About me: i'm 27 years old, fiercely hetero, living in the US on the east coast (for timezone purposes). I can play whatever but out of necessity i'm generally dom as most females lean towards sub in my experience. My writing style is multi-paragraph though i don't and won't hold you to that standard. I prefer CONSENSUAL pairings but...again...alot of non-con lovers out there. I have a raging fetish for females wearing latex clothing, though if that's not you, it's not a requirement. And otherwise i'm a pretty open minded person. I have an F-list here F-list - Warning or in my profile page, Also sorry, there's no cake here, that was just to get your attention...
PM me if interested
DIRECTIONS: I originally had 2 separate threads, one for consensual stories, and one for non-con, i have since merged the 2 and you will find my Non-Con stories in the 2nd response to this thread, it may take a bit of scrolling but it's down there i promise.
DISCLAIMER: my scenario's are all written differently, some are basic explanations, some are synopsis, some read like journal entries, it's just how it comes to me in my head as i write so allow for the varying writing styles, while role-playing i write 3rd person as a default and 1st person if asked. I include female pictures in my threads to give you an idea of outfits your character would be wearing as many if not all my threads involve the concept of sexy/slutty clothing or Gif's to emphasize the situation or feel of the story, plus who doesn't like a steamy gif. YOU DO NOT have to play the girls in the photo's if you do not want too, they are just the models for the outfits in that case.
NOTICE 1: The first list contains stories of a modern and mundane nature, meaning they lack anything supernatural, fantasy, or science fiction about them EXCLUDING mind control themes which are still included. Stories containing magic and fantasy themes will be found in the second section below.
Notice 2: MY personal preference and kinks that revolve around my top fantasy involve bimbo's and latex, if there are bimbo bodied womenw earing latex it's a perfect day for me, but to be clear as i stated before in the disclaimer, you are not obligated to play the character is list nor participate in and kinks you're not interested in and i will do my best to work around your kinks as well as my own.
:Unhealthy Competition
Sibling rivalry is a common issue parents have to deal with, it can occur anytime a family has more than one child, more so when the children are closer in age, though it happens most often between siblings less than 2 years apart in families with only those 2 children. when properly channeled it can lead to healthy habits and high levels of achievement in academic and athletic pursuits. If improperly managed by parents, a sibling rivalry may cause the lesser performing child to develop a resentment for their family and often causes unhealthy mechanisms to develop in the child that can lead to lashing out, rebelliousness, and often alienation from their family. Sometimes though, unforseen and unlikely outcomes can arise, situations such as siblings developing a healthy sense of competition with each other with neither able to gain more than a minor and fleeting advantage of the other in traditional pursuits such as academics and athletics, leading to a competitive nature developing in other...irregular and unconventional fields of competition....men, dating, and sex.
:The District
Established by 5 young entrepreneurs, the district is a rundown project in an unnamed city. By funneling millions of dollars into buying up cheap property and millions more in bribes to grease the wheels of politics, In record time the low income housing was renovated into beautiful apartments, the rundown shops and vacant storefronts purchased, cleaned up, and prepared for new tenants. The Ancient Gothic Cathedral that was crumbling under it's own weight was restored, Every inch of the 12 square blocks of downtown property was renovated, cleaned, and polished in record time. The entrepreneurs who later became known only as the founders, were young, they had made their millions, 2 of them billions, before the ages of 30 and had little need for further pursuits except to maintain their companies and live out their lives.
The problem of course was that as powerful men in their primes of life, settling down was...unappealing. Life was about parties, women, and sex. Each of the founders had his own tastes, and their tastes became the base for the project they began to build in the massive parcel of property they all owned. Soon small businesses began to move into the incredibly low priced storefronts. Book stores, clothing boutiques, restaurants, cafe's, Hotel's, hobby shops, and nightclubs began to fill up the vacant and suspiciously low rent vacancies. The founders were all too eager to provide cheap rent for businesses and even cheaper rent in housing. All the business owners in the district and their eventual employee's were given nearly free housing under the district rules all to build the men's playground that the district would become. The rules of the district were simple, no-one could reside in the district housing who did not own a business or work for a business within. To compensate for the low rent of retail space, all businesses within the district would sell their wares and services at 10 times the normal rate.
To offset the massively inflated prices, all employees in the district Must willingly offer themselves as a service to patrons who purchase wares from district businesses pending it does not violate their sexual orientation. No-one ever had to say yes, anyone could quit their job and leave at any time. And finally, Business owners may 'own' district employees who work for them or other business owners, at the consensual agreement of the employee making their owner responsible for their slaves bills and expenses in exchange for whatever agreed upon services the slave would provide. Following these rules, the district grew from sparse businesses to an ant-hill of business as tourists and customers from outside the district flocked in daily to window shop and purchase incredibly inflated goods and receive the 'gratitude' of the employees as well as the districts nightlife became something legends are made of as the districts multiple nightclubs were all themed after various darker aspects of sexuality.
6 months after the founders began renovations, the district was a thriving financial and shopping district as well as a blatant and openly accepted red-light district of the most upscale variety, catering to every taste and fantasy at every turn from the nerdy girl with the glasses and tattoo's who would do whatever she could to sell you on that book your hesitant to commit to buying. To the Beautiful sisters at the church who would welcome you in and work every sin out of you through rigorous confession, just don't forget to put a tip in the donation box on your way out. Politicians, city officials, foreign dignitaries, and even royalty came too enjoy the city within the city devoted to sex, lust, and fantasy, staffed by beautiful men and women who loved sex and loved to serve and fulfill the fantasies of others that the founders had created and used as their personal playground.
Hotel Receptrion
Hotel staff
Clothing Boutique
:Top Of The World
MC ran his company like a captain ran a ship. He rewarded his men's hard work with money, alcohol, and women. Upper management benefitted greatly from his secret, the book that he kept locked in his desk drawer, the custom made desk that was magnetically bolted to his floor and could survive a missile round, all to protect the secret to his success. "sir your 2:30 is here for her interview" his receptionists voice chirped through the intercom, her voice laced with the soft sigh of loving devotion. the intercom chirped and he smiled to himself. He had seen her resume earlier the previous day and his eyes hadn't scrolled past her picture attached to the e-mail. Her clothing was proper and official, nothing sexual or risky but even with mundane clothing and a pair of black rimmed glasses he could see he wanted to have her, maybe she wouldn't bore him as fast as his receptionist, He liked redheads but she was already boring him, her breasts were nice but small and they just didn't do it for him like a big pair would. "send her in" he said in response, his finger leaving the intercom.
Tapping his fingers on his desk, his mind slipping to the book locked in his desk, he had already prepared for the interview. The book had spells for everything but almost none of them worked, just the spell he used on his attractive female employees and one other that did little of anything. As the door opened and the beautiful woman walked in he stood up like a gentlemen. He liked to be informal, despite being the CEO of a company he never wore a suit, just a dress shirt and dress pants, mind you the pair together cost more than $10,000 but that wasn't the point, success had rewards. As the woman walked in he could see the anxiety in her eyes, she was nervous. "good" he thought to himself, something about the ones who lacked confidence made him excited. As a billionaire he could have any woman, did have many of them, but the power to MAKE them do as he asked, MAKE them WANT to do as he asked, that was erotic to him, that was power, and that was what he liked. "it's a pleasure to meet you" he said, holding out his hand for her to shake "have a seat".
As the woman sat down he could see the confusion in her eyes, she was surprised by the heat that flushed her face and neck, the warmth beginning to grow between her thighs and that sudden hitch in her heart beat as her pulse quickened. The book had shown him something he had not ever suspected, magic was boring. A few normal plants, some salt, a bit of this, a bit of that, dried and ground up into a power, rubbed on the palm of his hand and when he made skin to skin contact with a member of the opposite sex, like with say..a handshake, she was charmed. The magic was subtle and slow, she wouldn't simply drop to her knees right there and go for his belt, though he could make her, he had used a low dose, though sometimes he loved to just make them his fucktoys, this one he would enjoy watching go sex crazy for him and once he was bored of her, he'd release her of her attraction to him but keep the sex drive, the need to serve men, any men, all men, and let her loose among his management staff like he did all the others, it paid to be upper management in his company.
"so, what do you want from me?" he asked, a smile on his lips, the question designed to make a perspective employee think for themselves, but with the charm taking effect on her, he could see the first thought that ran through her head when he asked her was not what she expected.
:Cell block D
MC walked slowly down the cell block, dragging his hand along the railing as he glanced down over the side into general population. D block was the worst cell block, full of aggressive prisoners with histories of violence and many times, murder. He was a big man, nearly 6 and a half feet tall and weighing in at 210 lb of solid muscle, he was built to be a linebacker and being warden of a women's prison was probably his favorite career he could think of. He was a bit of a prick and he accepted that, after all he was handsome and spent the majority of his day flirting with women who would just as likely stab him with a sharpened tooth brush as give him a kiss but that was half the fun for him, he liked the excitement, he especially liked HER.
Stopping outside her cell he leaned back against the railing as he stared in between the bars as Jensen was just buckling his belt and making sure his uniform was on straight. "how was she?" He asked and Jensen glanced up and grinned "not bad, maybe not worth full privileges but that's really your call boss" the man said as he buttoned his last button and stepped towards the cell door, unlocking it and leaving, leaving the cell wide open as MC smiled sweetly into the cell at YC. She was a beauty, Shapely, big in the right places, small in the rest, a beautiful face kept beautiful by the shelves of creams and makeup on her shelves next to her T.V and mini fridge, all gifts she received from her patrons. She was wiping herself off with a terrycloth towel, standing naked with her back to him knowing he was staring, she liked when he stared. "i see you have a new bookshelf, which one of them gave you that?" he asked but she just glanced back over her shoulder at him, peeking out from behind curled wavy hair and winked at him, not giving him an answer except wiggling her plump bare ass at him, inviting him in to show her his affection.
Their arrangement was simple, she was a beauty that had little problem using it to get what she wanted, and there was a whole cell block of men with wives at home who couldn't do half the things she could. He was the warden and in exchange for her being open access to all the guards and himself, she got whatever she wanted, within reason, and nobody messed with her, nobody. "got time for another client before your dinner gets here?" he asked, his hand sliding down to his belt buckle as he walked into her cell, closing the cell door behind him with a 'SLAM!' never bothering to wait for her answer.
http://susanwayland.ws/img/19/9.jpg (NSFW)
:Give and Take
Everyone has their 'thing' some girls like bondage, some guys like getting called names, some people want their assholes licked, people are weird man. MC and YC are a happily married couple, 7 years strong, nearly into their 30's, good jobs, a great house in the suburbs, 2 cars, nothing but success, happiness, and love. What's their secret you might ask? It's all about compromise, relationships only work if both parties are truly interested in going the extra mile for their partner. Him, he likes latex and roleplay, nurses, french maids, schoolgirls, you name it, his wife has a closet at home full of the stuff, makes a porn shoot wardrobe look cheap. Every time it's a different outfit, a different role, a different accent and name, but she does it because she loves him, she doesn't get it, why the rubber turns him on, makes his toes curl, but she knows he loves it and that's all that matters.
So what's HER thing? well, she likes it when he has to watch. For every role she plays, every costume she oils up and stretches into, she brings home some john from the bar and she gives him a taste, sometimes her husband watches openly, she sits him in a chair in the corner and lets him see her eyes rolls back and mouth fall open as some gorilla of a man fucks his wife until the bedframe cracks. Sometimes he hides in the closet so the guy doesn't know the slut who brought him home from the bar has her husband watching in the closet trying not to touch himself as he watches. Sometimes he joins in, whatever she wants, after all that's the secret, give and take, he gets what he wants, she gets what she wants, every ones happy.
:The Cafe
The small silver bell above the door jingled as the hardwood door swung slowly open allowing light from the outside world and sounds from the busy metropolitan street to flood in momentarily until the heavy oaken door swung shut with barely a sound, returning the quaint cafe to it's regular relaxed atmosphere. The handsome young man looked around casually, glancing from one corner to the opposite, taking in the scenery of half a dozen men scattered around the cafe seated at half the dozen tables either enjoying a drink or a snack as others enjoyed the waiting staff. He was a frequent visitor to the cafe named 'Isabella's', home of the $120 coffee, the $70 muffins, and the most beautiful waitresses snugly stuffed into 2 sizes too small latex outfits, busying themselves around the room serving coffee's and snacks, receiving slaps on their often bare ass and hands sliding to other, warmer places. It was by far his favorite part of the week, after finishing out a hard 60 hour week at the office he would budget his bills and set aside half of the remainder for savings which usually left him with about $1,350 to burn.
After discovering this place nearly a year ago, he had given up all of his hobbies so he could save money to come to the District twice or three times on the weekend and just forget how much the droning monotony of a high paying office job at a lucrative law-firm. The jazzy music filling the cafe to add ambiance very nearly drowned out the muffled screams, squeals, and moans rolling down the staircase and out of the door behind the closed curtain next to the bar, He smiled wickedly, his eyes scanning the cafe, admiring one girl he recognized, kneeling at a customers feet while he sipped at his coffee and glanced casually at a book on his table, lazily turning pages as her gloved hands worked at his belt and her head dipped out of sight behind the table, the only noticeable sign of what she was doing was the brief shudder in the mans smooth motions as he raised his coffee too his lips and the way his eyes rolled back momentarily before he regained his composure and sipped his drink, the rest of the rooms activities, conversations, and bustling waitresses, going about their business as if a man in a $5,000 suit wasn't getting his cock sucked by a 20 year old in pink rubber under a circular table not 15 feet from the front counter.
Turning away from the man and the waitress, his smile grew wider as he saw Isabella, the owner and namesake of the cafe, an aging though still beautiful woman in her 50's who still carried the sexy appeal of a woman who knew she had fucked oh so many men and probably ruined her fair share of marriages. "hi Bella" he said as he walked up to the counter. "i'm not looking for any snacks today, just looking for (your characters name here), is she working today?" He asked with a sly glance, his eyes briefly flickering to the ceiling and the rooms above full of men ravaging young, beautiful women. "oh she's handling a pair of college boys right now, shouldn't take her too much longer" she said with a conspiratorial wink "go have a seat, i'll have one of the girls bring you something to drink and keep you company while you wait, on the house".
