travel. Species from all across the universe flocked to the capitol planet Centuari Alpha until the day the conqueror of worlds came. Her parents knew she would be forced to live life as a slave, so they used the last resources of their military to have her smuggled from the planet as it fell. Being ambushed by her own people, Princess Centauri was sent into space and left helpless as her craft was sent to the far side of the galaxy to a small planet known as Earth. This planet was chosen by her father for a reason, the radiation of a yellow sun would cause her body to transform into a being that could rival an Olympian. When the transformation happened though, her craft was destroyed in the atmosphere of Earth where she fell with what remained of her ship… Who will you be? Someone who falls in love with her beauty, wanting to help her? Someone with ambition that sees this as an opportunity to better themselves? The government out to capture an alien? How will you react when an alien of limitless ability crashes to Earth?

My Character[/b]]
Andromeda was named by her mother after her favorite star system. She was a beautiful and smart Princess, raised to value life and protect her people’s culture as their United Centuarian Kingdom expanded further and further throughout their star system. She grew up celebrated by her people for ruling with a kind heart but she was spoiled by all. She lived a life of luxury, her beauty celebrated as many flocked to be a concubine of her’s for only a night. She was set to rule her planet, as a pacifist and peacekeeper but all that changed when Armageddon invaded her planet.

Her Spacecraft[/b]]
  • Items and Secrets of her craft which could prove valuable.
  • Centaurium Space Engine Core - The secret to Centauri space travel lies within their engine cores. The rock is a source of clean energy, but can have strange effects on Centauri depending on the manipulate color.
  • Royal Garb - The white royal garb, meant to be worn by a diplomat creating relations with a new planet or species. Will become the iconic suit of Centauri.
  • Centauri Knowledge Bank - Computer bank within her ship meant to preserve Centrauian knowledge.
  • Treasures - The Artifact of the Cosmos which was one of the five pieces left of Gaea after she created the universe at the beginning of time. A glowing green rock hidden within a necklace.


Name: April Cantrell
Body Model: Samantha Saint
Home: Empire City, NY
Age: 29

Roleplay Hook[/b]]
April was a young, hopeful teenage girl living in a city that could only be described as Hell on Earth. Her father was the cop who was dead set on freeing his home from the clutches of the mobsters, crime lords and corruption which plagued it. One day, he did not return home and his body was found murdered with all signs pointing to the king of the city, the head of all the mob… Black Face. Fearing for her life, her father’s best friend helped her escape the city but this lead her to traveling the world to learn who she was. She learned to fight, to track, to disappear, to investigate and to strike fear into any who crossed her. Now after ten years of being gone, believed dead even by many; she returns home to find her home of Empire City having the life completely choked out of it by the crime and corruption which she once ran from… Who will you be? The evil crime lord Black Face who is out to control the world in his on twisted way? Her father’s best friend who is trying to save April from herself? A common street thug or murderer? Or someone else trying to make a foot hold in this black hole? Where will you stand against Vengeance in her endless quest for justice?

My Character[/b]]
April Cantrell was once a scared little girl who felt lost after the death of her father, and running from her problems was the only reasonable reaction she could comprehend. After traveling to South Korea, fate would catch up to this runaway who would find her purpose in life. From that day forward, she would start to train her body and mind to become a machine to use against injustice throughout the world, starting with her home, Empire City. Knowing she had the ability, but not the means yet; she used her body and beauty to gather the equipment she needed to become a vigilante to take her city back from those who murdered her father.

