St. Venus University (Intrest Check)

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Dec 15, 2015
Once this small university in an island off the cost of Scotland was one of the most prestevious universities in Europe until it closed down in 1922 and has remained abandoned since. Some say the school suffered money problems after the dean embezzles most of the budgett, or that its growing rivalry with other, more established, universities in Britain earned it the wrong political enemies. Still others speak of something far stranger happenings at the university and that Scotland Yeard closed it down for undesclised reasons of "public welfare".

Now, after almost one hundred years of being closed the Granddaughter of the last dean has sunk her family fortune into buying the university grounds and restoring and reopening it to 800 liberal arts and science students. By inviting the wealthy and offering scholarships to high-performance students who could not afford to study abroad at her university, the dorms have been filled with everyone from a Saudi Arabian Princess to a a Japanese tycoon's child to wirking class American geniuses. The classrooms are staffed with world class instructors from olympic couches to Nobel Prize winning authors and scientists. But, the dean has been reported doing odd things and so have the local villagers. It seems only a matter of time before St. Venus' shadowy past returns, but will the truth be uncovered this time?

This rp will be story based but a bit smut heavy. It will be a Lovecraftian mystery but the smut comes in as the students and staff will feel more and more driven to fulfill their deepest desires, and the more they give in the more they are pushed into greater excess with eachother and the local villagers. With the myatery being what is driving people to this and causing the other odd things around the area.

For people will want to play you can be a teacher, student, or faculty employed from the village. OC, Character, and RP threads will go here.
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