: Daily Duties
The solid mahogany bedframe of the massive 4 post bed creaked and squealed as her master took her. Her pink rubber skirt hiked up around her shapely hips as her thighs hugged his waist. Her manicured nails raked and sank deep rents into her masters chest and shoulders as she squealed, her voice imitating the sound the bedframe made with each pounding thrust of the masters cock inside her. She was in heaven, her body arching beneath her master as he took her as he did every morning before his breakfast was served. He was the oldest son and heir of the Eschaton family and with his father planning to move with his wife over seas to oversee a new business venture, soon her master would be the head of the household and she couldn't be more excited.
In the district, women served, status was obtained through owning a business or serving a man of status as his slave. To be staff in a founders home was something akin to presidential service, to be a slave to a member of a founding family, was to be famous. Among the Eschaton house, she was one of many women, aside from her masters mother, the family consisted of Lord Eschaton, and his 3 sons. With a household of young, virile men, as well as their father lacking not at all with age, the staff was predominantly female, with a few notable exceptions for the lady of the house.
She held no belief he loved her, but she was confident in her place as his favorite. Soon she would be the slave to a head of household, as high as she, a district woman, could ever rise outside of marriage, and what high aspirations she had. She gasped as her master suddenly left her, leaving her empty as he pulled his hips back, his hands going to her thighs, turning her onto her side before his strong hands gripped her waist and with seemingly no effort, she was turned and placed on hands and knees, her hands going instantly to gripping the top of the headboard as she felt her master hand on her hip, the other grabbing a firm handful of her hair before yanking her head back with a snap, forcing her to stare into the wall as he thrust back inside of her, the smile on her painted lips nearly touching her ears as she closed her eyes and let her master enjoy his favorite maid.
: Daddy's CRAZY little girl.
My EX-wife left me when our daughter was 2 years old...i never got to see her grow up, never got to see her on her first day of school, never got to watch her go off to prom, i never got to be the father she deserved. I never re-married, despite how much of a crazy BITCH my ex was...i loved her. I focused in on my career, climbed the ladder, sold our house and bought a condo, i didn't really need all the room anyways. I did date for a while, even had a few steady girlfriend's for a bit, almost got engaged again once, but in the end, it just wasn't in me to do it again.
two months ago i met a young woman at the bar after work and she just seemed...familiar. I couldn't put my finger on it but she reminded me on someone, the young woman approached me and the first red flag should have been right there, a pretty young 20 something coming up too and chatting a man in his 40's, nothing good comes from that, but...
We didn't leave my bedroom for 2 days except for rest breaks and snacks, she was insatiable and well..fucking crazy. She wanted me to call her my little girl, and she kept calling me daddy, it was creepy at first but honestly, it turned me on, alot, and eventually i got into it. We kept at it for almost a whole week, with her only leaving when i went to work and returning a hour or so after i got home, always wearing these tiny, provocative outfits...but hey, i'm in my 40's and this is the most sex i've had since my wife left me.
My EX-wife called me today to ask if our daughter had made contact with me... i was confused at first, i hadn't spoken to my EX in nearly 20 years. She told me our daughter had demanded to know my name and my address, that she wanted to meet her 'daddy'. I didn't get it immedietly.... until my EX text me a picture of our daughter... i nearly vomited. I'd been fucking my daughter for nearly a week..and what's worse..she had initiated it, knowing who i was, i didn't know what to do, i panicked and told me EX i hadn't seen her and i had to go. I hung up the phone and like a funeral bell, the familiar knock came at my front door. I walked to the door feeling like i could be sick at any moment, when i opened the door, my daughter stood smiling at me, a look in her eyes that told me she knew that i knew. She called me daddy, smiled, and walked inside, taking off her coat to show me her newest sexy outfit, then headed to the bedroom...I followed her.
It's been 2 months since i met and started fucking my daughter, 7 weeks since i started fucking my daughter knowingly. She's crazy, i'm worried if i told her to leave she would hurt herself, or me, or worse, tell someone what we've been doing. At least...that's what i keep telling myself...i mean..it's not like i enjoy it...
:Interstate 669
Roadtrips can be alot of fun, especially when it's with your girlfriend or boyfriend, But they're not as much fun when you're fighting. MC and YC are a long time couple who are starting to reach that rocky stage in the relationship where fights happen for no reason and both parties are looking for any excuse to blame the other for something. They decided that taking a trip across the states to spend some time at the ocean in his parents time share would be good for you both, time away from work, stress, other people, just the road, some sights, then a week in a beach house on the ocean, it sounded like a great idea except, they've been fighting the whole time and it's only been 2 days, with another 2 days of driving to go. The 2nd night they stop at a rundown highway side motel straight out of a horror movie and get a 2 bed for the night, at this point neither wants to talk to the other so after seperate showers, both settle in for bed.
Now from here the story splits depending on who is the main character. For MC, he wakes up an hour or so after they went to bed, the neon light of the highway side sign beaming right into the window and onto his face, after an unsuccessful 20 minutes trying to sleep he finally gets up, throws on his pants, and heads out the door to get some air, maybe take a walk to get some fresh air when he runs into a pair of beautiful women coming out of the rental office who spot him, walking shirtless and in pretty good physical shape, looking positively exhausted and they strike up conversation with him, asking what he's doing here and what has him all wound up. After a hesitant but adequate explanation, the girls decide this handsome guy needs to relax and they half invite, half drag him into their hotel room to blow off some, or all, of his steam, teasing him and telling him to just blow out the pipes and really vent all his stress on them, they don't mind, his girlfriend sounds like a bitch anyways.
If YC is the main character, the opposite would hold true, with her character being the one with the bed near the window, waking up, going outside for a walk or a to get a drink from the vending machine, when a group of college age guys come walking out of the rental office, somewhere between 2-5 of them depending on what you're looking for in a good gangbang, and after a little cat calling and flirting, she decides that her boyfriend has been such a prick and she deserves a little vacation from him and lets the handsome 20 somethings bring her into one of their rooms and gets her brains banged out while he asshole boyfriend sleeps through her screaming and moaning on the other side of the wall all night.
:The Woman On The 4th Floor
The woman who lives in the apartment across the hall from me keeps me up all night... I can't sleep, she never seems too either. Every day when she gets home from wherever she works, from 6 p.m until some ungodly hour in the morning as the sun is just starting to rise, shes making those sounds.. Moaning, screaming, begging for whoever it is this time not to stop, shes an animal, a real nympho, not one of those highschool girls who has sex with 5 guys in a month and thinks she's a freak, but a real nymphomaniac who fucks EVERYTHING with a cock that walks up to her door. I don't know if she's going for a world record or just to beat her own personal best but whatever her problem is, i hope she figures it out soon, i can't live like this. I have lived in this apartment on the 4th floor for almost 6 months now and i have seen every porn scenario in the book play out. I left for work one morning and an entire band was shuffling out of her apartment, disheveled with death metal makeup dried on their face, half worn off and clothes half on. About 2 weeks ago i was coming up the stairs and was just in time to see a pizza boy get yanked into her apartment and the door slam shut behind him, I had barely gotten my shoes off before the distant frantic thudding of her headboard banging against the wall and her wailing moans filtered through my wall. I'm not making it up when i say i've seen both a priest who looked like he was somewhere in his upper 40's, as well as a pair of young mormon boys, come stumbling out of her apartment (not at the same time obviously), looking like they found the god they had been looking for.
She's an animal... i mean who just fucks like that?...does she even care who's standing there when she answers her door? i don't get it but i really need sleep so tonight when she gets back from work, i'm gonna march across the hall and knock on her door and really give her a piece of my mind...
:My sons girlfriend
My son is a good kid, i think i raised him right or at least as well as i could without his mother. I tried really hard to not rub off on him too much, being a lecherous old pervert is not exactly a good quality for a rolemodel but..i am who i am, the sad part is i think i did too god of a job raising him to be a gentlemen, these girls now a'days..man...they don't want a first, second, and third date, they want you to tell them they're pretty and then for you to bend them over the side of the bed. My son is a handsome man but he just doesn't have that initiative, i guess that's my fault, he brings home some lookers but in a few weeks they're gone. Until this last one....now shes a keeper. Even if she isn't exactly faithful, i hate to admit it but i think shes staying with my son at this point just to have access to me, maybe she thinks that if she breaks his heart, which she will, that i'll stop fucking her, which i...might.
I feel guilty, really i do, but it's a good lesson, fuck your woman right son and she won't go wandering. The first time she came to my door, about 3 months since they started dating, i turned her down easy, the 2nd time 4 nights later, it was a little harder, the 3rd time...well...i think we almost woke him up. Shes an animal, a real freak and i think she actually really does love my son, but she isn't getting what she needs from him, i guess i should be proud that at 44 i can still catch the eye of a 20 something. It's a regular thing now, shes over at my house more than shes at her own, my son doesn't even think anything of it, he's really happy his girlfriend and his dad get along.. he just doesn't know how well...
:Broken toys
Everybody knows that girl, the one all the nice guys want but she only has eyes for the biggest piece of shit in the room. like flies to honey the assholes and manipulative bad boys just flock to her like they can smell the emotional vulnerability, poor decision making, and daddy issues. She has a dozen great guys who she sees like brothers who would in an instant take a bullet for her, and while they were bleeding out on the floor she'd be back behind the club with her thong around her ankles getting fucked by some guy she doesn't even know the name of.
Whether she wasn't held enough as a child or daddy left when she was just a little girl, somewhere along the line she started to equate sex with love and since then she's become the highway rest stop for every guy looking for a great fuck with no intention of doing anything other than leaving her crying and running into the arms of the next guy in line. He will tell her he loves her if only she'd wear her hair like this, do her make up like that, wear this to bed for him, get her tits done, let him record them...for himself of course, let his friends join in, after all...if she loves him she'll do what he wants her too.
She wants to be loved..... and she will do whatever any guy who gives her the time of day wants to get it...
https://68.media.tumblr.com/bc1d086aff02d8571dc80f03252375ac/tumblr_osnwzlNo2K1ufe2bwo1_500.gif (NSFW)
:Oh The Irony
YC and MC have been dating since highschool, now 4 years out and living together, they are your typical long term relationship. The romance and honeymoon stage has passed and it's alot more netflix and sweatpants than lingerie and silk ropes. The truth of the matter though, is that he is starting to think about marriage, while she is thinking about John down the street and thinking about the brutal fucking her gave her that morning. To say that she cheats would be like saying the atlantic ocean is damp, and to say he is clueless would require an even more ridiculous comparison. Their work schedules mirror each other, when he is at work, shes out fucking everything in town, When he gets home, shes heading to work to spent the better half of her shift getting her brains fucked out in the backroom by every cute guy who comes into the bookstore, after all, how else is she going to make her commission unless she sweetens the sale, not that she minds.
:No One Knows
Paying your own way through college isn't easy, alot of girls get waitressing jobs, work on campus, or manage to get their money in other..less common ways. YC is a beauty with a brain, built for porn but with her ambitions set on education and making a career for herself, but she has a problem. Money is tight and Tuition is due, a normally shy and timid girl, she works nights at club in the city that caters to...specific tastes. 3 nights a week she descends into the city from the campus with a backpack full of make up and her work uniform. The club caters to men, and it caters in sex, the catch, it's a fetish club, so lots and lots of rubber. It's not her thing but that's not the point, the point is that when she's working and in uniform, nobody can see her face. For the money she makes, and no chance of her identity being discovered by clients, who often are other students and even sometimes teachers from campus, she determinedly if not happily does her job, satisfying every carnal desire she's tasked with sating.
That is...until HE walks into her boudoir....He is her secret crush, he's popular, He's smart, He isn't like any of the other guys, and he's apparently a fetishist who likes latex....oh well, she can work with that. With her identity hidden in her latex catsuit, she spends her first real evening enjoying her job, as she gets to serve and worship the man she has been fawning over since she first saw him 2 semesters ago but never had the nerve to talk too, will she confess after it's over? reveal herself to him and proclaim her attraction, or will she let the evening they shared be her secret, even from him.
:She Just Can't Say No
Sure he was mean, and he was neglectful, he tore down your sense of self worth, made you feel like just an object, like a toy for him to play with and ignore when he was bored, and it turned you on didn't it? Limping home after hours of getting railed, then made to walk home, he wouldn't even give you a ride. Getting a text in the middle of the night to come over, and when you told him you had work in 3 hours he said now or never again, needless to say you were very exhausted at work. He treats you like garbage and he's never gonna change but...it's hard not to pick up your phone when you see his number. He's ruined what? 4, 5 of your relationships? you know he just ignores you until your nice and settled in with a new boyfriend before he texts you, he gets off on knowing he has you on the hook, why do you keep going back to him?!, oh...your phones buzzing...guess you better answer it? be careful, don't wake up your boyfriend climbing out of bed...
https://78.media.tumblr.com/9eab94d746b2a1a0d4a43861aa98affb/tumblr_ox99epbH3u1sz0n1jo1_540.gif (NSFW)
:Knocked up
My wife and i have been trying for a baby for nearly 5 years and so far we've been...unsuccessful. I'm not sure if it's me or her, the doctors say there's nothing wrong with either of us, we should be able to conceive and it's a mystery why we can't. My wife wants a baby, she's always wanted to be a mother and it's killing her that it's not happening. I told her i was willing to adopt but she shot that down fast, she said it's not the same, and i guess that's true. She wants a baby that's her own...even if it's not mine. It's taken such a toll on our marriage, not being able to conceive, secretly i think my wife blames me, i'm not the most masculine man, and virility isn't exactly something that runs in my family, i don't have any siblings, neither does my dad, and neither did his grandmother, we're simply not great at making babies. I was, as you can probably imagine, VERY against the idea of her...looking elsewhere for help, but when she threatened to file for divorce i...conceded the argument. I told her i didn't want to know, i didn't want to hear about it, i didn't want it to happen in our house and she agreed to all those terms. We make a good living, so it wasn't a big deal when my wife rented a $6,000 a month condo in the city on a month to month lease. I told her i hoped she got what she wanted and she told me she did too and that was the last time we talked, that was....3 weeks ago. I have a hard time falling asleep at night honestly, i imagine her picking up handsome strangers in bars that meet her expectations for genetics, taking them back to her apartment and....well, you get it. My wife's a looker, my friends used to joke about how she married me for my money, sometimes i wonder, but it certainly won't be difficult for my wife to pick up men on the offer of 'come back to my place and empty your balls into me', i mean, would you say no? She told me she'd come home as soon as she got pregnant, i told her i would be here, but it's coming up on 3 months now and....i don't know...
https://78.media.tumblr.com/c8982388c7d9eae0e98f57f82461e05e/tumblr_neu8jiF4Zp1seah2vo1_500.gif (NSFW)
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(i considered throwing this in my non-con thread as the husband is definitely not about it...but he's also just the story point i wrote the intro from so....he's not really relevant.
what a bitch though amirite?)
