A New Threat to Hyrule (Cerberus & UnicornHorn)


Jan 9, 2009
The sun slowly came over the hills and plains of hyrule field. Ever since the twilight had been expelled from Hyrule there had finally been some peace, but it had come at a high price. Hyrule had been devestated and half of its fighting force had been wiped out.

Lucarious walked alongside Princess Zelda. He was one of the Shiekah that was servants to the royal family and now had to step up since her last protector had fallen when Zant invaded with the twilight and had taken taken over until the Hero of Time had saved hyrule.

"My lady, with half if not all of our forces gone we have to think about rebuilding the defenses of Hyrule and not to mention the lingering Shadow beast's that still roam the outskirts of hyrule. Without the Hero of time around what is going to be done?" He pulled his hood over his head more to keep himself covered by a wind that was blowing in. "I know princess that it is not an ideal situation but perhaps it is time that an alliance be formed between the two kingdoms so that hyrule could be strengthened back up and that we can finally have peace with the Gerudo?"

He was none to pleased with the thought of it himself but he knew that Princess Zelda would do what would be the best for the kingdom, But he couldnt help but feel some sadness and jealousy as since he had known Zelda her whole life and had grown quite close and fond of her, perhaps too close then a protector should but that was between the two of them and no one else.

Elsewhere in the Gerudo Valley, young link was watching the heat rise off of the sands as the sun came over it. He knew that one day all of this would become his as since there was only 1 male born to the Gerudos and he was made king His addopted father was king and he would be made prince. He knew that he would always have a guardian around and was wondering where she would be as he made his way out of the window and climbed down before he wandered to the gates as he was tempting the thought of doing some shield surfing. It was a dangerous sport due to having to grab a wild sand skeer and rope it and then ride your shield behind it.
Princess Zelda walks on the marble hallway of her castle, as she has a lot to think about. Hyrule is in peril by the world of Twilight, and they would soon rise again soon. Half of her forces have been lost due to the fighting, and she comes with something that would be necessary.

"...I thought about it already. You are right, there is only one solution to this. I will form a alliance with Gerudo Valley, even of it leads to marriage." She concluded,she would do anything to protect Hyrule, even if it meant on marrying the prince of darkness himself.
"I will send a letter of invitation, hopefully we can work something out."

Zelda sighs, she cannot believe that she would be meeting the king,but she has no choice.
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