â?¢ My signature will contain my status for the marked date or the coming date . â?¢ I'm in class for most of the day (about 8AM - 6PM classes), so my replies will be randomly disbursed in the day . â?¢ I'll try to stick to 2-4 replies in the week, but depending on how hard my classes are, midterms/finals weeks are iffy . â?¢ Saturdays are date days for my BF and I, so I don't know when I'll be on; could be late at night or not at all . Quality time, FTW? <3 â?¢ I sleep at 10PM-11PM my time ... or try to . â?¢ I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but if you don't want this choppy schedule, please tell me if you want to stop our RP instead of just dropping me rudely, without word . Sorry, but real life comes first .[/list:u]