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Accidental Roomies (RoleplayMaster x Elegy)


Jun 26, 2013
Curtis stared at the house in front of him, wondering how he managed to get here. It was only three weeks ago that he had finished schooling. Three weeks ago that his mother kicked him out, saying he needed to get a job and find a place for himself. The last three weeks had been tough, living at his mate's place, looking up places to stay. But finally, he had found one that worked despite his relatively low pay. There were quite a few residents, which explained the low rent, and it warned that a few could get a little unruly at times. But he would take what he could get.

Carrying and dragging various bags of luggage, which included clothes, a gaming console, and his computer equipment, the nerd knocked loudly on the door. He waited and waited, not knowing what to expect. But the last thing he expected was to find a girl opening the door. Perhaps this was a girlfriend of one of the residents?

"U-Uh... hi. I'm Curtis. Here about the uh... the room?"
RE: Accidental Roomies (RoleplayMaster x Elegy

The girl who answered the door was a petite Asian girl dressed in just a long white t-shirt that barely came down past her butt. She didn’t seem all that interested in the guy at the door, instead staring down at her cell phone and typing away. When he explained that he was inquiring about the room, her demeanor change, looking up from the phone with a big smile on her face. “Oh hey! You must be Curtis! Yeah, I’m the one that put the ad up online. Come in, come in!” the girl said excitedly, placing her arm on his back and escorting him into the house as she shut the door behind him.

“I thought you were coming over later. If I had known you’d be here this early, I would have put some pants on,” the girl giggled, and it was now very unclear whether or not she had anything on underneath the long t-shirt. “Anyway, currently there are five of us living here, all girls. We each have our own bedroom, but there are only two bathrooms, so that’s kind of a pain. But hey, at least we don’t have another female roommate now, so the bathroom wait times will probably be a lot shorter!” she said as she led him through the spacious house. “We have a beautiful place here. Great kitchen, great living room, and of course, a beautiful backyard and pool. That’s where we spend most of our time hanging out. Oh, by the way, I’m Annie. Nice to meet you!”

The girl then led him over to the sliding glass door that led out into the backyard. “Maria’s studying right now, so we won’t bug her right away. But out there you can see Lindsay and Jackie sunbathing. They do that a lot. Just don’t stare too much, I guess. And watch out for Jackie. She’s a wild one,” Annie said, giggling as she nudged her new roommate. “Oh, and then there’s Lara. She’s not home right now, but you’ll meet her when she comes by. Everything look good? I hope so! Our last roommate ran off with her sugar daddy and now we can’t afford the extra rent.” Out on the pool deck, just as advertised, were the two beautiful women in skimpy bikinis.
RE: Accidental Roomies (RoleplayMaster x Elegy

Curtis' eyes wandered a little bit as he took in the attire of the girl in front of him. She began to speak about how she had been the one to put the ad up, blushing as he realised he had joined a place full of girls, rather than guys like he had assumed. Placing his bags by the door, he followed Annie throughout the house, taking in every detail of his new home. Having his own bedroom was good, though sharing two bathrooms with five girls would be interesting.

Soon, his eyes fell to Lindsay and Jackie, two very attractive women wearing close to nothing. Instantly he began to tent in his pants, to his embarrassment. "U-Uh... Wow." He couldn't help to mumble, likely to Annie's amusement. "S-So it's five girls and uh.. myself living here?" He asked, confirming what had already been told to him. Swallowing deeply, he tried to drag his eyes away from Jackie, her ass facing him and showing off every little feature.
“Yep, five girls and you! It’s a fun house, don’t worry!” Annie said cheerfully. “I’m guessing you’ve never lived with girls before, huh? It’s honestly not a big deal. I’ve roomed with guys and girls, and the good thing about girls is that they’re much cleaner. So other than an occasional thong lying around in the living room, things are kept pretty tidy, as you can see,” Annie said as she gestured around the house, which had been kept very clean as she said. “Come on, let’s meet Jackie and Lindsay!” Annie slid open the sliding glass door and stepped out onto the pool deck, leading Curtis out to where the two girls were sunbathing.

“Hey, meet our new roommate!” Annie exclaimed as she walked over to the girls. Jackie was in a black thong bikini, and Lindsay in a white bikini that covered her up a little bit more. Both girls flipped over to look at Curtis, obviously a bit surprised to see him.

“Uh, I didn’t realize we were getting a male roommate,” Lindsay said, running her fingers through her long blonde hair. As she flipped over and sat up, her breasts were nearly on full display in the tiny white bikini top. “I thought we said women only. That was part of the fun of our house.”

