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Looking for a co-victim, co-writer! (female roles)

jennica enslaved

Mar 31, 2017
This is kind of a niche thing - oh but aren't they all? :) So one style I enjoy, is writing a story focused on the victims of a forced scenario. That is, both of us are the victims in a slavish setup, and the villains or controllers of the situation are more our NPCs. I like to write with other subs who also enjoy developing the story together, at least enough that we can keep refreshing the villains (or their plans and the setting) around us both as we go.

As usual, I lean toward modern and either twisted capture OR very manipulative takeover situations -- but softer fantasy/sci-fi aren't totally out of the question. And as usual, a couple informative paragraphs to, ideally a few is much, much more likely to grab my interest -- that's true about discussion as well as roleplays.

We get to write more build up and training that involves time and places we both or each are in, and account for things the NPCs are doing but we don't need to write whole posts just for those other characters. It's more about what happens to us at their hands or in the areas they keep us in. It's often also how they mess with our identity and force us to be together or at least, get used to watching each other with them and their rules.

The advantages are we get to focus more on just the kinks we want. There are not the same surprises in negotiation quite so often, as subs may understand how other subs think about plot. Especially if you like to stretch out the drama/toying of a forced scenario instead of just make it (too) easy (or too quick) for them!

The disadvantage can be that it may sometimes feel repetitive or there's not enough shock or surprise for some people. This is usually less of a problem if our kinks and tastes in style are similar.

This is mostly looking for the female sister victim sort of character.

I know the idea may also appeal to feminine guys and trans who could see dropping in other flavors of submissive too... But I really usually like to write, and more or less discuss, with two cis female roles in mind. There might be occasional exceptions where if we agree swimmingly about plot and flavor, then I could get into having other kinds of victims hop in. Usually it's just cis women though, at least for starters! :cool:

So naughty details: Please consider my f-list for an idea of my range.
I usually want a good few kinks in the story.

I almost always like lots of toys, trying to resist a bit (and failing), training, kinky toys and furniture, a touch of decadence or exotic setting, humiliation, forced dressing and serving, and (often) forced lesbianism/or disrupting of our old relationships maybe including capturing others we know. I also write more about feeling and character than porn/graphic sex, even in a story basically full of kinky, forced slavery stuff.

You can be a little more graphic about your character, if you also take the feeling and character parts seriously. But if you don't seriously include them too or want more than 1/2 porn more of the time, then maybe not for me. Personally, I find it hard to keep focused on just porn -- I need more internal ideas and external details in there, to keep it kinky enough to be interesting porn fuel. :cool:

I'd prefer to discuss a good bit in PM and probably start there. If it's picking up, maybe we can move it to forums. I kind of hate to start in forums and have people disappear "publicly" when I just got started. Chatzy (web-based chatroom) might be another possibility if we agree on the plot details in PM first.

If this sounds fun, then please send a PM and we can discuss characters and settings there. I usually find that it's good to take some time and work up a plan that makes everyone happy! Besides, I like to play with people who really like to build stuff up.

You can also see either my older more visual request thread or the newer, slightly more focused one for more ideas about things I might like. 👼
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Probably have one of these starting soon... But I really do like this style, so might be open to another with a slightly different story.

Don't seem to get many bites for this, but still something I quite enjoy... If anyone likes to write without a complete "opposite" per se.
I'm having an urge to try this again... I want to emphasize that I'm not going to manage all the dominant side of the action myself. I'm looking for someone with similar kinks who focuses on the victim point of view more. But I also want something where we can mix sharing the victim themes in a kinky/perhaps rather cozy way, and also both of us keep introducing little pushes to keep things developing and flesh out fun little pieces of the environment as we go.

A mix of ongoing rp and kinda shared fantasy chat style, but a little more into paragraph(s) length ideally. Not for the one or few simple lines at a time, please.
I'm still open for these... With the usual caveats that I don't want to have all the work of managing the dominant parties full-time without help. That's usually the sticking point. I could go for either something a little exotic, a bit more sci-fi or fantasy as long as it's not too much world/system full of "set in stone" details to memorize.... Or something closer to modern with a mix of reluctant or non-con and some rarer kinks from my f-list. Also, please give me a couple paragraphs at least in everything. I can't get excited about replies that drop me off on some corner saying yes please, without adding some contribution to bounce off.

Generally along the lines of enslaved and humiliated together, made to perform together, and hating but partly loving it until it gets dizzy. Particularly craving roleplay within roleplay, forced pretend age regression to upper teens (not usually actual age changes), possibly piercings and possibly light body modifications, possibly some dungeon and/or "prison of pillows" shared space time, definitely behavior~speech~dress rules with reluctance and tension while we try to figure out or placate the dominants, or face creeping corruption in spite of ourselves. Looking for someone with numerous similar kinks (see the f-list too) who also likes to shake out a story in PM and doesn't mind agreeing on parts to definitely include and parts to discover as we go.
Processing a few conversations at the moment. I'm happy to discuss similar kinks and ideas, but newer inquiries might receive slower replies for a bit. Thanks!
It's been quite a while since I bumped this...I've also just had other hobbies occupying me a lot more in the meantime. But it's always been something I enjoy, when it clicks of course.

I have energy lately for another idea or couple (or maybe for a couple characters in a busy idea even!) ... So bumpity.

I've been responding a lot to others' threads recently so for a change, I'll just dangle this until maybe a more specific craving for it hits me. *Twirls and drifts line slowly in the water, humming*
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