Let's Play - on Discord/YIM



Hey, I've had a run of new ideas, but thanks to a crazy work schedule, I've had no time to really develop them or play them with anyone. However, I think things will be opening up for me a bit, so if you see something you like below, don't hesitate to message me. You can say hi here, but I prefer to use Discord (at KylieS#8632) or Yahoo Messenger (at kylie_eire82). If you have had trouble hooking up with me in the past because of schedules, too, try again and I'd love to talk!

All right, now that that's covered, on to the ideas. I lean heavily toward modern times and realism, and some of these are in different stages of development. Hit me with some thoughts of your own, too, if you'd like, and your particular spin on any of these would be great! Before I begin the list, I also want to just give you my older idea thread (https://bluemoonroleplaying.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=56457) if you wanted to read them or work with any of those ideas, too. I also want to let you know I have a little craving, which isn't at all required, for some interracial play. I’m white, but if you want to play a black/Latino/Asian character (or characters), I’d be very happy to talk about that. So check it all out, and tell me what you like!

1. In this one, I’m married and I’ve been exploring some new things and taking new interests, as most people do throughout their lives, and I’ve taken a real interest in exploring what I think might be my submissive side. I’ve talked to the husband about it, and he’s not interested in it or feels like he can’t, and what do I do? It’s causing tension in our marriage, and eventually he says I can find someone if I need to try it out. Where would you like to come in – are you a new man I meet somehow, are you a friend or co-worker I confide in, or do you have something else in mind?

2. I think the general concept here would be “sister drama.” I could see it going one of three ways, and you can tell me which one seems most interesting and let’s put it together. You could be married or dating one of us but wanting the other, one of us could be an ex while you start pursuing the other, or you like to create trouble to get one or both of us stirred up to use to your advantage in some way. What do you think?

3. This one’s not as highly developed, but the concept would be that we’re “just friends” and have been for a long time, but the situation is shifting. Perhaps one or both of us are newly single, perhaps we saw each other on a dating site or app, perhaps even we just have a night out that went too far, and we have to talk about it. Tell me what you imagined when you read this, and let’s see how we can make it work.

4. Again, this one isn't concrete yet, but I've been trying to lose some weight and it might be a good basis for a play. It may involve friend or workout buddy, a husband or boyfriend, an "incentive" plan, my trainer, whatever - just tell me what you think of as you imagine this one.

5. I've had a good play with a partner when I can meet him online, but it's not always been happening despite the fun we have with our idea. I'm a single/divorced mom in it, and he's one of my kids' teachers. It's an interesting dynamic, and it could work with a teacher, school administrator, after school activity sponsor, and much more, I'm sure. Play one, play a handful as my reputation changes, whatever! Hit me with your best shot!
RE: Let's Play - on YIM/AIM

Bumping, and let me know where to go with AIM closing
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