: Daddy Issues
YC (i always imagine her name is Mackenzie or Felicity, one of those names that let's you know right up front that her parents knew she was destined to be a cum dumpster
) Is everything every highschool boy..well....any boy really, lays in bed at night thinking about, masterbate's furiously over her slutty selfie's on instagram, and constantly thinks about asking out but never has the balls. The genetic lottery was more than good to her, her tits grew in early and they grew in big, her skin is flawless and her makeup is heavy, making her eyes slutty, her lips inviting to cock, and her hair always up in pigtails constantly eliciting fantasies of tugging on. Everybody knows about her, how her dad left when she was 8, how her mom neglects her, how her brother constantly called her names and blamed her for their dad leaving. She responded in the usual manner, heavy makeup, black clothing, a bad attitude, and a desperate desire to feel loved and needed that was manifesting in the worst way possible (or the best depending on who you were), daddy issues. The beautiful young woman was desperate for male affection and highschool boys just wouldn't do, without an adult to keep her in check and her mother having no desire to fill that role, she was free and clear to seek out that affection wherever she wanted too and with the body and the makeup and clothes purchased with a stolen credit card that no parent would let their daughter wear anywhere, she was going to find it. It's every parents nightmare that their young impressionable daughter will fall for a manipulative bad boy who will just fuck and dump her, well if she had parents who cared they would be having night terrors as night after night, older man after even older man, she gets brought to clubs, back to apartments, to houses, hell she's happy to be fucked in the back of a chevy. Wherever she can get it and whoever she can get it from, she desperately seeks the affection and love of any man willing to give it and she won't stop until somebody loves her, however many sore mornings, hastily re-applied lipstick, and empty "i love you baby"' statements from men twice her age she has to endure as her back hits the mattress[/size][/color].
(this story is aimed at the idea of a easily manipulated younger girl so the age range for your character would be between 16-18)
:Wicked Con
I work for the post office, i know, it's not very glamorous but it's a government job so it comes with benefits and pretty good pay and after all people are always gonna need stuff delivered...it's all about job security right?. Every 4 years the Postal Service union holds a convention in las vegas for the union rep's from the thousands of post office branches across the United States to discuss upcoming changes in their contracts. Each branch sends 2 rep's and i was one of the lucky ones from my branch selected to go. I was pretty excited even if i was going for work, the idea of spending 4 days in vegas all expenses paid for by the federal government sounded pretty good even if i was going to spend most of the time listening to old men drone on about contract negotiations and upcoming changes to the union. Our plane got in early the first day and we set out getting checked in to our hotel rooms at the massive casino hotel they had booked for the convention. Once i had unpacked all my stuff in the room i made my way down to the main lobby and casino floor to find a restaurant for dinner and that's when i noticed her.
Now vegas is...well...vegas, you expect to see wild stuff, but this girl just jumped out of the sea of people to his eyes. Bright neon purple hair, make up glittery and sparkly, tattoo's and piercings EVERYWHERE, with thigh high socks, a bakini top and bottons, with a collar around her neck and a tail dangling down from her ass that looked like it was going right up into her...rather than tied around her waist. To say i was intrigued was an understatement and if asked again WHY i chose to follow the half naked young woman out onto the vegas strip like a total creeper i probably couldn't give you a better answer then than i can now, no idea.
As it turns out, according to the brochure i'm holding in my hands that a seperate, yet equally sexy young woman, handed me from a shoulder satchel she was toting around. Across the street from my hotel, another hotel is hosting the largest BDSM, swinger, and fetish convention on the west coast, and it's running the same 4 days as the convention i'm here for. I Decided to go back inside my hotel and find that restaurant, slipping the brochure into my pocket as i did so, making a mental note that after i finish dinner i should head across the street and check out what's going on over there...who knows...might be fun, kinda like that anime convention i got dragged too last year..
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(NOTE: i purposefully wrote this without context as to whether the speaker is male or female, this can be my character wandering over looking to hook up with some kinky girls, also it can be your character going over and seeing what the guys over there look like and what they can do..)
:Coming Out Of His Shell
There's always a catch, Nothing that's THIS good can be for free, that's what your thinking. He's handsome, he's fit and looks great naked, He's so smart you actually feel a little intimidated with him, he has every justification to be an ass but he's so humble and kind. By the end of the first date you couldn't believe you found someone so kind, by the end of the 3rd date and he hadn't even tried to come upstairs after he kissed you at your door, you were starting to question everything. When he turned down your very obvious and forward invitation to come upstairs after the 4th date and he sheepishly turned you down you were confused and a little annoyed. Something was wrong, he was too perfect, he had a great job, his own house, a car, he was handsome, athletic, polite, gentle, and he made your legs weak whenever he smiled. Your friends and mother were no help, offering up confused shrugs and annoying little comments like "he's 28 and single, there's probably a good reason why". After the 5th date when he dropped you off at your house, walked you to your door and kissed you goodnight you couldn't take it anymore and you asked him why, why he wouldn't come inside, why he got so distant when you were forward, what was wrong, was it you? what was he hiding?.
Sometimes things really can be too good but still be true. Sometimes people have their own insecurities, even people as perfect as him. He's everything a woman could want but he's shy about what he wants, he has very unique tastes and they make him shy. He was embarrassed about it, he made up for his embarrassment by focusing on being as perfect as he could be. He's afraid to open up about what he's into but that won't stop you, he's too great of a catch, whatever he asks of you, you'll try it, you assure him that you want too, he seems timid but he's just too cute to let get away and besides...how weird could his kinks be?...
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(Note: i left WHAT he's into unclear, as my personal kinks aren't what this story is about, as much as it's about a vanilla woman and a closeted kinky guy coming together, him getting to explore his fantasies on her, and her maybe discovering a side of her she never knew existed, this might actually be the only purely romantic story i've ever written
there's a reason the whole 'girl next door' trope is such a staple in porn. God, fate, random number generation, whatever it is that decides how the world plays out definitely has a special kink for fucking with guys by putting stunning girls right next door. The only issue i have with it is that the girl and guy are supposed to be the same age and it's supposed to be a love story but that's definitely not what's happening in my neighborhood. What is it with younger girls being after older men? i never understood it, i wasn't after older women when i was a teenager, so why is my little sisters best friend after me?. I first met her when i came home between semesters last year. You see me and my sister are 11 years apart, so when i came home from college, 28 years old with 2 years left to go towards my PhD and met my sisters 17 year old friend i was very careful not to stare too long at her. Basically she was angst and sex embodied and i did everything i could to convince myself she wasn't chewing her lip and giving me 'fuck me' eyes everytime i looked her way whenever she came over for dinner or was having a sleep over with my sister. The time she came over and her and my sister were swimming in the pool i had to take the car and 'go get something' just to get out of the house to keep from staring at her tits and ass, the bakini's are getting smaller every year.
It was the last night before i headed back to college when it happened, i guess she knew her fun was about to end so she had to get what she was after before i left, I'd been staying in the pool house. I was thumbing through a biology text book trying to kick the cobwebs out of my head after almost a month doing exactly no studying when the sliding glass door to the poolhouse whisked open. I'd like to tell you i told her to leave or that it only happened once but she was standing there, naked and smiling, and as the sun rose nearly 6 hours later she was walking back through the gate separating our yards, naked, shameless, and glowing with a smile, while i made a very exhausting 8 hour drive back to school on 20 minutes sleep and with no regrets or cum left in my balls.
I told myself it was a one time thing and that it wouldn't happen again. When i went back home for winter break i subtly inquired about her to my sister and was relieved to learn she had a boyfriend now, i was safe. The first night i was home, barely past midnight i heard a tapping on the glass of the sliding glass door and when i turned from where i was sitting on the couch there she was, naked in the moonlight, smiling at me with her tits pressed to the glass with 'fuck me' written in red lipstick across them. I should have turned her away, instead we broke the couch. She honestly doesn't even like me i don't think, she barely speaks to me when she comes over to spend time with my sister, she even gushes about her boyfriend to my mom, though secretly i think she does it to antagonize me...it works. She knows it bothers me, and i hate that it does, but there is a definite difference in how badly she limps home in the morning after spending all day giggling with my sister about her boyfriend, talking about the stuff they do in her room when her parents aren't home.
That summer break was a mistake, every night she came to the poolhouse, every night i let her in. One night she came over a little later than usual, when she showed up she was sweaty and out of breathe. She said her boyfriend had just left and that she still had his cum inside her. I don't know why that drove me so crazy but she knew what it would do and that night she left with serious rug burn and more than a few bruises on her ass. Tomorrow i'm headed home again, i'm 30 now and i have 1 semester left before graduation, this will be the last time i come home for a visit, i already have an offer for a job in San Diego once i graduate. I have a girlfriend now, i'm going to ask her to marry me after graduation. She wanted to come visit my family with me over break but i told her no, she wanted to know why and i lied to her, she told me she loved me and she'd see me after break, I told her i loved her too. I wasn't even off campus before i sent the text "headed out now, be there by midnight".
https://78.media.tumblr.com/36abd1939ad78d66a30afe23b2fc4d64/tumblr_oefqfgWBlZ1tht19lo1_540.jpg (NSFW)
:It's TOTALLY a cult..
"But father, i don't think she can survive this much longer...she seems...unstable" The young acolyte spoke in a hushed tone, his voice full of concern as the elder placed a steadying hand on the youths shoulder. "steady son, she will endure.". The young acolyte watched on as the young woman clawed at the cement floor, her body arching, naked flesh shining in the candle light, skin slick with sweat, oils, and fluids as yet another brother spent his seed inside her. How many was that now? the young acolyte asked himself, the ritual had been underway for almost 3 days. It was early in the morning outside now, the sun just beginning to brighten the sky. The young acolyte was both heart broken seeing his beloved like this, but also he was proud, there was after all no higher honor than becoming the demons bride, at least that's what he kept telling himself.. As soon as the acolyte who had just finished inside her had moved aside, another took his place.
This time strong hands grabbed the young woman's hips and turned her over onto her back and immediately he was upon her, hips pushing between spread thighs, the wet sound of them becoming one, and the near primal squeal of pleasure that escaped the young woman's mouth as her eyes rolled back and a smile formed on her lips, her nails raking the acolytes back as the pair began to grunt and moan, moving as one on the floor, raking nails, biting teeth and gyrating waistlines. The magic runes and sigils painted in a large circle on the floor, in the center of which she lay, glowed softly, the light eminating from the runes having grown steadily brighter as the 3 day ritual had begun. The runes fed her, suffused her with energy, keeping her from hunger, thirst, and fatigue as she was taken again and again and again by acolytes. The young Acolyte watching winced, after all she needed to be conscious for the ritual and 3 days of strenuous sex was demanding but the sounds she made hurt him somehow, none of the runes heightened pleasure like an aphrodisiac, her moans were all her. In truth, when he had learned his beloved had been chosen as the sacrifice, he had begun to make plans to escape with her, but when he told her she had been chosen he had never expected her reaction. She had been so excited, she would serve the greatest purpose and become the brood mare of a demon.
"father i.." the young acolyte began but the older man squeezed his shoulder tightly "be strong son, she has been called for a higher purpose". The priest turned the young acolyte away from his one time girlfriend, walking with him as he lead him from the room, chased by the moans and screams of his beloved as she urged the man on, to give her more. Soon the candles would burn out, soon she would be ready, soon their lord would be summoned, soon she would be the demons bride.
Fantasy/Science Fiction
:1,368 days
Waking up from hyper sleep with 4 years left of our 12 year journey was NOT in the plan. I, along with the other 899 colonists picked for the 4th colonization mission to alpha centuri, was supposed to sleep the entire 12 year journey through space and wake up at my new home. Instead my pod malfunctioned and now i'm stranded, for all intensive purposes ALONE, on a massive fucking space ship hurtling through space for....1,368 more days. The Ship's A.I which i have started called Veronica, has informed me that she cannot fix my pod as it currently is and that i will have to live out the next 4 years as i am, alone, bored, and pissed. She won't allow me to wake another crew member to keep me company as that would be 'detrimental to their jounrey'...well fuck you too veronica.
I've been awake for a month, wandering the college sized ship, watching endless hours of archived movies from earth, as well as a couple hours of porn, also archived from earth....not sure why we needed to bring that but hey...not complaining, it's killed quite a bit of time for me. I don't know how i managed to never find my way into the Science divisions lab before but i happened upon it during one of my walks and was surprised to find that veronica allowed me access...i think she feels bad for me, she says she has the capability to learn, maybe she is developing sympathy?.
The lab has all sorts of cool shit, most of which i understood, some i didn't, but i was one of the ships engineers, i could figure most of this crap out, after all, i designed most of the software. One thing i did recognize immediately was the shell engine and immediately i started to consider something....well, blatantly illegal. When technology had moved past metal and plastic androids into clone technology and the possibility of creating full grown human beings that could be programmed like robots, the government in a surprisingly uncharacteristic show of humanity had put a stop to the emerging technology. It was deemed cruel and inhuman to create a breathing, thinking, programmable human being to serve as a servant or slave, which was....well...historically ironic.
