- Joined
- Nov 2, 2016
First thing's first, I prefer to play in pms, but I don't mind if you want to play via email or ICQ. I won't put my email here though, you'll have to pm me about that.
If you pm me wanting to play, don't just link me to your request thread. I look at request threads on my own and contact people I'd like to play with based on my interest in their requests. I expect the same courtesy when you message me.
I like to roleplay to be a collaborative story, and with that I understand that I cannot dictate the actions of characters not under my control. Because of this, I end up vacillating between shorter and longer posts in order to make room for the both of our voices. It rarely has to do with my interest in the roleplay. As long as you give me a good reply that I can work with, I'm not concerned with being matched for wordcount, nor should you worry when I give a somewhat shorter reply. Vis-a-vis stories I am willing to go pure one off smut if that be to your liking, but what I really look for are stories of adventure, action, romance; and of lurid sexual contact, naturally. I like to run additional characters and create settings, you know, Game Mastery stuff, to move the plot and conflict along. There may be a map! That said, not big on character portraits, so if you use one that's fine, but I'll be describing my characters. Additionally, any inquiries to a Dungeons and Dragons rp should assume 5th Edition, tried to be flexible in the past and it did me no favors.
I tend to play men of a heroic proportion and disposition. Strong, rugged sorts with forceful personalities. From brooding half-giants who have their own idea of right and wrong, to dwarves blessed with strength by their gods that revel in their own self-confidence and power. Others, hot-headed and cocky with one too many one liners and enough skill with their hands to back up the shit-talk. There's even a few irrepressibly positive types that might set you as their goal while trying to shoulder the weight of the world at the same time. Maybe gruff half-orcs that are in a constant fight with their primal natures that might catch you in the middle as well.
One way or the other, these are men of strong personality and varying conviction, built for adventures. They're often human, but they don't have to be depending on your liking,
Nuclear Post Apocalypse (i.e. Fallout, Wasteland, Mad Max) This setting is all about the end of the world. Everyone fired off their nuclear weapons, and now we're in a wasteland of mutants and savages with sparse civilization in between. Generally I prefer these to be mildly futuristic, that the old world was filled with fancy advanced technology before they boiled the oceans away with the madness of nuclear conflagration. Characters are negotiable! I have my list of likes and dislikes, so let's see what we can make here.
Space Operas (i.e. Mass Effect, Star Trek)
Faster Than Light travel, lasers, aliens, strange planets and creatures, along with daring, drama, and love. As long as it's in space and in the future, it's a Space Opera. Same as before I don't require you to fit into a specific mold, let's figure out who we are.
Diesel Punk (i.e. Mad Max, The Rocketeer)
This setting is a little harder to explain. At its most basic, its a setting where oil has replaced coal as the primary form of fuel, and society has formed around it. Most popularly this is represented as a retro-futurist concept, flying cars and trucks in a 50's art-deco style like the world of fallout before the bombs drop and without the nuclear proliferation. This can combine with a post-apocalypse pretty easy, thus Mad Max is in this and the first one.
Dungeons and Dragons (i.e. Planescape, Eberron, Greyhawk)
What else can I say about this one that even the quickest google search wouldn't explain. Swords and Sorcery, Dragons and hoards of treasure, exotic races and monsters, and our characters following a traditional race-class combination.
Space Western (i.e. Firefly, Cowboy Bebop)
This is similar in a way to the Space Opera in that it is the future and it's in space, certainly, but where Operas are a bit more about the melodrama on the ship, a Western focuses more on taming the frontier of space, dealing with outlaws and trying to placate the locals of new planets. Settling on worlds or just trying to stake claims, maybe something akin to an intergalactic goldrush.
The Smut!
The Unwanted!
I also have that f-list thing.
Only When I’ve Counted Every Star
Humans have lived within the tenets of the Confederated Systems Government for many years, members of a galactic alliance with numerous other sapient species. In this time, genetic splicing has become as common as cybernetic replacement and faster-than-light drives exist in even the simplest vessels that ply the stars. Despite this, the CSG is still small compared to the vastness of the Milky Way, and many species desire to expand. However, even modern FTL is not fast enough to bridge some of the huge distances between unexplored systems. This necessitates the Catapults, gates that slingshot ships at extreme rates across space where another Catapult must either be waiting or otherwise be built to get back. Whenever one is finished, it not only connects back to the CSG, but is used to fire off deeper into the Galaxy. When this happens, it’s called a Run, countless privateers flying into the new uncharted territories to stake claims on resources and discover new species to be the first ambassadors.
