Give Kenai a Try [Request Thread]


Sep 22, 2017
..·•· Welcome ·•·..

· I am female · I am married · I have 2 rotten kids ·
· I am in Business Administration/Management ·
· I have been roleplaying for over 15 years ·

I just wanted to get this request thread up.
I don't have any plot scenarios at the moment,
and I am having to juggle some events around
in my life that interfere with my roleplay activity.
I am pretty maxed out.

..·•· Currently Not Seeking Any New Roleplays ·•·..


♥ Expectations ♥

♥ How I Like It ♥

♥ Kinky Favorites ♥
I stay pretty busy in my life, which accounts for tiny periods of inactivity that may extend up to a week. I am also generally unable to post on the weekends. But there are some exceptions to my life that end up disrupting these patterns.​
ABGender Pairings:
I have played all gender pairings in the book. I cannot help it, but MxF is my favorite. I am shy about roleplays involving FxF, and my personal success rate regarding them is not pretty. But yes, I have been known to seek out a FxF plot every once in a blue moon! Sure, I can play MxM as well. But please don't hate me for sucking at it...
different equipment here, ya know?​
ABPower Exchange:
Gotta have it.
Anything that enhances, exploits, or suggests dynamics of power
- given and taken -​
Posting Pace
I am slow at posting. I like to keep my posting response within three days of your last, dated post.​
ABMultiple Characters
I do like the options, complexity, and twists that are suddenly available when multiple characters are incorporated into roleplays. Personally, it is not a must-have for me, but it is thoroughly enjoyed.​
Can enrich a scene by loads. Don't get me wrong, I love nudity. But I also love the visual images of detailed attire. And, your fully dressed character in acquaintance with my fully naked one is HOT. I also like guys in business suits or uniforms.​
Posting Length
I do expect depth and detail to keep it fun. My comfortable posting length extends anywhere between 2-5 paragraphs. I can go over, but I don't like to add fluff for the sake of adding fluff. No one-line post replies, please.​
ABSmut vs. Longterm
I love either one. I just need to be interested.​
ABBreath Play
Choking, smothering, hindering, gagging

Sensory Deprivation
Blindfolds, gags, hoods, earplugs, yes and yes.​
Roleplay Mediums
I am not into instant messaging, no matter the source - please don't ask. I prefer threads because I can easily keep up with them. I dislike roleplaying over PM's, but I can be enticed to do so if I am wiggling in my seat over something incredibly good and juicy.​
ABGenre Types
I enjoy all different types, with fantasy and science fiction being my favorite. Modern is always nice, and any kind of historical setting usually piques my interest!​
ABBondage & Restriction
An extra plus if you like this too! Light or Heavy, ...very yummy. And, if you could break the norm here, and slap some bondage or restriction in there even when MC is consensual and willing, I would especially love that!​
Roleplay Numbers
I need to keep the amount of roleplays I accept to a minimum, sadly. Because of this, I am very picky and selective. Please don't become upset with me if I refuse a request. I hate to do it, but I must be strong in this, no matter my slutty tendencies!​

♥ Turn-Offs ♥
And of course face-fucking

As well as whipping and caning
OOC Communication
Please treat me with respect. I am a very respectful person and require this in return, in order to function nicely with you. In addition, if you are one of 'those' people who need to flirt with me in ooc just to keep inspired over our ongoing roleplay - don't even bother contacting me.​


Larger than Life Dramatizations

Playing the thoughts, actions,
emotions and decisions for
my character.
ABDiscipline & Rules
This is enjoyed inside and outside of bdsm relationships. Scenarios that carry an element of being molded, trained, fashioned, and conditioned are wonderful to me. A Dominant who requires a certain level of structure and behavior, or takes delight in rituals and micro-managing, are sexy to me.​
"When I saw you
I fell in love, and
you smiled,
because you knew."
The only expression your
character can make are
'smirks' and 'grins'

Breast Milking
ABFinger Fucking
is, simply, almost as loved as intercourse. It can be approached many ways - violating, shamefully, sensually, victoriously, lovingly, really is limitless, and I adore how intimately it can be.​





♥ ..·•· F-List ·•·.. ♥





♥ ..·•· Active Roleplays ·•·.. ♥





♥       Do not fall in love       ♥
with people like me.
I will destroy you in the most
beautiful way possible.
And when I leave
you will finally understand
why storms are named after people.



