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Endless Legend [Ban the Game and Sigr]


Magenta Goon
Dec 9, 2016
As the battlefield roared around with the fury of the fire that was spreading everywhere, Salome could only limp around in search for an unlikely escape. The conflagration wasn't her doing, so perhaps it was an accident or maybe some desperate defense against the threat, but it had turned the fields into a living hell. Not that it was any better before, as the pompous bastard that had hired all the mercenaries he could get his paws to, didn't tell the truth about the enemy they were going to face. That bunch of soldiers of fortune were supposed to stop a bandit raid, something that wasn't supposed to pose a challenge to those ruthless warriors of ill repute that Salome counted herself among. The truth was far from that, since not only the foe weren't bandits, but they weren't there to stop anything, just to offer a distraction and buy time for the noble that hired them to run with his riches.

Salome had faced many foes in her short life as a mercenary, she was a mountain of a woman, her well sculpted body a testimony to her devotion to be the best, to stand tall above any judgment others could make of the clanswoman. But no amount of fighting talent, of experience nor skill would help her against the foe they were presented with. As soon that they saw the Necrophage swarm appear behind the hill, they knew that it wasn't a fight they could win, and now it was just a matter of delaying them long enough to save their own skin.

Amidst the chaos that ensued, a sudden fire gave the swarm some pause, even if it was just with the smoke hampering the visibility of the necrodrones chittering and buzzing above, festering the fields with their caustic poison. Salome had managed to kill a few foragers that marched ahead of the main swarm, but not without paying the price, as her body now exhibited half a dozen cuts and a couple of acid burns. Nothing lethal, not yet, but that was only if she didn't catch the plague and was already marked for death. Her force of will kept her moving, her mighty body walking despite the injuries, at least until she fell into one of the irrigation trenches that nourished the now burning fields.

Crawling along the trench to keep herself safe from being spotted by the swarm, away from the deadly fire, Salome dragged herself through dirt and mud, her prodigious strength slowly fading as she felt more and more feverish. Were them the injuries or perhaps the plague, she didn't know, but she wasn't going to die there, not like that, not that day. The trench guided her to the river it fed from, her only way to escape that inferno. Holding into a broken board that were part of the leaking dam that controlled the flow of water into the trench, Salome threw herself into the river, allowing it to take her downstream away from that madness.

The will to live, the desire to get revenge upon the lord that had made a fool, a sacrificial pawn of her was the only thing keeping her awake as she drifted down the current, but she couldn't keep herself conscious forever. When the smoke column was gone from the view, and the buzzing swarm was nothing more that a memory that would plague her nightmares, Salome ended up aground in a river bend when the board got stuck in some water lilies. The wounded, feverish, barely conscious woman managed to drag herself into land, her clothes in tatters and completely unarmed. Maybe if she rested just a bit she could walk again, maybe if she rested a bit she would be just fine...

Salome's dark purplish eyes closed, her red mane of hair stuck to her by mud and water, as her body had finally given up and spent every little bit of energy it could muster.
A lone figure strolled through the rolling hills into the mouth of a great valley as day broke, her silhouette obscured by a hood and long cape draped over wide pauldrons. A cold wind pulled at the leather cloak to reveal modest brown robes, rattling the hidden chainmail and bringing with it the stench of soot and cinders. She turned to it's source, spotting the pillars of smoke reaching to the skies in the distance and the body that laid on the shore of the river that flowed down from the burning fields. Heeding the call to action, she moved to bring the mercy her sect was so known for, praying that it would be bringing healing instead of digging a grave.

A sigh of relief came as she checked the strainded woman's pulse, however weak it was. With heavy excersion, she pulled the woman onto drier soil and began removing her dretched clothing to exmaine her wounds. An examination that revealed quite the surprise and distraction between the woman's thick, muscular legs; a shockingly large penis. A blush formed beneath her bandana mask as she pondered how it dwarfed the secretative member hiding beneath her own robes. With a gulp, she pushed aside her curiousity in order to save her. The first step was cleaning her off. A cooking pot filled with river water and a rag from her backpack did the job well enough, but this led to the discovery of something even more particular, something the cleric did not share with the injured woman; a vagina hiding beneath her heavy testicles. She bit her lip, steeling herself to focus on the task at hand instead of lewd ponderings. The wounds were strange, they were the marks of claws and insectoid mandibles, not of steel, with burns born not of fire but of caustic venom. The sure signs of Necrophage bites she had only read about in the Abbey. This woman was not long for this world. She dug deeper into her bag, taking out a decorative bottle filled with a golden powder and a bundle of yams. With one hand on the bottle and the other on the woman's chest, she prayed and gave the vegetables as an offering. The bottle glowed, releasing tendrils of golden light that stitched the wounds closed and purged her body of infection and disease.

