The Reason Why I have not done a forum in a while


Jan 16, 2009
Central Illinois
Hi everyone,

I am still here even though I have not posted in a long time in forum. I just do not want to get things worked out with someone who wants to play with me and then when the big climax or changes are about to happen I no longer see any postings from my partner. They might be still around, but playing with someone else and without informing me of anything they flake out.

I have been willing to not just do a transformation roleplay and do what a partner wants to do. I try to play. I always do PM's now unless I know the person will reply to a post that I put up. When I get a response I reply immediately to keep the story going. I would hate for my partner to be waiting and not hear a thing from me and pick up additional roleplays with other people.

I have tried several times to do a roleplay that I have turned into a horror film screenplay. It is still in works right now. I want to be good at screenwriting, but how can I when there is no one to play with? I do read everones profile on what they like to play. I have seen some people state that they are a book writer.

I am not perfect, but I am here to have fun. If I cannot find anyone to play with me it does get frustrating. I started roleplaying back when it was so easy to communicate with anyone around the world or b.s. in another state in the United States. I miss those days, but I hated being hassled by bots asking, "Want to see my cam?" I can understand a few of them, but when there is way too many bots why am I going to play then? Sorry for my rant, but having issues finding anyone wanting to play with me. :(

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