You are one of those new species, previously unaware of how vast the galaxy truly was until his ship came crashing in. A… you don’t have the word for it. You’ve never seen his kind before. But you know what injuries look like, and his are rather terrible. There are other ships similar but not the same as his closing in too, so it seems best at the time to take him away from what could be danger and work this stranger back to health. You were never ready for what one moment of compassion would get you into.
(A simple plot of a stranger coming to town on a galactic scale, our characters would go on a world hopping adventure, dealing with whoever was chasing me and coming into conflict with all sorts besides. Space is the limit, and any sort of race you’d want to be is applicable here: furry, monster girl, elf; anything you can explain into being an alien fits here. More of a straight romance this plot is, but a crew may certainly get picked up along the way to create all sorts of complication.)
We Are Each of Us an Island (D&D)
A ship to a new land seemed like the best thing. There, a person with a history could start clean and find… well, it depended on what one was looking for. Through a spyglass were spied ruins, and that could mean treasure of all kinds. The islands were hardly oversized sandbars too, lush with fruit bearing trees, and even from a distance you could see the massive smoking mountains. Some of those on the ship with you claimed they saw glimpses of white wings like that of a dragon’s, and you yourself swore at one glance you saw figures moving through the trees as you passed one of the smaller landmasses.
The trip wouldn’t end until you reached the gateway of the new world, the Port of Liri where all manner of men and women existed. In that lawless place, slavery was legal, you knew that already from the cages being transported on the very ship you stood on. Hopefully that wouldn’t be your fate, but perhaps better that than death. But first thing was first, you needed to get feet on the ground. Find work, find lodgings, maybe find a partner.
(This is an adventure of island hopping through the ruins of an old sea faring empire. It’ll be about unravelling their mysterious disappearance while avoiding being caught and sold into slavery or killed by all manner of flora and fauna. You know, par for the course in Dungeons and Dragons.)
Those Who Hunt in the Darkness
Mankind lives behind walls of stone and mortar, separating them from the untamed wilderness. These walls protect them from savage animals and overgrowth, but it would never be enough to keep their truest threats from tearing those walls down or slipping between the cracks and into the shadows of alleys and abandoned buildings, killing all that stumble into their sights. What keeps the threat of these monsters at bay are the Darkwatch. They are hunters and soldiers trained to fight the likes of the undead and aberrant as well as the unseelie fey, giants and dragons. Most of the Darkwatch work alone or in pairs and rarely stay in one place for long. When they do, it means the hunt is on.
(This can go a few ways, either a pair of hunters regularly getting into trouble with monsters, or a single hunter fighting and fucking through the monster hordes. Perhaps some monsters join him? Either way, it’s all about monsters and monstergirls.)
Impostor Mask
There are those that call him the savior of the city, a noble Vigilante, a hero; but none of those things are true. He's just some guy that stumbled into a lie he can't escape. The real hero of the city, The White Scarf, disappeared months ago. Walker knows this because he found the capsule containing The White Scarf's battle suit, and after playing around and trying it on, has been stuck convincing people their hero never left. You are more than The White Scarf's greatest admirer, you have a dream of one day being his protégé, and maybe with his tutelage, a hero yourself one day! So when the Impostor saves you, this seems like your big chance, but a guy like Walker, who isn't so noble? Well, he's certain to take advantage of your desire to be taken under his wing. But will the charade last, or will Walker be exposed by his own desires?
Your Dad, the Doomsday Prepper
Her dad had to raise her alone, but he was a responsible guy. She never wanted for anything material, and it was kinda cool that dad was an independent author. Thing was, dad was also a doomsday prepper. Every book he wrote lead to another plan. Made it hard for her to make friends. But when doomsday actually happened, he was suddenly the smartest person in the bunker. Of course, after the Large Hadron Collider in Cern malfunctioned and suffused the world with cosmic radiation and slices of alternate reality, all of the after school fitness work and safe suit training he had them do didn't stop the change. Her skin was getting redder, teeth sharper, and was a single horn budding from her forehead? Besides that, they were both feeling... different. He never looked at her like a woman before, she was always his little girl, but since she started to change, it was as if the thoughts were being forced into him. And if his girl wanted dad's attention before, it was starting to feel like a physical need. What was happening to them?
