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A Doomed World [M x F]


Sep 28, 2017
Hi! New here to the site and looking to jump right into the fun. I am looking for an adventure/dark themed roleplay. Sex is definitely involved but I want a plot and substance to go along with it.

Couple of things: I am an experienced role player. I consider myself very detailed and my posts well written. 3rd person only and would like a reply or two a day if possible. I need someone that is able to enrich the world around them through their posts and not just focused on their character. Also, be comfortable producing 2-3 solid paragraphs. If that is you then step up!

The scenario I would like to play out is of that of a doomed world. Ancient, evil powers have risen from deep in the world where humans have not dared travel. War rages on all fronts as creatures of horror besiege towns and castles with no bias.

Your character would be one of evil. The exact breed can be discussed as I do not want to limit you but must be a humanoid. My character will be human but of the super natural.

In the opening scenes our characters will become bound to one another and travel the land. Your character of course looking to destroy the human race and mine looking to defend it.

From there we will develop their relationship and determine sexual desires. I expect that the two would have a lot of tension with one another and things may get ugly!

Overall I am looking for an adult focused, gritty partner. There should be lots of strife and moral boundaries pushed with lots of emotional scenes.

Serious inquiries will allow us to develop the world more. Please respond to this post in a PM and give your character ideas and thoughts.
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