Returning From a Long Hiatus, Looking for New RP Partners


Feb 13, 2014
In the state of constant day dreams.
Now before introductions I would like to say something. The plots that I have listed on my forum are all my original ideas or my sibling's idea, I have permission from them and they have permission from me to use each other's ideas. Anyone one else does not, I have been told by a friend that many of my ideas are being used around this site; I do not role play search so I have no proof. If you have any of my plots on your forum please take them down, that is plagiarism and will be reported if I see them. The only person who has my permission to use some of my ideas is Rory, no one else! I will be on the look out for my plots and will be freely reporting :)

Hey, I'm Jacie. My old username was Deceitful Lies, but I didn't really like it so I made a new one.

I'm a very avid role player looking for a few good role plays to have fun with, and even make some friends along the way.

Well I'm guessing most of you want to know a little something about me before role playing with me; alright Smile

* I'm 24 years old.

* I do most pairings M/M, F/F, Futa/Fem, and Futa/M

* I only do MxF role plays if the plot is really good.

* I normally reply at least 2-3 good; 7 sentence paragraphs. But I can do more or less depending on how I'm feeling or if I have anything planned for our characters.

* I have A.D.D. so sometimes (Not always) I will misspell a word (Ex: rae instead of are) or skip a letter in a word (ex: you instead of your)
I will try my best to check over my replies so I do not to do so, but sometimes I will reply quickly and it will happen, I apologize in advance.

* I LOVE plot twists and kinks; I also love for you; my role playing partner to tell me if you want to do something or if you have a plot you're dying to play. I'm a VERY laid back person who will go along with almost anything...Almost.

* I will not do any Parent x child, Aunt x Nephew/Niece, grandparent x grandchild. I am willing to do step siblings though.

* My kinks can be found in F-list. But a quick overview I will not do vomiting, urinating, scat, death, vore, and un-birthing, those are the ones that will never change.

* I am a Pan-sexual switch role player; so I'm willing to play dominate. But be warned; my dominant characters normally are not all that sadistic and tend to be more romantic. I am willing to TRY and play a more sadistic dominant character; but I can only do so much.

* If you no longer want to role play with me; please do tell me. I do not bite or spit venom, as I said before I am extremely relaxed. If I no longer want to role play with you for any reason, I shall tell you and hope that later on in life was can role play again :) .

* I am willing to be a role play partner to someone who doesn't reply as much as I do or English is not their first language. On that note if you type like this: tots OMG BRB l8r I fuk u hrd wth my thingy and com soooo muc. I will not role play with you. I only role play using correct grammar and in third player; I expect my RP partner to do the same.

* I do not role play animals or anthros. I do play any inhuman creature (Angels, demon, witch, gods, my-own-made-up-creatures, ect) as well as half-breeds/hybrids/kemonomimi. Basically it means a human with animal characteristics (Ex: Aki from Just a Kitten plot) as in ears, tail, wings, a few markings, claws, ect.

* And lastly; just have fun! That is the whole point of role playing, to just have fun and relax. If you have an problems then tell me, I'm not a mind reader. Also the plots I post up are just a few I've came up with; I'm open to hear some of your plots if you really want to role play them out. Just tell me what it is, a basic description of the plot, setting, and our characters, and I should be fine :)

Ways to automatically get on my bad side and end up getting on my ignored list.
Here are just a few ways you can make me dislike you very quickly.

-Ignoring my limits.
If I have made it very clear that I don't like a certain thing(s)/kinks and you do it, I will tell you and if you keep ignoring me, I will block you.

-Give me really really short responses to my long ones.
I mean if I give you 400+ words and you give me back something like 20 words, I will ask you to be reply more. Multiple repeats will result in blockage. Now I do understand writers block, I get it a lot but I at least try to provide at least half of what my partner gives me.

-Power playing/God modding.
This was one of the reasons I left Bluemoon for so long, it annoyed me to no end and I just couldn't continued to deal with it.