(This is the story of a dad and his teen daughter trying to tough it out in the wilds of the apocalypse while dealing with the unintended changes it brings about. Not only in the world, but in his changing daughter, and the relationship these two have as she becomes something akin to a post-nuclear succubus.)
Trapped Behind Your Eyes
The dreams were getting strange of late. You always woke up in the same place, at the edge of a forest on a cliff, overlooking this abandoned valley. You could see places where human settlement once stood in large wooded clearings, and a grand white castle beyond that. There was the first startling thing: The smooth black winged serpent that held to the castle's grand tower with shining claws. Its thirteen emerald eyes seemed vacant, looking nowhere. You could never remember how you got into the valley after that, but every night, you were chased longer and longer through the woods by something. But that night was different. You found something this time. A man, completely naked with two arms at his side, pinned to a tree by a great spear that looked as if it broke from the black serpent's body. Grasping the spear, another set of arms. Where it wounded him there was no blood, just the constant sound of gears and pistons trying to work. His eyes were on you. Imploring you. If you help him, what will he do? Help you? Then you woke up. But the next time you had that dream, you were already there, before the man pinned to the tree.
(A story about a dream so real, maybe it is. In this place of imagination, sky could be the limit, but I imagine a softer sort of story, even if that just means affectionate roughness. Bring your imagination with this one, I'm interested in making this light hearted and a bit weird.)
BATTLE CHASERS! I've been playing Nightwar, and I was a big fan of the comic back in the 90's. I'm interested in playing Garrison against pretty much any of the ladies of Battle Chasers: Red Monika, Raha the lioness Beastmaster, Mercuri the Enchantress, an older version of Gully to just make that site rule requirement. Hell, if you're a fan of the series, maybe the rogue that was once the vessel of Bulgrim? Either way, I'd love to play a sort of continuation of the main story of BC, the search for Gully's father, Aramus and the various sidestories that crop up within it.
If you pm me wanting to play, don't just link me to your request thread. I look at request threads on my own and contact people I'd like to play with based on my interest in their requests. I expect the same courtesy when you message me.
I like to roleplay to be a collaborative story, and with that I understand that I cannot dictate the actions of characters not under my control. Because of this, I end up vacillating between shorter and longer posts in order to make room for the both of our voices. It rarely has to do with my interest in the roleplay. As long as you give me a good reply that I can work with, I'm not concerned with being matched for wordcount, nor should you worry when I give a somewhat shorter reply. Vis-a-vis stories I am willing to go pure one off smut if that be to your liking, but what I really look for are stories of adventure, action, romance; and of lurid sexual contact, naturally. I like to run additional characters and create settings, you know, Game Mastery stuff, to move the plot and conflict along. There may be a map! That said, not big on character portraits, so if you use one that's fine, but I'll be describing my characters. Additionally, any inquiries to a Dungeons and Dragons rp should assume 5th Edition, tried to be flexible in the past and it did me no favors.
I tend to play men of a heroic proportion and disposition. Strong, rugged sorts with forceful personalities. From brooding half-giants who have their own idea of right and wrong, to dwarves blessed with strength by their gods that revel in their own self-confidence and power. Others, hot-headed and cocky with one too many one liners and enough skill with their hands to back up the shit-talk. There's even a few irrepressibly positive types that might set you as their goal while trying to shoulder the weight of the world at the same time. Maybe gruff half-orcs that are in a constant fight with their primal natures that might catch you in the middle as well.
One way or the other, these are men of strong personality and varying conviction, built for adventures. They're often human, but they don't have to be depending on your liking,
Nuclear Post Apocalypse (i.e. Fallout, Wasteland, Mad Max) This setting is all about the end of the world. Everyone fired off their nuclear weapons, and now we're in a wasteland of mutants and savages with sparse civilization in between. Generally I prefer these to be mildly futuristic, that the old world was filled with fancy advanced technology before they boiled the oceans away with the madness of nuclear conflagration. Characters are negotiable! I have my list of likes and dislikes, so let's see what we can make here.
