A new Challenger Appears! Looking for Fantasy and/or smutty RP's


Sep 11, 2017
Good evening potiential new friends. I shall be known as Corrupted Virtue, I'm a decently literate Roleplay who prefers discord for RP but won't be against doing PM rp. I'm looking for a new group of friends since my last group of friends sort of died off from the rp scene and I've been starved of decent rp. I can't say I've done too much Smutty rp before, a couple scenes here and there just when I'm in the mood but I would be happy to look for a few friends who might be willing to help me get into some smuttier ideas.

Things I'm into:
World of Warcraft: I play this game religiously when I'm not roleplaying. Should you entice me with this then I may be swayed to roleplay with you on the spot.

Fantasy in general: This will always catch my eye BUT I DO NOT REQUIRE THIS (or any of these. They are guidelines to get you thinking)

Noncon or scenes which I'm not in control or I'm fighting back to only lose: I like to be the one losing all power or being helpless against my partner. See it as a huge personal kink, one of the few I really have.

Definition of my name:
Virtue: To have high morale standards. To be above temptation and sin. This is why I always play as a priestess or paladin. I love to be a beacon of what is good.
Corruption: To alter or change something in a perverted form of what it was. In this idea to corrupt someone with virtue is to change those morale standards, to lower them until what was once sinful and depraved to be common and natural. To make a once good person into something they would have despised or hated seeing in another.

If you can take my name and make it true, to break down a character from a beacon of good and innocence to something perverted and evil from her previous self while maintaining the appearance that she is still pure then you will for sure have my undivided attention.

If you wish to rp, PM me or send me a friend request on discord ^.^

P.S. For The Horde
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