Looking for literate ladies. (M for F)


Feb 5, 2016
In the real world, I have a shit-ton going on. I work a demanding job. I am a part time student. I have a family. Despite all of that, RP is a part of my life, and I'm looking to expand that little piece of my puzzle. Writing is the way I explore things I've deprived myself of in the real world. That means I'm looking for friends to share something secret with. I won't disappear on you, and I'm very communicative regarding my schedule and availability as it changes.

I'd like to collaborate with someone on something that will preoccupy me throughout the day. I'm looking for someone to share a connection and a friendship with, but you should feel comfortable that I'm not going to try and cross a line. I have no weird delusions that this is some kind of a dating site, and I'm happy with my personal life where it is. I'd just like to explore things on the path not taken in my life, and I'm happy to help my partner do the same. On that topic, I'm really only looking to play with women, but I have no desire for you to validate your gender to me.

I'm open to writing via Discord, private message, forum post, or email. At this time, those are my best bets.

The Basics - Please read
  • I'm a pretty laid back guy, a people-pleaser to the point of it being a fault, and I'm absolutely a pushover when it comes to ideas. For me, the excitement in a story comes from synergy and realism much more so than it does any arbitrary kink. I'd rather find someone like-minded to create a story with than find a warm body who wants me to shoehorn them into my cookie cutter. These are my like to haves:
  • Plot - Maybe not totally plot, but some plot. In other words, a story has to make sense. Yeah, I can appreciate porn as much as any guy, but if I'm going to spend the time creating something with someone, I want there to be more of an underlying point than a simple sex scene. Expect to spend time talking with me about circumstances, characters, and what we each hope to get out of a story up front. It'll make the end result that much more satisfying.
  • Concise - Write to your heart's content, but don't ever strive for a certain length. Sometimes ten paragraphs fall out of my fingertips. Sometimes it's just one. Please don't feel like either of us needs to meet any literary minimum so long as we're moving the story along and creating something engaging.
  • It's shallow. I'm a neanderthal. Don't care! Character photos are a requisite with me, and I definitely prefer real women over animated women. The visual reference goes a long way in a story's longevity with me. There's a list in this thread of some of my favorite references, but it's not exhaustive. I have a truckload of alternatives if you're truly at a loss for suggestions. :)

Story Ideas

Christmas Party
Office hijinx, Pet play, Adultery
He's the quiet, reserved technology manager who helps keep the suits out of trouble, and she's the soft-spoken, bubbly and sweet human resources representative he secretly crushes on. They're both aware of one another, but there's no chance in Hell they'll ever end up together; until the company Christmas party. It was totally a fluke that he drank enough to have the balls to flirt with her; even moreso that she, in a similar state of intoxication, found herself reciprocating with lingering smiles, wandering eyes, and playful touches. But when he grabbed her ass? She should've slapped him.

Instead, her heart skipped a beat. What starts as a booze-fueled twist of fate quickly escalates into something sprawling and complicated, with our emboldened gentleman finding his heavy-handed tactics are met with broad acceptance from his H.R. conquest. In most cases, a quickie in the break room should end up as a one night stand. In this instance, my character decides to press. Emboldened by his success and only too happy to see how far he can go, he embarks on an adventure with his newfound conquest, methodically stripping away her good girl reputation and replacing it with something lewd but considerably more honest.

I see pet play working very well here, with the female coworker accepting assertive direction and dominance eagerly given that she's married to a pushover. In terms of specific kinks, I'd love to explore things like drug/alcohol use, prostitution, exhibitionism and more; all while savoring the drama that comes along with a workplace romance and adultery.

Trade Ya?
Swingers, Mild ageplay, rampant alcoholic debauchery
Ray wasn't the most outgoing guy in the world, but he could hang when it really counted. That was probably a contributing factor in his success in the real world. A rare hybrid of IT geek and marketing guru, he'd done well for himself in corporate America, and after years of drudgery it was starting to pay off. This wasn't the first time he and his wife had visited the tropical oasis, and it wouldn't be the last. Still, that day, something was different.

The resort was full of newlywed couples and various couples celebrating their precious metal anniversaries, but not them. They were just there; outsiders pretending to be madly in love despite the fact that their marriage was rapidly deteriorating into something akin to a sham. Love was just a word, after all, and no degree of mutual familiarity could make up for a dead bedroom, nagging premonitions, or the stark realization that attraction was not synonymous with monogamy. Still, they were there together; masquerading as another pair of starry eyed lovers who couldn't see beyond the haze of marriage or complacency.