With that being said....there was nobody around to stop me...and the ship was stocked to the gills with everything the colonists would need to set up a new colony including enough biomatter to repair any number of grevious injuries...or....generate a couple dozen custom designed human females to serve as my personal entertainment and collection of living, breathing, fuckable barbie dolls that would happily act how i wanted, dress how i wanted, do what i wanted, how ever many times i wanted. Veronica protested but didn't outright stop me, again, i think shes starting to feel bad for me. Big tits, wide hips, puffy lips...a prime directive to obey, god if only i could do this with my ex....and viola!..done, let's see....she'll be dine in 44 minutes....just enough time to grab a snack.... oh! and while i'm at it, i should swing by the 3D printer and have it make me a king size bed, i can put that in the hanger. I wonder what else i can print...restraints...gags....hmm....possibilities...possibilities....
:Service Animals
We broke them generations ago, long before i was born, back when we lived in fear of the dark and prayed to gods to protect us from the monsters therein. The history books tell us that a plague swept through their species as a result of their numbers growing too large, a common occurrence whenever a species numbers exceed their natural balance. You see they had no predators, only prey, and they grew fat on humans as well as wild game. When the disease ripped through them it did so quietly and without notice for it didn't cause sores, coughing, fever or death, it caused infertility. Their numbers were scattered, in small tribes and packs so they did not immediately realize what was happening, by the time they did there numbers had already begun to dwindle. When we humans realized they were weakening, that something was wrong, we banded together and struck, our timeless fear of the beasts in the forests uniting us. They were still strong, but they couldn't repopulate, in 5 years we had nearly destroyed their species and what remained were captured and put in chains.
That was over 800 years ago, today they barely resemble what they were. We captured them, put them to work, some of us bred with them. It turned out that it wasn't the entire species, just the males who had become infertile, the females could still be bred, and they were. Over centuries of selective breeding, picking the most docile, obedient females we slowly turned them from the savage beasts that ruled the night and filled out nightmares into the creatures they are today. Obedient, loving, loyal, we no longer need them to plow our fields, fend off bears and cats, serve as soldiers in our wars. Today they are our pets, our friends, our servants, they sit at out feet, fetch out things, warm our beds. They know nothing of their history, of the savage monsters they once were, they only know that we feed them, clothe and keep them, and they are grateful and loyal to us for this kindness, they don't know any better and honestly, they're happier as they are, right where they belong.
(This is a parallel of how we domesticated dogs, your character would share the same blindly loyal, playful, and eager to please traits of any good dog, in this world instead of wolves becoming chihuahua's, werewolves became kemonomimi and are the principal 'pet' of this world, be good and do whatever you can to make your master happy
:Slay the dragon, Save the princess, Fuck the queen?
The queens scream of rage tore through her bedchamber like a lions roar as a chair worth a small village exploded into kindling and cinders with a angry gesture from her elegant fingers. The report had reached her moments ago, a rider had arrived at the castle bearing 'joyous' news. The princess was safe and on her way home, the dragon that had been keeping her in it's lair had been slain. The queen had barely contained her rage when she had received the report and only after all but her closest advisers had left did she explode with anger and sorcery. Now where there had been 3, only 1 of her advisers stood, a pile of smoldering ash and a large shard of ice containing a man frozen mid scream were all that remained of the other two. She had needed that dragon!, The deal had taken months of negotiations to arrive at an agreement. Her useless daughter as a bride and a significant amount of her treasury in exchange for the dragons allegiance against her enemies. Now what did she have? her useless simpering daughter coming home to her and none of her gold, what had been in the dragons horde now, by law, belonged to whoever had sla- wait, who HAD slain the dragon?.
Her plans MIGHT not be ruined after all. The dragon had been powerful even among it's own kind and when she had heard it had been slain she had assumed a party, perhaps a band of adventurers, but it had been one man, ONE!, what an incredible feat, what a powerful warrior he must be....to have slain an ancient dragon in single combat....oh yes, this could work nicely. She didn't need the dragon if she had whoever had defeated it, so what if she lost her gold, she'd increase taxes and make it back in no time, peasants be damned. She had to make sure this powerful warrior was well received and treated in a manner such as befits a hero. The Queen had many servants, ladies in waiting all loyal to her who would be happy to 'entertain' the man. Yes, she would draw this warrior into an allegiance with her, she had everything a man wanted...comfort.....gold....a small army of beautiful young servants all eager to express their appreciation to this hero for saving their princess....yes she would keep his stomach full, his pockets heavy, and his balls very very empty and regardless of what kind of man he was, he would become her champion one way......or another...
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(Note: this story can mainly involve the queen and her servants seducing the hero with little to no use of the princess, or alternatively the princess could be equally wicked as her mother and have been willingly betrothed to the dragon and just like her mother, now sees this powerful hero as a more potent tool and is equally involved in the seduction, potentially pursuing a marriage to him)
:It's totally not a cult...
He had really gotten lucky tonight, he had thought to himself when the tatted bombshell in the black mini dress had sauntered up to him in the bar and ran her sharp manicured nails down his arm, leaning in to him and batting her smoky eyes as she asked him if he wanted to leave. He was hoping for a short drive to her place but the car wound through the mountains for nearly an hour, the entire time her reassuring him he wouldn't be disappointed. The house they had arrived at was, quite frankly, ridiculously massive, the iron gates at the bottom of the driveway had opened for them as she pulled her mercedes up the driveway and parked it next to two dozen other high priced vehicles. He followed her inside as she lead him with a curl of her finger, beckoning him after her as she climbed the marble steps to the mansion. Inside was even more impressive than outside, and there were so many people, Scratch that, there were so many beautiful young women, and alot of average guys. Girls were grabbing guys like horderves and dragging them off down hallways like they were going out of style and that was when he noticed the girl who had brought him was gone, having disappeared off into the crowd when he had been busy staring, it didn't matter though, an even more beautiful young woman in a dress made of strips of leather sauntered up out of the crowd and smiled wickedly at him.
5 minutes later he was being lead down a hallway, passing door after door, the sounds of wild, rough, teeth grinding sex echoing out from behind each and every door they passed as the woman lead him to a door seemingly at random and pulled him inside. Inside waiting for him was the girl who had brought him, and together she and the girl who had lead him down the hall began to undress him, giggling to themselves and each other as they did so, god he was so lucky tonight- was that a scream? it sounded like someone screaming he thought to himself, but his thoughts were pulled back to the 2 beauties as he was pushed onto the bed and felt his pants nearly torn off. Why did they smell so good? his head was swimming, he smiled up at the girls as one slowly crawled up over his legs, smiling at him, the other knelt next to his head and smiled down, blood red lips curling back revealing sharp white teeth..
:The House On The Hill
The house was perfect, the price was right, the location was amazing, and the timing couldn't be better. Me and my wife moved from the city to the suburbs to start a family, we decided that after 4 years of marriage, we were ready to have a child. The city is no place to raise a family so once we were sure we wanted this, we started looking for a new home and we found it.
5 bedrooms, 2 baths, an upstairs office for her to work from home, and a furnished basement for my 'man cave'. It was everything we had wanted and the price was honestly unbelievable. Everything was perfect and we signed for the house that day, maybe we should have done our research first..
I didn't see HER until about our 3rd month in the house. I got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and when i walked back into our bedroom, she was standing there next to my wife's side of the bed, just...staring at her. I screamed and the naked woman disappeared as my wife shot awake, confused and alarmed. I didn't know how to explain what i saw so i just lied and said i stepped on something, feigning an injury, i went downstairs to get a drink of something strong and try and calm down.
3 nights later i woke to the glorious sensation of my wife's mouth wrapped around my cock. I groaned awake but instantly recognized the feeling and smiled as i pushed myself up onto my elbows and pulled back the bedsheets to watch. It wasn't my wife... This time i didn't scream but i did push the woman's head away, The woman sat back, naked except for something shining on her neck, arms, and legs. The young woman was pale, white like snow with black lips and heavy makeup, she stared at me with an expression of such...sadness, like a child being scolded for doing something they thought they should. Suddenly my wife stirred next to me and i glanced towards her, a moment later i looked back and the girl was gone, The next morning i got on my computer and started looking.
"Young woman found dead in basement, cause of death starvation.." i read the words aloud, unable to believe them, suddenly the houses price made more sense. The furnished basement i had made into my 'man cave' was where she had died, a young woman who had according to her friends, been in a BDSM style relationship with her boyfriend. Its unclear what transpired, whether an argument or some part of their 'games'. he left her chained up in the basement of their house and went into town for unknown reasons, likely to purchase food or some such at the late hour, and was killed by a drunk driver. The car had caught fire and it had taken the authorities a week to identify the body, by the time they had, and the attempt was made to locate his girlfriend to let her know what had happened, it was too late.
It's really unfortunate what happened to that girl... and i really should feel worse about what i've been doing, but..i don't think she realizes i'm not her boyfriend. After all, she's just a ghost, so is what i'm doing really wrong? I'm not so sure. My wife keeps asking why i sleep down in the basement so often, she thinks i'm mad at her, i keep telling her i've just been busy with stuff and she doesn't question me, after all, it's not like there's anyone else down here with me...
At first she only showed up every few nights, but now she appears every night as soon as my wife falls asleep. Crawling on hands and knees, kneeling at my feet, chained to the wall by chains that aren't there in the morning. The harder i use her, the more she appears and the longer she stays, she must have been a real freak when she was alive. At first she was only around for an hour, now she nearly lasts till dawn. My wife is starting to notice i'm not sleeping, she asks questions but i dodge them and i make it up to her with lots of attention during the day, but in all honesty, it's not her i'm thinking of.
:The Slime Queen
The Hero took heaving gasps of air as he leaned against the cold stone wall of the hallway. His blade was heavy in his hand, his arm too weak to hold it and the blade drooped to the floor as he panted and sank slowly down the wall. 4 days he'd been pushing his way down through the seemingly endless rooms, halls, and floors of the dungeon. 4 days of monsters, traps, dead ends, and endless darkness. The hero was out to make a name for himself, and clearing a dungeon was the best way to do so. Hundreds of adventurers entered dungeons all across the land every year, few ever returned. Those who did return though were heralded as great warriors and heroes, destined for greatness and thanks to their conquest of the dungeon and the looting of it's treasure, appropriately equipped as such. The hero took a short break to catch his breathe, the cyclops in the previous room had nearly killed him, he groaned, pushing himself to his feet and struck a new light for his torch, the previous one having burned out as he sat slumped against the wall. His food rations were approaching the return point, when he'd have to give up and begin his ascent back up through the dungeon or he would starve before he could escape. His pack was already heavy with treasures, he would be rich and could live comfortably for years on what he carried in his pack but he was so close, he could just feel it. The dungeons bottom, and it's boss was close, he had read manuscripts and diaries of heroes who had conquered dungeons, it was commonplace for dungeon conquerers to write a guide on the dungeon after making it out alive, to help future adventurers who entered once the dungeon repopulated with new monsters in the following months, as well as just a way to tell their story. Every story he had read said the same, dungeons never took more than 3 or 4 days at a steady pace, and he had been moving at a steady pace, he knew he would be close. Mustering his strength, the hero marched down the hallway in the darkness, his torchlight just barely illuminating infront of him as he walked onward. It was nearly 20 minutes of walking at a steady downward angle with no traps or splits in the tunnel and he was just beginning to reach for his flint to strike a new torch when he noticed a soft glow. Up ahead, the tunnel flattened out and he could see a doorway, a soft bluish glow emanating from within. The hero unsheathed his sword and moved forward, torch out ahead of him, sword at his side as he moved up too and under the archway and stepped into what he knew was the boss room. The room was large, cavernous, with the ceiling and walls out of sight despite the eerie glow emanating from a 20 foot pool in the center full of dark purple....liquid. He moved closer, eyes darting around as a smell in the air filled his nostrils....it was so strong...pungent and sweet...it made his head swim, his heart race, and his...cock throb?. The hero ignored whatever aphrodisiac was filling the cavern, his eyes searching for the boss he knew must be there when the liquid in the pool began to ripple, to morph, slowly a shape rising from the pool. The hero dropped the torch and grasped his sword in both hands, striking a ready stance as he watched the horror rise from the pool, the liquid shifting, morphing, sliding out over the side of the pool and forming into.....a woman?.
(slime queen)
(potential for him and her making many...daughters... and the daughters joining in, wanting a piece of their father)
NOTE: i just personally like slimes, they feed into my latex fetish, but the boss doesn't have to be a slime, it could be any monster that seduces men, a vampire, succubus, anything really, if you prefer something else.
:The Hero And The Harlot
The order of St. Cuthbert is a sacred order above all others. It's cleric, warpriests, and paladins revered above all other heroes as paragons of virtue, law, and justice. The Priesthood of Lastai are a church of a different sort, though their goddess stands on the side of law and virtue, her priests and priestesses have a mission totally their own, to spread love, understanding, and the secrets of happiness through carnal desire and depraved pursuits. While certainly not two groups that would commonly consort with one another, there is a tale of a paladin of Cuthbert and a Priestess of Lastai that is often whispered of in tavern halls and Brothel bed chambers. The tale of the Hero and the Harlot as it's called, starts like this..
The Caravan was destroyed, the dozen wheelswords lay scattered along the road, more pieces than whole bodies. The wagon had been tipped onto it's side, the door caved in, strong oak wood caved in like cheap iron. The Ettin lay waste to the 3 remaining mercenaries protecting their charge, but with all their comrades dead, and the 3 men facing the overwhelming strength of the 2 headed brute, a giant kin standing near 11 feet tall, 2 heads, each arm swinging a massive club that looked lore like a tree it plucked from the earth than any refined weapon, the men who fought for gold, decided their lives were worth more and they threw down their weapons and fled.
Now it's here that the story diverges, some say the Hero arrived then to save the day, others who enjoy a more lewd telling, say it took him several more hours, and when he arrived he found the ettin near defeated, having exhausted itself savaging the priestess who had turned the tables and was now in the processing of slaying the beast in her own...intimate ways. but neverthless! the hero, a paladin of the order of St. Cuthbert arrived, having come upon the destroyed caravan and charged in without fear, and with one swing of his greatsword that he wielded in a single hand, so great was his strength, he cleaved the ettin near in half, the 2 heads turning to look at each other as the body split down the center like a lightning struck tree.
