Catching up (leo22 and Amaranthine)


Dec 8, 2013
Misty sighed happily as she finished drinking her orange juice, and she tossed it casually into the recycling bin to the side. Normally her lunches were much more heavy due to her running and around and swimming in the pool, but today had been slow at the gym, so she decided on salad and juice for today. She then stood and began to stretch before walking downstairs to the gym.

During her stretching, she noticed how tight her red suspenders were during the stretch, not that she was surprised. She had worn this outfit combination for a number of years, and it was only natural that she would fill it in. Being 19, Misty had become a young woman, and even though she never got the same breast size as her sisters, her breast grew to a modest b-cup that was now covered by her red-bikini and yellow tanktop, because of her growth, more of slim waist was on display. But her best feature was easily her hips, ass, and long legs. The denim shorts now sat low on her hips, and high on her thighs, hugging her curves that surpassed even her sisters.

"Hey Misty, were gonna go on our trip now! Also, you have a challenger!" She heard Daisy say as she stepped into the main room. Her green eyes widened with joy before giving a confident grin.

"Okay! I'll be right there!"

She then jogged up to the entrance and gave a smile to the new guest, her eyes were closed, so she couldn't see who it was as she spoke happily. "Hello! Welcome to the Cerulean Gym!"
Being in Kanto came with one need seperate from her tour as a contestant and after a couple months in the region, today May found herself in Cerulean City. She wasn't sure what she had been expecting of the city but it had a spark to it that she hadn't expected, a livelihood and bright atmosphere and so much in such a little time that she didn't even know where to start when it came to checking the place out. She was there for the contests yeah, she was doing the Kanto series, but this town wasn't just home to another hall for her to make her mark in.

Misty. She was the Cerulean gym leader now, and May couldn't even remember how long it had been since the ginger haired girl had left to resume that post - they were grown now, not kids any more, and both in to adulthood. May hadn't changed that much, though - she had grown in to herself, stood taller and a little leaner with the little bit of adolescent chubbiness she had once had gone. All the travelling she did left her with a light tan and a toned body, and though she had changed sizes she still found herself in the same style of clothes. It was comfortable, a reminder of the home she had left behind and the innocence of youth - red button up over a white tank, black shorts. She even had a red bandanna, though this was a new one that lacked the signature pokeball outline that her original had.

It was Daisy who greeted her, in a quick "I'll go grab the leader" quip in a tone that made it obvious she didn't want to be there. May rolled her eyes, but moments later she was grinning as a familiar form entered the room.

"Was wondering when I'd see you again," she said in a half-joking tone. May was nothing but smiles and she waited with one hand on her hip for Misty's response.
Misty's eyes opened up the instand the heard the somewhat familiar voice, it was different from how she was younger, but it still rang with the friendly, bubbly attitude of a young girl. Her suspicions were proven correct upon seeing the young girl, though it probably wasn't fair to use the term girl with May anymore. She too, Had been growing over the years, and her eyes widened in shock at the young woman that stood in front of her. Misty's smile only widened before rubbing up to the young brunette to give her a hug. "Oh my gosh! May! It's so good to see you again!"

Misty broke off from the hug momentarily to the panel on the side of the entrance hall, and she quickly flipped a few switches to activate the closing procedures of the gym. Normally she'd never close this early, but today was an exception to that rule. A good friend had arrived to visit her, and Misty was going to make sure her travels weren't in vain.

Once the the gym was closed, Misty tunrned around to the brunette and gave a grin. "So, how have you been? It's been forever since we talked!"
It had been ages - life had taken its toll on the two women and they had both taken their own paths in life. Without meaning to, regular calls had turn to occasional turned to near nothing - that didn't stop May from considering Misty any less of a friend, though. The brunette held on to Misty tight like her life may have depended on it and then the redhead was off, closing down the gym (May insisted she didn't have to, but Misty was having none of that).