“Yeah, I thought so, too,” Jackie said, standing up and walking over to Curtis. She smiled at him as she walked around him and expected him, almost studying him. “But honestly, he’s kinda cute. If he can pay the rent, why not? He seems harmless enough. And a little bit less drama in the house might be a good thing, right?” Jackie grinned as she hovered over Curtis, giving him a light pat on the butt.

Lindsay shrugged. “Well, I suppose if Maria and Lara don’t have any objections, we can deal with it. You think you can handle living with five women? Uh, what’s your name?” she asked him.
As they turned over, his arousal (and attempts to hide it) were obvious to the two girls, as he focused on their faces. "If it makes you feel any better, I thought I was rooming with guys too." Curtis admitted, nervously glancing at Jackie as she stood. His dark skin turned red once more at the cute comment, jumping in surprise at the pat on the butt.

"I'll do my best to handle it." Curtis replied with a shy smile. "It's Curtis." He added, hesitating for a moment before awkwardly offering her a hand to shake. He clearly was not experienced in the ways of women.
“Hi there, Curtis,” Jackie said, stepping up to shake his hand even if it was intended for Lindsay, holding his hand in hers and lightly rubbing it as she stood in front of him, her chest pushed out maybe a bit too far to accentuate her full breasts. “Well, we hope you’ll have fun in the house. We throw a lot of parties here, and we just generally like to have a good time. So if you’re up for it, then welcome to the house! Go grab your swimming trunks and enjoy the pool!”

Just as Jackie was speaking, the sliding door opened and out stepped Maria, clad in a light blue bikini top and a pair of shorts. “Oh, hey, who’s this?” Maria asked, a bit surprised to see the guy standing on their pool deck without being alerted to any visitors in the house.”

“Oh, hey, Maria. I guess you’re done studying. This is Curtis. He’s going to be our new roommate!” Annie said cheerfully.

“Wait, a male roommate? Uh, that wasn’t the plan,” Maria said, looking concerned as she glanced at her female roommates, mostly ignoring Curtis and not making eye contact with him.

“Don’t worry about it. As long as he can pay the rent, everything’s good,” Annie explained. “You can pay the rent, right?” Annie asked. “My dad owns this house, so if you don’t pay, it’s not a problem evicting you.”
Eyes darting to the chest of the girl in front of him, he blushed further but tried to maintain his cool. Nodding at the mention of rent, he turned to Annie. "I already sent through the rent for this and last month. And I've set up my banking to automatically send through the rent at the start of every month." He assured her.

Curtis slowly pulled away from the group, doing as Jackie suggested and grabbing his swimming trunks. A little shy of his thin body, he kept a shirt on too. Rejoining the girls, he smiled upon approach. "So what do you girls do all day, other than swim and sunbathe?" He asked. He wasn't much for tanning, due to his dark skin, and he could only swim so many times before he would grow tired of it.
The four girls decided to accept Curtis into the house as long as he was able to pay the rent, even if a few of them were a little bit uncomfortable about the prospect of having a man live with them. He hadn't yet met Lara, who didn't have a choice in the matter considering she had been overruled by the rest of the house. As he returned outside to the pool deck from changing into his swimming trunks, the girls had settled down to relax and enjoy the sun. Annie was cleaning out some leaves from the pool, while Maria was reclining on a beach chair listening to some music, having removed her shorts. Lindsay and Jackie were closer to the pool, both on their fronts and showing off their butts in their bikinis.

"Ah, that's pretty much all we do, honestly. Maria and I are students at the local university, Lindsay and Jackie are models so they basically just run to photoshoots and hang out in bikinis, and Lara works at the local veterinary clinic. You two might get along. She's kind of a nerd, too. Likes to play video games and stuff," Annie said with a shrug. As she spoke, she reached up to tie her long dark hair into a ponytail, which pulled up the bottom of the long white t-shirt she was wearing, exposing the bottom half of her body and demonstrating that she was wearing underneath. Instead, Curtis got an up-close view of her hairless slit between her legs, until soon enough it disappeared as soon as it appeared. "At least I assume you play video games. You look like the type. Anyway, I gotta run some errands. Have fun." Annie headed inside, leaving Curtis alone with the other three girls.

