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welcome to wentworth. (with amaranthine)


Mar 30, 2017
Elise answers questions in a daze, her gaze too blurred by the shock of adrenaline rushing through her system to even see the man sitting across the desk from her, scribbling her answers on to a sheet of paper like she was livestock to catalog. She was, wasn't she? Now at least. Now she was going to be here, be stuck here, and there was nothing she could do to fight that. Maybe she deserved it, but all Elise knew was that Paul definitely deserved what he had gotten. She would be here, if it meant keeping Nelly safe from the soulless, violating hands of her pervert of a brother.

Name, date of birth, next of kin - she rattles off answers in a monotone only to be lead to the wall for pictures then to a room to have her dignity stripped away with each piece of clothing that she was forced to bare herself of. She pulls her dirty blonde hair out of a pony tail when they ask her to, and the locks fall in messy waves down to her shoulder. She pulls her piercings from her ears, her nipples, her naval when they tell her to - why she can't have those she doesn't understand, but there's no regret in her so she doesn't fight. This will be home. She's okay with that.

She's moved to a unit once she's searched and she feels out of place in civilian clothes, a red plaid button down over a black tank top, leggings that ride every curve of her hips. She doesn't question it, though - doesn't ask for teal, doesn't ask about anything. Besides what she's forced to say, she was dead quiet even as one of the women in the unit spoke to her, told her the rules. She's withdrawn and stays in her cell until she's called to dinner, at which point the women of the unit drag her along. She grabs her food at sits at the same table as those in her unit, and for the first time since she arrived they get words out of her. She introduces herself, chuckles here and there. She's quiet until the girls burst in to a cheer of "Franky!", their eyes turned towards the entrance.

The outburst caught Elise's attention and she turned to see who was being paraded - one of the women, Liz, had mentioned that name not long after she had arrived. Apparantly Franky was not to be fucked with, but she had no intentions of fucking with anyone so that shouldn't be hard to avoid.
Franky entered the cafeteria later than the rest of the women, her white tank top showing off a sliver of her pink bra and her prison issued teal sweats riding low on her hips. She had a lopsided grin on her face, her hands on her hips and a confident air about her. After offering a nod to one of the older women, the Holt matriarch, she grabbed her own food and then settled down at her table, plopping in to the chair with her legs spread open and her arms crossed on the edge of the table with her tray just in front of them. Her gaze met a new face, and she cocked raised her eyebrows.

"Newbie, huh?" She said, never breaking eye contact with the brunette. "And who might you be, beautiful?" She winks and grins before finally taking her arms off of the table and letting out a laugh. Liz, sat beside the new girl, offers a hushed whisper that Franky's just teasing her and does this to all the new girls.

"Oi, don't give my tactics away Birdsworth." She sounds serious and anyone who didn't know her might think that she was angry, but after offering Liz a soft smack on the back of the head there's no tension at all and Franky waited for the new girl to give her a reply.
So... This was Franky. Elise observes the dark haired woman who walks with such an air of confidence that Ellie can't help but feel threatened just seeing her. When the woman ended up at the head of her table, and her blue eyes honed in on Elise's own thin figure, she did her best to avoid any possible confrontation. She finds comfort in Liz, the one person she's starting to feel comfortable with, and when the blonde lets her know she doesn't have to feel so worried she visibly untenses.

"Elise," she said to Franky, chewing her lip as she debates whether or not putting her hand out for a handshake would be the best call right now. She opts not to and instead leans forward to put on her best smile. "Franky, right? Liz mentioned you earlier."

Was that the right call? Should she have said anything? It's her first day here, first of most likely the next five years, and fuck if she ruins things now this is going to be a hell of a time for her.
"Oh? Did she now?" Franky cocked an eyebrow at the new girl, Elise, as she spoke, and then she took a bite of her food as the rest of the unit chattered and listened in. After swallowing her next bite of food and then leaned forward, resting her chin on the back of the hand she held her fork in. It came of no surprise that Elise knew of her thanks to Liz, as she was in tight with the H block girls and she treated the women there well - otherwise she would be dealing with another person on the wrong side of her battles. "Well I'm not surprised. I'm good to my girls, she knows I'll look after ya."