"I've been pretty good!" May was cheerful, friendly - very much the same person that she had once been so many years before. Now there was a hint of maturity in her tone as well, the lack of her childhood youthfulness. All she wanted to do was give Misty another hug, though. The pair had never been the closest sure, but she had also had very few female friends when she was younger. Those were important for a girl. "How have you been? How's the gym been?"
Misty gave a small smirk and looked around the gym before looking back at the woman, her arms crossed over her chest before she finally spoke. "You can see for yourself. I've been doing fantastic, the gym has been doing well. All I need now is a boyfriend and everything will be perfect!"

Misty laughed at her own bad joke before she gestured May to follow her upstairs to her living quarters. Once she had gotten into the entry way, Misty removed her shoes and socks and placed them to the side before stepping onto the wooden flooring. Truth be told, she was glad to have a friend who was understanding. Misty's sisters never took the gym seriously and they were something on the loud side. So it was nice to have the house to herself and her friend.

The redhead lead May into the living room, where a large couch and television sat. Misty sat on one side of the couch and looked at the brunette. "How about you? I hear about you from time to time from my challengers. They say they're gonna make you their girlfriend. Judging by no boy with you, I'm guessing you've stopped them in their tracks?"
Misty was right - both about the fact that the gym was doing really good and that she'd pushed away more than a few boys in the past few years. She knew she was cute, she had always been and she probably could have had her choice of any of the men who were around but she just didn't find herself interested. In fact, besides a brief relationship several years back she had barely even taken the time to look t a boy. There was always better things to do, better places to be. She just didn't have the time to even consider a boyfriend, and she didn't get why Misty thought that sounded like a fun idea. To each their own, however.

"I do my best to at least," she joked as she took a seat beside the redheaded woman and rolled her eyes at her own remark. "And really? You haven't got one yet? You're way too beautiful not to have the boys after you." It was true, if either of them deserved to have the attention of many it would be Misty, hands down. May didn't think it was possible to be that gorgeous but there she was, more beautiful than anyone that May had ever laid eyes on.
Misty gave a small blush at May's remark about her, it was true that more than a few boys had talked about her during their visits, but none ever intrigued her. The only exception to that was Tracey in Pallet Town, the two had a few dates, and during their final date, Misty did give him free access to her naked body, but it never went anywhere outside of curiosity. Tracey was polite with it, and he asked Misty to get redressed and after a brief conversation, they knew they were better off as friends.

"Nah...I only had some dates with Tracey but they never went anywhere. And it seems like most boys want my sisters. To be perfectly honest, I still haven't given anyone my first kiss." Misty remarked with a laugh, the blush never leaving her face. The redhead then began to play with her side ponytail while she began to check May out. "Though I must say, your figure is amazing. Your breasts beat out my sisters, and I think this is the first time seeing someone's hips and ass that's better than mine."

Misty's green eyes then widened at the words she just said and her heart sunk for a fast moment. She then waved her hands in front of her nervously while the red hue on her cheeks matched May's bandana. "I-I didn't mean it like that of course. I was just complementing you looks and stuff...s-sorry!"
Misty's reaction to her own remarks had come off as endearing to May, who laughed for a moment with a grin on her face. She leaned in and rested her hand on Misty's shoulder before she spoke with amusement: "Were you really though?" She teased in an attempt to play around a bit - but also because a small part of her found herself intrigued by Misty looking at her in such a manner.

"No way I have a better ass than you, but you're welcome to touch if you want." May was still grinning and still teasing but there was an inkling deep in her that hoped for May to give in to the offer. Would she admit that out loud though? Definitely not a chance.
Misty was surprised by May offer to touch her butt, but her blush soon went away and she quickly took it as a joke. There was no way May would just let her deal her up right? So instead Misty decided to joke back at the coordinator, her eyelids lowering to add onto the playful smirk. "Please, if anything I'd touch those breasts of yours. I don't have large boobs so I don't know what they feel like."

She quickly picked up her phone and used the texting feature to order some pizzas before tossing it aside again, her green eyes staring into May's blue ones. It was odd, despite the fact that they were only joking and teasing eachother, it Part of the red-head wanted to stop so they could continue talking about their journeys, and the other part wanted to continue flirting with brunette. It was exciting and new for her, but for now waited to see what May wanted to do.
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