If we are role playing and you start controlling my character(s), deciding what they should look like, and/or naming them without even asking me, I will be pissed. I do believe that the most common of common senses is: don't control your partner's character without their permission. If you do this, I will just message you that the role play is off and possibly block you if you persist.
..:| P L O T S |:..
{YC = Your Character / MC = My Character} None of my plots are fully thought through with strict guidelines, some are more thought through then others, but that's about it. I don't like restricting my plots or my role play partners, I like surprises :3

.:Cock Bites:.
(M/M) {Jezze and Quinn ~ Me. The crooked cop ~ You}

Jezze and Quinn Summers, two names known through out the country. Names that spurred up erotic thoughts and stiff boners among men who know of those who lie behind the names and the webcam. Two young seventeen year old twins 'girls' who turned incestuous fun into a way of earning money off of perverts; creating a web page to webcam their loving acts for the world to see.

They are young, free kids who have too much free time on their hands and not enough parental supervision, and to make things even better; they aren't even female. Both boys dressed up like girls for their fans; wearing make up, using fake names and wearing tight or skimpy clothes. This way people will never find them out. Not to mention, they actually kind of liked it; it is...arousing. 'Quinn' dresses like a lolita. Long wavy blonde hair in pigtails; lace and ruffles. Innocent, cute and sweet. 'Jezze' on the other hand dressed dark/punk with black and rainbow hair; rips and fishnets. Tainted, sexy, and hot.

They are spicy and sweet, dark and light, innocence and corruption, and fans eat it up!

Neither one of the boys actually caring about the consequence to their actions, the possibility that one of those perverts watching could possibly harm them. They just leaned back and reaped up the money they make charging those dirty old men to watch them touch and kiss; they love watching Jezze, the dominatrix 'over power' sweet, innocent Quinn and make 'her' squeal and blush.

It wasn't until one night they realize their mistake. One night they were found by the cops; well one cop. Half an hour before their usual broadcast, they're found by one cop. They listen as he scolds them about being under-aged and it was against the law, and the dangers of pedophiles hurting them; just wishing for him to leave soon so they can start up their broadcast.
But he has something else in mind as he watches the two all dressed up, looking scolded and sad/angry; Punishment. The older man ends up banging the twins on the broadcast as all the perverts watch in pleasure, seeing the young 'girls' being taken by the older man. Heading their loud moans and pretty faces.

[It's a pretty free/open plot, it's your character pretty much in a relationship with two feminine boys. 70:30 smut to plot ratio. Romance hoped for.]

.:Age Is Just a Number:.
(M/M or F/F)

MC is a young sixteen year old teenager at a new town, forced to move due to MC mother getting divorced and gaining custody of MC.

Upon arrival, MC is pulling in a small gang of mis-fit kids and feels right at home. As time goes on, MC starts falling into a relaxed, mellow flow of school and life, and things start to look up.
One of MC's friend; Aaron invites MC to a sleepover at his house, upon arriving; MC meets my buddy’s (mother/father which is YC) and falls for the young, fit, and attractive widowed thirty-one year old (woman/ man).

MC keeps the crush under wraps from my friends, but soon enough they find out.
One day while Aaron’s away, MC's other friends dare MC to go into the house and hit on YC, with a burst of bravery, MC goes for it as MC's buddies wait for MC to get rejected. Fortunately for MC, YC saw the boys and when MC started hitting on YC, YC quickly caught on to the dare.

In hopes of helping MC, YC plays along with it and even takes MC to YC's room to add more effect to it, and even offers MC a small kiss for MC's bravery.

Unfortunately/or fortunately, a little kiss turns into more as the two end up having sex. By the time MC leaves, MC's friends were already gone, MC and YC decide to strike this off as a bad decision the two committed. But as time goes by, the ‘accident’ turns to want and soon enough MC starts to sneak out at night to go see YC. (It's a pretty open plot.)