The rest of the meal flew by, as did the remainder of the evening, which Franky spent in the gym. Before long, though, the loudspeakers summoned everyone back to their units for count. Franky was the last to arrive back in to the unit, and she managed to do so just as the correctional officer was walking in to the unit - no extra hassle today. With everyone at their doors the officer began to take count and then, once everyone was accounted for, locked their unit in for the night. Franky fell on to the couch with Boomer, her feet up on the larger women's thighs while Doreen and Liz settled in to chairs as well. With the tv in the common area, the women were settling in for the night.
Was she supposed to stay and talk? Elise wasn't quite sure, and she knew that the women were doing their best to make her feel comfortable but by the time that count was over, Ellie just wanted to curl up in to her bed (which didn't feel like her bed at all) and fall asleep. It would mark the end of the first day of the next five years of her life and all she could do right now was take it one day at a time. While the other women gathered in the common area, she slid in to her room without drawing attention to herself and closed the door behind her. She had been lucky enough to nab a book from Liz earlier in the day, so she read that for a little while before putting it on the desk in her room and laying on her bed.

Ellie clasped her hands together behind her head as she laid down in her bed, squirming as she tried to get comfortable. The four walls around her didn't feel like home and the knowledge that she would have to spend every day like this was beginning to weigh on her. She wanted to keep to herself but she was already feeling the loneliness creep in to her bones.
Franky watched Elise slink in to her room as everyone else gathered in the common area, shouting and laughing and having a good time while the telly played in front of them. After a while she got up from her spot and walked behind the couch. She braced her hands against the back of it as she spoke to the rest of the women, saying she would be back, and she found herself in front of a certain closed door just moments later.

Franky liked making sure that her girls felt safe, but she also naturally found herself intrigued by the woman. Maybe it was because Elise seemed to be quite private, or maybe it was a fleeting attraction while Kimmy was in the slot leaving her with a large gap in her schedule, but Franky was going to try to make Elise feel welcome. (Besides, the more people who were on her side, the better.)

"Hey." She popped the door open and peaked her head, not taking the time to knock or even get a response before she slid in to the room and closed the door behind her. "Mind some company?" She winked so she seemed like she didn't actually give a fuck.
Elise was not expecting company, so her door opening came as a shock, even more so when a certain brown haired girl entered her room through the narrow opening and closed it behind her without even making a noise. Questioning what was happening and also not sure if she really had a choice right now, she shrugged her shoulders and gave a slight nod.

"S'pose I don't have much a say in it," she quipped as she propped herself up with her elbows and watched tentatively to see what Franky was going to do next. Would this be some sort of hazing or initiation? Or did this woman, the one basically in charge (behind... Jacs? Yeah that was her name), actually seem to give a fuck about someone as uninteresting in her? It wasn't like she cared enough to make friends here, not just yet. She was purposely keeping to herself until she got the lay of the land, as hard as that was becoming for her.
"I'm not gonna force ya to accept my company y'know?" Franky moved in anyways, taking Elise's remark to be consent. She sat on the edge of the bed by the woman's hips. She put her weight on a hand that she let rest on the other side of Elise's waist. She leaned in precariously, her face not far from the woman's own and Franky debated what would happen if she just leaned in, kissed the woman hard and took her here. She was a sexual person and she wasn't afraid of that, but she wasn't about to attach herself to a clinger for the sake of a shag.

"How's day one? It can be the hardest." She expressed genuine interest in the answer. The kid, hell she couldn't be more than twenty so she was basically a kid, reminded Franky of herself from her first days in here, struggling to find the person that she needed to be.
Ellie isn't sure how to interpret Franky's question or the way she hovers over her, leaning in close. The woman sounds friendly enough but caution wins for Elise and she scoots herself until her back is straight against the wall and Franky's lean is over her knees rather than her hips.