Space Operas (i.e. Mass Effect, Star Trek)
Faster Than Light travel, lasers, aliens, strange planets and creatures, along with daring, drama, and love. As long as it's in space and in the future, it's a Space Opera. Same as before I don't require you to fit into a specific mold, let's figure out who we are.
Diesel Punk (i.e. Mad Max, The Rocketeer)
This setting is a little harder to explain. At its most basic, its a setting where oil has replaced coal as the primary form of fuel, and society has formed around it. Most popularly this is represented as a retro-futurist concept, flying cars and trucks in a 50's art-deco style like the world of fallout before the bombs drop and without the nuclear proliferation. This can combine with a post-apocalypse pretty easy, thus Mad Max is in this and the first one.
Dungeons and Dragons (i.e. Planescape, Eberron, Greyhawk)
What else can I say about this one that even the quickest google search wouldn't explain. Swords and Sorcery, Dragons and hoards of treasure, exotic races and monsters, and our characters following a traditional race-class combination.
Space Western (i.e. Firefly, Cowboy Bebop)
This is similar in a way to the Space Opera in that it is the future and it's in space, certainly, but where Operas are a bit more about the melodrama on the ship, a Western focuses more on taming the frontier of space, dealing with outlaws and trying to placate the locals of new planets. Settling on worlds or just trying to stake claims, maybe something akin to an intergalactic goldrush.
The Smut!
- Monster Girls
- Dirty Talk
- Spanking
- Public Sex
- Incest
- Size Differences
- Age Gaps
- Intense Oral (Face/Throat Fucking)
- Large Cumshots
The Unwanted!
- Bathroom Stuff
- Femdom
- Snuff
- Modern/Slice-of-Life Stories
I also have that f-list thing.
Only When I’ve Counted Every Star
Humans have lived within the tenets of the Confederated Systems Government for many years, members of a galactic alliance with numerous other sapient species. In this time, genetic splicing has become as common as cybernetic replacement and faster-than-light drives exist in even the simplest vessels that ply the stars. Despite this, the CSG is still small compared to the vastness of the Milky Way, and many species desire to expand. However, even modern FTL is not fast enough to bridge some of the huge distances between unexplored systems. This necessitates the Catapults, gates that slingshot ships at extreme rates across space where another Catapult must either be waiting or otherwise be built to get back. Whenever one is finished, it not only connects back to the CSG, but is used to fire off deeper into the Galaxy. When this happens, it’s called a Run, countless privateers flying into the new uncharted territories to stake claims on resources and discover new species to be the first ambassadors.
You are one of those new species, previously unaware of how vast the galaxy truly was until his ship came crashing in. A… you don’t have the word for it. You’ve never seen his kind before. But you know what injuries look like, and his are rather terrible. There are other ships similar but not the same as his closing in too, so it seems best at the time to take him away from what could be danger and work this stranger back to health. You were never ready for what one moment of compassion would get you into.
(A simple plot of a stranger coming to town on a galactic scale, our characters would go on a world hopping adventure, dealing with whoever was chasing me and coming into conflict with all sorts besides. Space is the limit, and any sort of race you’d want to be is applicable here: furry, monster girl, elf; anything you can explain into being an alien fits here. More of a straight romance this plot is, but a crew may certainly get picked up along the way to create all sorts of complication.)
We Are Each of Us an Island (D&D)
A ship to a new land seemed like the best thing. There, a person with a history could start clean and find… well, it depended on what one was looking for. Through a spyglass were spied ruins, and that could mean treasure of all kinds. The islands were hardly oversized sandbars too, lush with fruit bearing trees, and even from a distance you could see the massive smoking mountains. Some of those on the ship with you claimed they saw glimpses of white wings like that of a dragon’s, and you yourself swore at one glance you saw figures moving through the trees as you passed one of the smaller landmasses.
The trip wouldn’t end until you reached the gateway of the new world, the Port of Liri where all manner of men and women existed. In that lawless place, slavery was legal, you knew that already from the cages being transported on the very ship you stood on. Hopefully that wouldn’t be your fate, but perhaps better that than death. But first thing was first, you needed to get feet on the ground. Find work, find lodgings, maybe find a partner.
(This is an adventure of island hopping through the ruins of an old sea faring empire. It’ll be about unravelling their mysterious disappearance while avoiding being caught and sold into slavery or killed by all manner of flora and fauna. You know, par for the course in Dungeons and Dragons.)
