In search of new partners!


Feb 17, 2015
I'm very descriptive but only as much as you are, in not trying to write four or five paragraphs to your one... it isn't really fair.

I have lots of ideas already compiled up on my "in need" thread. Take a look and pick one out or just message me to plot one of our own. I have more ideas to come, but as of now I'm kind of at a road block. Rest assured I'm all the partner you'll ever need. ;)
I'm still brewing up new ideas guys but before I do, I've noticed a lot of my rps have dwindled down, now I do understand that life does get in the way, but I've lost out on some of my favorite stories along with very cherished partners that were on my level of writing.... detailed, well thought out replies that keep the story going instead of being stuck on one scene for a week or more.... so with all that said, please take a look at my in need thread... the entire thread is a complete list in order thought of and posted ideas as well as what the original plot line is...

Now where a lot of my stories are thought and written by me I am not opposed to having things change, to fit the partner interested commendations as well. After all I like both parties writing to be satisfied with the story. I also have no qualms about plotting new story lines for me and my new partners as well. So please feel free to contact me.

Side note: my computer is still broken so I'm not able to do through instant message and I'm not willing to do email rp, as this is the site i come to for that..... and my personal email to RP is a little too personal for my tastes. So please take your time in reading the stories I have come up with I do know there are 3 pages full but that only means more stories to choose from so please be patient and read the entire thread for their are also rules as to which roles/plotlines are retired or not.. and not to be rude but if you aren't serious about reading my rulesto playing with me and my stories then that also shows what type of effort you will put Into our stories and that's never a good thing. It will result in you must being ignored....

I've been role-playing for over 9 years now, I can spot the ones that only want smutty plotlines with no story to justify all the sex.... not only that I've also had this one particular member that has approached me every single time with the exact same tired plot. And in the beginning I gave him a shot, but then HE stopped replying and when I once again posted that I was seeking new partners he pops up with the same exact message he sent the first time... which I then brought to his attention we had a story for that plot and he backed down and stopped replying. Then once again, sends me a message with the same exact plot line... to which I then just ignored.

Which brings me to be a bit of advice for those wanting to RP and for those that tale pride in it.... if you are on this site or any other site for role-playingI suggest you come up with more than ONE plot line you will get way more partners and not only that don't abandon your (obvious favorite story, or you just have no sense of imagination) either way, don't abandon the story and then ask for the same story over and over with multiple partners and often the same partners. You won't get them like thst.... it's aggravating, and I take pride in my writings and if you are to then that sort of repetition won't happen.

Thanks much love, Kisses!
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