"It was alright I guess," she responds and she's still unsure of what she should to. She can feel the tension between them and her eyes keep flashing to Franky's lips. She's never had someone get this up close and personal with her in her almost twenty one years on this planet, especially not a woman. More and more she doesn't know how to interpret Franky and her actions. "I mean, as prison first days go." She jokes as she swallows a ball that's forming in her throat from the woman's closeness.
Franky laughed. This chick managed to have a sense of humor at least, and she can appreciate that. Not to mention she only sat up rather than pulling away entirely, which gave Franky the confidence to adjust her position so that she laid on the bed beside Elise, over the covers with her hands resting one on top of the other over her stomach. She turned her head to look over at the other woman, and a small smile managed to grace her lips.

"It gets better I swear," she said to the woman, attempting to be genuine as best as she could. "You can't keep to yourself, though. You'll drive yourself bonkers befre ya even know what's happened."
"What do you care?" Elise asks as she watches Franky, laid down on her bed beside her. She slid over towards the wall and kept her position sitting up, looking down to the other woman from her spot. Maybe that sounded angsty but she had a point, they barely even knew each other. Did that make it better? Worse? El wasn't quite sure because she didn't know why Franky was even there right then. Was she obligated to get along was everyone? Was it wrong for her to want to do her time in silence? She thought both that she should keep to herself and that she should reach out to those around her, and the conflicting thoughts made her wonder what the right call here - and what Franky's interested meant.
Cause you're cute, cause you're quiet, cause I was the exact same way when I was new? There are so many answers that Franky could give. She remembered being the quiet newbie, never talking to anyone. In the end, she would have done better if she had taken the time to make some friends early on rather than once her sentencing was confirmed. (She should have taken the fact that she would be stuck here seriously, in fact.) She didn't know anything about Elise's situation, what she had gone through or why she was here, but she knew that as a newbie she had basicaslly felt like being here wasn't real.

"Know what i'ts been like to be new, that's why," she said, still ignoring the little bits of her that she was in El - the way she walked, the way she talked, the way she acted. She glanced to her side and all she could see was Elise's face so close to hers. Her attention fell to the other woman's lips and Franky struggled to change her priorities. "Sides, I'd hate to see someone so hot fall victim to this place... Can fuck ya right up if you're not keeping an eye on yourself.
Franky's words make Elise's throat tighten and a wave of heat flush up to her cheeks. The way the woman's eyes focused on her face brought a thrill to her that she didn't quite understand - she'd never had a woman look at her like that but she found the same thrill in it that she did with a man. Maybe more - it didn't help that the bit of fear in her veins just made her even more intrigued. The all consuming loneliness didn't help either.

"Someone this hot ay?" Maybe that was a cheeky comment but Elise offers Franky a little smile. She's not trying to come off unfriendly, after all this woman could have her ass if she looked the wrong way. Elise adjusts her position in the bed so that she's laying down as well, angled slightly to the right so she can keep an eye on the woman she's sharing a bed with. "You in to chicks or somethin'?"
"Depends, you want me to be?" Franky flashed back a grin at Elise's remark, and she hoped that meant that the game was turning in her direction. The dark haired woman adjusted her position - she rolled slightly on to her side so that she was facing Elise and propped her head up with her down elbow. The free arm rested along the side of her body where it traced the curves of her waist and hips to rest with her hand on top of her upper thigh.

"Can always keep you company if so, I don't mind." She quickly raised and dropped her eyebrows while she spoke, and then she leaned in just the slightest to test whether or not any advances might work in her favour. She can feel it, though - there most likely would not be any problems here.
That was a yes, as if there had been any doubts after the way that Liz had hushed a flirting Franky earlier in the day. Elise hadn't thought much about that but it was becoming apparant that Liz genuinely meant that Franky liked to find herself in other women's beds. Elise wasn't practical though and frankly she was starting to feel interested in making some mistakes. That's exactly what this was, yeah - the way she leaned in closer, let her gaze fixate on Franky's bright blue eyes. She'd never been gay before but for this face she would try, or to make the loneliness that was already settling in go away.. She was testing herself with every movement she made, every inch her leg slid towards Franky's and the way her fingers inched closer and closer in a motion that she didn't even realize she was making.

