A New Threat ( Potter and Azecreth)


Apr 12, 2017
East Coast
Satoshi enjoyed the crisp breeze as he looked through the forest, heading to the home of a teacher of his. The breeze flowed through his short brown hair as he drew in a deep breath, opening his hazel eyes to look at the beautiful sky. He was tall and fit for his age, as all people in his field had to be.

Satoshi was a Hunter, a recent graduate from Beacon before it was destroyed. He was a young man, just barely having turned 20. Prior to being at Beacon, he studied at Signal Academy under Taiyang. Satoshi and Taiyang had gotten along very well and had very similar mindset and Satoshi often proudly proclaimed to be Taiyang apprentice, even if that wasn't officially true. A few days ago, he recieved a message from his teacher. He asked him if he could help train his daughter, Yang. Satoshi agreed at once and had set off to Taiyang's house that day.

Satoshi had heard about the RWBY team and had studied their fights from the Vital Festival....he already knew what aspects of combat Yang needed training in. He patted his revolver that was attached to his hip as he looked back down from the sky.

He arrived at the cabin, not really expecting it to feel as homey as it did with it being so isolated. Still, it seemed to fit Taiyang's personality perfectly. He walked up to the door and knocked on it. He wondered if Taiyang had told his daughter to be expecting someone or not.
RE: A New Threat ( Potter and

It had been a....long time for Yang since the Fall of Beacon. The team was broken up and scattered to the ends of Remnant, Blake had run off, and whenever Yang closed her eyes all she could see in her dreams was that bastard Adam. Sometimes he was just talking, other times he was standing over the dead bodies of the rest of her team. It gnawed at her like nothing in the past ever hand.

Once more Yang glanced down to where her hand had been, a reminder of her weakness, her failure, and of just how wildly unprepared she had been. They had thought they were on top of the world, untouchable. And then this had happened. What were they going to do now? Could she really protect those she cared about when she was in this state? She just didn't know.

She had not been expecting anyone, so the knock on the door took her off guard. She was currently dressed in casual clothes, seated without looking anything in particular. The knock caused her to start a bit, before she rose to her feet. "Wonder what that is," she muttered to herself as she walked up to the door.

Yellow hair was as messy as ever as she opened it up to whomever was waiting. "Can I help you?"
Satoshi was taken aback for a moment when Yang opened the door. For starters, he had expected Taiyang...but there was something about Yang that was breathtaking to him in that moment. He had seen her fights during the Vital Festival on film but seeing someone on a screen and seeing someone in person were two totally different and he was realizing that now. Still, he recovered quickly, so quickly that Yang likely didn't notice...he hoped. His calm demeanor and quick thinking were his best traits after all.

"Ah, Yang, correct? I'm Satoshi, I'm a former student of your dad's and a recent Beacon graduate." Satoshi gave the fellow blonde a small smile, trying not to bring up what just happened, there was no point in it after all.

"Taiyang reached out to me not long ago. He asked me to help train you during your recuperation. I look forward to working with you." Satoshi bowed slightly after his introduction. He would have offered a handshake in normal circumstances, but he had more tact then that.
Even if Yang had noticed the way Satoshi was looking at her, it was clear that she didn't really care all that much. A far cry from how she would have previously taken such attention but it had been a long time since she had been at that point, mentally if not temporally.

"Yeah, that's me," she confirmed with a nod when asked about her identity. Then again there weren't amny other blondes like her on Patch, but he was probably expecting her dad. That happened a lot really, unfortunate though it might be that he wasn't here at the moment. But he couldn't stay at home forever, even he had a job to do once in a while.

After a moment she nodded, stepping back. Might as well humor the guy if Dad had invited him here. "Alright, come in." That same home-y feeling extended inside the house as well, so long as one stayed away from looking in Yang's room at the moment. As for Yang, she sat down on the nearby couch, slumped a bit and fairly dismissive in your attitude. "So, what do you do?" There had to be a reason Dad thought he was qualified to train her after all, and she wanted to know what it was before she got into this
Satoshi see that a lot of the bluster and flair that Yang had shown off during the Vital Festival was gone. He wasn't yet sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Her headstrong attitude was good at times, but he had already summarized that is had likely led to her loss against Adam. Still, he entered the house when invited in...it truly did have a homey feel to it. Satoshi began to wonder if it had been Taiyang to live here as a full family. If so, it was rather sad about what had happened with Raven then.

