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Reconciliation and Love [Azecreth & Potter-kun]


Aug 23, 2013
Ohio, America
In a certain hospital in Academy City, an unfortunate boy was recovering from the latest incident that he had been party to. This had been one of the more dangerous ones, where he had nearly gotten blown up and then ripped to shreds by a crazy guy who could manipulate vectors and had been involved in a twisted experiment to try and make a Level 6 Esper. He'd stopped it, but it had been a close rum thing.

Needless to say, Touma Kamijou needed some time to recover after that.

At the moment though he was not getting much rest at all, thanks to his current visitor. He was grateful that he could help save the many Sisters who had been cloned by Academy City from the tragic fate that they would have otherwise suffered at the hands of Accelerator, but he had not expected that their own gratitude would be so....intimate.

"O-Oy, Imouto, what are you doing?" Toumo protested, stuck in bed and helpless to resist whatever affections the brunette might have to give.

"'Relax,' Misaka says as Misaka shamelessly takes advantage of Touma's helplessness to explore his body. 'This will not hurt you.'" the clone said. She was leaning up against his bed, sans weaponry and her trademark goggles. Her hand was moving down his chest, over bandages and towards his crotch. Considering the sorts of predicaments that Touma got in, this was going a bit further than his usual accidents ended up.

Touma tried to shy away, to no avail. "I know, that's not what I'm worried about," he protested. With his luck, there was no way this did not end badly.
"I can't believe that idiot....getting hospitalized again...." Misaka Mikoto, the level 5 Railgun muttered to herself as she walked down the streets, grasping a small bag in her hands as she let out a sigh. That irresponsible idiot, Touma had went and done something completely crazy again. Fighting the strongest Level 5 to help save her Sisters....and he had won, something she hadn't thought was possible. It had also resulted in him in the hospital again, a fact that she hated. She hated the fact that he risked his lives all the time, she hated the fact that he was always to selfless...he was just such an idiot.

That was why Misaka loved him.

That thought ran through her head and she instantly flared up in a blush as she started to punch the air, muttering about that not being the case. Once she had calmed downed and composed herself, she continued to walk down the street, starting to near the hospital.
As the famous Railgun drew near, Touma's situation had grown more desperate. No longer was the Misaka clone engaged in mere idle exploration, but she had grown ever more bold with what she wanted to do. And at the moment there was still nothing he could do but go along with it thanks to his injuries. Definitely.

"'So this is what a penis is like," Misaka says with barely hidden awe as she strokes Touma's hardening shaft," the clone remarked, doing exactly what she was narrating at the moment. Her hand was wrapped around his rapidly hardening shaft, a firm touch that was not painful as she began moving. She looked at it almost analytically, though he was pretty confident there was more to it than that. "'It looks similar to the pictures Misaka has seen.'"

For his part Touma was amazed that the nurse hadn't walked in on them to check his vitals. They had to be going crazy right now. Unless this was some plan.... "C-Careful," he protested. "A-Aren't you going a bit far with this Imouto?" He already had to deal with erratically violent people on a near daily basis (Like that nun). He didn't need another reason for them to be angry at him.

Misaka paused, shooting him a dull look. "'Do you not like it," Misaka asks with faked concern for Touma's feelings. 'Perhaps this will be more satisfactory.'" With that she leaned down, delivering a kiss to the top of his shaft before running her tongue along it. It definitely felt good, electricity running up his spine as his body itched and responded eagerly to the attention. Well, maybe there was no harm in it.....
Misaka arrived at the hospital, bag of homemade cookies still in her hands. She had taken a few moments to calm herself down outside before walking into the hospital, going up to the desk and asking which room Touma was in. She was told and she as on her way down the hall. Her thoughts were still all jumbled and messy though. Did she really like him in that way?

"I mean....he always helps everyone...its infuriating at times...but...would I really feel this way about him if he wasn't like that...." Misaka thought to herself before she caught her own thoughts, causing sparks to fly out from her head.

"What is that suppose to mean! In this way....what does that...even mean..." She grasped her chest, she felt so confused...the only thing she knew for sure was her heart was pounding in her chest and she felt warm. She looked down at the bag of cookies and gripped them tightly.