The Paladin sheathed his sword and approached the priestess, proclaiming her safe from the beast and the priestess thanked the hero and offered him reward for his heroism in her services as a priestess of Lastai. The paladin, a man of virtue, having sworn an oath, declined her generous and...tempting offer, but being so far from safety, was honor bound to escort her to her destination. Now from here boys the story again becomes conflicted, some more honorable scholars say the paladin resisted her seductions, others who say the wiles of a priestess of Lastai are beyond even the willpower of a paladin to resist, suggest otherwise, what we know is that it took several days for the pair to arrive at Luskan, city of sails, and it is said that a priestess of Lastai who does not lay with another every evening loses her goddesses favor, nevertheless, as the story unfolds you will see the priestess lost none of her power, so draw what conclusions you will from that...
The priestess, having felt that their gods had arranged their meeting, felt compelled to assist the paladin on his endeavors until such a time her goddess gave her signs otherwise, and so the story of the Hero and the Harlot goes...
(NOTE: both the priestess and paladin need not be humans, if you prefer a specific fantasy race to play as, or enjoy a particular fantasy race for the paladin, feel free to suggest)
PM me if interested
DIRECTIONS: I originally had 2 separate threads, one for consensual stories, and one for non-con, i have since merged the 2 and you will find my Non-Con stories in the 2nd response to this thread, it may take a bit of scrolling but it's down there i promise.
DISCLAIMER: my scenario's are all written differently, some are basic explanations, some are synopsis, some read like journal entries, it's just how it comes to me in my head as i write so allow for the varying writing styles, while role-playing i write 3rd person as a default and 1st person if asked. I include female pictures in my threads to give you an idea of outfits your character would be wearing as many if not all my threads involve the concept of sexy/slutty clothing or Gif's to emphasize the situation or feel of the story, plus who doesn't like a steamy gif. YOU DO NOT have to play the girls in the photo's if you do not want too, they are just the models for the outfits in that case.
NOTICE 1: The first list contains stories of a modern and mundane nature, meaning they lack anything supernatural, fantasy, or science fiction about them EXCLUDING mind control themes which are still included. Stories containing magic and fantasy themes will be found in the second section below.
Notice 2: MY personal preference and kinks that revolve around my top fantasy involve bimbo's and latex, if there are bimbo bodied womenw earing latex it's a perfect day for me, but to be clear as i stated before in the disclaimer, you are not obligated to play the character is list nor participate in and kinks you're not interested in and i will do my best to work around your kinks as well as my own.
:Unhealthy Competition
Sibling rivalry is a common issue parents have to deal with, it can occur anytime a family has more than one child, more so when the children are closer in age, though it happens most often between siblings less than 2 years apart in families with only those 2 children. when properly channeled it can lead to healthy habits and high levels of achievement in academic and athletic pursuits. If improperly managed by parents, a sibling rivalry may cause the lesser performing child to develop a resentment for their family and often causes unhealthy mechanisms to develop in the child that can lead to lashing out, rebelliousness, and often alienation from their family. Sometimes though, unforseen and unlikely outcomes can arise, situations such as siblings developing a healthy sense of competition with each other with neither able to gain more than a minor and fleeting advantage of the other in traditional pursuits such as academics and athletics, leading to a competitive nature developing in other...irregular and unconventional fields of competition....men, dating, and sex.
:The District
Established by 5 young entrepreneurs, the district is a rundown project in an unnamed city. By funneling millions of dollars into buying up cheap property and millions more in bribes to grease the wheels of politics, In record time the low income housing was renovated into beautiful apartments, the rundown shops and vacant storefronts purchased, cleaned up, and prepared for new tenants. The Ancient Gothic Cathedral that was crumbling under it's own weight was restored, Every inch of the 12 square blocks of downtown property was renovated, cleaned, and polished in record time. The entrepreneurs who later became known only as the founders, were young, they had made their millions, 2 of them billions, before the ages of 30 and had little need for further pursuits except to maintain their companies and live out their lives.
The problem of course was that as powerful men in their primes of life, settling down was...unappealing. Life was about parties, women, and sex. Each of the founders had his own tastes, and their tastes became the base for the project they began to build in the massive parcel of property they all owned. Soon small businesses began to move into the incredibly low priced storefronts. Book stores, clothing boutiques, restaurants, cafe's, Hotel's, hobby shops, and nightclubs began to fill up the vacant and suspiciously low rent vacancies. The founders were all too eager to provide cheap rent for businesses and even cheaper rent in housing. All the business owners in the district and their eventual employee's were given nearly free housing under the district rules all to build the men's playground that the district would become. The rules of the district were simple, no-one could reside in the district housing who did not own a business or work for a business within. To compensate for the low rent of retail space, all businesses within the district would sell their wares and services at 10 times the normal rate.
To offset the massively inflated prices, all employees in the district Must willingly offer themselves as a service to patrons who purchase wares from district businesses pending it does not violate their sexual orientation. No-one ever had to say yes, anyone could quit their job and leave at any time. And finally, Business owners may 'own' district employees who work for them or other business owners, at the consensual agreement of the employee making their owner responsible for their slaves bills and expenses in exchange for whatever agreed upon services the slave would provide. Following these rules, the district grew from sparse businesses to an ant-hill of business as tourists and customers from outside the district flocked in daily to window shop and purchase incredibly inflated goods and receive the 'gratitude' of the employees as well as the districts nightlife became something legends are made of as the districts multiple nightclubs were all themed after various darker aspects of sexuality.
6 months after the founders began renovations, the district was a thriving financial and shopping district as well as a blatant and openly accepted red-light district of the most upscale variety, catering to every taste and fantasy at every turn from the nerdy girl with the glasses and tattoo's who would do whatever she could to sell you on that book your hesitant to commit to buying. To the Beautiful sisters at the church who would welcome you in and work every sin out of you through rigorous confession, just don't forget to put a tip in the donation box on your way out. Politicians, city officials, foreign dignitaries, and even royalty came too enjoy the city within the city devoted to sex, lust, and fantasy, staffed by beautiful men and women who loved sex and loved to serve and fulfill the fantasies of others that the founders had created and used as their personal playground.
Hotel Receptrion
Hotel staff
Clothing Boutique
:Top Of The World
MC ran his company like a captain ran a ship. He rewarded his men's hard work with money, alcohol, and women. Upper management benefitted greatly from his secret, the book that he kept locked in his desk drawer, the custom made desk that was magnetically bolted to his floor and could survive a missile round, all to protect the secret to his success. "sir your 2:30 is here for her interview" his receptionists voice chirped through the intercom, her voice laced with the soft sigh of loving devotion. the intercom chirped and he smiled to himself. He had seen her resume earlier the previous day and his eyes hadn't scrolled past her picture attached to the e-mail. Her clothing was proper and official, nothing sexual or risky but even with mundane clothing and a pair of black rimmed glasses he could see he wanted to have her, maybe she wouldn't bore him as fast as his receptionist, He liked redheads but she was already boring him, her breasts were nice but small and they just didn't do it for him like a big pair would. "send her in" he said in response, his finger leaving the intercom.
Tapping his fingers on his desk, his mind slipping to the book locked in his desk, he had already prepared for the interview. The book had spells for everything but almost none of them worked, just the spell he used on his attractive female employees and one other that did little of anything. As the door opened and the beautiful woman walked in he stood up like a gentlemen. He liked to be informal, despite being the CEO of a company he never wore a suit, just a dress shirt and dress pants, mind you the pair together cost more than $10,000 but that wasn't the point, success had rewards. As the woman walked in he could see the anxiety in her eyes, she was nervous. "good" he thought to himself, something about the ones who lacked confidence made him excited. As a billionaire he could have any woman, did have many of them, but the power to MAKE them do as he asked, MAKE them WANT to do as he asked, that was erotic to him, that was power, and that was what he liked. "it's a pleasure to meet you" he said, holding out his hand for her to shake "have a seat".
As the woman sat down he could see the confusion in her eyes, she was surprised by the heat that flushed her face and neck, the warmth beginning to grow between her thighs and that sudden hitch in her heart beat as her pulse quickened. The book had shown him something he had not ever suspected, magic was boring. A few normal plants, some salt, a bit of this, a bit of that, dried and ground up into a power, rubbed on the palm of his hand and when he made skin to skin contact with a member of the opposite sex, like with say..a handshake, she was charmed. The magic was subtle and slow, she wouldn't simply drop to her knees right there and go for his belt, though he could make her, he had used a low dose, though sometimes he loved to just make them his fucktoys, this one he would enjoy watching go sex crazy for him and once he was bored of her, he'd release her of her attraction to him but keep the sex drive, the need to serve men, any men, all men, and let her loose among his management staff like he did all the others, it paid to be upper management in his company.
"so, what do you want from me?" he asked, a smile on his lips, the question designed to make a perspective employee think for themselves, but with the charm taking effect on her, he could see the first thought that ran through her head when he asked her was not what she expected.
:Cell block D
MC walked slowly down the cell block, dragging his hand along the railing as he glanced down over the side into general population. D block was the worst cell block, full of aggressive prisoners with histories of violence and many times, murder. He was a big man, nearly 6 and a half feet tall and weighing in at 210 lb of solid muscle, he was built to be a linebacker and being warden of a women's prison was probably his favorite career he could think of. He was a bit of a prick and he accepted that, after all he was handsome and spent the majority of his day flirting with women who would just as likely stab him with a sharpened tooth brush as give him a kiss but that was half the fun for him, he liked the excitement, he especially liked HER.
Stopping outside her cell he leaned back against the railing as he stared in between the bars as Jensen was just buckling his belt and making sure his uniform was on straight. "how was she?" He asked and Jensen glanced up and grinned "not bad, maybe not worth full privileges but that's really your call boss" the man said as he buttoned his last button and stepped towards the cell door, unlocking it and leaving, leaving the cell wide open as MC smiled sweetly into the cell at YC. She was a beauty, Shapely, big in the right places, small in the rest, a beautiful face kept beautiful by the shelves of creams and makeup on her shelves next to her T.V and mini fridge, all gifts she received from her patrons. She was wiping herself off with a terrycloth towel, standing naked with her back to him knowing he was staring, she liked when he stared. "i see you have a new bookshelf, which one of them gave you that?" he asked but she just glanced back over her shoulder at him, peeking out from behind curled wavy hair and winked at him, not giving him an answer except wiggling her plump bare ass at him, inviting him in to show her his affection.
Their arrangement was simple, she was a beauty that had little problem using it to get what she wanted, and there was a whole cell block of men with wives at home who couldn't do half the things she could. He was the warden and in exchange for her being open access to all the guards and himself, she got whatever she wanted, within reason, and nobody messed with her, nobody. "got time for another client before your dinner gets here?" he asked, his hand sliding down to his belt buckle as he walked into her cell, closing the cell door behind him with a 'SLAM!' never bothering to wait for her answer.
http://susanwayland.ws/img/19/9.jpg (NSFW)
:Give and Take
Everyone has their 'thing' some girls like bondage, some guys like getting called names, some people want their assholes licked, people are weird man. MC and YC are a happily married couple, 7 years strong, nearly into their 30's, good jobs, a great house in the suburbs, 2 cars, nothing but success, happiness, and love. What's their secret you might ask? It's all about compromise, relationships only work if both parties are truly interested in going the extra mile for their partner. Him, he likes latex and roleplay, nurses, french maids, schoolgirls, you name it, his wife has a closet at home full of the stuff, makes a porn shoot wardrobe look cheap. Every time it's a different outfit, a different role, a different accent and name, but she does it because she loves him, she doesn't get it, why the rubber turns him on, makes his toes curl, but she knows he loves it and that's all that matters.
So what's HER thing? well, she likes it when he has to watch. For every role she plays, every costume she oils up and stretches into, she brings home some john from the bar and she gives him a taste, sometimes her husband watches openly, she sits him in a chair in the corner and lets him see her eyes rolls back and mouth fall open as some gorilla of a man fucks his wife until the bedframe cracks. Sometimes he hides in the closet so the guy doesn't know the slut who brought him home from the bar has her husband watching in the closet trying not to touch himself as he watches. Sometimes he joins in, whatever she wants, after all that's the secret, give and take, he gets what he wants, she gets what she wants, every ones happy.
:The Cafe
The small silver bell above the door jingled as the hardwood door swung slowly open allowing light from the outside world and sounds from the busy metropolitan street to flood in momentarily until the heavy oaken door swung shut with barely a sound, returning the quaint cafe to it's regular relaxed atmosphere. The handsome young man looked around casually, glancing from one corner to the opposite, taking in the scenery of half a dozen men scattered around the cafe seated at half the dozen tables either enjoying a drink or a snack as others enjoyed the waiting staff. He was a frequent visitor to the cafe named 'Isabella's', home of the $120 coffee, the $70 muffins, and the most beautiful waitresses snugly stuffed into 2 sizes too small latex outfits, busying themselves around the room serving coffee's and snacks, receiving slaps on their often bare ass and hands sliding to other, warmer places. It was by far his favorite part of the week, after finishing out a hard 60 hour week at the office he would budget his bills and set aside half of the remainder for savings which usually left him with about $1,350 to burn.
After discovering this place nearly a year ago, he had given up all of his hobbies so he could save money to come to the District twice or three times on the weekend and just forget how much the droning monotony of a high paying office job at a lucrative law-firm. The jazzy music filling the cafe to add ambiance very nearly drowned out the muffled screams, squeals, and moans rolling down the staircase and out of the door behind the closed curtain next to the bar, He smiled wickedly, his eyes scanning the cafe, admiring one girl he recognized, kneeling at a customers feet while he sipped at his coffee and glanced casually at a book on his table, lazily turning pages as her gloved hands worked at his belt and her head dipped out of sight behind the table, the only noticeable sign of what she was doing was the brief shudder in the mans smooth motions as he raised his coffee too his lips and the way his eyes rolled back momentarily before he regained his composure and sipped his drink, the rest of the rooms activities, conversations, and bustling waitresses, going about their business as if a man in a $5,000 suit wasn't getting his cock sucked by a 20 year old in pink rubber under a circular table not 15 feet from the front counter.