Citizens of Empire City[/b]]
  • These are the people who hold the key to Empire City's freedom
  • Black Face – The Crime Lord who managed to unite the city’s mob families and bosses by unknown means. He is known to be a sick and twisted man who finds enjoyment in torturing others and known to be quite unhinged.
  • Eric Johnston – Police Chief who was the partner of April’s father and helped April sneak out of the city fearing what Black Face might do. He now acts as Police Commissioner although he has little to no power in a city full of corruption from the highest office to the lowest street level thug.
  • Mayor Isabella Livingston – Elected recently to a fourth term as the city mayor, her last two opposing candidates have either died or pulled out of the race for unknown reasons. Publicly known to be corrupt and believed to be sleeping with Black Face to keep favor with the evil crime lord.
  • Dr. Allison Davis – The best friend of April before she left the city over ten years ago, she has now grown up to be a doctor in the city’s rougher side of town. She was once raped and beaten by Black Face’s men for information on where April had gone, but was left alive for an unknown reason.
  • Tommy Adkinson – A former reporter who lost his job after getting too close to prove corruption within the Mayor’s office and even having pictures of the Mayor and Black Face together. He was badly beaten when he walked in on a home burgherly. He continues to try and prove corruption exists, though not so forward now.

Liberty Star[/b]]Liberty Star

Name: Zoe Michaels
Body Model: Alix Lynx
Home: Liberty City, Fl.
Age: 18

Roleplay Hook[/b]]
Years ago, Jackson Michaels was a military scientist investigating an unknown explosion in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. He came across a glowing blue stone, which he soon found out had the capability of healing injuries. When he returned to the United States, he studied this stone more and more until he believed he could alter human DNA using it. The government gave him permission to continue his experiments with the help of an outside contractor, Savage Corporation and their CEO Courtney Savage. Jackson hid the fact he had the stone, and his private studies lead to him creating a formula that he believed would add a 24th chromosome to a human being. All these experiments failed however and the project was shut down but Courtney Savage was certain this was not the case, and now will do anything to get the formula for her own personal benefit, even if it means going after the most important thing in Jackson’s life which was his daughter Zoe… Who will you be? Maybe the evil bitch Courtney Savage who will let nothing stand in front of her ambition? Her instrument of war that is willing to do the dirty work she will not? A love interest meant to protect Zoe from whatever evil plan Courtney has? What will you do to play a part in the greatest break scientific breakthrough man has ever seen?

My Character[/b]]
Zoe Michaels is the beautiful daughter of Jackson and Maria Michaels, who simply gets caught up in the sins of her father. She is world famous, having ran a clean sweep of the Rio Olympics female Gymnastics competition, bringing home six gold medals. Her only mistake in this whole situation, was being the key to her father’s heart. Her life will be forever changed though once the stone her father used for his studies, which is the Artifact of Life, is poured down her throat like a drink. She will become something no one can explain, her body reaching its maximum physical abilities over time while able to heal itself.

People In Zoe's Life[/b]]
  • These are the people who influence Zoe's life
  • Courtney Savage – The ambitious head of Savage Corporation and the unknown daughter of Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom. She knew what Jackson had found, and looked to collect its power for her own evil ambition as she seeks to create a fighting force capable of helping her take over the world. The truth of the artifact would be something she would never share.
  • Alex O’Bryan – The body guard assigned to Zoe by her father, he would give his life to protect the young girl and ultimately gives her his heart. He is capable of healing himself from injury, which made him a huge part of Jackson’s experiments at one time and a target of Courtney’s, though he does not know how.
  • Justin Blazer – A former special forces operative who was captured along with the rest of his team and left to be tortured and killed by Middle Eastern terrorists. He was rescued by mercenaries on Courtney Savage’s payroll, and offered a job to help locate the formula Jackson created. How many of his team survived their capture is not known.
  • Jackson Michaels – A high ranking military officer who focused on military science, he tried to study legends of the glowing blue rock but was only able to find one legend about it, linking it to the Fountain of Youth. His only weakness is his love for his only daughter.

If you are still interested, please take a moment and check out my F-list for all my kinks. I do want this to be a bit dark and twisted, but to have some true love and friendships along the way to help lighten the mood as well. In the end though, the heroines must win!

If you have any questions, please message me. Please note, I have some villain ideas listed but I want each of these villains to be more than a match for my heroines. I want them to be pushed, until it appears like there is no chance of victory.
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