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Fx Male Looking for Fun ♡ (F seeking M)


Dec 4, 2011
Hello and welcome to my request thread :)

Looking to RP over PMs, Email or Discord.
PM me if you find anything of interest or would like suggest an idea of your own. I'm open to anything.

For Fandoms I only play as OC characters mainly. If I play a cannon character it will solely be for the name and appearance.

One of my main no goes is that I do not double only because it is not for me. I have tried doubling in the past but it never worked out. If I do double it will not be for a main character. Sorry in advance.

Current Kink cravings :
-MxMxF pairings/gang bangs
-Rough Sex
-Age Play (Older male x Younger female)

Things I will NOT to:

-FxF or FxFuta pairings
-Playing multiple characters (on my end, just not my thing as i tend to favor one character over the other)
-Full on non-con (can do a little bit of resistance but not total)
-Bathroom play

Things I will Role-Play:


High school
Boarding School (Fantasy or non-fantasy)


~Prince x Shapeshifter

~Prince x Village Girl !Craving!

~Pirate Lord x First Mate

~Werewolf x Human

~Vampire x Human

~Vampire x Werewolf !Craving!

~Prince/King x Servant Girl !Craving!

~Demon/Vampire x Neko

~Prince x Mermaid

~Good girl x Bad boy

~Unpopular Girl x Popular Athlete

~Boss x Employee

~Goddess x Male harem

A Vampire's Decision !Craving!
~The prince is to be wedded to a princess he has no intentions on marrying and finds himself spending alot of time with one of his maids for a bit of company, to try and avoid having to even meet the princess. The maid he chooses to spend time with so happens to have been in love with him ever since she started working at the palace, only he doesn't know for she is too shy to tell him. After being around her for a couple of days just sitting in the garden and talking, the Prince starts to realize he is developing feelings for her as well. Neither one of them knows and time is running short.
Will the Prince accept his feelings for the maid and find a way to be with her? Or will he simply ignore them for what she is and just go through with the marriage?

Alphas Pick !Craving!

One night while the werewolf is out hunting on his in his beast form in the woods for anything that may cross his path, he then spots a female on her way back to the campsite with other humans, in a clearing by the lake. The camp is on wolf territory and others join the werewolf in an attempt to ambush the humans. They succeed and all are killed except for one. The female that the leader had seen. He goes to kill her but stops. Something holds him back and he can't seem to harm her. He doesn't allow the others to harm her either, feeling that she may be special in some way. The female agrees to go with him back to his lair for fear of something happening if she didn't. From there, feelings start to develop between the two.

The Light Within the Dark

The Vampires/Demon are after an artifact they have been searching for, for centuries, never able to find it. The artifact has been entrusted to a Angel who was assigned as a guardian for it's protection from any evil being because of how powerful it is. The Angel doesn't know of the powers it holds, and that the Vampires/Demons are after it until she runs into groups of them trying to find who the guardian is and soon is told about the power it holds. The object is hidden in a place only its guardian knows the location to, and eventually a Vampire/Demon discovers that she is the guardian and so kidnaps her in hopes of getting what they want.

Catching a Fay

Fairies are very rare throughout the kingdoms, but their magic is powerful. Hearing tales about their beauty and magic, many demons have tried to find them and hopefully capture one to use the fairy's magic for their own uses. And since most fairies are known to be female, they could be useful for more than just their magic. A lot of demons have failed though until just recently. One demon was out hunting like he always does but this time on his hunt through the forest, he comes across a fairy wandering the woods as well, or bathing in the waterfall. With no one else around, the demon takes he's chance to try and capture the defenseless fairy. He quickly succeeds and takes her to his home, not wanting her to get away as he thinks of a way to either take her magic or get her to use it for his own needs.

Forbidden Lovers !Craving!

A Werewolf and a Vampire, two warring clans, have fallen in love for each other after having been given an order to kill the other. It is against the rules and strictly forbidden for them to merely interact let alone have a romantic interest. The daughter of the Alpha wolf was locked away when rumors started to spread. But her little punishment didn't last for very long. Her lover was furious when he found out. Even though he too was given a stern warning though it wasn't as severe. He fought in the battles, his rage pushing him towards the edge to a cold blooded murder towards the Werewolves until he found who they had taken from him. Word carried and he was given the location. An underground dungeon was where she was kept. A key or spell provided to unlock the cell given to him in hopes of showing mercy on the guard. But once freed and if word caught of her escape she was surely to be sentenced to death by her own father. It makes her hesitant but the Vampire gets her out anyways, whether she was willing or not. Where they end up, anywhere as far away from the clans as they possibly can. Will their love last, or would she be too afraid of the monster he had become, driven by rage?

The Hunter

He was an immortal. Cursed with eternal life and youth and thrown in a secret organization of hunters. Though those that know of them, see them as ruthless killers. What they hunted were demons and monsters. The things that stalk the night. This time he was assigned a specific task. His target was a female, barely even coming into what she was but his group still saw her as a threat. The girl was young, born from a Vampire family though hasn't gone through the change just yet. She had just turned 18, the age when the change begins but she is completely unaware of it. Having grown up in an orphanage, she didn't know anything about her parents. The organization however, still wants her taken out before the change even gets the chance to fully occur. What will happen though is he finds himself unable to do it. He feels sorry for the girl as she doesn't know what was happening to her. So instead of killing her, he takes her under his wing. He helps her through it, and soon finds himself attracted to her.

Prince x Shapeshifter

A traveling circus comes to the kingdom the prince helps rule over. He grows tired of the constant way he has to live. He would rather be out in the city and enjoying life rather than being stuck inside the palace listening to his fathers orders. Once word goes out about the festivities that were going to take place one night, he sneaks away, keeping his identy hidden. From there one of the performers, a shifted, catches his attention. He wants her. She is unhappy with where she is and so the prince wishes to free her, either by sneaking her out or buying her off the ring leader. Either way he is determined to get her.

Demonic Desires *New*

--A powerful Demonic Demi-God buys and even sells humans and demons as sex slaves within the kingdom he has taken over. His desire for lust is one that can't simply be fullfilled. So within his home he constantly uses his servants and slaves for pleasure in any way possible. Love wasn't something the Demi-God wants or tries to get. Or so he thought.
It wasn't until he laid his eyes upon the Demoness Nyx did his mind change on that. He wanted her and knew that he had to make her his somehow. But not by force. He wanted her to be willing to be with him, to actually want it. So, he does whatever he possibly can to make her want him..

~~~Feel free to mix genres together as well, and suggest!
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Bumpity bump! Finally got things settled down enough to where I can finally get back to Role-playing! Oh how I've missed it v.v
Boss x Employee, Twins, and vampire x neko pairings are currently taken! Still open for a couple of more partners.
Updated cravings. Vampire x Neko and Boss x Employee reopened. Catching a Fay plot currently taken.
Really craving Prince x Shapeshifter!! I have a small idea for it, the prince can be vampire/human/elf etc!
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