There was only so much her prayers could do for the woman. Even with the plague purged, her skin was too cold and she would die of exposure soon enough without proper care. She needed something to keep the woman warm, but a fire was too risky. If the necrophages spotted them, it would spell death for both of them. Instead, she laid the woman out onto her sleeping bag and removed the plate pauldrons her cloak was attached to. Using her cloak was a blanket, she laid on top of the woman to keep her warm and hoped the chainmail layer in her robes wouldn't be too discomforting for either of them. She had woken up only an hour ago, but prayed that sleep would find her, or that the woman would wake up shortly, as she tried to keep her mind off the hefty member and soft, bountiful breasts she was laying on.
The swarm chased Salome in her feverish nightmares, result of exhaustion, wounds and even if she would never admit, fear. For the mighty warrior, she felt frustrated and powerless facing an enemy she couldn't muster, so her own shortcomings factored in the visions her unconsciousness was being assaulted with. Slowly but surely, the menace faded, and as the threat of monsters and fire disappeared, that cold yet burning feeling was replaced with a welcoming warmth that only caused relief. Finding a bit of rest in that soothing darkness, Salome healed and slept for an amount of time unknown. What happened would haunt the warrior in her wake, but for now she had found respite in the mercy of someone she didn't know yet, someone that had saved her not only by talent, but also her own body.

The sun was high, its merciless light biting on Salome when she winced and woke. Her experienced mind soon took hold of what situation she could be in, and without a second thought her eyes darted around in search of enemies to find none, careful to move as little as possible to not alert any foes that by all signs didn't seem to be there. Noticing a weight on top of her body, Salome checked her own self, seeing that she was seemingly unharmed and covered with something that seemed a cape. Moving an arm as slowly and gently as she could, she raised the impromptu blanket to take a peek on the situation. Firstly, it seemed that not only was she somehow unharmed, but also completely naked. Secondly, there was a little girl sleeping on top of her, maybe older than her petite physique indicated, but Salome couldn't be sure in that situation.

She had to be some kind of healer, that much she could guess, and she seemed to have saved her, although the attempt to keep her warm had been somewhat clumsy. Salome had warmer herself in the past with a mercenary fellow when they ended up stranded up a mountain in a fools errand, and both of them had been undressed for the purpose of sharing warmth, so finding her savior fully dressed was a bit strange. Of course, she wasn't going to be picky about it when the girl saved her, as she may have feared for her virtue, since that mountain adventure had ended with Salome and the other mercenary sharing more than warmth after all.

Her state of undress also meant that the girl was aware of her body, a fact that sometimes mortified her since some people labeled her as a pervert that had no place doing the job of a warrior instead of being a highly priced exotic whore, but at the same time it pushed her to do her best, at both training and work, the proof of it being the powerful body she sported. Distracted by the strange situation she had found herself in, her mind didn't dwell a lot on her nudity, wanting to know who was her savior, feeling indebted to the little girl on top of her. "Hey..." she tried to whisper, although even that came out somewhat brash and roaring from the warrior woman. "Wake up" she added, louder, seeing that the dozed off girl didn't react, perhaps tired with the whole healing issue, although Salome knew little about what it entailed.
The sister of mercy had curled up on her side before falling asleep in an attempt to prevent the rubbing of certain... sensitive parts. Though she was unconscious, even her light snores and nighttime murmurs had been feminized by her fellow sisters and teachers at the abbey after countless sleepless nights. A sister must be proper even in the most unconvienent moments, especially for one not born a sister. She snorted at Salome's first word, eyes snapping on the second. She sat up, pulling the cloak of both of them. "No, Sister! I was just reading I swear!" She babbled, her head moving to from side to side as reality came back to her. She gave a long yawn, stretching her arms above her head as her bandana fell to reveal her cute yet androgynous face. Looking down to see she was sitting on the now awakened Salome's morning wood, the sister shrieked, standing up and setting to the side to bow. "M-m-my apologies," she studdered, her eyes closed. "I am Justicere Sapiri Kugua."

This gesture was for more than just politeness. It was a contigent reaction drilled into her as her hands slipped down her belly to adjust the long skirt of her robes but was meant to hide her attempts to conceal one of her many, unpleasant, unsightly erections.
Seeing how the little girl awoke barely aware of where she was made Salome smile, despite the circumstances she had been in. As she dragged her cape made blanket with her, the body of the warrior woman was of full display, completely showing not only her physique and peculiarities, but also how her wounds had been healed, adding to the map of fine scars her body was. Yawning like a lazy cat, Salome could see that the girl was cute in a slightly boyish way, delicate but not overly feminine, although how amusing was seeing her slowly wake up distracted Salome from the girl's assets.

