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A saint and a Mage (Potter/Bunny)


Sep 5, 2017
"Right...Master," the word rolled awkwardly off her tongue when she said it. She didn't quite understand why? It was a simple six letter word, with no true meaning other than the one the user gave to it. Besides, she was simply playing apart for a mission. It was to serve her as a sort of tool to bring justice to the wronged, but as that simple little word left her mouth she felt a sort of defeat she couldn't quite describe. Looking towards Akira she smiled softly at him responding to the tug of her newly placed collar.

I have to grow use to this. Ready myself. She thought while the blurring color of the cities lights passed her. Jeanne didn't keep track of how long it took, or even how they'd gotten there, a matter unusual to her usual alert nature, but her mind was else where, and with good reason.

When they had finally pulled up to the establishment Jeanne took a calming breath. It was go time, she had to still her nerves and become her role. Slave. She grimaced some, she had to get use to it. Had to. Following obediently behind Akira she kept her eyes fixed to the ground, in front of this man she did what she thought a slave would do. How would those two slaves opening the door react, how would anyone controlled by another respond to any of this. Breathe.

She had managed to calm her nerves enough that walking into the club almost seemed easy. Until she heard the music, and even more gruesome the sounds of carnal desire. The moans of a man and woman engaging in sexual delight brought a cheeriness to her face and she almost felt the urge to bolt. How could anyone do something of that nature so openly? With such reckless abandon for their moral being. Looking into Akira's eyes she listened to his words carefully, almost as if to silence the noises surrounding her.
Last chance. He was right, she hadn't seen anything yet. Hadn't been tainted in anyway she could still leave if she absolutely wanted to do so. She turned her head to glance back for a moment, the image of the wronged displaying themselves in front of her eyes. No. As strongly as she might feel about escape this pool of sin, she had to stay. Had to help the fallen and right a wrong.

"I'm ready. Master," she gave a strong nod to explain to her mage that this saints mind was made up. She was going. Period.
Akira nodded his head and steeled himself as well as he drew in a deep breath. He was slightly more used to this than Jeanne....after all, he had been raised around this kind of stuff as the heir to a prestigious Magus....still, this part of the life he had tried to distance himself from as best he could. If Jeanne could steel herself though, then so could he. He tugged on her collar and they entered the main room.

As soon as the doors were opened, the music instantly filled their eyes, and the carnal sound of sex became much less muted too. This smell of sweat and sex also followed suit, rolling over them in a wave. Akira took in strides and maintained his calm demeanor. He wasn't sure how Jeanne would hold up though. Sex and drugs filled their sight...may people were opening taking pills, snorting cocaine and doing who know what other kinds of drugs. Sex was everywhere as well; some people had the decency to hide themselves behind curtains or door, yet others fucked in plain sight, many drawing attention to themselves. There were platforms scattered throughout, circular and raised with poles in the middle where beautiful and naked women were preforming various dances.

Akira tugged on Jeanne's collar to draw her attention away from it all as he approached the bar and ordered a drink, keeping his eyes peeled for anything out of place....though nothing would seem out of place in a place like this is what he was thinking.
Jeanne stood shell shocked for a moment, as the protection of those thick doors had been peeled away from her view a new, most horendous, sight preceeded it. What had she committed to? Jeanne's first thought screamed in her head as her eyes sat open in wide astonishment. Sin. Everywhere sin. Drugs. Sex. Reckless abandon it was all there, and the only thing that she could do was absorb it. The smell of sweat, musk, and an odor she didn't find familiar reached her senses. The smell choked and she would have almost gagged had her mind not been so focused on naked woman twirling about, a hard pole of metal their grinding post.

Thank God for Akira's pull because had she not felt the jerk of leather to flesh she would have been frozen at the door for hours. Terror eating at her right mind. What had she done? Moving with Akira as close as might be acceptable in a place like this, she tried not to cower away from this suddenly new world. This was suppose to be normal, and as such she had to act like none of this bothered her. Even everything inside her wanted to scream at those naked woman, 'where is your pride? Your respect?'

"Master?" She waited for a response from Akira. She had to know what was proper in this setting. She needed to look around, but felt unsure on how to approach such a task in a place so filthy. "How do I approach surveying our surroundings?"
Akira downed a glass of bourbon to calm his nerves. This was all new and the hardest part now would be finding any kind of clues in this chaotic mess. He saw Jeanne was most likely struggling internally so he handed her a glass of bourbon.

"Drink that will ease you some..." he spoke as he finished off his own glass as he looked around, he was distracted by all the sex though...

