Mission Foxxy looking for light hearted smut (Also Free Use)

Sep 25, 2017
Hello Blue Moon, pleased to make your acquaintance. You can call me Mission Foxxy (or just Mission or Foxxy if it's easier to handle). Right now i'm looking for mostly light hearted, funny smutty RPs, though that may change in the future. I'm also a huge fan of free use stories in any just about any setting (more on that later)

-About me-
I'm a seasoned Roleplayer of nearly a decade now. My job is full time but is on a rotating roster so I can't commit to any replying schedule, but I do generally try to respond to RPs once a day or more, and will never let more than 48 hours pass without at least messaging my partner. Momentum is very important in keeping me interested in a game so if you can't do multiple posts in a week than I may very well lose interest. As for my writing style, third person, past tense only. And as for length, I try to match my partner but a bare minimum of two short paragraphs is essential, with no maximum. By all means write me a novel for each response, as long as everything you write serves a purpose and isn't just filler to pad out your paragraphs, and I will do the same. But of course I understand that different situations require different posting lengths. As for tone I always like to write light hearted/fun stories with some comedy thrown in. I can do more serious, but not very often, and I will often find other people's requests to do serious stories, while my own requests are almost universally light hearted in nature.

-Free Use, Or How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love Sex-
I thought I would throw this in here because I keep encountering people who don't know what free use means, I'll start by saying that not every story I do is a free use story, but I do LOVE the concept of free use, and probably won't say no to a good RP idea incorporating free use themes.

Basically free use is a situation in which everyone is sexually available to everyone else at all times, and a free use world is a world in which this applies everywhere. In a free use world, public sex is the norm, and monogamy is unheard of. Sex is a dimension of everyday life, it's perfectly normal for a waitress to give blow jobs under the table for tips, fucking your co workers during meetings is all but expected, and greeting someone with a firm handjob is totally acceptable. Even rape is considered at most a minor nuisance in this world, I mean imagine you're raped on your way to the bus stop, you'd miss your bus!

Normally in free use settings, the women are subservient to men, in some settings they are even men's property, however my version of free use is much more egalitarian, with both genders being equally able to indulge in a free use lifestyle, and, if my partner agrees, homosexuality and bisexuality are accepted parts of a free use world. My love for lighthearted RPs also extends to my free use RPs of course. Anyway, that is free use in a nut shell. If you have ANY ideas at all for an RP based on free use, drop me a PM.

Now as for my biggest kinks, and remember not all of these need to be included in a given RP (in fact some may even be mutually exclusive), and I'll be adding or taking away from the list depending on my mood. I'll also mention here that I play any gender pairing, although I end to prefer pairings with at least one male role.
Huge breasts
Oral sex
Messy sex (cum and saliva everywhere)
Monster girls/guys
Free use
Light Hearted/Fun
Pay special attention to that last one. It's the only MUST as far as I'm concerned. I LOVE light hearted stories, especially if they have some comedy thrown in.

!Turn Offs!
Don't even ask about these, no seriously, I don't even want to hear it, nothing kills the mood for me faster.
Gore/Excessive Blood
Smelly/disgusting characters
Birthing (although pregnancy is something I'm willing to play with, the actual birthing should absolutely not be a part of it)

-My Ideas-
Note* Unless otherwise specifically stated, I'm happy to play any role in any of the ideas below.

The amount of Stars (* to *****) indicates how much I am craving a particular idea.
* - Not really looking for this RP right now, you'll have ti try pretty hard
** - I might do it if you can impress me
*** - I wouldn't mind doing this RP
**** - I really want to do this RP
***** - Unless I get massively swamped with requests or you really turn me off somehow I REALLY can't turn you down!

Another World[/SIZE] (M/F, fantasy adventure, neko/anthro, free use)]

A man from the modern world wakes to find he has somehow been transported to what seems like an idyllic old world village. He quickly discovers that the village and much of this new world is inhabited by nekos, and what's more they all seem to be female. Being the only male in the land, he receives plenty of attention and has his pick of the girls. He also quickly learns that this civilization has no concepts of monogamy or public decency, in fact the man could happily fuck any woman he chooses in public with no repercussions except causing some severe jealousy in all the onlookers.

After getting over the initial “shock”, our lucky main character will embark on an adventure to find a way back home, and he'll find plenty of help along the way, as long as he's willing to satisfy those helping him.

Note for this RP I'd be more than happy to change the nekos for full fledged anthro girls.


My Girlfriend is a Werewolf[/SIZE] (M/F, werewolf, dubcon, possible adventure)]

This RP focuses around a young hetero couple in a long term relationship. One night while making love, the man starts to notice his girlfriend changing, growing, before he can do anything she transforms into a massive werewolf towering over him. It seems that taking on this bestial form has one more side effect though, the girlfriend is horny as hell in this form and easily overpowers her boyfriend to get what she wants. This RP would be well suited for turning into a longer story focused RP. And I could see myself playing either character.

There are a few different varieties of this RP that we can do, for example

- The girlfriend has no idea that she is a werewolf, and may not even retain any memories of being the wolf once she changes back.
- The girlfriend knew, but didn't tell her boyfriend for fear that he would reject him. Or she may have thought she had the transformation under control.
- The girlfriend not only knew, but actively lured her boyfriend into a situation where she could take advantage of him. This didn't necessarily mean he doesn't like it though. Maybe being dominated by a huge wolf lady was his secret fetish all along.

Whichever we choose, here are some of the ideas we could possibly explore:

- Her transformations are increasing in frequency and becoming unpredictable. She might start to transform in some very public places!
- The girlfriend is knowingly or unknowingly part of a larger werewolf clan, and there might be multiple females and possibly even males who want to claim the human boyfriend for themselves.
- An ex lover who is also a werewolf returns to claim his girlfriend back from the human.
- The couple go on an adventure to try and find some cure for lycanthropy.

Whatever we do, keep in mind I would still like for this RP to be lighthearted. I'm sure we can find SOME way to inject some comedy into a man being raped by his huge werewolf girlfriend.


Milk Mansion[/SIZE] (M/F, Breastfeeding, Harem)]

We'll work on the details for this one, but the basic premise is as follows;
A number of young women are living in a residence generally known as "Milk Mansion", wether they have moved there voluntarily or as part of some program is up to us to decide. These women's breasts have expanded to a massive size and are constantly lactating, causing intense discomfort unless they are relieved every couple of days. This ""unfortunate"" job falls to the young male caretaker of the mansion, who regularly milks the ladies the old fashioned way (with his mouth doy!). Of course the ladies are likely so grateful that they will let the caretaker do anything else he wants... as long as the milking comes first.

Now for this RP I'm happy to play either the part of the caretaker or the young women. And of course we can work out the specifics of the story between us in PM.


Monster Breeder[/SIZE] (M/F, Monster girls, Harem)]
Well I'm pretty sure you figured out this one just from reading the title, but I'll lay it down for you. One of us will play the part of the monster breeder, and the other will play the monster girls. You see monster girls for some reason require human intervention to successfully breed, we can decide between us if this means the breeder simply uses themselves to "demonstrate" the correct way to do it, or if it's required that the breeder completes the act them self. I also have no problem with this being an MxM story, or with a mix of MxM and FxM, maybe with occasional FxF thrown in. I would certainly LOVE to see some monster guy traps.


Anyway that's it for now, I'll be updating regularly so do check back in. And PM me if anything has caught your fancy.
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