He remained standing as Yang sat down, it was clear from her attitude and posture that she wasn't exactly treating him seriously at the moment, and he considered that fine for now. Trust and respect had to be earned, after all. "I'm a Hunter, as I mentioned before. Not too long ago I was hunting Grimm as my main objective...but recently, I've been tasked with hunting down elements of the White Fang....as well as trying to keep tabs on your mother." Satoshi mentioned, looking at Yang for a rection. He expected the mention of both the White Fang and Raven would draw something from her.

"Well....what I'm here to do is train you...both physically and mentally. Your dad tells me your fight against Adam was the first fight that you lost that actually had consequences for you....so he says you haven't really been all here, mentally speaking. Thus, I'm here to train you...by the time we're done, I swear to you....you'll have enough skill to go toe to toe with Adam, so long as you listen." Satoshi finished his explanation somberly before looking back to Yang with a grin.

"Now that all the grim stuff is out of the way...how about a spar? Not better way to measure your skill, after all."
Yang perked up at the mention of the White Fang and her mother, but she was not overly convinced just yet. It was some sign of his skill but it was not anything conclusive or outstanding. There were a lot of Huntsmen, how did she know that she could trust him when he said that he could help her fight Adam? It could just be that it was the same sort of confidence that she had held once upon a time.

Still, if Dad had brought him here to help her with training she supposed that she should offer him the benefit of the doubt. At the very least she could try it for a bit and when it didn't work then she wouldn't have to deal with the disappointment from Dad when getting the guy to leave.

With a sigh she hauled herself to her feet, stepping towards the backyard where they usually sparred. "Sure," she agreed without saying much more. She could already guess how this was going to end, and it did not look favorable for her
Satoshi could already tell by the way she carried herself that he was likely to win their first bout. He was so confident in that that he would even be willing to fight her with an arm tied behind his back. She was already defeated in her mind, and those people were truly the easiest people to defeat. As they walked out into the backyard, Satoshi drew in a breath of fresh air as he let out a blissful sigh. He understood why Taiyang had made his home here, it was peaceful.

Satoshi brought himself back as he undid the belt around his waist and took off his revolver, setting it on a nearby stump for now. He began to stretch as he looked at Yang again.

"Our only weapons will be our bodies and our Semblances, sound fair?" After he was done stretching, he got into position. His stance was solid, and firm, but also fluid and dynamic as he brought his fists up.

"Come at me with everything you have, I'm serious." Satoshi spoke, his expression and tone hardening as he got serious. Even with Yang in the shape she was in, he still needed to be on his toes.
Moving into the backyard, Yang did a couple preliminary warmups as she stretched her muscles in preparation for the spar ahead. She really didn't think this was going to work out though. Her fighting style relied on having two hands, which she currently lacked. And she couldn't really get into kickboxing like that bastard Mercury. So she didn't give herself good odds in this regardless of how much Satoshi might hold back against her.

"Yeah, sounds good," she agreed without argument. She supposed it leveled the playing field a bit, even if she didn't know what his semblance was. It would be easy to find out sooner or later. Unlike him she did not hold herself to a firm stance, as if to show how little regard she had for the spar, or just for him in general.

At the prompting she nodded slowly before doing just that. Rushing forward she launched a devastating blow aimed at his chest before dodging to the side to strike again. it would rapidly become clear though that there were massive openings in her style now, presumably the areas where she would have been keeping up the offensive by using her other fist. The Huntsman had his work cut out for him.
Satoshi made a prediction as he looked at Yang. Three moves, he figured he could end the spar in three moves. That was a given for him, given Yang's stances and how lax she seemed. His mind was drawn back as Yang rushed him. Too easy, he dodge the first strike with a simple sidestep and then the following blow by stepping into her instep. He gripped her wrist and scowled at her. "Very sloppy..." A quick sweep of his leg and Yang would find herself staring up at the skies and trees. He hadn't even needed three moves like he predicted.

He understood part of it was physical in the fact that Yang's arm hadn't be replaced yet. Taiyang said he'd be back with the professor later today with it, but he had to try and snap her out her mental state now, even if that meant being an ass.

"If you are just going to be a loser for the rest of your life, you'll be nothing but a burden to Blake, Ruby and Weiss when you all team back up. Forget beating Adam, let alone anyone from the White Fang. You couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag as you are now. Satoshi turned to scowl at Yang again.