"Alright....I'll just ask him on a a way of thanking him...yeah. That will work. We'll just see how it goes from there." She nodded to herself, accepting she was going to at least ask him out now. She arrived in front of the room he was in...she needed a few more moments to compose herself so she stopped to take in a few breaths.
Positioned outside the hospital room left Misaka in the perfect position to listen in on a very interesting conversation that was currently happening, which did not bode well for th occupants of the room as Touma's quota of misfortune bean to rapidly build towards critical mass. He should be so lucky just to have this sort of thing happen out of the blue, right? There was a shoe going to drop, and even he knew it.

At the moment though he was much more focused on immediate concerns. "Geez Imouto, be careful with your teeth. You don't have to act like Index, especially somewhere so important," he protested aloud. His skull bore many a reminder of how sharp the nun's teeth were, unfortunately.

The response to this was muffled, but it was loud enough to indicate to Misaka that Tuma wasn't just talking to himself, and she could draw what conclusions she wanted from what he had said.

The reality was likely to spark outrage as inside the hospital room one would find Touma resting in bed, a mixed look of pain and pleasure wracking his face as a lookalike of Misaka knelt at the side of his bed. Her head bobbed up and down, quickly and efficiently taking in the boys saliva covered shaft as she continued her 'exploration', and it did not seem like she was going to stop any time soon. There was likely to be an explosive reaction when the Railgun found out, and unfortunately that was not an exaggeration. The only question was how long it would take to get there
Misaka had paused outside the had taken her a few moments to hear what was going on beyond it. Needless to say, she was slightly confused.

'Teeth...? Important....? What's going on...he mentioned an Imouto...does that mean one of the Sisters is here? I guess it would only be natural for them to want to thank him.' Misaka thought to herself, shrugging. She gripped the door and opened it with a grin, hoping to catch them by surprise.

"Oh ho! What are you two up to in here!" Misaka chimed in, her eyes closed at first. Then she opened them in began to take in the scene...Touma, in bed....with his pants down and his.....his.....Misaka's face turned the deepest shade of red as sparks began to fly off her body erratically, espcially when she saw what the Sister was doing with said cock of Touma's.

"Wha...wha wha.....WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING!?!?" she cried her, her sparks flying around as she closed her eyes and stomped her foot down hard repeatedly. She glared at Touma, but then at the Sister, pointing accusingly at her.

"Just.....just what the hell are you doing to him?! " Misaka asked, flabbergasted. She clearly knew what they were doing...but she demanded an answer from the Sister none the less. Maybe she was just very naive and Touma had tricked her into this! That had to be it!
Everything ground to a halt with Misaka's sudden entrance, Touma getting that look of impending doom on his face as he realized what had happened. Of course the Sister had not locked the door before starting, and he knew well what happened at this point. Which was why he was already reacting, hands raised to defensively place his right hand in the way of any well aimed lightning bolts. "A-ah, Zapp-I mean Misaka, it's not what it looks like," he protested quickly, filled with the inevitable dread that she would not believe him.

For her part the Misaka clone stopped what she was doing and glanced back to find her doppelganger there in the doorway, the clone remarkably less concerned than Touma was. "'Oh, the original,' Misaka says as she acts like nothing is the matter." The Sister then rose to her feet, brushing her hands off and leaving Touma with a serious case of blue balls. "'I was just leaving," Misaka lies in an attempt to defuse the situation before someone gets hurt."

Behind her Touma protested weakly. He really was stuck between a rock and a hard place here.
Misaka was still fuming at what she had walked in certainly was quite the scene. One of the Sisters....bent over and sucking on Touma's hard and throbbing cock. Now that the Sister has removed her mouth from the shaft, Misaka had a hard time taking her eyes off it. It was her first time seeing one after all, and Touma's no less! Her sparks were starting to die down and she pointed to the clone as she tried to leave.

"Oh no you don' are going to stay here!" She gripped the Sister by her vest, forcing her to stay put as she looked back to Touma. She once again struggled to look him in the eyes and not look further south then needed....

"And you....even if you are shouldn't be doing this kind of thing...unless you mean it..." she mumbled incoherently at the end before snapping back. "An...anyway! I came here to give you these as thanks...but its clear someone was thanking you more already..." Misaka grumbled again as she tossed Touma the cookie before glaring at the sister....her eyes were secretly peeking at Touma's cock again as she tried to stay straight faced.

"It.....would be rude to leave him like that after what you did...." Misaka looked at her sister firmly, her fast tinting a deep shade of red as she continued.