.:Just a Kitten:.
(M/M or F/F)

YC is a rather over worked, well paid, stressed out worker in a large (insert job type) that had once been a dream come true. YC arrives home one day after work to find (her/his) older sister in (his/her) house; YC quickly comes to realize that today was (his/her) birthday and you’re turning (20-30) as a nice present YC’s sister bought you a cat as a companion and as a stress reliever.

A very beautiful (male/female) silver and black Egyptian Mau that is a year and a month old named [blank](MC) by YC’s sister. MC is a normal size with a bow around (his/her) neck and mis-matched eyes; one green and the other silver.

As YC pets the cat, MC turns and bites (him/her) hard before literally bolting off YC’s lap; YC quickly realized this might not be as ‘relaxing’ as (his/her) sister thought it would be. A week of finding paper and clothes shredded, cat urine and feces in YC’s shoes; and being bitten and scratched by MC. YC is tired of it and plan to sell or send the cat to the pound; then one day MC vanishes. YC looks for the cat everywhere to no luck and regret starts to sink in.

The next morning YC wakes up to angry hissing and growling near his ear, as (he/she) wake up they come face to face with a young (15-17) year old (girl/guy) with black tipped silver hair. What really gets YC is the angry mismatched eyes glaring back as well as the ears and tail.

YC quickly realizes that naked person is MC. Now all (he/she) really wants to know is how this happened and how to turn MC back to a cat. If YC thought living with an angry, independent cat was hard; try living with an arrogant, hormonal teenager. Not to mention keeping MC secret, as well as trying to teach MC how to at least act human.

.:Dance to Lies:.
(F/F or M/M)

MC is a young fifteen year old albino (princess/prince); forced into living (her/his) life trapped at home to keep the kingdom from seeing (his/her) ‘curse’
Pale white-blonde hair, silvery-green eyes, pale snow white skin, and the ability to bruise like a fruit does not help (him/her)

Countless of wizards, warlocks, witches, and sorcerers have tried to lift the ‘curse’ to no luck and so since the day MC was born (he/her) has never been able to see the outside world past the stone walls and insanely tall black iron gate.

One normal day, MC’s father; the king returns from war bearing a gift for his (son/daughter); a young (female/male) slave(YC) around the age of (18-22). MC accepts the gift and lets the servant’s clean (him/her) up, and start working.

As YC starts working in the palace (he/she) hears a noise one day; running and muffles screams as (she/he) goes to investigate YC find’s MC being sexual harassed by (his/her) tutor, and ends up saving MC. A friendship slowly starts forming and secrets starts to form between the two until one day a strike-back happens against the kingdom by YC’s (clan, people, ect.). YC takes the opportunity and steals MC away, as YC is trying to hide MC; MC falls off a ledge and is protected by YC.

Now the two are lost in the forbidden dark forest with no clue on how to get out, or where to go; not to mention the wounds that now riddle your body. As YC and MC try to find the way out things starts to happen as pasts, secrets, and lies start coming back and crashing back into them.

.:Sweet Bite:.

YC; a very beautiful and young(22-28) stripper is caught between a hard place and a rock; after going off to study at culinary school when younger her diploma has served her no purpose other than a grim reminder of her time and money wrongfully spent. Each day it's a walk of shame going home after leaving The Silver Apple; a high end strip club she'd been working at for two years, dodging glances all around her as she walks to the elevator of her expensive looking apartment.

MC is a young (19-21) year old pastry chef at Alluvia; a highly respected restaurant owned and run by her older brother. Though a rather plain Jane, MC is happy. Living out her dream, the excitement of everyday and being left in charge of the restaurant when he brother isn't around.
Yet there is one thing that lies heavy on MC's mind; her older and much more beautiful neighbor. MC feels sad about everything that's happened to her and wants to make things right; soon enough she finally runs into YC. MC quickly takes the opportunity to invite her to work at Alluvia; yet YC denies fearing not to be able to keep affording the luxuries she's grown use to.
But slowly as time goes the two grow closer, becoming unlikely friends.