"Oh, hey, Curtis!" Jackie called over to him, waving her arm. "Over here!" she beckoned him to her side as she reached behind her back and undid the tie on her bikini, exposing a well-tanned back. "Can you put some lotion on my back for me? I don't want to disturb Lindsay or Maria, and I'm sure your strong hands would do a great job rubbing it in all the right places," she said with a grin.
"Uh.. Y-Yeah. I play videogames." Curtis repeated dumbly, a little shocked as he noticed Annie's lack of underwear. It was a shame, that he was now in swim trunks. It showed off an erection way too easily. Saying goodbye to Annie in a weak voice, Curtis approached Jackie at her request. "Sure, I guess I can do that." he replied, his eyes following the unclasped bikini top, and the sides of her breasts that were exposed and squashed onto the ground.

Kneeling beside her, Curtis took the lotion, squirting a little onto her back and rubbing it in. His arousal grew as he touched her, the soft skin sending his imagination wild. "Tell me if I'm going too soft or hard." He added, trying to treat it like a massage, due to her mention of 'strong hands'. "And do you mind doing me after I'm done with you?" Curtis requested. "I mean, doing my lotion?" He elaborated, realising what he implied with the first try.
Jackie lay her head down on the beach towel as Curtis rubbed the lotion into the sun kissed skin on her back. She closed her eyes and made faint moaning noises as he applied the lotion, almost seeming vaguely sexual in nature. “No, Curtis, that’s perfect,” she whispered sensually to him as she kept her eyes closed, clearly just enjoying the light massage and the way his hands caressed her skin. Jackie lifted her head up and laughed as she heard the somewhat suggestive remark he made, knowing that it was clearly just a misspeak. “Oh, well, I usually make a guy at least take me to dinner or a movie first, but you are so cute I might just waive that rule,” she said, winking at him and giggling.

Lindsay looked over at the two of them, able to hear their banter despite being a few feet away and seemingly in her own world. “Jackie, leave the poor kid alone. He’s definitely not used to a girl like you teasing him like that. Give him a chance to at least move in and get himself settled before you go around teasing him.”

“Oh, I think Curtis can handle me just fine. He’s a grown man after all, right?” Jackie said, lifting her head up and looking between Lindsay and Curtis. “Besides, I’m just teasing and having some fun with my new roommate! I know what he means. And yes, I’ll rub some lotion on your skin, too, if you want. Although I didn’t realize black guys needed much lotion,” she giggled. “Go ahead, sit down and I’ll apply the lotion.” Jackie lifted her body up, exposing her bare breasts to him. They were quite large and shapely, natural and beautiful, topped with small, reddish-brown nipples. “Well, go on,” she said, acting if everything was normal.
His dark skin took a reddish tint as Jackie continued to speak, shyer as she spoke of his remark. While he was appreciative of Lindsay stepping in to help, he did not necessarily want Jackie to stop; he loved the attention.

Freezing as she sat up, exposing her breasts to him, he had no clue how to react. He had already seen someone's slit, and now two beautiful breasts. After a few moments, he regained his thoughts, laying down on the spot Jackie had vacated. His face was turned away from her with his eyes closed, trying to be as comfortable as possible despite the erection he was laying on top of.
Lindsay rolled her eyes and rolled over onto her side, facing away from Jackie and her newfound boytoy. Of course, now there was absolutely no one to defend Curtis from the topless woman who was busy applying lotion to his back, although most men likely wouldn’t want defended from a woman like Jackie. “So, it’s really nice to have you around, Curtis. I think the house could use a bit of a manly touch,” she said, rubbing the lotion into her hands and then spreading it over his back, making sure to rub it in very well.

“So we should get to know each other, right?” Jackie said, squirting a bit more lotion into her hands as she continued to knead it into his skin. “What do you do for work? Do you have any hobbies?” As she lowered her body to his, rubbing the lotion into his neck, her breasts, and most notably her nipples, briefly rubbed against his back. “Oh, and do you have a girlfriend or something? Don’t worry if you do. She’s welcome to come over and hang out with us anytime!” Jackie said cheerfully as she lifted her body up again. “Now, do you wanna turn over so I can do the front, too?”
Nodding a little bit, Curtis agreed that he should learn a bit more about his room mates, and vice versa. "I'm an IT Technician." He answered slowly, sighing as she worked, as it felt really nice. He could feel two stiff fleshy things touch his skin, and it took a few moments before he realised they were her breasts. "U-Uh... hobbies... Basketball, I play basketball." He answered, momentarily forgetting the question she had just asked. "And videogames too." He added.

"No uh.. No girlfriend." he admitted, nervously rolling onto his back. His eyes open, he saw her breasts were still exposed, slightly shiny from the lotion she had accidentally gotten on them. Shutting his eyes once again, the tent in his pants was very obvious indeed, not that he could tell with his eyes shut. "What about you?" Curtis asked. "Same questions."
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