"Hahaha! Don't worry" Salome couldn't help but chuckle as what it seemed to be a slow motion waking up, suddenly turned into the girl hopping like a rabbit once she was aware of the situation. The warrior got up with no hurry, noticing that her slightly engorged member had startled the girl, even if it was more of a slightly chubby presence between her thighs more than a proper erection. "If anything I have to be grateful for saving me and taking care of me" Salome admitted, slightly awkward standing naked in front of the small bowing girl. "You are a nice girl" she said, ruffling her hair in a friendly way, a gesture probably inappropriate for someone that just saved your life, but given how petite and cutesy she looked while bowing, there was little else she could do.

"I'm Salome" she paused, having no fancy title and being stripped of any kind of family name when she went her way. "Warrior and mercenary, I guess" she shrugged. The girl seemed fidgety and nervous, although it was understandable as she had that mountain of a woman naked in front of her, not to mention her peculiar body. "It seems that as I fled the swarm I lost what I had..." she looked around. Picking Sapiri's cape from the ground, she enveloped it above her bountiful chest, tying it under her left arm, somewhat serving as an impromptu dress that reached mid thigh. It still had a slit on the left, but unless Salome moved fast it would serve to cover her a bit until a more permanent solution was found.

"I owe you my life, and yet I have to ask for more of your help" Salome said, sounding bothered with the issue, but making an effort to speak as gently as she could, not to startle the young girl. "I have to repay that debt to you, and fighting is the only thing I know about, but I can't quite fight like this" she said, gesturing to her barely covered and unarmed self. "Well, there was that time when I was taking a bath and a bear thought that the lake belonged to them, but other than that I tend to fight with more equipment" she said with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. "I don't want to pry, but if you are traveling you sure could use a companion to keep you safe?" Salome wondered, looking for a way to repay her debt.
Sapiri stayed locked in her bow as the naked woman in front of her got up and spoke, even after the mood have been lightened by Salome's strangely pleasant head rub. A gesture that caught her off-guard yet left her wanting after it was over. In truth, she had to stay bent over like that until Salmone finally took the curdesy to cover herself up, robbing her erection of a sight so enticing to it for the moment. Standing upright, she kept her hands coupled together and relaxed in front of her skirt as the bulge went down. Regaining her composure, she tried to give the most stern gaze she could muster as she spoke, something she was never good at. "While my mission is to bring healing to the people, in this instance I suppose you do owe me, though in a more pressing manner than you think." She looked down at her bag. "Healing you used the last of my food and since my destination is now clearly unsafe to travel to, we'll have to turn back the way I came." She crossed her arms, sighing.

Looking back over the woman, in a way that didn't bring unwanted excitement, Sapiri lifted a hand to rub her own chin. "Given what you've survived and your apparent physique... I do suppose that companionship of your capacity is something that could be useful on my journey." She looked over Salmone's thick, muscular arms, stoic shoulders, and well defined chest, a flush of warmth ran down from Sapiri's nipples but she bit it back and swallowed it down. Relaxing her arms, Sapiri looked down at the sheath on her hip, unfasening her belt and presenting the one handed arming sword to her new follower. "Here, take my sword. It should suffice as a tool of your trade for now."
"Hrrrm..." Salome uttered, something that would be a menacing grunt coming from mostly anyone, but for the powerful warrior was little more than a questioning hum. It was true that her situation of being indebted didn't make her happy, nor did it help being reminded of it, although how cutesy the little girl looked when trying to be serious did shave off an edge of her mood. Even so, she remained silent, letting Sapiri say her part. She seemed to be in some kind of pilgrimage, the sort of mission that Salome had trouble understanding. Perhaps the warrior's outlook on life was more crude, and selfish, her mission one focused around her own betterment and not caring for others. It was the result of her own upbringing and the challenges she faced, and it wasn't like she didn't know true comradery and being a good partner, but being as selfless as Sapiri sounded utterly naive to her.

"Yes, I've been seen as useful to have around more than once" Salome laughed as the little girl seemed to appraise and admire her body, a look that others could seen as offending, demeaning or lecherous, the warrior didn't mind. Who she was required lots of work and discipline, and it didn't matter the intention of the ones staring at her, Salome enjoyed the admiration as it bolstered her will to do better, to be better. "Good tool" Salome commented, unsheathing the sword that was presented to her, taking a thorough and professional look at it, staring at the edge, testing the balance. The weapon, already a medium sized one for Sapiri, almost seemed a cooking knife in Salome's hand, her physique dwarfing the weapon. "Seems mostly unused, I guess that it's not long since you started that journey" Salome commented, as a longer one would have put Sapiri in trouble more than once.

"It doesn't matter thought" her voice boomed, proud. It was worrisome to see such a cute and little girl prancing around talking about helping others, as it wouldn't take long for someone wanting to take advantage of her, one way or the other. Hell, Salome already did, but at least her own code of honor made her wanting to repay the favor in spades. "You have me to protect you now, lets see if we can earn some coin to get food, clothes and gear" she reassured her, tapping her head in a friendly way once more.
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