"Look for someone out of place or trying to lure or lead people somewhere private...most people seem fine doing it in public so anyone seeking privacy and intimacy would stand out..." Akira noted before her noticed the gazes...may men eying Jeanne lustfully...he knew it was only a matter of time until one of them approached...

(Phone post! If you want to describe the first "client" in your next post, feel free to!))
Taking the bourbon in one hand she tried to settle her nervous. The class was noticeably shaking and so she forced the brown liquid down quick, the back of her throat feeling as if she'd swallowed fire. 'How could he drink this?' She thought.

Returning her eyes to the room she started to scan for those acting in a suspicious nature, doing all she could to avoid any of the various sexual acts around her. She was just about to give herself a moment of reprieve when she noticed him, a rather stalky looking man with golden hair wearing a tightly fitted button up. She had almost mistaken him for a guard by the way he lurked being the corners and curtains of the club, but the longer she looked at him the more she knew he was hunting. Perhaps, for his next victim.
" Do you notice the gentlemen in dark maroon shirt standing over there? He screams prowler. I think we should make contact with him." Jeanne some quietly to her pretend master.
Akira just chuckled as he watched Jeanne drink the bourbon. He knew she wasn't used to such things, but it did appear to calm her nerves somewhat as she managed to spot a man he had passed over in his scan of the room.

He did seem somewhat suspicious...while everyone else was indulging in their carnal needs and wants, he seemed to be just watching instead....very odd indeed. He nodded his head at Jeanne's assertion.

"I agree....but I think if we both approach him, he might should you or I approach him...." Akira didn't like the idea, but based on how the man seemed, them both approaching him might warn him of something. However, he knew getting separated meant Jeanne was more likely to have something thrust upon her that she would have to deal with....he gazed at his servant, awaiting her reply.
Jeanna thought a moment about what method would be better. Should she approach the man or should Akira do it. It seemed to her that the man was watching both parties fairly closely, maybe Akira should go so she wouldn't be forced out there alone, but if he went then she would be alone at the bar to be preyed upon. A million thoughts ran through her head as she calculated which loneliness would be worse for her, she decided that it was better if she go.

"I'll go ahead. You watch to see if he doesn't anything out of the normal. You know more than I Master," she gave a nod of confidence. Taking a single breath she approached the man timidly, moving slowly and indirect until she bumped into him. "Sorry sir, I didn't mean to disturb you," she kept her head down low and waited for his response.
Akira seemed to contemplate the idea for a moment but then gave her a nod. "I'll keep an eye on you from the bar here....if he makes a move on you on the floor, I'll try to intervene but I can't promise anything." He gave Jeanne a small nod before letting go of her leash to free her to wander.

Even the short distance between her and the man, a few hands reached out and pawed at her, glancing over her arms and a few bold hands even moving to grope or spank her firm rear. Once she was near the man though, those hands ceased their activity.

The man seemed surprised when she bumped into him but he quickly waved it off. "It's not a problem at all...." He seemed to gaze over her form and he licked his lips, a shimmer of lust in his eyes as he grinned.

"Did your master send you over to try and earn some money....I certainly don't mind paying, much are you charging?" He asked with a grin as he reached into his jacket to pull out his wallet. It seemed he thought Akira was whoring her out for money...but to be fair, that was a very common thing in this place if she had bothered to look.
From the moment the groping started Jeanna had started to wonder if she had bit off more than she could chew. She certainly wasn't use to being touched and pawed at and the more it happened the smaller she seemed to feel, but she had a job to do and she needed to stick with the plan.

She was taken aback by the man's assumption, the thought of Akira whoring her out was outrageous to her, but in this place anything was free game she supposed. Looking at his wallet she thought for a moment about pricing. What should I ask for?

For a moment she was frozen looking back to Akira for a moment before continuing. "I suppose it depends on what you'd like to do to me sir," Jeanna gave a shy wiggle of her breast moving them back and forth innocently.
Akira couldn't tell what they were saying from the crowd but when the man pulled his wallet out, he could guess what was going on. If Jeanne backed out now, they would look rather odd...she had to go through with this to keep their cover up. He pointed to the inside of her bra, he had slipped something in there for her before they left. He had done some research on his place and knew Jeanne might end up having to do something like this, so inside the bra was a paper that had the standard prices of what girls and master's normally charged for different kinds of acts in the place. She would have a chance to look as the man pondered.

His eyes were her on breasts....watching them wiggle to and fro as moved...he definitely wanted those involved. So he grinned to her as he made up his mind.