That day, things just fell into place. Things started off familiarly: She slept in, he was at the pool bar by the time it opened at 10. By 2, there was a decent crowd, and somehow he found himself in the middle of it. Drinks were flowing, the music was loud, the sun was hot, and everyone was on unusually equally footing in this tropical paradise half a world away from everyone's home turf. Ray couldn't even remember when he met her; just that, at some point, she'd homogenized into the swelling mass of mingling couples along with her husband. Gradually, offhand remarks led the pair into more of a one-on-one conversation. Before long, they were the only ones left in the water, the sun was setting, and the pool bar was closing. He was surprised to find his wife still in the water, engaged in the same sort of one-on-one conversation that he was. With her husband.

And they still wanted to hang out.

Looking for something pretty predictable here. A couple 5-10 years into their marriage make friends with a pair of especially adventurous newlyweds, and one thing leads to another. We could approach this as a group thing, or we could split it up into a couple pairings. Whatever the case, I'm looking to delve into the emotional and logistical preparation as well as the physical delight that comes along with swinging.

Branching Out
Threesome (MFM), Smutty, Possible Breeding
I'm looking for someone interested in a fairly smut driven story. That's not to say there's no backbone or reason behind the writing; simply that I'd like for us to focus our development in the realm of all kinds of kinkiness and fun. I'm looking for a realistic female character with a desire to explore emotional connections contrasted against basic, primitive desires. Speicifcally, I'm looking for my character to share his wife.

Let's start with a happily married couple. They've had their ups and downs. They have a solid foundation and truly love one another. Otherwise, maybe they would've moved on by now. Maybe they're even thinking about it. A dead bedroom, waning mutual interests, and the threat of thirties are all starting to chip away at the couple. Put another way, their relationship needs a spark.

I want to give it to them in the form of a MMF encounter. I have plenty of ideas for how this might work. Having been married for most of their twenties, there have been plenty of opportunities for extramarital attractions and tension to develop. A work-spouse, a friend, maybe even a relative... there are plenty of ways to put this couple in a situation where the tension finally gives way to tentative exploration.

What comes out on the other side? I'd like for the encounter to be a catalyst for the marriage to be reinvigorated; a way for the couple to learn things about one another that their stalled communications could never reveal. With the right partner, I could just as easily go for an idyllic and smutty twist where they more or less maintain this threeway, with both men essentially treating the wife as their beloved little fucktoy or breeding partner. Plenty of opportunities for all kinds of kinks.

I'm not looking for a cuckold or humiliation towards my character in any way.
I'm not looking for a one-dimensional spit roast.

Dear Diary: Jackpot
Friends with benefits, Threesome (MFM), Miscellaneous kinkiness
After writing a few very convoluted introductions to this, I've come to terms with the fact that the idea itself should be very simple from the getgo. My character is a successful but down-on-his-luck thirty-something. He's just out of his first divorce (from a cheating wife) living in a shoddy little apartment until things settle a little. On the up side, he has his health, a great job, and a fairly large city full of attractive women to help him rediscover the world's possibilities.

Simultaneously, a close friend of his is going through a similar predicament; only he's the cheater. The guy got drunk and did something stupid, but he did the right thing and confessed. As my character will soon learn, his wife doesn't want to divorce; at least not right away. No, they're trying to make it work, and as a part of that, she wants the freedom to sleep with someone else.

I imagine she's someone with a kindred spirit. They probably share a sense of humor and a few interests at the very least. There's been an attraction between them all along. This will both reduce the surprise factor and infinitely ratchet up the excitement when my character is effectively invited into their bedroom. I'm very flexible about what that bedroom arrangement looks like: Whether the husband is a participant, a voyeur, or involved altogether. For that matter, the wife character is totally your own; both in appearance and personality. I'm looking for this to be about her rather than the guys interacting in any sexual way.

The idea of two people in similar situations graduating into such unlikely friends with benefits is what's exciting to me. If that's the only part of this that sounds interesting, you should reach out to me anyway.

Jyn Erso's Bad End
Star Wars, Bad Ends, D/s
Staying true to the film, Jyn and Cassian successfully broadcast the stolen Death Star plans to the rebel fleet supporting them from outside Scarif's orbit. Unlike the film, however, the pair didn't perish along with all their other comrades. Rather than dying to the empire's decision to exercise a nuclear option on the compromised facility, they are captured. Ideally, this is where our story would start.

Jyn Erso awakens to a terrible ringing in her head while the sleek ship hull around her jostles with the turbulence of an atmospheric entry. This shuffle quickly reveals to her that her wrists are bound overhead, latched together and bound securely to a beam on the unforgiving steel wall behind her. It's impossible to know how long she's been unconscious, but her arms and wrists are suddenly throbbing as gravity's pull begins emphasizing her weight once again. Then she spots movement and grows still.