" should finish what you started!" Misaka yelled out firmly, stomping her foot again and causing more sparks to fly out. "If you are going to thank him....thank him properly and all the way....otherwise you aren't really my clone!" Misaka pointed at the sister in an almost accusatory way.
"H-Hey, it's not like she gave me a choice," Touma protested as Misaka snapped at him for the scene that she had walked in on. The Sister came to a stop, arrested in motion by the interference as her clever ruse failed to get her out of here before things got worse. One had to wonder how this had possibly happened with how smart it was.

The cookie landed on his lap and Touma was quick to place it on the bedside table as his cheeks blushed a deep enough red to match her own. "T-Thanks," he mumbled, averting his gaze to try and forestall anything that might result in an electric outcome. He didn't want to end up any more injured than he already was.

Faced with the Electromasters wrath, the Sister was remarkably unfazed as she made her declaration. "'Alright,' Misaka says in displayed confusion and hidden elation," the Sister said before walking back over to Touma's bed to do what Misaka had demanded without a second of hesitation. If this was what it was down to then she was not going to back off.

"W-What?" Touma asked in disbelief. Had she...had she really just said that? There was no way she had just said that. Yet she seemed to be serious. And he was rapidly distracted from caring as the Sister wrapped a hand around his cock before picking up where she had left off, shooting the Railgun a glance out of the corner of her eye just to see how she reacted to this. Perhaps there was a bit of competitive jealousy there after all.
When Touma thanked her for the cookies, Misaka couldn't help but blush. She happy, elated that he thanked her for them. Still, he likely wouldn't be eating them any time soon as the Sister quickly resumed her actions, her hand wrapping around Touma's cock. Misaka just blushed and glanced at the Sister, noticing the glace she gave her. A large part of her wanted to join in and compete with the Sister...but she understood that this was their way of thanking him, even if it wasn't normal.

"What's with that look.....thank Touma properly.....I'll...thank him later on my own....." Misaka realized what she said as she looked at Touma, her face now as red as could be. She began stuttering, trying to find words before she simply shouted, "You two have fun!!!" and bolted out the door, running brazenly out the hall and down the street. She couldn't believe she had said that!

As she ran, she accidentally bumped into someone, causing her to fall onto her rear as she groaned. She looked up to the figure she bumped into. "Aaahhh...sorry." she stated an apology, not realizing who she had bumped into yet...
"O-Okay," Touma said as he watched the Railgun leave, before a hiss escaped as his attention was drawn back to what the Sister was doing. He had the feeling that this was not going to reflect well on their relationship, but hopefully she could genuinely forgive him for it later. After all, she wouldn't normally have insisted on this right?

Meanwhile the Sister did not care as she picked up quickly, head bobbing up and down at a steady pace. Her tongue brushed against the bottom of Touma's cock as her teeth grazed against skin. If this was what their original would do, well, who was she to refuse?

Outside, the person Misaka had run into barely even noticed that there had been a collision. To be fair that was because she had not actually hit him, thanks to the field that he kept up around him on reflex. He had also muted all sound, so the only reason he noticed something was because he had caught her moving out of the corner of his eye.

Normally the white haired boy known as Accelerator would have just kept walking, but with recent events he recognized the figure, and that demanded that he stop. "Oh, it's you," he said in an almost bored tone. "Your dumb experiment is over. What do you want."
Touma let out a soft moan as he felt the Sister's tongue swirl around his throbbing cock, her teeth still grazing his skin. It felt amazing and while some of his mind was preoccupied with the idea of Biribiri attempting to fry him later, his attention was quickly shifting to the work of the Imouto in front of him. His moans slowly became loudly, but he was becoming frustrated too.

"Jeez....isn't it unfair that I'm getting all the pleasure...." Touma laid down completely now as he looked up to the Sister. "I want to pleasure you know what position I'm talking about, right, Imouto?" He asked her with a chuckle. If she had seen pictures of a cock before, he figured somewhere along the Misaka Network, on the Sisters knew what position he was referring to.

Misaka looked to and noticed it was Accelerator. Her gut reaction was to snap at him, yell at him for all he had done. After the incident however, she was informed of Accelerators history and she couldn't help but feel sorry for him. He had been pushed so hard and she couldn't think that if she had been in his shoes, she would have done all the things he had done as well. She felt deep down, he wasn't a bad she was going to try and forgive him.

