Mx Female Twisting Stories and Other Smutty Ideas

Feb 18, 2014
Back. With a vengeance. Not quite with heavy boots that echo from dark corners and make clown-faced hooligans pause in their violent displays.

Life has been horrendously tiring. So so tiring. I am here to at the very least distract myself from exhaustion. To look forward to that red-numbered notification to pop up. To once again feel excitement while I read line after line of ecstatic naughtiness.


I'm sure you and me will get along just fine so long as you:
~ have a decent grasp of the English language.
~ need not worry about lengthy posts so long as A) it can be read and understood, B) it can give me something to work with, and C) is not tedious to reply to (I'm here to have fun, not feel like I'm doing a 1000-word essay for some subject I don't care for nor feel like I'm wasting my time writing up stuff only to be responded with a 'k.'). A single good meaty paragraph usually gets me going, and when I say 'meaty' I mean having good amount of details. My sweet spot is a 2-3 paragraph post that drips with detail. I enjoy reading emotions, thoughts of characters and what they see, smell, taste, and feel most especially during smut scenes. Doesn't always have to be the case length-wise as it depends on the current situation, shorter replies are reasonable for when dialogue or a more active back and forth between characters happen. Give me one chunky paragraph, that is more than fine but please nothing less. I'm not a novella writer neither. 4+ paragraphs work for me when it establishes a scenario or summarizes events. I find constantly lengthy posts to be daunting and you might say "Quality over quantity" or "Oh you don't have to match my posts" but then the part of my brain that desires to please, to match whatever I'm given just psyches myself out and I end up just giving up.
~ are communicative outside of the play through OOC; be willing to tell me when you are not having fun, have an idea with regards to the play, and/or will be unavailable for an extended period of time.
~ are a girl IRL; been experiencing this quite a lot so I'm including this now as to avoid unnecessary time wasting on your part, I am uncomfortable playing with dudes unless it's a play that involves zero sexual content between our characters regardless of their gender.
~ don't just solely rely on me to advance the scenes (even if the play we're on already has an established storyline - feel free to add your creative ideas, within reason of course).

Other grounds for plays:
~ I am flexible with where we do the play, though my preference is PMs, Discord, then threads.
~ My characters are often cut from the same cloth, that cloth being myself. As such, they are more or less a one-to-one representation of me. A self-insert if you may. Now not to say I'm not willing to adjust to partner preferences. If there's a certain look, attitude, mannerism or what have you that you would particularly love for my character to have, please feel free to share it and as long as its within my boundaries, I am more than willing to compromise. We both gotta have an alluring image in mind when imagining each other's character after all.
~ OOC friendly.
~ Now I'm not expecting you to be like me who has no life outside work, but I prefer to have plays that are quite active; plays that go on a more or less daily basis rather than on a weekly progression puts the chocolate filling in my donut and the pepperoni on my pizza.
~ Here be the all-important (and updated) F-list (It hasn't that much in terms of boundaries, but that doesn't mean it isn't open to making some lines. Just ask, and I shall tell you if I am or am not comfortable with said element).

I'll list out the base favorites in that list that I would enjoy being included (but not mandatory) in our future play:

squirting ~

detailed female arousal and orgasm ~

DD/lg ~

excessive teasing / heavy foreplay (which leads to..) ~

orgasm/pleasure control/denial ~

(semi)public scenes (from simple masturbation to sex) ~

sexy/smutty clothing ~

clothed sex ~


~ I do not play as canon characters in preexisting settings of any kind - it doesn't matter for me if you wish to play one against an original character
~ Anything else just ask


Now to actually explain what it is I'm looking for.

Stories and putting a little twist in them. More specifically, giving a good ol switcheroo to fairy tales and gender roles, or perhaps simply altering how the story goes.

Picture this: across a field laden with burnt patches of flora and scorched death stood a grey tower. High above slept a massive dragon, laying on top of its stolen riches of gold, gemstones, and other glittering works of art. Amongst the scattered plunder was a cage, charred black. It kept a prince inside, lonely as the tower with only the evil dragon as his company. He could only watch the slumbering behemoth helplessly, wishing upon the starry sky above when he would finally be free. A wish that he feared would never come true. But hope, no matter how distant and faint as the stars could appear, always shine. A cry erupted from nowhere, breaking the silence of the night. A battlecry that led to a ferocious fight between man and dragon. Sword clashed against scales, shield endured blasts of heat, nimble movements avoided sharp claws. The odds were against the brave knight but amidst smoke and fire, the warrior prevailed.

The prince's jailor has been defeated, his prison broken. The knight knelt in front of the grateful prince, removing a blackened helmet to reveal a face whose beauty could only be matched by the knight's prowess in battle.

Okay maybe not the most elaborate or beautifully written piece out there but you get the point right?

The son of a king rescued by princess charming. A lone red-hooded boy picked up by a she-wolf in the forest. Vampirella looking for her husband to be. A man survives a murder and is helped by seven dwarven ladies. Whatever fantastical story out there that exists, I'm sure we can put our own twist in it to suit this theme. Of course it's gotta have highly sensual content. I am writing this in an adult-natured forum after all.

I hope that you find this at the very least bit interesting enough that you would send me a message!


That'll be it for now but more to follow when they arise.
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