Switch Female Looking for Dom or Sub Males


Jun 15, 2011
Hey. If anything below interests you, send me a PM. Thanks!

Hey. If anything below interests you, send me a PM. Please don't post on this thread. Thanks.

What a doll!
The plot involves a haunted doll. You buy a doll for your daughter or a niece perhaps, but her birthday is still a few weeks away so you keep the doll away in your small home. During the day, it seems like you hear a voice from the doll, but you ignore it. At night, however, the spirit that resides in the doll takes its likeness and visits you in your dreams... where she can be very beautiful, very alluring, and very convincing. It's only a matter of time before you become submissive to the spirit and agree to help free her, no matter the consequences.

Field of Flowers
Each night you have the same dream. In this dream, there is a young, cute, innocent girl who claims to love you. At first, you think nothing of the dreams, but then, as they repeat, you slowly start to have feelings for this girl, feeling bad for leaving her every morning when you wake up. Little do you know that this is simply her spell to make you become her willing slave. Pretty soon she will convince you to stay with her forever.

How to be a Lady
My character is sent to a rich boarding school for misbehaving girls in the middle of the academic year. She's always been a troublemaker and a tomboy, and as she progressed through her teenage years, she's come out as a lesbian and gotten involved in even more rebellious activity. She thinks her parents are sending her to this boarding school to straighten her out, and she's right, but there's much more to this school than meets the eye. Arriving in the middle of the academic year, MC finds every girl at the school is incredibly ladylike and pristine and well-behaved. Meanwhile, MC finds herself put in an accelerated program to get her up to speed with the other girls. Little does she know, the school puts an end to poor behavior and shapes each student into a perfect lady via mind control, training, and other coercive methods. Your character would be the person responsible for MC's training.

Super-heroine gets a career change
My character is a shining example of justice, a super woman who's seemingly beloved by all and capable of doing no wrong. What happens when she finally meets her match? There's a new villain in town: a reality warping man who intends on turning her into a shadow of her former self. What will she end up as? A ditzy airhead, a submissive slave, a corrupted villain? The possibilities are endless.
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