Exploring, Needing Friends ~ AIM & Yahoo

Jun 2, 2014
Hi, and thank you for the click! I'm looking for some new play partners mostly on AIM, but I do still use Yahoo as well. My username is extigergirl on both messengers, and don't be shy! If you like some of the ideas below, tell me so. If you have other ideas or you want to put a new spin on any of the ones below, ask away. I'm open to OOC chat as well, and I think being friendly with each other can lead to better plays when that time comes.

One quick note: It's not a must by any means, but I'm kind of exploring my submissive side lately. I also have learned I have a small thing for humiliation. Neither of these is a must, though. If you want to play as friends or co-equals or even with me being slightly in charge (I don't do the dominatrix "kneel, bitch" stuff very well), I'm in! I will tell you, too, that I'm a straight female. Sorry, girls!

Here are my ideas as of now. I'll add to this list as I think of things, or subtract from it if something gets stale. Don't forget: hit me up at extigergirl on both AIM and/or Yahoo.

Musician's Friend
I spent a little while after college making a sort of serious effort as a musician (I sing and I'm not bad on a piano). My thought is pretty simple: I'd be a young and hungry musician moving to a major city for it (think New York, Nashville, Los Angeles), looking to make my splash and hit it big, and you'd be someone (or ones) who might offer help or various arrangements. Get creative: Do I need a place to live and you have something to offer? Am I auditioning for something that could be a break for me? Do you have a job I can do on the side to get by for now? And of course, anything else along the way you might be able to offer, suggest away!
ALTERNATIVES: If you'd rather consider another path, perhaps I'm looking to break in to acting, comedy, writing, or some other aspect of the entertainment world. I'm pretty flexible about this, especially since I approach these as a cooperative venture in creating fun fiction.

The Dorm Visitor - Probably my favorite idea in this list
I would like to center this on me being the older woman in this arrangement (I'm 28 IRL, and I can move that number a little bit) with a college student (think 18-21 or so). I would be married in this scenario and need to keep things quiet, so I might have to come visit this guy more. We can figure out how things might begin and all, but I would like to have him living in the university dorms (or a Greek house if you want to age him or it's a better character fit). On one hand, having to visit a dorm to meet up with him can be humiliating, but it might be sort of hot in its own way. Plus, depending on how we take things from there, perhaps I end up meeting the roommate, or other guys in his building or on his floor talk to me too. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this one.
ROLE REVERSAL OPTION: You're the older married man of some sort, and you would need to come to my dorm room/sorority house. How would coming to the dorms make you feel? How would you like things to go as far as hanging around the university campus sometimes? Tell me more.

Work Sucks (Literally...)
I don't have a highly developed version of this one, but the short version is: I'm being harrassed by my boss. I know there's a major power imbalance, and we can talk about what (possibly few) options I have otherwise. What does he want, why does he target me, what does it get me if I cave... all that is up for discussion. Pitch me something, and let's see how we can fit together.
ALTERNATIVE APPROACH: I'm willing to play as a student with against a teacher, principal, fellow student with some sort of power/popularity, etc. It's a similar angle, but if you'd prefer school settings over work settings, I'm open to it.

The Rivalry Goes Too Far
This might require a slower buildup than some of the others, but we could talk about it however you may wish. My thought here is that you're a friend and rival with someone in my life: parent, husband, or boyfriend would be the most likely ones. For a long time, you two have always been friendly to each other outwardly, perhaps even spend time together on evenings and weekends, but away from each other you two are constantly looking for ways to get ahead at work or with personal items, etc. However, things take a step further when you decide to cross a major line and go after the daughter, wife, or girlfriend (AKA me). Getting me would be the ultimate prize in this rivalry, and how would you get me?
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