Those Who Hunt in the Darkness
Mankind lives behind walls of stone and mortar, separating them from the untamed wilderness. These walls protect them from savage animals and overgrowth, but it would never be enough to keep their truest threats from tearing those walls down or slipping between the cracks and into the shadows of alleys and abandoned buildings, killing all that stumble into their sights. What keeps the threat of these monsters at bay are the Darkwatch. They are hunters and soldiers trained to fight the likes of the undead and aberrant as well as the unseelie fey, giants and dragons. Most of the Darkwatch work alone or in pairs and rarely stay in one place for long. When they do, it means the hunt is on.
(This can go a few ways, either a pair of hunters regularly getting into trouble with monsters, or a single hunter fighting and fucking through the monster hordes. Perhaps some monsters join him? Either way, it’s all about monsters and monstergirls.)
Impostor Mask
There are those that call him the savior of the city, a noble Vigilante, a hero; but none of those things are true. He's just some guy that stumbled into a lie he can't escape. The real hero of the city, The White Scarf, disappeared months ago. Walker knows this because he found the capsule containing The White Scarf's battle suit, and after playing around and trying it on, has been stuck convincing people their hero never left. You are more than The White Scarf's greatest admirer, you have a dream of one day being his protégé, and maybe with his tutelage, a hero yourself one day! So when the Impostor saves you, this seems like your big chance, but a guy like Walker, who isn't so noble? Well, he's certain to take advantage of your desire to be taken under his wing. But will the charade last, or will Walker be exposed by his own desires?
Your Dad, the Doomsday Prepper
Her dad had to raise her alone, but he was a responsible guy. She never wanted for anything material, and it was kinda cool that dad was an independent author. Thing was, dad was also a doomsday prepper. Every book he wrote lead to another plan. Made it hard for her to make friends. But when doomsday actually happened, he was suddenly the smartest person in the bunker. Of course, after the Large Hadron Collider in Cern malfunctioned and suffused the world with cosmic radiation and slices of alternate reality, all of the after school fitness work and safe suit training he had them do didn't stop the change. Her skin was getting redder, teeth sharper, and was a single horn budding from her forehead? Besides that, they were both feeling... different. He never looked at her like a woman before, she was always his little girl, but since she started to change, it was as if the thoughts were being forced into him. And if his girl wanted dad's attention before, it was starting to feel like a physical need. What was happening to them?
(This is the story of a dad and his teen daughter trying to tough it out in the wilds of the apocalypse while dealing with the unintended changes it brings about. Not only in the world, but in his changing daughter, and the relationship these two have as she becomes something akin to a post-nuclear succubus.)
Trapped Behind Your Eyes
The dreams were getting strange of late. You always woke up in the same place, at the edge of a forest on a cliff, overlooking this abandoned valley. You could see places where human settlement once stood in large wooded clearings, and a grand white castle beyond that. There was the first startling thing: The smooth black winged serpent that held to the castle's grand tower with shining claws. Its thirteen emerald eyes seemed vacant, looking nowhere. You could never remember how you got into the valley after that, but every night, you were chased longer and longer through the woods by something. But that night was different. You found something this time. A man, completely naked with two arms at his side, pinned to a tree by a great spear that looked as if it broke from the black serpent's body. Grasping the spear, another set of arms. Where it wounded him there was no blood, just the constant sound of gears and pistons trying to work. His eyes were on you. Imploring you. If you help him, what will he do? Help you? Then you woke up. But the next time you had that dream, you were already there, before the man pinned to the tree.
(A story about a dream so real, maybe it is. In this place of imagination, sky could be the limit, but I imagine a softer sort of story, even if that just means affectionate roughness. Bring your imagination with this one, I'm interested in making this light hearted and a bit weird.)
BATTLE CHASERS! I've been playing Nightwar, and I was a big fan of the comic back in the 90's. I'm interested in playing Garrison against pretty much any of the ladies of Battle Chasers: Red Monika, Raha the lioness Beastmaster, Mercuri the Enchantress, an older version of Gully to just make that site rule requirement. Hell, if you're a fan of the series, maybe the rogue that was once the vessel of Bulgrim? Either way, I'd love to play a sort of continuation of the main story of BC, the search for Gully's father, Aramus and the various sidestories that crop up within it.
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