"You might like that a bit too much." Her eyelids lower slightly and she offers the brunette a slight, tentative smile.
"Would I?" Franky raised an eyebrow to Elise, and she definitely didn't miss the subtle movements that the blonde made to get closer to her. The woman is cheeky but it grabbed her attention, and she rathered someone that would make her have to work for it than someone she could get naked in a second. Whether Elise meant to or not, Franky just found herself more and more intrigued.

"I think you'd like it." She smirked and then leaned in. She moved her hand from her hip and placed it on Elise's. She held on to the woman's flesh with her thumb resting against the jut of Elise's hip bone. She watched carefully to figure out what Elise's response was - not just her words but the subtle reactions of her body. She had given up her initial resolve to simply check in and now she couldn't deny that she wanted to see where this would go.
"Do ya now?" Ellie quipped back as Franky's hand met her body, a soft touch over white and teal that covered her body. It's partially a dare and partially her questioning herself, because though she always knew she would probably be down to get down with a woman she'd never even touched one before - and she'd never touched anyone that she didn't actually know, even in the depths of her addiction (though, she had slept with her dealer instead of her abusive boyfriend... but that was another story all together.) Her hip rolls in to the touch and a shock as the base of Franky's palm hits a sliver of flesh just beyond the hem of her tank top makes her curl her fingers and break the eye contact she had been holding. She isn't sure what's gotten in to her and why she's okay with this but she's done so much shit she thought she would never actually do recently that acting out of her normal almost feels like it is her normal now.

So she dares herself and she leans in, deciding to give in to the urge to be reckless because fuck it - she's gonna be here for the next five years and she may as well use the first night to do something other than mope and wonder and mull. Her fingers dance close to Franky's abdomen and slide up to her waist over her shirt. Doing this gives her a thrill, a rush.
When Elise's hand came in to contact with her hip, Franky grinned - a cheeky, lopsided thing that was her signature look. That was all the permission she needed to take the lead and she pushed Elise, a gentle but direct motion, on to her back. She climbed so she was half on top of the woman with one hand on each side of her rib cage and her closer leg pushed between her thighs to part her legs just slightly. She hovered with her face so close she could feel the other woman's breath against her cheeks, hot and quick. With Elise pinned under her, Franky waited to read her gaze for confirmation she wasn't about to violate someone. Taking the lead came easy to her, but so did making sure the person she was with, or could be with, was comfortable with her actions.
Franky was on top of her before she even knew what was happening, but Elise didn't fight it - she fell back as she was guided and when Franky's knee slid high between her thighs she swallowed nervously. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she fumbled with the other woman's clothes, fingers grasping at hemlines and her own leg raising just slightly between the brunette's. She was exploring and questioning, asking herself if this was the right call to make even though she knew she would just keep changing her mind a million times over if she didn't stop trying to think. Her hands shook just slightly and her eyes darted between Franky's own and the way that the other woman's hands trapped her. She knew in that moment that everything was in her hands and she answered Franky's silent question with a sharp nod.
With the knowledge that this was definitely okay, Franky leaned in and kissed Elise. It was rough, almost needy - her chapped lips against Elise's own in an action that gave away just how hot the brunette had been getting during their little "will they won't they". She didn't waste any time with that, though, and after a couple open mouthed kisses her lips trailed to her jaw and then to her neck where she stopped to lick her from her collar bone up to the sensitive flesh right behind her earlobe. She grasped at Elise's hip with one hand. Her thumb tucked below the hem of the blonde's tank top and then down under the waistband of her sweat pants, where she rubbed gentle circles over Elise's hip bone. She planted a series of kisses and nibbles along the woman's neck, some of which came with enough force that they may have left a mark, and from there she continued to trail her lips downward, a very slow and deliberate action with every intention to work up the woman pinned beneath her.
This was new - Elise doesn't know how to react to Franky's touches besides to arch her back until their abdomens were flushed together and grasp at Franky's hair with each eager kiss and touch. While it was obvious that Franky knew what she was doing, El wasn't on that page. Every touch of hers was nervous, tentative - she ran her hands through Franky's hair with soft touches and every time she hit flesh her touch was feather light.

