- Joined
- Sep 12, 2014

First thing first, this is all about playing with WEREWOLVES, or any other kind of shapeshifter in general. Right now, this is the only kind of request I'm looking for. Yes, I do have interests outside of this but lycans are the only thing I can write about for the moment. In more detail, I'm looking for something relatively lighthearted, a degree of wonder, plenty raunchy and just overall fun. Yes there can be some serious subjects in play but nothing stressful to write about. Better still if you have no worries about it coming across as a cheesy erotic novel at times. Instead of giving a plot-to-smut ratio, I would rather say what I'm looking for is: A plot with focus on fun character interaction and world exploration but just so happens to allow to have plenty of smut. The only limit would be the suspension of disbelief. The rules on lycans and their society might be complete up in the air, so long as their interaction with humans is logically sound (relatively). This could mean one day could be almost entirely dialog and exploration, the next day being a complete wild orgy. It just depends on where the plot drives itself, so I can't really give an informative ratio.
Some standard elements I often like to use are:
- Superhuman elements, obviously. Not just strength or speed but also presence of magic or longevity. Would you be okay with him being over 100 years old but look no older than 25?
- Preference to stay away from human society and live out in the wilds, naturally.
- Is allowed, even encouraged to not restrain their instincts... which yes, is just an excuse to be sexually casual.
- Usually in control of their transformation and impulses, also the full moon is still likely to set them feral.
And as for some inspiration, here are some plot concepts I've played before or would like to experiment with:
Perhaps she an explorer that wandered into their territory, or a virgin sacrifice cast out by society, or she simple had an accident and got lost. Whatever reason, she's found by one or more wolves and is brought into their home. She might find it scary and intimidating to be there, but for some reason... she can't bring herself to stop watching them.
Okay, this doesn't have to be on a birthday. Short story is that this human woman one day finds out she's not as human as she thought she was. Born as a wolf and only recently awakening to it, she finds out about it the hard way one night to her complete surprise, fear... and pleasure once the instincts kick in. Luckily there are others nearby capable of 'helping' her out. (Being attacked and bitten by a rouge wolf could also fit into this premise)
Because obviously. Perhaps her boyfriend was attacked and bitten earlier, or he always was one but was able to keep it secret until now. Whatever the reason, she's one night in for a surprise. But as terrified as she starts out, the two of them end up working it out. Perhaps he's too in love to ever hurt her. Or she enjoys just how rough he rides her on a full moon, whatever your desired tone. Maybe she even allows herself to be turned to stay with him.
Up for playing multiple characters? Up for some light non-con? A small group of best friends go out camping for an all girls trip. They all know each other's secrets including the kinky stuff. But the one that set up the trip has an ulterior motive, to draw herself and her friends into the clutches of a nearby pack. Their going to be taken away for a live changing ritual with various levels of initial willingness. But that's okay, she knows her friends will love it, once they get a taste for it.
This is one of those exceptions to the usual plots. Instead of you playing the nervous outsider, it'll be my guy suddenly getting turned one day. The instincts and yearnings make him ashamed and scared but he can't stop them. But luckily, there's someone willing to give him a helping hand. Perhaps a female wolf, perhaps some other beauty like a nature elf. Whoever she is, she constantly tries to tempt and push him to let go and embrace his domineering urges. For his own good of course.
Basic RP elements:
- A good, solid paragraph per post. No need to feel obligated to match the previous post size. Feel free to make each one as big or small as you feel is right.
- Enjoys creative visualization
- Do you like playing against both men and women?
- Real life sucks, and my reply frequency might flux wildly. Though I'll try my best to inform you if something is going on that's keeping me away from it. Speaking of which...
- Frequent OOC chat is definitely required. And while I personally don't have that many limits on what's said there, I'll always respect whatever your limits are.
- If we're attempting a long-term RP than I work best with episodic chapters. It helps get a feel if the RP will work out at the beginning and become easier to keep track of what's happened.
- Oh, no fanfiction. Sorry, I just can't do that. While you can reference existing material as inspiration, using actual established characters or settings just never clicked with me. Plus chances are I would hardly know enough about your preferred fandom either.
- All characters of adult age
- Keep body dimensions within physically possible proportions. Maybe all the women still end up looking like natural swimsuit models, but if they're something ridiculous like a couple of beachballs hanging from a flagpole then it honestly goes right back around to being unattractive. This is just one example of the RP still needing some realism.
- Timeframe never was that important. My RPs usually involved going to a fantastical place outside of human life, so the timeframe ends up being irrelevant most of the time. I would default the modern but I've worked with medieval or earlier periods before.
- Location scenes I've enjoyed using are usually out in the wilds, be it forest, caves, beaches or lakes. Likely tribal in nature. If in a human environment, then showers, locker rooms, resorts or abandoned structures
Absolutely Love | Might be convinced, possibly just for one scene | Just No |
* One possible exception to rape or corruption is to use it as an element that kicks off the plot and shape the plot around curing it. Hard to say.
** Granted, if we did try the great size difference in the Maybe list then this would be kinda unavoidable.
Finally, as for Contact Info:

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