When on night YC is confronted by a woman, claiming to be the wife of a client and attacking YC. Leaving the once beautiful woman knocked out and bleeding with a large cut over her shoulder; it's quick to be realized that YC can no long work at The Silver Apple and soon enough MC comes to the rescue, even offering to share the apartment with YC. Could this be love, a new beginning, or a disaster just waiting to happen?

.:Secrets To Fear:.
(F/F or M/M)

Five years ago MC and YC met on-line, while MC was only 13, YC was 16. As they chatted and got to know each other better, even webcamed, the two slowly fell in love. But after six months of being together, YC suddenly breaks up with MC and never speaks to me ever again, leaving MC alone, heartbroken and confused about it.

Five years later a lot has changed and happened.

MC is eighteen years old and things haven't gone to well for me, after the break up love seemed like a stupid thing and MC's heart turned stone cold to it. After dropping out of high school and running away from home MC quickly becomes the leader of a large, dangerous masked gang that has made hell of the city. Stealing, killing, making riots, ect.

On the other hand, YC is twenty and is a successful (Insert job title) living in a beautiful two story house in (country/state/city name). Ever since the break up, YC has been watching MC. Even making one of the room in YC's house into an almost a shrine of newspaper clippings, pictures, magazine tear outs, video tapes, and even their old chat logs of everything MC had done, YC keeps the room under lock and key.

Despite how opposite their lives went, fate has something in store for them.
MC messed up, somehow leading the cops and everyone else on their trail to the gang's hide out. Now everyone has to go on the down low until things blow over and calm down, MC returns home only to be kicked out by MC's mother. Urgently needing a place to stay MC ends up asking help my sister. She agrees and quickly gets MC a plane ticket under a false ID to the house of her friend in another country. MC thanks her and heads off hoping nobody finds me, unknowing to MC, my sister had sent me straight to YC.

Unknowing to YC, you're foreign best friend has sent you to pick up their sibling at the airport and begged you to please give them room at your house. YC is fine with it, and only hopes to be able to go on with your life normally with this person around. What will happen when they both meet at the airport, will it be love at first sight or hate at first punch?

.:Damaged Goods:.

MC is a young 25 year old cop, fairly new at his job. Coming from the deep country, this is his first time in the city and everything seems exciting. Unfortunately for MC he's not mentally healthy, a wicked split personality that he'd been able to keep in check back home, but now it seems to grow stronger. On his first day patrolling, he ends up chasing, crashing off the side of a bridfe into a limo filled with middle aged businessmen, he keeps quiet about it he calls for backup to report a car had fallen off the bridge.

While investigating, DNA of a young male(YC) is found in the car and quickly it is falsely accused that the crash wasn't an accident and he could possibly the one to cause the death of the men. It is also found that the YC is linked to a large case of The Underground World, the four branches of crime. YC is linked with most slippery of them all; the human prostitution and trafficing run by a man named Francesco.
MC is put in charge of finding, taking care, and protecting the younger male while they can get information from him.

YC is a young 18 yr male who once had a bright future ahead of him before he was kicked out of his home for not being straight; he was found by Francesco a few days later and was quickly pimped into being a prostitute as well as a druggie.
Working every night for a hit, watching his once strong body slowly deteriorate into a mess of skin and bones.
A few hours after pleasing a limo filled of middle aged men, he is found by MC and forced to bring him back to the station before being sent home with MC. Things start getting more and more dangerous as YC starts struggling with withdrawal as well as Francesco looking for his prized prostitute.

.:Drops of Sunshine:.
(FxF) [Includes cross-dressing.] {Can also be for MxM, just flip the genders.}

MC is a young, beautiful, and rising model; he's worked very little to get into the spot he is at. But away from the limelight MC holds onto a deep secret; he is really a she. MC was contracted by her manager, but with one condition, MC would have to cross-dress as a boy because of her looks. Pretty tall, thin, little femine curves; angular face and tough boy charm. She accepted, and now it will be a year since she got into the world of modeling.