Two male figures are situated across from her. One, his back turned to her, addressing the other: Tall, broad-shouldered, and short-haired, he's crouched over the other; who is crumpled and bound to the wall in much the same way as she. Given a few moments for the haze to clear, it becomes obvious that this second figure is, in fact, Cassian.

"What are you doing?" Jyn asks with a surprising air of calm.

Not startled in the least, the figure with his back to her only goes on about his business. Moments later, he stands and turns, setting a piercing grey-eyed stare upon her. The guy's not dressed as an Imperial; maybe by design? Some clandestine agent of the empire brought in to clean up after the huge shitstorm the Rebelion unleashed? Or maybe a bounty hunter? He has the chiseled jaw and hardened, leather-skinned features of someone who has seen plenty of time in the field. Despite the obvious wear, he's not a day over 40. His smile is surprisingly cordial, and his tone is matter-of-fact. "I'm dropping your friend off."

Jyn, still visibly dazed, struggles with an increasingly high pitched ringing in her ears. She was wounded when ferried away from Scarif, and no one has tended to those wounds in the days since. A lack of food or water -- save from that provided by a small IV -- has her operating in an obvious lull, but after a few seconds, she goes on. "What about me?"

The man's features harden, but for the brifest faltering moment there's a tiny crack in his otherwise steeled resolve. "You're going somewhere else," he states, and then he turns to give a couple finger presses to a touch panel on the wall. It's not obvious what he's done until, as he turns around again, grogginess returns in full force. A small IV, tucked into the young rebel's wrist, pumps another dose of heavy sedative into her veins. She stirs and murmurs, but sleep takes her over.

So the idea here is pretty straightforward. While Cassian is on his way to be tortured and interrogated, Jyn is about to be delivered into a different fate. There are two options:

Bad End - This is very straightforward. Given the personal nature of Galen Erso and his daughter's betrayal, Emperor Palpatine and his agents want nothing more than to delight in the knowledge that this proud and capable young woman is reduced to absolutely nothing. She'll be ferried around by this bounty hunter as a perpetual servant (and payment for his taxi services), and from time to time he'll drop her off for punishments. I like the idea that she might develop a sort of subservient relationship with him. Her life outside his ship will suck, but their time together might actually be kind of nice; provided she behaves.

Said punishments are not overtly violent; but rather meant to inflict as much psychological torment as possible. Things like:

  • Being delivered to a room full of former Rebellion-held prisoners full of anger towards the rebellion.
  • Dressed up and thrown into the middle of a lavish, drug-fueled dinner party for the Empire's elite; touted as the whore of the rebellion.
  • Provided to the highest performing Empire commandos as a reward for exceptionally decisive blows against the rebellion.
  • Regularly bred and taunted with the inevitable fact that her offspring will be trained as Empire agents.

Slightly Better End - Jyn is talented and capable, and the emperor sees her defiance as a challenge he'll happily accept. Discreetly, she is delivered to a clandestine agent of the empire, an expert at breaking defiant prisoners and turning them to a favorable outlook. Much more obvious D/s relationship here; with the end result more a Stockholm Syndrome that sees Jyn become one of the Empire's deadliest operatives.

I have some (admittedly dated) story ideas here. I need to move a lot of those old ideas and snippets over to this thread someday.


I'm a video game nerd. Massive, open worlds always inspire me; from EverQuest all the way up to Fallout. While I'm not necessarily looking for anything too rigidly set in any particular world or with any particular characters, I'm open to these:
  • Overwatch - I've got a thing for Mei. Mercy, too. Maybe Widowmaker!
  • Star Wars - Love the lore, and I'm pretty familiar with it. Force users are fair game, but I'm equally interested in just about anything else. I might be enamored with a certain bounty hunter.
  • Dark/Demons Souls - Pretty much anything. If you're into these, we should talk. I am completely enamored with every aspect; from the dark, unforgiving and often grotesque locations to the hopeless atmosphere and broken characters.

I'm a visual guy. I love for my female characters to have a photo reference or faceclaim. Here are some of my favorites:
In addition to the above, I love the idea of cosplay. Any contemporary scenario that involves cosplay is super cool in my book. Here are some of my favorite cosplays; also options as references! If I had a generic scenario to throw out there, it would probably involve a cosplay gal and any variety of twist. (A ONS, a kidnapping, or a weird little drug-induced rampage!)

  • Metal Gear Solid - Quiet 1, 2
  • Overwatch - Pharrah 1

Interested? Send me a PM!
Still got room for another story; ideally something light hearted; with enough substance to be more than a one-shot.

Just added Dear Diary: Jackpot to my story ideas.
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