"How about a blowjob and tit-fuck combo...what will that cost me to start with?" He asked as he peered into his wallet....he had brought quite a lot of cash with him today...and today just might be his lucky day. It seemed he would end up getting pleasured by the Maid of Orlean at this rate.
Listening to Akira's clue Jeanna slowly reached inside her bra, pulling from it a slip of paper watching as the man eyed her like a candy on a shelf. Slowly unfolding the paper she presented it to him bowing as he took it. "These are my masters desired prices, and for the combination you suggested I'm sure you'll find the price to be reasonable," she finished with a smile biting her lip for good measure. What he was asking her to do was unthinkable. Under any other circumstances Jeanna would have knocked him down and forced him to give her an apology, but she couldn't do that here.
Surely, it would bring negative attention to Akira and herself, and most certainly it would blow their cover. Though these acts terrified her she had to get a chance to talk to this man, something about him didn't seem right.

He was too dressed up for this type of place, far too many clothes, which was something Jeanna never thought she'd contemplate. He was also wealthy, while that wasn't too surprising she didn't quite expect him to be so forthcoming with his riches.
The man took the paper and looked over the prices and nodded before handing it back to Jeanne with the money for both a tit-job and blowjob. "Right then, I'll be in your care....what is your name, lovely slut?" He asked as he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her in close to him. Her breasts molded against his chest which was surprisingly strong and firm. His hand ventured down her back and gave her ass a playful spank before groping her rear.

After he waited for her response, he grinned as he looked into her eyes, his own clouded with a lusty need. "As custom....lets start with some foreplay." With those words, he pressed his lips against Jeanne's hungrily. His tongue lashed at her lips, seeking to gain entry to her mouth and tongue as he continued to grope her ass. Jeanne would also be able to feel a growing and rather large bulge pressing against her crotch.

Akira watched on from the bar, dismayed and concerned...but also....with a small sense of arousal building inside him seeing what was happening to Jeanne.

Jeanna was shocked at the immdiacy and convinction in which this man made his decision and acted upon his desire. She hadn't the preperation to handle such aggression, and when he first pulled her close slapping her round ass and claiming it as his own she almost shriveled up. Wanting desperately to kick him and run, but she had to stay there was work to be done and dealt with.

Turning back to look at Akira she noticed that he seemed concerned, yet he didn't move from his place at the bar. Taking another quick breath she tried her best to settle down before speaking again. "Oh yes, let's." She knew she sounded nervous, almost robotic sounding in the way she responded to him. 'Calm down or you'll blow it' she thought to herself regaining some composure, only to immidately lose it as the man lunged forward engulfing her mouth with his own and claiming in a way it had never been claimed. She was panicing her own tongue frozen as the man wriggled inside her with his own. Her cheeks felt hot, her mind a tangled mess, and when she finally managed to pull away from him for air she could feel, to her shame, a heat in her most private of places. Trying to save face at this sudden shying away she spoke timidly, "and how do you wish to be serviced? Should I touch my buyer here," her fingers tentatively moved towards his crotch only barely grazing over the material blocking the rather large bulge pressing against her.
The man seemed to enjoy the kiss and he also seemed to know Jeanne was rather new at all this. His hand playfully groped her rear before slithered to the front. It pushed its way to her cunt and began to playfully and gently rub her labia, stroking and fuel the warmth she was already starting to feel. His digits then sought out her clitoris and began to rub and tug on her most sensitive nub, giving her pleasure she had never known.

As she pulled away from the kiss, he began to plant hot kisses up and down her neck....He used his other hand to guide the hand that was on his crotch, moving it up the waist band of his pants and slowly guiding it into his trousers towards his large and throbbing shaft.

"Touch it directly....and lift your top off....I want to play with your breasts...." He whispered hotly in her ear, his voice firm and commanding in her ear as he nibbled and sucked on her earlobe while continuing to play with her pussy. "Oh...and are suppose to call people who pay you Master as well..." He added with a grin.

Akira continued to watch, getting another drink. He had stopped looking around and was now focused on Jeanne.....the concern still there but also a look of lust as he felt his own bulge beginning to grow in his trousers...
From the moment Jeanna felt this man's hands run along the length of her enterance she felt a shiver run through like nothing she had ever felt before, a sensation that only heightened when he began his delicate work on her clit. Her body almost became tense, as she let out a much louder than anticipated moan at the new sensation rattling her body. A mix of confusion and desire started to run through her, as her legs open a little wider for him, almost as if they moved on there own.