♥ Writing Example #1 ♥

♥ Writing Example #2 ♥

♥ Writing Example #3 ♥
[size=-2]He pressed the cool brass beneath her chin and beckoned her to look up, tilting her head just enough to place her face into the spotlight of the warm light dancing from the fireplace. For a moment, Vianna nearly forgot how to breath; especially when his fingers touched her silken hair and trailed a path above her ear. She had seen him pick up the stick from across the room and was speechless at how authoritative it made him appear. But she was also speechless at his silence, hanging her plea like a suspended question in the air between them. Was he questioning if she had what it took to earn a collar? It shed doubt, and Vianna's eyes were filled with a dash of apprehension. They were big, and her tailored eyelashes only heightened that suspended plea in her gaze, warmly locking upon his own regard. She had no reason not to trust him on the matter.

We will see...he said, and Vianna remembered to breath again.

She scooted the briefcase back towards the center of the coffee table and rose up from her seat when he took her hand. Ms. Dunulay was quite a beautiful lady, indeed. Her figure was mature, and her curves were most flattering. She never really had to struggle to keep that hourglass shape under reign. The criss-crossed pencil skirt hugged her hips and legs, and her sleeveless top was light and airy. Following his lead to stand before the fire was easy enough. Vianna always had a confident sashay in the tandem of her hips. But once she got there, and was blindfolded, things started to become not so easy for the principally modest school teacher.

It wasn't a matter of being insecure about her body, because she wasn't. And it wasn't because she believed that Leon would hurt her outside of his professionalism. But when darkness shrouded her vision, and she was instructed to remove her clothing, how was she to know if Leon approved of her nakedness? After all, he was younger, and he wasn't lacking in house slaves. He had many beautiful, young bodies to behold. She just wouldn't have any way to see what story his expression told as he gazed upon her raw beauty. This made her nervous. And in some strange way that she didn't understand, it made her wet. Vianna was nervouse about that, too. Already she was caring about what he thought during this brief application period. And all it took was a simple blindfold to strip away her privilage of knowledge.

Nevertheless, with an unrestful frown and a small nod, Vianna commenced to obey his precise instructions. She started with her top and removed it by criss-crossing her arms and finding the bottom hem, then pulling it up over her head. Her arms branched high above making her flat tummy stretch taunt. Her black hair fell back into place as the light garment was removed. There was no flashy show over how she did it. And after the garment was ghosted from her hand she didn't even begin to try and appear extra sexy and bombtastic when she started on her skirt. It was an easier task in the darkness of a blindfold to slip the skirt down her creamy legs than it was to step out of it, but she managed gracefully without hooking or snagging it on her glossy heels. She straightened back up with the skirt in her hand and waited for Leon to take it from her.

She felt awkward standing in her bra and panties and heels, knowing that he was out there somewhere gazing. But this wasn't over yet. Vianna tried to be brave, reminding herself that she was no longer married and that she needed this to help her cope. Her hesitation was only a moment long, until she placed her hands behind her back and found the clasp to her strapless bra. Three hooks freed the undergarment and she pulled it away, exposing her breasts to the flickering light of the fire and unmasking them to Mr. Lovell. She gently extended her arm to hand out her bra, tilting her head slightly downwards, and nibbled on the inside of her lower lip.[/size]​
[size=-2]She saw that motionless figure on the bed, the covers lumped up in a rise over the body, and Abrial pushed the door open just enough so that she could slip herself into the bedchamber. What gave her the confidence to just enter a room with a stranger apparently sleeping in bed? It was the identical similarities the chamber held in relation to the one she had just left. Already it felt familiar to her, and the same white light filtered through the spotless windows giving the room a gentle appearance. “Hello….?” Abrial did not forget to announce her own presence to the figure sleeping in the bed; to not do so would have been outright rude.

There was no movement at all though and she could not help her curiosity. Her steps brought her closer and closer to the bed and the sight of the familiar food tray, and presented wardrobe, made butterflies flutter in her stomach. “Jean?” She whispered his name before she reached the edge of the grand bed. The fabric of her dress touched the folds of blankets before she leaned over to see the persons face…

It was Jean! She reached out and touched his shoulder, shaking him gently. “Jean? Jean wake up”

Her brother did not stir. His eyes were peacefully shut and his hair framed his face in an unruly manner. Abrial strained hard and could not even hear his breathing or see the expected fall and rise of the blankets to indicate he was alive. Those butterflies suddenly turned into restless moths that frantically fluttered in worry. She shook his shoulder more vigorous this time… “Jean, please wake up.”

