
Lady Ari

Sep 15, 2017
(( This is a request for a male partner for a particular story line. NOTE:: This post is lengthy and will appeal to only a few. Please read the post, and if it inspires you, PM for more details. I hope you enjoy.))

My mind awakened and I could sense that I was laid out upon the ground, for its cold embrace held harshly upon my back. I took in a breath of air and it smelled heavy, damp from an evening's falling of dew. The sounds of night creatures could not be heard as stillness surrounded me. It was then that I opened my eyes.

At first I didn't know what to expect, flexing my fingers and toes to ensure I could move freely. Shoes and gloves were worn and I could tell I was wearing a corseted dress by the lack of depth I could draw in when I breathed. I couldn't wait to rise and stand to get rid of the stiff ache my body possessed.

Looking around me, I saw to my astonishment that I was now sitting in a cemetery. I couldn't make out the names, and very few dates due to the fact they were old, crumbling reminders of those who lived before. Fog lingered at the edge of several feet from where I lay, so I couldn't see how large this plot was. Thus, I placed a glove onto the wet grass and pushed myself up until I stood.

I felt something deep within me, pulling me towards the further reaches of the cemetery. I couldn't tell if it was fear or cold that caused the goosebumps to traverse the full span of my spine, but my feet carried me forward. A sudden cry of animals rang out through the quiet and a whimper escaped from my mouth. I cut it short by biting my lower lip. Still, my body continued one foot in front of the other.

I knew not where I was going, but I did understand there was a destination to reach. I could feel something calling me and it scared me to think I would find out what it was. It didn't take long to discover the answer for there he was, standing alone in the clearing. Fog dissipated as I drew near. I was captivated at first sight. He was tall and lean, his long ruby hair flowed forward and down to hide his face. He wore leather and silk and a sword at his hip. His hand was outstretched towards me and I heard the whisper against my ear even this far away.

"Come to me...."

My eyes could not look away from him and while my mind told me to run!, my body ached to be by his side. I'd never felt so alive, every muscle tingling with a sensation that I could only attribute to his presence. The whisper came again on a cold, gentle breeze. The wind blew the grass and flowers around the clearing but did not touch his clothes or hair.

I now stood before him, a gloved hand hovering over his. It wasn't until I laid it within his grasp that his head tilted up and I beheld a beauty unlike any I'd ever encountered in a man. If that's what you could call him. His sharp, handsome features could not distract from the red swirling orbs that were his eyes. I couldn't look away as so many questions rose up within my mind.

Who was he? What was he?

"Give yourself to me..." his lips formed the words in a voice so lyrical, my body almost threw itself at him. I then heard my own voice sounding a resound, "Yes." His hand pulled me close until I fell against his chest. He held me at my waist and then used his other hand to tilt my head to the side to expose my neck. Was he a vampire? Demon? Fear echoed so muffled inside my brain, warning me to flee from this creature. However, my heart was nearly doomed and spoke more loudly. And so, I closed my eyes.

I felt his breath brush against the softness of my neck and trembled. He held me steady as if we were in a lover's embrace. His lips nearly scorched me with a heat that traveled down to my core. Then, I felt the pressure of twin sharp teeth. My body went rigid and my breath hung within my lungs. Was he going to bite me?

It was then that I woke up with a start! The familiar surroundings of my bedroom quickly filtering into my thoughts, showing me I was safe. That it was just a dream. The same dream I've been having for over a week.
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