She was so transfixed on the moment of his fingers and the feeling of his lips against her exposed flesh that she almost didn't notice her hand being lead to grab him fully. The feeling of her first penis something she was also, though she had tried her damnest to be, prepared for. She gripped the hot member between her hands moving it up and down in an awkward sort of motion trying to get the right rhythm going.

"Yes master, sorry master," she apologized, her free hand running her shirt up so that he might touch at her tender flesh. When the night air hit her now exposed breast she snapped back into her right mind. What was she doing? This was no way for a saint to react, she had to get away had to stop this from happening to her sacred body. She went to move, to pull away from his strong grip until she felt another tingle of sensation at the new attention her breast and clit were receiving, it felt so good. She hated to admit it to herself but the actions of this sinner was making her wet.
As soon as Jeanne's rounded and plump breasts were exposed to the air, the hand that had guided hers to his cock reemerged. It groped on of the mounds, squeezing it and causing her flesh to mold against his digits. His mouth moved to engulf the other one, sucking on her tit like a babe feeding from a mother. His tongue swirled around her nipple there, teasing it while his hand sought out her nipple on the other breast and began to rub and tug on her pink bud as well.

As he did this, the fingers that played with her clitoris soon made their way to her entrance and without warning, they plunged themselves inside her hot cunt. They were knuckle deep inside her quickly they began to pump out of her rapidly, his fingers curling just right to give her maximum pleasure as his thumb still brushed against her clitoris.

"How does it feel, slut...."He asked with a chuckle, pausing from the sucking of his breast to ask before resuming as he pleasured her immensely, his cock throbbing beneath her fingers as she stroked him.
Jeanna was being overwhelmed with sensation, all her senses seemed to heighten as his mouth played so deliciously over her nipples the other rougher feeling on her adjacent breast sired her emotions even further. She knew that she shouldn't be enjoying this, that her mission wasn't to be pleasured or do pleasuring but to find out who was causing mass killings. She couldn't help herself though, it felt so foreign to her that she was curious for more, and so far he hadn't shown her anything but pleasurable movements.

Her grip tightened a tad more as she gained her control of his cock, the flesh seeming to grow and pulse in her hand. As his fingers made their plunge to the depths of her inner walls she let out a sharp squeak of pain. This was certainly not expected, and the more he moved inside her the better this new feeling felt, and she found, to her shame, that she wanted more of this feeling. Much more. "Good master," she managed through short breaths, and soon found her leg running along his hip. Before long she was resting her head back, her eyes shadowing over from the feeling staring at her partner Akira whom seemed to resemble the hunger of the other men. She wanted to call for him, to save her from herself, but she couldn't permit herself to do it, her body wouldn't allow it.
The man knew Jeanne was enjoying it...he could tell by the way she gripped his cock and stroked him. By her moans and groans of pleasure that sensually filled his ears. He was loving every moment of this as he curled his fingers inside her hot pussy to press against her most sensitive spot. He nibbled on her nipple slightly, grinding the bud between his teeth as his thumb rubbed against her clitoris. He knew he had Jeanne on edge...right where he wanted her.

He then withdrew his fingers and his mouth...stepping back from her and withdrawing all of the pleasure he was giving her, right on the edge he was sure. He grinned as he licked the fingers they had been inside her. He unbuckled his trousers to reveal his massive and long cock. It was as big as it had felt, if not larger...and it throbbed, seeking attention.

"Want me to put it inside you....slut?" He had a feeling Jeanne wanted to try and experience more pleasure...more things....even if he hadn't paid for it...he could always pay the difference afterwards after all...
Jeanna felt helpless against the man, a good type of helpless that swelled her pussy and brought more liquid to her heat then she had ever experienced. She was desperate for this rising feeling and she knew that the more she rocked her hips back and forth the closer she would come to it, that every pressing need that she had never felt before. Just when she thought that she would retrieve it, that it would finally catch her he backed away. Leaving her feeling cold and wanting, her mind was cloudy from this experience and all she wanted to do was lung after him. Jump into his embrace and riding out the experience until she finally caught that mysterious feeling burning inside her.

When he finally freed himself before her, her eyes went wide in shock the flesh hard and rigid stood staring at her. Challenging her to come and touch it, the gleam of pre-cum causing her to blush, but not nearly as much as his words did. Did she want that? Did she truly want to cross that line that no saint should cross? She had to contemplate it for a long time before she finally gave in, she was hot, horny and in need. She was sure she would feel sorrow when this was done at her lack of control, but for now she didn't care. With a renewed shyness she nodded her head whispering, "yes master."
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