Turning away from the man and the waitress, his smile grew wider as he saw Isabella, the owner and namesake of the cafe, an aging though still beautiful woman in her 50's who still carried the sexy appeal of a woman who knew she had fucked oh so many men and probably ruined her fair share of marriages. "hi Bella" he said as he walked up to the counter. "i'm not looking for any snacks today, just looking for (your characters name here), is she working today?" He asked with a sly glance, his eyes briefly flickering to the ceiling and the rooms above full of men ravaging young, beautiful women. "oh she's handling a pair of college boys right now, shouldn't take her too much longer" she said with a conspiratorial wink "go have a seat, i'll have one of the girls bring you something to drink and keep you company while you wait, on the house".
: Daily Duties
The solid mahogany bedframe of the massive 4 post bed creaked and squealed as her master took her. Her pink rubber skirt hiked up around her shapely hips as her thighs hugged his waist. Her manicured nails raked and sank deep rents into her masters chest and shoulders as she squealed, her voice imitating the sound the bedframe made with each pounding thrust of the masters cock inside her. She was in heaven, her body arching beneath her master as he took her as he did every morning before his breakfast was served. He was the oldest son and heir of the Eschaton family and with his father planning to move with his wife over seas to oversee a new business venture, soon her master would be the head of the household and she couldn't be more excited.
In the district, women served, status was obtained through owning a business or serving a man of status as his slave. To be staff in a founders home was something akin to presidential service, to be a slave to a member of a founding family, was to be famous. Among the Eschaton house, she was one of many women, aside from her masters mother, the family consisted of Lord Eschaton, and his 3 sons. With a household of young, virile men, as well as their father lacking not at all with age, the staff was predominantly female, with a few notable exceptions for the lady of the house.
She held no belief he loved her, but she was confident in her place as his favorite. Soon she would be the slave to a head of household, as high as she, a district woman, could ever rise outside of marriage, and what high aspirations she had. She gasped as her master suddenly left her, leaving her empty as he pulled his hips back, his hands going to her thighs, turning her onto her side before his strong hands gripped her waist and with seemingly no effort, she was turned and placed on hands and knees, her hands going instantly to gripping the top of the headboard as she felt her master hand on her hip, the other grabbing a firm handful of her hair before yanking her head back with a snap, forcing her to stare into the wall as he thrust back inside of her, the smile on her painted lips nearly touching her ears as she closed her eyes and let her master enjoy his favorite maid.
: Daddy's CRAZY little girl.
My EX-wife left me when our daughter was 2 years old...i never got to see her grow up, never got to see her on her first day of school, never got to watch her go off to prom, i never got to be the father she deserved. I never re-married, despite how much of a crazy BITCH my ex was...i loved her. I focused in on my career, climbed the ladder, sold our house and bought a condo, i didn't really need all the room anyways. I did date for a while, even had a few steady girlfriend's for a bit, almost got engaged again once, but in the end, it just wasn't in me to do it again.
two months ago i met a young woman at the bar after work and she just seemed...familiar. I couldn't put my finger on it but she reminded me on someone, the young woman approached me and the first red flag should have been right there, a pretty young 20 something coming up too and chatting a man in his 40's, nothing good comes from that, but...
We didn't leave my bedroom for 2 days except for rest breaks and snacks, she was insatiable and well..fucking crazy. She wanted me to call her my little girl, and she kept calling me daddy, it was creepy at first but honestly, it turned me on, alot, and eventually i got into it. We kept at it for almost a whole week, with her only leaving when i went to work and returning a hour or so after i got home, always wearing these tiny, provocative outfits...but hey, i'm in my 40's and this is the most sex i've had since my wife left me.
My EX-wife called me today to ask if our daughter had made contact with me... i was confused at first, i hadn't spoken to my EX in nearly 20 years. She told me our daughter had demanded to know my name and my address, that she wanted to meet her 'daddy'. I didn't get it immedietly.... until my EX text me a picture of our daughter... i nearly vomited. I'd been fucking my daughter for nearly a week..and what's worse..she had initiated it, knowing who i was, i didn't know what to do, i panicked and told me EX i hadn't seen her and i had to go. I hung up the phone and like a funeral bell, the familiar knock came at my front door. I walked to the door feeling like i could be sick at any moment, when i opened the door, my daughter stood smiling at me, a look in her eyes that told me she knew that i knew. She called me daddy, smiled, and walked inside, taking off her coat to show me her newest sexy outfit, then headed to the bedroom...I followed her.
It's been 2 months since i met and started fucking my daughter, 7 weeks since i started fucking my daughter knowingly. She's crazy, i'm worried if i told her to leave she would hurt herself, or me, or worse, tell someone what we've been doing. At least...that's what i keep telling myself...i mean..it's not like i enjoy it...
:Interstate 669
Roadtrips can be alot of fun, especially when it's with your girlfriend or boyfriend, But they're not as much fun when you're fighting. MC and YC are a long time couple who are starting to reach that rocky stage in the relationship where fights happen for no reason and both parties are looking for any excuse to blame the other for something. They decided that taking a trip across the states to spend some time at the ocean in his parents time share would be good for you both, time away from work, stress, other people, just the road, some sights, then a week in a beach house on the ocean, it sounded like a great idea except, they've been fighting the whole time and it's only been 2 days, with another 2 days of driving to go. The 2nd night they stop at a rundown highway side motel straight out of a horror movie and get a 2 bed for the night, at this point neither wants to talk to the other so after seperate showers, both settle in for bed.
Now from here the story splits depending on who is the main character. For MC, he wakes up an hour or so after they went to bed, the neon light of the highway side sign beaming right into the window and onto his face, after an unsuccessful 20 minutes trying to sleep he finally gets up, throws on his pants, and heads out the door to get some air, maybe take a walk to get some fresh air when he runs into a pair of beautiful women coming out of the rental office who spot him, walking shirtless and in pretty good physical shape, looking positively exhausted and they strike up conversation with him, asking what he's doing here and what has him all wound up. After a hesitant but adequate explanation, the girls decide this handsome guy needs to relax and they half invite, half drag him into their hotel room to blow off some, or all, of his steam, teasing him and telling him to just blow out the pipes and really vent all his stress on them, they don't mind, his girlfriend sounds like a bitch anyways.
If YC is the main character, the opposite would hold true, with her character being the one with the bed near the window, waking up, going outside for a walk or a to get a drink from the vending machine, when a group of college age guys come walking out of the rental office, somewhere between 2-5 of them depending on what you're looking for in a good gangbang, and after a little cat calling and flirting, she decides that her boyfriend has been such a prick and she deserves a little vacation from him and lets the handsome 20 somethings bring her into one of their rooms and gets her brains banged out while he asshole boyfriend sleeps through her screaming and moaning on the other side of the wall all night.
:The Woman On The 4th Floor
The woman who lives in the apartment across the hall from me keeps me up all night... I can't sleep, she never seems too either. Every day when she gets home from wherever she works, from 6 p.m until some ungodly hour in the morning as the sun is just starting to rise, shes making those sounds.. Moaning, screaming, begging for whoever it is this time not to stop, shes an animal, a real nympho, not one of those highschool girls who has sex with 5 guys in a month and thinks she's a freak, but a real nymphomaniac who fucks EVERYTHING with a cock that walks up to her door. I don't know if she's going for a world record or just to beat her own personal best but whatever her problem is, i hope she figures it out soon, i can't live like this. I have lived in this apartment on the 4th floor for almost 6 months now and i have seen every porn scenario in the book play out. I left for work one morning and an entire band was shuffling out of her apartment, disheveled with death metal makeup dried on their face, half worn off and clothes half on. About 2 weeks ago i was coming up the stairs and was just in time to see a pizza boy get yanked into her apartment and the door slam shut behind him, I had barely gotten my shoes off before the distant frantic thudding of her headboard banging against the wall and her wailing moans filtered through my wall. I'm not making it up when i say i've seen both a priest who looked like he was somewhere in his upper 40's, as well as a pair of young mormon boys, come stumbling out of her apartment (not at the same time obviously), looking like they found the god they had been looking for.
She's an animal... i mean who just fucks like that?...does she even care who's standing there when she answers her door? i don't get it but i really need sleep so tonight when she gets back from work, i'm gonna march across the hall and knock on her door and really give her a piece of my mind...
:My sons girlfriend
My son is a good kid, i think i raised him right or at least as well as i could without his mother. I tried really hard to not rub off on him too much, being a lecherous old pervert is not exactly a good quality for a rolemodel but..i am who i am, the sad part is i think i did too god of a job raising him to be a gentlemen, these girls now a'days..man...they don't want a first, second, and third date, they want you to tell them they're pretty and then for you to bend them over the side of the bed. My son is a handsome man but he just doesn't have that initiative, i guess that's my fault, he brings home some lookers but in a few weeks they're gone. Until this last one....now shes a keeper. Even if she isn't exactly faithful, i hate to admit it but i think shes staying with my son at this point just to have access to me, maybe she thinks that if she breaks his heart, which she will, that i'll stop fucking her, which i...might.
I feel guilty, really i do, but it's a good lesson, fuck your woman right son and she won't go wandering. The first time she came to my door, about 3 months since they started dating, i turned her down easy, the 2nd time 4 nights later, it was a little harder, the 3rd time...well...i think we almost woke him up. Shes an animal, a real freak and i think she actually really does love my son, but she isn't getting what she needs from him, i guess i should be proud that at 44 i can still catch the eye of a 20 something. It's a regular thing now, shes over at my house more than shes at her own, my son doesn't even think anything of it, he's really happy his girlfriend and his dad get along.. he just doesn't know how well...
:Broken toys
Everybody knows that girl, the one all the nice guys want but she only has eyes for the biggest piece of shit in the room. like flies to honey the assholes and manipulative bad boys just flock to her like they can smell the emotional vulnerability, poor decision making, and daddy issues. She has a dozen great guys who she sees like brothers who would in an instant take a bullet for her, and while they were bleeding out on the floor she'd be back behind the club with her thong around her ankles getting fucked by some guy she doesn't even know the name of.
Whether she wasn't held enough as a child or daddy left when she was just a little girl, somewhere along the line she started to equate sex with love and since then she's become the highway rest stop for every guy looking for a great fuck with no intention of doing anything other than leaving her crying and running into the arms of the next guy in line. He will tell her he loves her if only she'd wear her hair like this, do her make up like that, wear this to bed for him, get her tits done, let him record them...for himself of course, let his friends join in, after all...if she loves him she'll do what he wants her too.
She wants to be loved..... and she will do whatever any guy who gives her the time of day wants to get it...
https://68.media.tumblr.com/bc1d086aff02d8571dc80f03252375ac/tumblr_osnwzlNo2K1ufe2bwo1_500.gif (NSFW)
:Oh The Irony
YC and MC have been dating since highschool, now 4 years out and living together, they are your typical long term relationship. The romance and honeymoon stage has passed and it's alot more netflix and sweatpants than lingerie and silk ropes. The truth of the matter though, is that he is starting to think about marriage, while she is thinking about John down the street and thinking about the brutal fucking her gave her that morning. To say that she cheats would be like saying the atlantic ocean is damp, and to say he is clueless would require an even more ridiculous comparison. Their work schedules mirror each other, when he is at work, shes out fucking everything in town, When he gets home, shes heading to work to spent the better half of her shift getting her brains fucked out in the backroom by every cute guy who comes into the bookstore, after all, how else is she going to make her commission unless she sweetens the sale, not that she minds.
:No One Knows
Paying your own way through college isn't easy, alot of girls get waitressing jobs, work on campus, or manage to get their money in other..less common ways. YC is a beauty with a brain, built for porn but with her ambitions set on education and making a career for herself, but she has a problem. Money is tight and Tuition is due, a normally shy and timid girl, she works nights at club in the city that caters to...specific tastes. 3 nights a week she descends into the city from the campus with a backpack full of make up and her work uniform. The club caters to men, and it caters in sex, the catch, it's a fetish club, so lots and lots of rubber. It's not her thing but that's not the point, the point is that when she's working and in uniform, nobody can see her face. For the money she makes, and no chance of her identity being discovered by clients, who often are other students and even sometimes teachers from campus, she determinedly if not happily does her job, satisfying every carnal desire she's tasked with sating.
That is...until HE walks into her boudoir....He is her secret crush, he's popular, He's smart, He isn't like any of the other guys, and he's apparently a fetishist who likes latex....oh well, she can work with that. With her identity hidden in her latex catsuit, she spends her first real evening enjoying her job, as she gets to serve and worship the man she has been fawning over since she first saw him 2 semesters ago but never had the nerve to talk too, will she confess after it's over? reveal herself to him and proclaim her attraction, or will she let the evening they shared be her secret, even from him.
:She Just Can't Say No
Sure he was mean, and he was neglectful, he tore down your sense of self worth, made you feel like just an object, like a toy for him to play with and ignore when he was bored, and it turned you on didn't it? Limping home after hours of getting railed, then made to walk home, he wouldn't even give you a ride. Getting a text in the middle of the night to come over, and when you told him you had work in 3 hours he said now or never again, needless to say you were very exhausted at work. He treats you like garbage and he's never gonna change but...it's hard not to pick up your phone when you see his number. He's ruined what? 4, 5 of your relationships? you know he just ignores you until your nice and settled in with a new boyfriend before he texts you, he gets off on knowing he has you on the hook, why do you keep going back to him?!, oh...your phones buzzing...guess you better answer it? be careful, don't wake up your boyfriend climbing out of bed...
https://78.media.tumblr.com/9eab94d746b2a1a0d4a43861aa98affb/tumblr_ox99epbH3u1sz0n1jo1_540.gif (NSFW)
:Knocked up
My wife and i have been trying for a baby for nearly 5 years and so far we've been...unsuccessful. I'm not sure if it's me or her, the doctors say there's nothing wrong with either of us, we should be able to conceive and it's a mystery why we can't. My wife wants a baby, she's always wanted to be a mother and it's killing her that it's not happening. I told her i was willing to adopt but she shot that down fast, she said it's not the same, and i guess that's true. She wants a baby that's her own...even if it's not mine. It's taken such a toll on our marriage, not being able to conceive, secretly i think my wife blames me, i'm not the most masculine man, and virility isn't exactly something that runs in my family, i don't have any siblings, neither does my dad, and neither did his grandmother, we're simply not great at making babies. I was, as you can probably imagine, VERY against the idea of her...looking elsewhere for help, but when she threatened to file for divorce i...conceded the argument. I told her i didn't want to know, i didn't want to hear about it, i didn't want it to happen in our house and she agreed to all those terms. We make a good living, so it wasn't a big deal when my wife rented a $6,000 a month condo in the city on a month to month lease. I told her i hoped she got what she wanted and she told me she did too and that was the last time we talked, that was....3 weeks ago. I have a hard time falling asleep at night honestly, i imagine her picking up handsome strangers in bars that meet her expectations for genetics, taking them back to her apartment and....well, you get it. My wife's a looker, my friends used to joke about how she married me for my money, sometimes i wonder, but it certainly won't be difficult for my wife to pick up men on the offer of 'come back to my place and empty your balls into me', i mean, would you say no? She told me she'd come home as soon as she got pregnant, i told her i would be here, but it's coming up on 3 months now and....i don't know...
https://78.media.tumblr.com/c8982388c7d9eae0e98f57f82461e05e/tumblr_neu8jiF4Zp1seah2vo1_500.gif (NSFW)
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(i considered throwing this in my non-con thread as the husband is definitely not about it...but he's also just the story point i wrote the intro from so....he's not really relevant.