YC is a young female photographer; you have studied and worked your butt off trying to become something in the difficult world of photography. Finally your time has come, you've been accepted as the personal photographer to a rising model [MC]. On your first day, things are pretty fine, but something seems to be off about MC yet you bite your tongue and say nothing.
But how long can the creeping suspicious continue before something bad happens? Is it all bad? Maybe not~

.:Dirty footprints on marble stairs:.
(MxM)[Can also be FxF, just flip the genders Smile]

YC has had a rather shitty life, an eleven year old homeless run away eating to live and living to eat. He fought tooth and nail to survive but at the age of nineteen he was found by a talent scout and soon enough he went from rags to riches as a [singer/drummer/ect in a band or solo]. Despite his success he hasn't let the fame go to his head, he's given to countless charities and helped many people but has kept quiet about his life.
One night as he is returning from a concert his driver cuts through a rough part of town, YC smiles lightly as he remembers this place as his home but keeps quiet until he sees something, something that looks like a child on a park bench. He stops the limo and gets out, remembering about times he slept there as a child. In hopes of helping the boy he goes to him only to find the boy[MC] barely conscious, badly beat up and bleeding. On a whim YC decides to take him home, once in the car MC starts to stir and quietly finds himself face to face with YC. After much fighting MC allow YC to take him home and care for his wounds as well as feed him and spend the night.

A quick bond forms between the two and YC allows MC to live with him for a bit but MC isn't who he appears to be.
He is a young bait and mule for his older adoptive brother who is the head of a drug ring, MC is a prized gem in the operations. He is used to bait and blackmail people, he tempts them and does dirty things with them, before taking pictures for black mail and vanishing. His brother takes it from there, collecting ransoms or favors for the pictures.

But in the middle of one of his missions MC is attacked. He is left hurt and bleeding. He ends up limping to a park bench as he thinks this is the end of him...Only then to be rescued by YC. But now after a few days of living with YC, he returns to his brother to tell him he quits. He quickly finds out that he has a new target; YC. When MC refuses he gets beat up and is threatened that if he didn't do it, YC and MC will be killed. {Pretty open as well Smile}

.:Silver Heart:.
(MxM/FxF/FxFuta/MxFuta) [MPreg optional]

Years ago planet earth was slowly dying; it was only a few years away from collapsing under its own weight. As a last resort, NASA sends out ten ships into space to find a new place to inhabit. One of the ships lands in an unmarked planet and finds life, a whole world of humanoid aliens. The astronaut is taken to the leader and he explains Earth’s situation, the leader feels pity and decides to help. He gives the human a floating silver orb(The size of a baseball) with small multi-colored lights coming from within it and tells the man that Earth can only keep it for fifty years, after that an alien warrior would arrive to take it back. The orb is the heart of the planet and that was the reason humanity couldn’t keep it for long, just until humans cleaned up earth and were able to stabilize it.

The astronaut understands and thanks the leader; he hurries back to his ship and leaves. Three ships arrive back to Earth intact, as soon as the man walks out, Earth seems to start healing itself. The orb is placed under surveillance and as time passes by, everything seems perfect. Until the day it vanished 33 years after it arrived, no one really knew who did it, or why. Yet a year passes and nothing changed, so people forgot about it.

Seventeen years later, Earth’s deadline has come. The alien planet is starting to die, and they need the orb back as soon as possible. So they send their warrior[p1] down to retrieve it, but on the way to earth, something go wrong with his ship and he ends up crashing into earth. [P1] ends up in the desert on the edge of a tiny town. Unknowingly [P2] a young science intern saw the crash and by the break of dawn, goes to see what it was, as he looks around, a thin silver wristband snaps onto his wrist and locks into place. [P2] wakes up from the crash to find his tracker now on a useless human’s arm and his ship wreck. Now it’s up to [p1]and [p2] to find the orb, avoid the CIA and FBI, and find a way to return [p1] back to his home planet.​
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