Kinky, dark and depraved female/futa for M/F/Fu

Sep 20, 2017
Hello. I am PenciveGhost and I wanna be your girl.:heart:

Introductions are hard.

I like sex.

Now that we have some common ground...

I'm looking for an RP partner for, well, so many possible things. I'm looking to play primarily over PMs, but I also cherish the possibility to have OOC contact to get to know my partner(s) and discuss the play. This would preferrably be over IMs.

I am looking to play the part of one or several female/futa characters. I am looking for you to play whatever you like opposite me. In my games, I prefer being the "victim" of whatever sick, kinky, amazing stuff we've got going. This doesn't nessecairily mean the submissive. Whatever my position, I'm always an active and imaginative writer.

The kind of RP I'm looking for is going to be thick with smut. More importantly, it'll have to be dark, sick, scary gross and/or completely depraved. I have no limits (other than site-rules) as to what kinks to incorporate or how far we take things in the story we make. I am however going to post some suggested pairings/loose ideas/vague concepts/settings below, just to get those wheels in your twisted head turning. When you respond to me, I will be all the happier if you have a sense of where you fall among this treasure trove of depravity.

Yes. I am putting heavy emphasis on the dirty, smutty and filthy aspects of play here, but story and plot is what makes that stuff all the better.

Now, even though I don't have any hard limits I do reserve the right to say no or ask to not incorporate this or that. And so do you, of course. I promise I will be honest and straight-forward with you and I expect the same of you.

Something that turns me on harder than most stuff is bad ends. Yes, as in death or other (more) horrible fates. This means that many of my plays or plots will be short-mid term, though I could certainly see a long-term play working out, using multiple characters.

I could go on and on, and I will probably re-visit this post a couple of times to refine it. Right now I am just keen to get it out there and have you write me so we can start talking, brainstorming and playing!

Im not putting out a load of info on who I am. If you want to know, just ask. No questions are off-limits.

(Ps: I don't really do fandoms. I way prefer coming up with our own stuff)

Thoughts and Ideas

I don't have a particular type of character I like to play, but I usually land on 18-40 year old females or futas. I've recently had a fondness for mothers and motherly females or futas. Mother/son stuff is on my mind, but pretty much any pairing goes here.

Fantasy/Sci-fi setting:
Any ideas or plots could go in here. This one would interest me the most as me playing an adventurer-type character, open to all kinds of awful encounters.

Brain/mind stuff:
If you wanna open my skull and literally mess around with my brain or do any mind-controlling/alterimg stuff, you'll immediately get me wet.

Creepy crawlies:
Gross, slithering, crawling whatevers are so fun to play with.

Millions of bonus-points to you if you wanna use this somehow

Killing and mutilating:
I am always akways always open to have my character killed and/or mutilated in any and all ways you see fit

Uh, I dont really know what to say here. I like involving romance. Maybe I fall in love with whatever/whoever is causing me all these horrible things or maybe there's romance on the side with something/someone else.


Literally anything else that isn't posted here, dirty or clean:
Probably yes, in one form or another. Try me. I am very open to your ideas.

Read all (or most of) this? PM me!
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