: Daddy Issues
YC (i always imagine her name is Mackenzie or Felicity, one of those names that let's you know right up front that her parents knew she was destined to be a cum dumpster
(this story is aimed at the idea of a easily manipulated younger girl so the age range for your character would be between 16-18)
:Wicked Con
I work for the post office, i know, it's not very glamorous but it's a government job so it comes with benefits and pretty good pay and after all people are always gonna need stuff delivered...it's all about job security right?. Every 4 years the Postal Service union holds a convention in las vegas for the union rep's from the thousands of post office branches across the United States to discuss upcoming changes in their contracts. Each branch sends 2 rep's and i was one of the lucky ones from my branch selected to go. I was pretty excited even if i was going for work, the idea of spending 4 days in vegas all expenses paid for by the federal government sounded pretty good even if i was going to spend most of the time listening to old men drone on about contract negotiations and upcoming changes to the union. Our plane got in early the first day and we set out getting checked in to our hotel rooms at the massive casino hotel they had booked for the convention. Once i had unpacked all my stuff in the room i made my way down to the main lobby and casino floor to find a restaurant for dinner and that's when i noticed her.
Now vegas is...well...vegas, you expect to see wild stuff, but this girl just jumped out of the sea of people to his eyes. Bright neon purple hair, make up glittery and sparkly, tattoo's and piercings EVERYWHERE, with thigh high socks, a bakini top and bottons, with a collar around her neck and a tail dangling down from her ass that looked like it was going right up into her...rather than tied around her waist. To say i was intrigued was an understatement and if asked again WHY i chose to follow the half naked young woman out onto the vegas strip like a total creeper i probably couldn't give you a better answer then than i can now, no idea.
As it turns out, according to the brochure i'm holding in my hands that a seperate, yet equally sexy young woman, handed me from a shoulder satchel she was toting around. Across the street from my hotel, another hotel is hosting the largest BDSM, swinger, and fetish convention on the west coast, and it's running the same 4 days as the convention i'm here for. I Decided to go back inside my hotel and find that restaurant, slipping the brochure into my pocket as i did so, making a mental note that after i finish dinner i should head across the street and check out what's going on over there...who knows...might be fun, kinda like that anime convention i got dragged too last year..
https://78.media.tumblr.com/7bfcd685da92988acf5722b30b27f34d/tumblr_p0gvfgSk8Y1wxg7ejo1_500.gif (NSFW)
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(NOTE: i purposefully wrote this without context as to whether the speaker is male or female, this can be my character wandering over looking to hook up with some kinky girls, also it can be your character going over and seeing what the guys over there look like and what they can do..)
:Coming Out Of His Shell
There's always a catch, Nothing that's THIS good can be for free, that's what your thinking. He's handsome, he's fit and looks great naked, He's so smart you actually feel a little intimidated with him, he has every justification to be an ass but he's so humble and kind. By the end of the first date you couldn't believe you found someone so kind, by the end of the 3rd date and he hadn't even tried to come upstairs after he kissed you at your door, you were starting to question everything. When he turned down your very obvious and forward invitation to come upstairs after the 4th date and he sheepishly turned you down you were confused and a little annoyed. Something was wrong, he was too perfect, he had a great job, his own house, a car, he was handsome, athletic, polite, gentle, and he made your legs weak whenever he smiled. Your friends and mother were no help, offering up confused shrugs and annoying little comments like "he's 28 and single, there's probably a good reason why". After the 5th date when he dropped you off at your house, walked you to your door and kissed you goodnight you couldn't take it anymore and you asked him why, why he wouldn't come inside, why he got so distant when you were forward, what was wrong, was it you? what was he hiding?.
Sometimes things really can be too good but still be true. Sometimes people have their own insecurities, even people as perfect as him. He's everything a woman could want but he's shy about what he wants, he has very unique tastes and they make him shy. He was embarrassed about it, he made up for his embarrassment by focusing on being as perfect as he could be. He's afraid to open up about what he's into but that won't stop you, he's too great of a catch, whatever he asks of you, you'll try it, you assure him that you want too, he seems timid but he's just too cute to let get away and besides...how weird could his kinks be?...
https://78.media.tumblr.com/810f7e6bf1bc3aaecacb1847144f4b13/tumblr_orhu74br1U1w49qypo1_500.gif (NSFW)
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(Note: i left WHAT he's into unclear, as my personal kinks aren't what this story is about, as much as it's about a vanilla woman and a closeted kinky guy coming together, him getting to explore his fantasies on her, and her maybe discovering a side of her she never knew existed, this might actually be the only purely romantic story i've ever written
there's a reason the whole 'girl next door' trope is such a staple in porn. God, fate, random number generation, whatever it is that decides how the world plays out definitely has a special kink for fucking with guys by putting stunning girls right next door. The only issue i have with it is that the girl and guy are supposed to be the same age and it's supposed to be a love story but that's definitely not what's happening in my neighborhood. What is it with younger girls being after older men? i never understood it, i wasn't after older women when i was a teenager, so why is my little sisters best friend after me?. I first met her when i came home between semesters last year. You see me and my sister are 11 years apart, so when i came home from college, 28 years old with 2 years left to go towards my PhD and met my sisters 17 year old friend i was very careful not to stare too long at her. Basically she was angst and sex embodied and i did everything i could to convince myself she wasn't chewing her lip and giving me 'fuck me' eyes everytime i looked her way whenever she came over for dinner or was having a sleep over with my sister. The time she came over and her and my sister were swimming in the pool i had to take the car and 'go get something' just to get out of the house to keep from staring at her tits and ass, the bakini's are getting smaller every year.
It was the last night before i headed back to college when it happened, i guess she knew her fun was about to end so she had to get what she was after before i left, I'd been staying in the pool house. I was thumbing through a biology text book trying to kick the cobwebs out of my head after almost a month doing exactly no studying when the sliding glass door to the poolhouse whisked open. I'd like to tell you i told her to leave or that it only happened once but she was standing there, naked and smiling, and as the sun rose nearly 6 hours later she was walking back through the gate separating our yards, naked, shameless, and glowing with a smile, while i made a very exhausting 8 hour drive back to school on 20 minutes sleep and with no regrets or cum left in my balls.
I told myself it was a one time thing and that it wouldn't happen again. When i went back home for winter break i subtly inquired about her to my sister and was relieved to learn she had a boyfriend now, i was safe. The first night i was home, barely past midnight i heard a tapping on the glass of the sliding glass door and when i turned from where i was sitting on the couch there she was, naked in the moonlight, smiling at me with her tits pressed to the glass with 'fuck me' written in red lipstick across them. I should have turned her away, instead we broke the couch. She honestly doesn't even like me i don't think, she barely speaks to me when she comes over to spend time with my sister, she even gushes about her boyfriend to my mom, though secretly i think she does it to antagonize me...it works. She knows it bothers me, and i hate that it does, but there is a definite difference in how badly she limps home in the morning after spending all day giggling with my sister about her boyfriend, talking about the stuff they do in her room when her parents aren't home.
That summer break was a mistake, every night she came to the poolhouse, every night i let her in. One night she came over a little later than usual, when she showed up she was sweaty and out of breathe. She said her boyfriend had just left and that she still had his cum inside her. I don't know why that drove me so crazy but she knew what it would do and that night she left with serious rug burn and more than a few bruises on her ass. Tomorrow i'm headed home again, i'm 30 now and i have 1 semester left before graduation, this will be the last time i come home for a visit, i already have an offer for a job in San Diego once i graduate. I have a girlfriend now, i'm going to ask her to marry me after graduation. She wanted to come visit my family with me over break but i told her no, she wanted to know why and i lied to her, she told me she loved me and she'd see me after break, I told her i loved her too. I wasn't even off campus before i sent the text "headed out now, be there by midnight".
https://78.media.tumblr.com/36abd1939ad78d66a30afe23b2fc4d64/tumblr_oefqfgWBlZ1tht19lo1_540.jpg (NSFW)
:It's TOTALLY a cult..
"But father, i don't think she can survive this much longer...she seems...unstable" The young acolyte spoke in a hushed tone, his voice full of concern as the elder placed a steadying hand on the youths shoulder. "steady son, she will endure.". The young acolyte watched on as the young woman clawed at the cement floor, her body arching, naked flesh shining in the candle light, skin slick with sweat, oils, and fluids as yet another brother spent his seed inside her. How many was that now? the young acolyte asked himself, the ritual had been underway for almost 3 days. It was early in the morning outside now, the sun just beginning to brighten the sky. The young acolyte was both heart broken seeing his beloved like this, but also he was proud, there was after all no higher honor than becoming the demons bride, at least that's what he kept telling himself.. As soon as the acolyte who had just finished inside her had moved aside, another took his place.
This time strong hands grabbed the young woman's hips and turned her over onto her back and immediately he was upon her, hips pushing between spread thighs, the wet sound of them becoming one, and the near primal squeal of pleasure that escaped the young woman's mouth as her eyes rolled back and a smile formed on her lips, her nails raking the acolytes back as the pair began to grunt and moan, moving as one on the floor, raking nails, biting teeth and gyrating waistlines. The magic runes and sigils painted in a large circle on the floor, in the center of which she lay, glowed softly, the light eminating from the runes having grown steadily brighter as the 3 day ritual had begun. The runes fed her, suffused her with energy, keeping her from hunger, thirst, and fatigue as she was taken again and again and again by acolytes. The young Acolyte watching winced, after all she needed to be conscious for the ritual and 3 days of strenuous sex was demanding but the sounds she made hurt him somehow, none of the runes heightened pleasure like an aphrodisiac, her moans were all her. In truth, when he had learned his beloved had been chosen as the sacrifice, he had begun to make plans to escape with her, but when he told her she had been chosen he had never expected her reaction. She had been so excited, she would serve the greatest purpose and become the brood mare of a demon.
"father i.." the young acolyte began but the older man squeezed his shoulder tightly "be strong son, she has been called for a higher purpose". The priest turned the young acolyte away from his one time girlfriend, walking with him as he lead him from the room, chased by the moans and screams of his beloved as she urged the man on, to give her more. Soon the candles would burn out, soon she would be ready, soon their lord would be summoned, soon she would be the demons bride.
Fantasy/Science Fiction
:1,368 days
Waking up from hyper sleep with 4 years left of our 12 year journey was NOT in the plan. I, along with the other 899 colonists picked for the 4th colonization mission to alpha centuri, was supposed to sleep the entire 12 year journey through space and wake up at my new home. Instead my pod malfunctioned and now i'm stranded, for all intensive purposes ALONE, on a massive fucking space ship hurtling through space for....1,368 more days. The Ship's A.I which i have started called Veronica, has informed me that she cannot fix my pod as it currently is and that i will have to live out the next 4 years as i am, alone, bored, and pissed. She won't allow me to wake another crew member to keep me company as that would be 'detrimental to their jounrey'...well fuck you too veronica.
I've been awake for a month, wandering the college sized ship, watching endless hours of archived movies from earth, as well as a couple hours of porn, also archived from earth....not sure why we needed to bring that but hey...not complaining, it's killed quite a bit of time for me. I don't know how i managed to never find my way into the Science divisions lab before but i happened upon it during one of my walks and was surprised to find that veronica allowed me access...i think she feels bad for me, she says she has the capability to learn, maybe she is developing sympathy?.
The lab has all sorts of cool shit, most of which i understood, some i didn't, but i was one of the ships engineers, i could figure most of this crap out, after all, i designed most of the software. One thing i did recognize immediately was the shell engine and immediately i started to consider something....well, blatantly illegal. When technology had moved past metal and plastic androids into clone technology and the possibility of creating full grown human beings that could be programmed like robots, the government in a surprisingly uncharacteristic show of humanity had put a stop to the emerging technology. It was deemed cruel and inhuman to create a breathing, thinking, programmable human being to serve as a servant or slave, which was....well...historically ironic.
With that being said....there was nobody around to stop me...and the ship was stocked to the gills with everything the colonists would need to set up a new colony including enough biomatter to repair any number of grevious injuries...or....generate a couple dozen custom designed human females to serve as my personal entertainment and collection of living, breathing, fuckable barbie dolls that would happily act how i wanted, dress how i wanted, do what i wanted, how ever many times i wanted. Veronica protested but didn't outright stop me, again, i think shes starting to feel bad for me. Big tits, wide hips, puffy lips...a prime directive to obey, god if only i could do this with my ex....and viola!..done, let's see....she'll be dine in 44 minutes....just enough time to grab a snack.... oh! and while i'm at it, i should swing by the 3D printer and have it make me a king size bed, i can put that in the hanger. I wonder what else i can print...restraints...gags....hmm....possibilities...possibilities....
:Service Animals
We broke them generations ago, long before i was born, back when we lived in fear of the dark and prayed to gods to protect us from the monsters therein. The history books tell us that a plague swept through their species as a result of their numbers growing too large, a common occurrence whenever a species numbers exceed their natural balance. You see they had no predators, only prey, and they grew fat on humans as well as wild game. When the disease ripped through them it did so quietly and without notice for it didn't cause sores, coughing, fever or death, it caused infertility. Their numbers were scattered, in small tribes and packs so they did not immediately realize what was happening, by the time they did there numbers had already begun to dwindle. When we humans realized they were weakening, that something was wrong, we banded together and struck, our timeless fear of the beasts in the forests uniting us. They were still strong, but they couldn't repopulate, in 5 years we had nearly destroyed their species and what remained were captured and put in chains.