"I've never-" she grabbed at the dark haired woman's hair as Franky's lips trailed slowly, sensually down her neck and then further so. With her hands up El's shirt, she's getting nervous and while she doesn't want to stop, not really, she doesn't know if continuing in the best call here. Speaking feels like it may tear the moment apart but there's a heat between her hips and a tightness in her throat and she knew which urge was going to win now that this was more than mere touches. "Just... go easy on me."
Girl was a newbie - no surprise there. Franky couldn't help but grin as the woman's hands tangled in to her hair, distracting her just enough that she pulled her face away to look up at her. Her hands didn't dare to leave Elise's body, however. Her fingertips dug just slightly in to the soft flesh of Elise's abdomen as Franky looked up and spoke. The blonde looked flustered and almost in shock and god was it hot to know she had that effect on the woman. Gay for the stay? Oh, probably. She was probably straighter than a pole, but straight girls were like spaghetti: only straight until they were wet. "Oh don't worry, El. I got enough know-how for both of us."

She pulled her hand out from where it was against Elise's hips and ran a gentle sweep across the blonde's cheek. "Don't worry, I'll take care of ya, an' we don't have to do anything you don't want to."
The sweetness in Franky's tone feels out of place next to that cocky grin but Elise is thankful that the woman has enough respect for her not to push her. Sure, this had been her call - but that didn't change how foreign it felt to have another woman's body on top of her; one she barely knew at that. So Elise is careful as Franky slides her hand up to her face, caresses her cheek so softly she can't help but imagine what it would feel like to have those soft touches between her thighs. Franky was right to think she was flustered - her cheeks were as hot as her core was.

"Okay." She decides to throw caution to the wind as best as her anxious, perfectionist desires allow her to. This was one situation where she couldn't be in control - she barely remembered how to breathe let alone function any further. She grabs Franky, soft but still demanding enough that the woman would be pulled up to her, and kisses her deep, running her hands through Franky's hair and over her neck. It's the first time she's initiated and that's a big step. If she gets a say in this, she's feeling too jumpy for roaming hands just yet.
Franky already hovered close to Elise's face, so kissing here came as no task. She moved deliberately but also carefully as she pressed open mouthed kisses against Elise. She still hovered over the blonde, one hand against her face and the other down on her hip - from where she was now, that hand was doing no good for either of them. She traced her fingers up Elise's thigh and stopped at her chest where her fingers spread flat against her ribcage for a moment. Franky couldn't help but smirk against Elise's lips as she felt the blonde's heartbeat in her fingertips. Simultaneously, Franky bit gently on the woman's lower lip and palmed one of her breasts. As she needed the soft, malleable flesh with her hand, the leg still between Elise's thighs dug higher, grinding against the woman's sex through her clothes. The first time she did that wasn't deliberate - but the second time she moved in, under the guise of trying to get closer, definitely was.
Okay - this was tame so far. Elise could handle this - the way Franky bit and palmed at her, the way she pushed her knee between her thighs in a way she must have known would get to Elise. The blonde couldn't help but let out a hiss of a breath the first time Franky pressed against her like that. She wasn't getting ahead of herself, not right now at least. The downward touching, hands trailing in to clothes - she wasn't ready for that just yet. Or maybe she was? Maybe now that she knew she got a say in this she would be less nervous. She's still too nervous to make that move, though.

Instead she arches her back, pushing her still-covered breast in to Franky's hand and her body has taken control from her when her hips raise, grinding her pussy against Franky's leg. She had never realized that she likes being touched like that but boys, at least in her experience, like to focus on themselves. She's never had sex where it was more than a little foreplay, some oral (both ways - if she's lucky) and then regular old penis in vagina. She barely knows what an orgasm feels like, but Elise has a feeling that may change quickly.
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