Just As You Suspected! Another Request Thread Has Arrived!


Sep 8, 2017
Thank you for stopping by to take a look at my request thread!

Just like every other roleplayer, I do have my "rules" I ask my potential partners abide by in a friendly manner.

> Be able to reply at least once a day, preferably more.
> Be able to write as kidnappers, abusers, and other-like-dominant-roles.
> Write in 3rd person. 1st makes me uncomfortable.
> No one-liners! At least 3 - 10 sentences per paragraph.
> Be okay with taboo / dark themed plots; as I enjoy writing as characters with tragic and messed up lives.

Now onto pairings! :D

Vampire / Human
Demon / Human
Master / Slave
Father / Daughter
Kidnapper / Victim
Torturer / Victim
Alien / Human
Vampire / Neko

If interested in roleplaying together, please send me a PM.

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