I am looking for a serious Roleplay partner here. Someone who is fine with doing a RP that takes a very long time lasting over many, many sessions. My pitch is this: a Mentally and Physically abused women (You) Who has been through hell and back her whole life being used and beaten down constantly by the men in her life (Her Dad, Uncle, Husband/My Dad). She has basically given up by the start of this RP but a spark blossoms between her and her son and they begin falling head over heels in love. Which makes things equally beautiful and complicated. They transition from Mom and Son to Boyfriend and Girlfriend and He shows her how to Love again and most importantly how to be loved and how to accept herself for her. He shows her how life can be without abuse, without pain and suffering. Shows her what its like to be treated right even though this is her own child. They are two very Broken individuals but through their Relationship they start to slowly put their pieces back together (On a metaphorical level) Through the Love they share. So that's the idea. I know its dark but I think the emotional pay off would be huge. This would be a very story over sex type RP. Sex would be a pretty significant part as the Mother and Son transition from Mom and Son to Boyfriend and Girlfriend ect but the main focus would be the Love story. I think its an opportunity to tell a beautiful and haunting story about true love in its rawest form. If you're interested ladies you can message me. Thanks!