"Jeez....I do live here, you know? So it's not odd for me to be roaming the city." She stood up, dusting herself off as she looked at Accelerator. His injuries weren't nearly as bad as Touma's so he seemed to have recovered quite quickly. It was her first time looking at him as a fellow Level 5, rather than as a monster and she noted he wasn't bad looking. Certainly not the monster in the nightmares she had had.

"So...what are you up to now....I hope those scientist aren't troubling you...." Misaka mentioned, not sure if she should reveal how much of his history she had been told. "Well....I was just visiting that idiot so I have nothing else to do." Misaka shrugged...she wondered if she should hang out with the fellow Level 5...maybe try to get to know him as a person, rather than as a tool.
Hearing what Touma said, the Sister continued for a few moments longer before stopping, the head of his cock slipping past her lips with a low 'pop' as she glanced towards him. "'That is unnecessary,' Misaka says with honest emotions. 'This is to thank you for saving the lives of everyone in the Network. My pleasure is secondary.'" She had some idea of what he was talking about, but it was clear that she would need some convincing to do anything that took the focus away from Touma and to her instead.

"Hmph." Accelerator looked away as Misaka complained, the Level 5 not really interested in her excuses once she had explained that she was not here to fight him at the moment. "You're the one who's wanted to fight me the past few days, why assume otherwise this time." Even if the experiments were over, Misaka did seem like the type who enjoyed fighting. The Railgun had a bit of a reputation.

He paused for a few moments though, figuring it might keep her from bothering him in the future if he humored her now. "No, they don't care about me now that their effort to make a Level 6 got sabotaged by you guys. I'm just trying to live my life. No thanks to you guys..." It was a hell of a lot more annoying now that people knew he'd been beaten. So many more idiots thinking they had a chance. Well, at least it didn't take much effort when it did happen.
Touma let out a small sigh, her dedication was actually kinda cute and he didn't expect her to be stubborn so that was adorable in a way, but he was trying to do this to help her as well. So it seemed like he would have explain himself a little.

"Imouto....if we are going to go past this....I need to get you warmed up to...." Touma stated with a blush as he meekly rubbed his cheek, trying to look at the Sister's expression. He wasn't sure how far the Sisters intended to go, but if they were going to actually have sex, he had to assure that the Imouto was properly aroused and ready as well, otherwise it would hurt for her and he wouldn't stand for that.

Misaka let out a blush as Accelerator accused her of always wanting to fight. Her mind drifted back to Touma as he often said similar things. Her face then flushed red as she thought about what him and the Sister might be doing now. She shook her head to try and clear the thought as she pointed at the white haired young man.

"That was then and this is now! Things are different!" She proclaimed as she let out a sigh before rubbing the back of her head. When he mentioned not being bothered by the scientist anymore she gave him a small smile.

"Isn't that a good thing...not having to deal with them anymore? Though I suppose one pair of pest has just been replaced by another." she couldn't help but sigh when he mentioned people foolishly challenging him.

" about I treat you to treat? I' to get to know a person and not just as an experiment." Misaka offered, looking firmly into Accelerator's eyes. She wondered if he had been lonely...if he had had friends...maybe that all could have been avoided...maybe she could try and be his friend now.
The Sister paused, gaze shifting to fix upon Touma as he made it clear what it was that he wanted to do. "'This was not expected,' Misaka says with suppressed happiness," Misaka said in a manner that was very clear about what she thought of the subject. It was not small thing to say that most of the Sisters had some high regard for him saving their lives, and to have this opportunity was not something she could pass up. She just had to make sure the Network Administrator didn't find out....

At that point she let go for the moment, straightening up. The goggles she wore were carefully placed off to the side before she took off her shirt, revealing a modest white bra. She then did the same for the rest of her clothes, revealing blue and white striped panties. "'Do you like it," Misaka asks as she tries to gauge her appeal when compared to the original." As a clone it was imperative that she know.

"Tch," Accelerator huffed as Misaka somehow claimed that things had changed. He was still getting bothered by a bunch of people, and it was her fault. Well, her and that other kid. But he wasn't overly concerned about Touma, and really just wanted to get on with his life.

Surprise reflected in his face as she offered him dinner, surprise and disbelief. Was this a pity thing? It felt like a pity thing to him. 'Get to know him as a person'? She basically knew all there was already and he had no desire to particularly tell her. She'd succeeded in her quest, couldn't she just stop bothering him already?

"No thanks. I'm not interested," he replied bluntly as he resumed walking. Hopefully that would be the end of it.
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