Maybe he had been wounded. She remembered the last time she saw him, with his back turned towards her and walking away through the midst of the rising snow storm. She remembered calling his name and receiving no answer. Yes, maybe he had been wounded somehow.

She grabbed the hem of his blankets and swiftly folded them back upon themselves in thought to look at his body for bruises or broken bones. Instead she found the languid form of his soft cock lying to the side, gracing his inner thigh. She could see the subtle hints of his balls too in that one brief instant, and Abrial gasped in shock and dropped the blankets. They landed where she had pulled them back, leaving him sleeping and exposed to the raw air. But not only did she gasp, but she jumped backwards in an embarrassed surprise, lunging her steps away from the edge of the bed. Lord when did he grow that?!

Her arse violently hit the edge of the table that had been positioned near Jean’s bed, refusing to resist her backwards retreat. Before Abrial knew what was happening she was falling over with the table to meet the ground. The table thudded over onto its side and the food platter clanked away spilling all of its food on the ornate rug. Abrial haphazardly landed on the table’s side, bruising her hip and rolling to the floor. The water jug broke in half, soaking its sparkling water into the rug and spoiling her dress. But most of all, her face was flushed red. Not from the fall…but from the discovery of how much her brother had grown since the last time she had seen him naked[/size]​
[size=-2]Dasyra grimaced when the stranger took shallow steps closer to her winged friend. Something went afoot here. Something changed, and it must have been because of something she had said. Dasyra struggled to understand this, and frowned. But it was far from anything close to menacing. Rather sad and confused, with her green eyes softening on the young woman and her lips parting just enough to form a thin line of air. Weight was put on both of her long legs and her right hand crossed her chest to rub absently along the fine hairs of her left arm, thinking. Imploring the gods as to what went wrong, what had put the stranger on an edge of caution. Ghin did a good job hiding it, underneath kind words and gentle body language, but you just couldn’t fool an elf; at least not Dasyra.

“No…” her words stumbled out, trying to fix this and keep up at the same time. “ I mean yes, but nothing like that.” Her fingers curled along the slender slope of her arm, putting a dull scratch to an itch just for something to do. “There are many colonels, actually. I am just a colonel of…well, I mean not that many colonels, but I believe more than normal.” She sighed, dancing her eyes between Ghin and Bako…realizing it must have been her rank, or maybe that she was personnel for the Estaris army that had rubbed awkwardness into everything. “It is complicated.” She surmised, feeling at a loss. “…Colonel of the elvin archery division, so although my responsibility is still large, the numbers of those I command are only a tenth or less of the grand picture.” She left out that she was an important figure for the grassland elves, and that a large part of her rank with responsibilities had to do with that.

She abandoned her arm and fixed some of her hair, brushing it out of her face. Her eyes still held the stranger’s with bewilderment. It was only common sense - if you were skittish around an officer you had something to hide. “When there are not national emergencies my race are commonly used as scouts. At the moment I have been relieved to do such, so I am not entirely too busy to see you to safer ground.”

However Dasyra was receiving the signals that Ghin would not permit this. The stranger was running from something larger than just a disappointed father and a responsibility of burden. Something believed ‘dangerous’, according to the words chosen. It opened doors for the officer to take advantage of, and the rights to demand more information for the sake of national safety. It was Dasyra’s duty, after all. The only problem was that large bird of a guardian, protectively looming over the young woman as if it wouldn’t tolerate any pushes or shoves.

Not that the elf desired to do so. She still believed this was all a misunderstanding. Whatever danger there was couldn’t be too great to risk turning them into enemies over the sake of questions. It was just a woman and a bird. Besides, Ghin had a peculiar personality that didn’t seem dangerous at all. Goodness appeared to be there, and Dasyra always gravitated towards that quality in people. She nodded her head, deciding to not turn this into a big deal. “Of course you do not have to follow my advice. Holly forest is a good place, as long as you stay clear of the Moloch forest. I won’t worry either, your feathered friend looks as though he can take on any common dangers you might face. And no need to worry yourself over Ralos, I will get him back as soon as he flies far enough to expel the spook in his bones.” She gave Ghin a small smile of closure, feeling as though this was the end. As soon as she got back to camp she would have to report this, but Dasyra felt pretty confident nothing was amiss that ought to concern the Estaris empire.[/size]​
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