That was over 800 years ago, today they barely resemble what they were. We captured them, put them to work, some of us bred with them. It turned out that it wasn't the entire species, just the males who had become infertile, the females could still be bred, and they were. Over centuries of selective breeding, picking the most docile, obedient females we slowly turned them from the savage beasts that ruled the night and filled out nightmares into the creatures they are today. Obedient, loving, loyal, we no longer need them to plow our fields, fend off bears and cats, serve as soldiers in our wars. Today they are our pets, our friends, our servants, they sit at out feet, fetch out things, warm our beds. They know nothing of their history, of the savage monsters they once were, they only know that we feed them, clothe and keep them, and they are grateful and loyal to us for this kindness, they don't know any better and honestly, they're happier as they are, right where they belong.
(This is a parallel of how we domesticated dogs, your character would share the same blindly loyal, playful, and eager to please traits of any good dog, in this world instead of wolves becoming chihuahua's, werewolves became kemonomimi and are the principal 'pet' of this world, be good and do whatever you can to make your master happy
:Slay the dragon, Save the princess, Fuck the queen?
The queens scream of rage tore through her bedchamber like a lions roar as a chair worth a small village exploded into kindling and cinders with a angry gesture from her elegant fingers. The report had reached her moments ago, a rider had arrived at the castle bearing 'joyous' news. The princess was safe and on her way home, the dragon that had been keeping her in it's lair had been slain. The queen had barely contained her rage when she had received the report and only after all but her closest advisers had left did she explode with anger and sorcery. Now where there had been 3, only 1 of her advisers stood, a pile of smoldering ash and a large shard of ice containing a man frozen mid scream were all that remained of the other two. She had needed that dragon!, The deal had taken months of negotiations to arrive at an agreement. Her useless daughter as a bride and a significant amount of her treasury in exchange for the dragons allegiance against her enemies. Now what did she have? her useless simpering daughter coming home to her and none of her gold, what had been in the dragons horde now, by law, belonged to whoever had sla- wait, who HAD slain the dragon?.
Her plans MIGHT not be ruined after all. The dragon had been powerful even among it's own kind and when she had heard it had been slain she had assumed a party, perhaps a band of adventurers, but it had been one man, ONE!, what an incredible feat, what a powerful warrior he must be....to have slain an ancient dragon in single combat....oh yes, this could work nicely. She didn't need the dragon if she had whoever had defeated it, so what if she lost her gold, she'd increase taxes and make it back in no time, peasants be damned. She had to make sure this powerful warrior was well received and treated in a manner such as befits a hero. The Queen had many servants, ladies in waiting all loyal to her who would be happy to 'entertain' the man. Yes, she would draw this warrior into an allegiance with her, she had everything a man wanted...comfort.....gold....a small army of beautiful young servants all eager to express their appreciation to this hero for saving their princess....yes she would keep his stomach full, his pockets heavy, and his balls very very empty and regardless of what kind of man he was, he would become her champion one way......or another...
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(Note: this story can mainly involve the queen and her servants seducing the hero with little to no use of the princess, or alternatively the princess could be equally wicked as her mother and have been willingly betrothed to the dragon and just like her mother, now sees this powerful hero as a more potent tool and is equally involved in the seduction, potentially pursuing a marriage to him)
:It's totally not a cult...
He had really gotten lucky tonight, he had thought to himself when the tatted bombshell in the black mini dress had sauntered up to him in the bar and ran her sharp manicured nails down his arm, leaning in to him and batting her smoky eyes as she asked him if he wanted to leave. He was hoping for a short drive to her place but the car wound through the mountains for nearly an hour, the entire time her reassuring him he wouldn't be disappointed. The house they had arrived at was, quite frankly, ridiculously massive, the iron gates at the bottom of the driveway had opened for them as she pulled her mercedes up the driveway and parked it next to two dozen other high priced vehicles. He followed her inside as she lead him with a curl of her finger, beckoning him after her as she climbed the marble steps to the mansion. Inside was even more impressive than outside, and there were so many people, Scratch that, there were so many beautiful young women, and alot of average guys. Girls were grabbing guys like horderves and dragging them off down hallways like they were going out of style and that was when he noticed the girl who had brought him was gone, having disappeared off into the crowd when he had been busy staring, it didn't matter though, an even more beautiful young woman in a dress made of strips of leather sauntered up out of the crowd and smiled wickedly at him.
5 minutes later he was being lead down a hallway, passing door after door, the sounds of wild, rough, teeth grinding sex echoing out from behind each and every door they passed as the woman lead him to a door seemingly at random and pulled him inside. Inside waiting for him was the girl who had brought him, and together she and the girl who had lead him down the hall began to undress him, giggling to themselves and each other as they did so, god he was so lucky tonight- was that a scream? it sounded like someone screaming he thought to himself, but his thoughts were pulled back to the 2 beauties as he was pushed onto the bed and felt his pants nearly torn off. Why did they smell so good? his head was swimming, he smiled up at the girls as one slowly crawled up over his legs, smiling at him, the other knelt next to his head and smiled down, blood red lips curling back revealing sharp white teeth..
The house was perfect, the price was right, the location was amazing, and the timing couldn't be better. Me and my wife moved from the city to the suburbs to start a family, we decided that after 4 years of marriage, we were ready to have a child. The city is no place to raise a family so once we were sure we wanted this, we started looking for a new home and we found it.
5 bedrooms, 2 baths, an upstairs office for her to work from home, and a furnished basement for my 'man cave'. It was everything we had wanted and the price was honestly unbelievable. Everything was perfect and we signed for the house that day, maybe we should have done our research first..
I didn't see HER until about our 3rd month in the house. I got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and when i walked back into our bedroom, she was standing there next to my wife's side of the bed, just...staring at her. I screamed and the naked woman disappeared as my wife shot awake, confused and alarmed. I didn't know how to explain what i saw so i just lied and said i stepped on something, feigning an injury, i went downstairs to get a drink of something strong and try and calm down.
3 nights later i woke to the glorious sensation of my wife's mouth wrapped around my cock. I groaned awake but instantly recognized the feeling and smiled as i pushed myself up onto my elbows and pulled back the bedsheets to watch. It wasn't my wife... This time i didn't scream but i did push the woman's head away, The woman sat back, naked except for something shining on her neck, arms, and legs. The young woman was pale, white like snow with black lips and heavy makeup, she stared at me with an expression of such...sadness, like a child being scolded for doing something they thought they should. Suddenly my wife stirred next to me and i glanced towards her, a moment later i looked back and the girl was gone, The next morning i got on my computer and started looking.
"Young woman found dead in basement, cause of death starvation.." i read the words aloud, unable to believe them, suddenly the houses price made more sense. The furnished basement i had made into my 'man cave' was where she had died, a young woman who had according to her friends, been in a BDSM style relationship with her boyfriend. Its unclear what transpired, whether an argument or some part of their 'games'. he left her chained up in the basement of their house and went into town for unknown reasons, likely to purchase food or some such at the late hour, and was killed by a drunk driver. The car had caught fire and it had taken the authorities a week to identify the body, by the time they had, and the attempt was made to locate his girlfriend to let her know what had happened, it was too late.
It's really unfortunate what happened to that girl... and i really should feel worse about what i've been doing, but..i don't think she realizes i'm not her boyfriend. After all, she's just a ghost, so is what i'm doing really wrong? I'm not so sure. My wife keeps asking why i sleep down in the basement so often, she thinks i'm mad at her, i keep telling her i've just been busy with stuff and she doesn't question me, after all, it's not like there's anyone else down here with me...
At first she only showed up every few nights, but now she appears every night as soon as my wife falls asleep. Crawling on hands and knees, kneeling at my feet, chained to the wall by chains that aren't there in the morning. The harder i use her, the more she appears and the longer she stays, she must have been a real freak when she was alive. At first she was only around for an hour, now she nearly lasts till dawn. My wife is starting to notice i'm not sleeping, she asks questions but i dodge them and i make it up to her with lots of attention during the day, but in all honesty, it's not her i'm thinking of.
:The Slime Queen
The Hero took heaving gasps of air as he leaned against the cold stone wall of the hallway. His blade was heavy in his hand, his arm too weak to hold it and the blade drooped to the floor as he panted and sank slowly down the wall. 4 days he'd been pushing his way down through the seemingly endless rooms, halls, and floors of the dungeon. 4 days of monsters, traps, dead ends, and endless darkness. The hero was out to make a name for himself, and clearing a dungeon was the best way to do so. Hundreds of adventurers entered dungeons all across the land every year, few ever returned. Those who did return though were heralded as great warriors and heroes, destined for greatness and thanks to their conquest of the dungeon and the looting of it's treasure, appropriately equipped as such. The hero took a short break to catch his breathe, the cyclops in the previous room had nearly killed him, he groaned, pushing himself to his feet and struck a new light for his torch, the previous one having burned out as he sat slumped against the wall. His food rations were approaching the return point, when he'd have to give up and begin his ascent back up through the dungeon or he would starve before he could escape. His pack was already heavy with treasures, he would be rich and could live comfortably for years on what he carried in his pack but he was so close, he could just feel it. The dungeons bottom, and it's boss was close, he had read manuscripts and diaries of heroes who had conquered dungeons, it was commonplace for dungeon conquerers to write a guide on the dungeon after making it out alive, to help future adventurers who entered once the dungeon repopulated with new monsters in the following months, as well as just a way to tell their story. Every story he had read said the same, dungeons never took more than 3 or 4 days at a steady pace, and he had been moving at a steady pace, he knew he would be close. Mustering his strength, the hero marched down the hallway in the darkness, his torchlight just barely illuminating infront of him as he walked onward. It was nearly 20 minutes of walking at a steady downward angle with no traps or splits in the tunnel and he was just beginning to reach for his flint to strike a new torch when he noticed a soft glow. Up ahead, the tunnel flattened out and he could see a doorway, a soft bluish glow emanating from within. The hero unsheathed his sword and moved forward, torch out ahead of him, sword at his side as he moved up too and under the archway and stepped into what he knew was the boss room. The room was large, cavernous, with the ceiling and walls out of sight despite the eerie glow emanating from a 20 foot pool in the center full of dark purple....liquid. He moved closer, eyes darting around as a smell in the air filled his nostrils....it was so strong...pungent and sweet...it made his head swim, his heart race, and his...cock throb?. The hero ignored whatever aphrodisiac was filling the cavern, his eyes searching for the boss he knew must be there when the liquid in the pool began to ripple, to morph, slowly a shape rising from the pool. The hero dropped the torch and grasped his sword in both hands, striking a ready stance as he watched the horror rise from the pool, the liquid shifting, morphing, sliding out over the side of the pool and forming into.....a woman?.
(slime queen)
(potential for him and her making many...daughters... and the daughters joining in, wanting a piece of their father)
NOTE: i just personally like slimes, they feed into my latex fetish, but the boss doesn't have to be a slime, it could be any monster that seduces men, a vampire, succubus, anything really, if you prefer something else.
:The Hero And The Harlot
The order of St. Cuthbert is a sacred order above all others. It's cleric, warpriests, and paladins revered above all other heroes as paragons of virtue, law, and justice. The Priesthood of Lastai are a church of a different sort, though their goddess stands on the side of law and virtue, her priests and priestesses have a mission totally their own, to spread love, understanding, and the secrets of happiness through carnal desire and depraved pursuits. While certainly not two groups that would commonly consort with one another, there is a tale of a paladin of Cuthbert and a Priestess of Lastai that is often whispered of in tavern halls and Brothel bed chambers. The tale of the Hero and the Harlot as it's called, starts like this..
The Caravan was destroyed, the dozen wheelswords lay scattered along the road, more pieces than whole bodies. The wagon had been tipped onto it's side, the door caved in, strong oak wood caved in like cheap iron. The Ettin lay waste to the 3 remaining mercenaries protecting their charge, but with all their comrades dead, and the 3 men facing the overwhelming strength of the 2 headed brute, a giant kin standing near 11 feet tall, 2 heads, each arm swinging a massive club that looked lore like a tree it plucked from the earth than any refined weapon, the men who fought for gold, decided their lives were worth more and they threw down their weapons and fled.
Now it's here that the story diverges, some say the Hero arrived then to save the day, others who enjoy a more lewd telling, say it took him several more hours, and when he arrived he found the ettin near defeated, having exhausted itself savaging the priestess who had turned the tables and was now in the processing of slaying the beast in her own...intimate ways. but neverthless! the hero, a paladin of the order of St. Cuthbert arrived, having come upon the destroyed caravan and charged in without fear, and with one swing of his greatsword that he wielded in a single hand, so great was his strength, he cleaved the ettin near in half, the 2 heads turning to look at each other as the body split down the center like a lightning struck tree.
The Paladin sheathed his sword and approached the priestess, proclaiming her safe from the beast and the priestess thanked the hero and offered him reward for his heroism in her services as a priestess of Lastai. The paladin, a man of virtue, having sworn an oath, declined her generous and...tempting offer, but being so far from safety, was honor bound to escort her to her destination. Now from here boys the story again becomes conflicted, some more honorable scholars say the paladin resisted her seductions, others who say the wiles of a priestess of Lastai are beyond even the willpower of a paladin to resist, suggest otherwise, what we know is that it took several days for the pair to arrive at Luskan, city of sails, and it is said that a priestess of Lastai who does not lay with another every evening loses her goddesses favor, nevertheless, as the story unfolds you will see the priestess lost none of her power, so draw what conclusions you will from that...
The priestess, having felt that their gods had arranged their meeting, felt compelled to assist the paladin on his endeavors until such a time her goddess gave her signs otherwise, and so the story of the Hero and the Harlot goes...
(NOTE: both the priestess and paladin need not be humans, if you prefer a specific fantasy race to play as, or enjoy a particular fantasy race for the paladin, feel free to suggest)
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