All fair in Smash and Love (Kaybee x StarMech)


Jun 5, 2016
Santiago, Chile
It had already been a couple of days, but even so, Pit excitement was not winding down. After all, him alongside Lady Palutena, had been invited out of their home of Skyworld into a luxurious residence settled not just for them, but to a varied cast of fighters and heroes from all over the universe and beyond.

The Smash Resort and its connected downtown city acted as a sort of Hub between their worlds, allowing all these different fighters to gather. Under the ownership of Master Hand, they were treated to a high class of luxury in exchange of friendly fighting matches every now and then to entertain the adoring crowds. After that, they were free to relax and do what they wanted.

In fact, Pit had just finished a match himself; Claiming victory against so other competitors. "That was awesome! We get to show off our skills AND relax in an all paid-vacation. Isn't this place the best?" He asked.

The one to his side, a replica of the young angel known as Dark Pit, didn't seem as overly excited. "And you have to say it for like the fifth time because...?"

For the black-winged angel, coming here wasn't much of a choice, as, having to work for the Nature Goddess Viridi now, was forced by her to come here and stay up to date with the happenings on other worlds. the fact that they kept pairing him up with his goodie-two-shoes self here didn't help either.

"Aw come on, Pittoo.--"

"I told you to stop calling me that."

"--I'm sure even you can find some good in a place like this right?"

He rolled his eyes. "I suppose...would be nicer if I could just be left alone for five seco--" Before he could even finish, Pit was already gone to explore. Dark pit sighed; At least he could get some alone time now...

Pit moved from one hallway to the next, checking every available room as curiosity engulfed his body. Pool, Game Room, huge kitchen, the place really had it all and he hoped to see as much as possible...
While many of the mushroom kingdom's fighters preferred to stay in their own homes, Peach Toadstool found herself wandering the halls of the Smash mansion more and more often. It was not quite as regal or decorated as her palace but it had it's own sense of wealth to it, invested resources placed into comfort and entertainment rather than glitter and gold. Not only that but there were always such interesting characters, princes and princesses of kingdoms she'd never heard of. Strange creatures and strangers still adventurers.

It was a place of wonders and mystery, and quite frankly she simply couldn't understand how Mario could be so blasé about it. Luigi seemed to have a nuanced appreciation for the place at least, even if he seemed reluctant to really put himself out there, and bowser had been...

Well come to think of it, Bowser had been strangely quiet when she'd asked him during go-karting. If she hadn't known better she would have said the former scourge of her kingdom even looked a little embarrassed.

The mushroom kingdom princess settled onto a couch with a sigh, feeling herself sink into the cushions pleasantly only to poke one eye open as she heard the door click open. "Hello? Oh!" What an adorable young man, and... Were those wings? "Who might you be?" He must have been one of the newer fighters right?
In his mindless wandering, Pit had just realized that he had walked in an already occupied room. The young looking angel simply scratched the back of his head as he glanced at the woman in the pink dress and chuckled in embarrassment.

"Hehe, my bad. I wasn't really looking where I was going. This place is just so filled up with stuff." He said.

When asked about his identity he was quick to reply in his usually chipper manner. "My name is Pit! I was invited here recently alongside Lady Palutena. Nice to meet you, Miss um..."

He took a good look at her. The feeling of having seen her somewhere before resonating through his mind.
"Toadstool. Princess Peach Toadstool." She replied, letting the regal tone slip into her voice before letting if fade again. "But you can just call me Peach. This is hardly my kingdom after all."

She half-turned, lying sideways along the couch to get a better look at him. "Hmm... Pit right? That sounds so familiar but I don't recognize you at all~ Are you new here?" He really was cute, and he looked quite young, though in this place it was hard to tell. That green-haired girl who'd been visiting with the Tactician twins couldn't have looked a day over twelve but apparently she was several thousand years old, so Peach found it better to ask than assume.

Still, before the angel could respond she had another thought. "Come on over here and sit down. You don't need to just stand in the doorway~"
It finally clicked to him. "Wait. THE Princess Peach. The ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom?! That's so cool!!!"

Pit was currently starry-eyed as he sat nearby. Before his trip to the Smash Resort, he had spend plenty of time reading upon the many heroes, villains and important stars of nearby worlds. After all, as Palutena had previously recommended him, educating oneself lets you have a leg up against the competition.

He already seen a few other stars previously in his designated battle, but seeing so many still caused him to be so excited about this whole living situation.

"So, you been in this place a lot? I have heard so many stuff about this place, I still can't believe I'm here..."
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