"Now are you just going to lay there like a loser or are you going to get over the fact that you lost and move on!" Satoshi slammed his foot into the dirt, hoping to snap Yang into a different mindstate, even if that one was anger at him. Anything would be better than how she was now.
"Oof." A grunt escaped as Yang hit the ground, her flow seamlessly interrupted as she was taken out by her opponent. Were it any other situation she would have considered it humiliating, but at the moment she just couldn't bring herself to care that much. This was just how things were now, and she needed to live with that.

Rising slowly back to her feet, Yang shot him a dismissive look as he lashed out at her. He could be as tough as he wanted, but it didn't change the facts that were there. The team was gone, and even if it did get back together she could never be strong enough. "They'll be fine without me," she replied with a shrug. Ruby was tough, she'd manage. As for the others, well, if what he said were true then Blake wouldn't have run off....

She took some steps away then, back towards the house though she did not go inside just yet. "Besides, why is it my responsibility to deal with Adam? I don't know how to fight like this." She'd spent her entire life as a brawler, but she couldn't function like that in her current state. Wasn't that was Satoshi was here to deal with?
"So what, if Blake just gets attacked by the White Fang again, you aren't going to help? If Ruby its end squaring off against Cinder, you are just going to leave her be." Satoshi sighed as he walked over towards her, looking down and shaking his head. He grabbed her arm and stood her back up on her feet.

"You won't be without an arm forever, but with that mentality you have, you might as well be." Satoshi flicked her forehead as he backed away. "I know what you're thinking, I was brought here to teach you how to fight without an arm...that isn't true." He took a few more steps back, looking up at the clear, beautiful, blue sky.

"I came here to train your mind....you already have the physical skills to beat Adam and people even better then him. What lost you that fight was your mind." Satoshi tapped his head before pointing at Yang.

"So we train your mind...and the first lesson is this...everyone experiences losses. Tough shit, buttercup but everyone goes through stuff like this. Do you think Jaune is moping on a coach now that Pyrrha is gone...do you think Blake has stopped trying to get stronger and better? Think of all they've been through and what you've lost. In comparison, your arm means little." Satoshi dropped back into a fighting stance.

"Now again, and do try to take it seriously this time."
Yang snorted at the claim that she had somehow lost because she wasn't smart enough. Her style of fighting had worked plenty of times before, it could hardly be considered her fault that it hadn't worked that time. How was she supposed to know that he could cut through her Aura like it was nothing more than paper?

What he followed with was even more absurd. "That's easy for you to say when you're not the one without an arm," she grumbled as she turned and began walking away. She didn't care anymore, not with him acting like she was just some spoiled kid who'd never suffered a day in her life. But Blake had run off, the team was gone, and she had let everyone down. It was a bit more than just pain or disability. Not that she expected him to understand that.
"Well, it seems that even your body might need some reminding then." Satoshi cracked his knuckles as he let out a sigh. He sent a glare Yang's one, one of complete and total killer intent. Once she would normally be able to sense and feel, but Satoshi was unsure if even that would get to her at this point.

It happened in the blink of an eye; one moment, Yang had her back to Satoshi as she walking away and the next, she was looking at his face...his expression completely different from the ones he had shown her before. This one was cold...calculating, ruthless...His fist connected with Yang's stomach, the physical force so strong it sent out a shockwave as her body was propelled backwards at high speed, only stopping when she slammed into a tree violently.

Satoshi let out a deep breath as he dropped into a stance, one looking like he was getting ready to pounce. "If you really think you are worthless, then just die a swift death." He pounced, and like before, he was in front of her in an instant. His fist moving towards her head, almost in slow motion. Yang would know through insentient alone likely that if that blow connected with its intended target area....she wouldn't be getting back up....
Yang barely noticed the glare, figuring it was just an intimidation tactic for the second or so that she saw it before she turned away. They had definitely gotten off on the wrong foot, but with the attitude he presented her willingness to give a second chance was quickly fading away. Seriously, why had Dad ever thought this would work out?

The next thing she knew he was in front of her, with a dangerous look in his eye. The analytical part of her mind protested her annoyance at him being able to flash step like Ruby, but she couldn't say that as she was distracted by his fist knocking the air out of her. It didn't do physical damage but she was launched through the air from the force of his blow anyway. She could feel the impact against her back from the tree trunk even though it was all tanked by her Aura.

Knowing now what his power was, she was more prepared as she hauled herself back to her feet. So when he was suddenly there she reacted quickly, dodging to the side and lifting her arm to knock it off course before retaliating with a sharp kick that was born of basic survival instincts. "So everyone who doesn't meet your standards doesn't deserve to live?" she challenged. "You must be terrible with people."
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