lNew plot MXF and some FXF/ FUxF

Oct 17, 2015
New England
Greetings and salutations everyone. I'm 26 year old female role player, I tend to lean towards the submissive or switch role as that's how I am personally and it is easier for me. I can occasionally be dominate but have to be in the right mood for it. I like my rps to be anywhere from dark, dirty and taboo to cute and cuddly. As for settings I like to stay away from cannon material as i never feel like i can do it justice and limits my character. I am open to playing any race or species . I try to write a paragraph as the minimum and will do my best to match what is given to me.I consider myself an open person and will try anything once though there are a few things I won't do.

my hard limits are
1 underage characters as rules state
2 being pregnant/knocked up, idea just ruins mood and setting for me
3 drug use/smoking, don't use them and have no interest in them
4 I only rp in third person, I personally find *I walk over to you* harder to write and grab my attention. Please stick in third person switching from third to first makes it hard for me to follow
5 Death and extreme violence
6 One line responses listed twice as it seriously kills all enthusiasm for the rp

Personal rules.

Only play on this site , don't use instant messenger as I find them harder to keep track of.

Right now not looking for any MxF plots as they never seem to grab my attention and cause me to lose interest in them quickly.


Dark/forced Ideas

Material X (nsfw) (mind control, latex, power struggle.)

It started off as an experimental new armor for the military a latex skin capable of same protection as most anti-ballistic vest with the added bonus being able to tap into the soldier's mind improving stamina, and even carrying out orders remotely. Though after prolonged use it was found to increase hostility too much and the project was canned and the proto-types seal away. YC gets his hands on it either through black market or being the son of a scientist that worked on the project. Instead of using it to protect himself he sees the material as a way to get the popular girl he's always wanted.

My whore academia : After years of trying to curb student behavior a private school has finally come up with a solution that has pretty much halted all cheating, fighting and bullying in the school. The solution any student caught breaking the rules is punished by becoming the slave to the teacher or student they wrong for week or longer varying on what that did. Failure to comply with the punishment is grounds for immediate expulsion and being blacklisted from any other private or decent school. It work and after a few years the rumors all were enough to keep new students in line. Though there are always those who don't believe or teachers who use it as a way to have a bit of fun.

End of the world: don't have fully flushed idea more just looking to play in a apocalypse setting where it's still relatively new and people are still trying to cling to the old ways.

Worst Trip: A bit cliche but after coming back from a camping trip was running through my head. Basically looking for more forced rp where MC/MC's end up stranded in the middle of now where with no cell service. After walking on the road for a while they come across a farmer and go knocking on the door for help. Not knowing that they sealed their fates and will soon end up as his new sex slaves. Looking for more darker kinks like possible bestiality, forced incest, group sex, ugly bastard.

The victims
Biker : A lone rider who planned this trip out with her friends but all bailed on her last minute so she decided to do it by herself taking in the country side on her own. Her journey stopped short after visiting a local dive bar. After a night of ignoring the men there and using them for free drinks she heads off to her camp site only to be run off the road and taken to a farm where nobody can hear her scream.

Newly weds : Newly married the happy couple decided to take their honeymoon up in the mountains only for it to have ended before it even started. For this one craving to play both of the couple and include cuckolding, and possibly feminization

Mother& Daughter : As their only child gets ready to leave the nest and head off to college the mother decides that they should do one more trip just the two of them for old times sake. The father tries to come saying how the area they used to go has become ore dangerous but the mother convinces him to stop worrying and have fun while their gone.

Party Girls : Two spoiled girls who never had to work a day in their lives both coming from wealthy families and use that money to party every night. The two were on their way to some rave in the fields when they got a flat and after sitting on the side of the road go seeking help from the farm in the distance.

romance focused ideas

Romea and Juliet

Modern twist on the play from Shakespeare where the main characters are the daughters of two CEO's from rivaling companies that started from a few generations back. One of the families being new money and the other old.

Teacher's pet

A student and teacher rp where a popular teacher becomes newly single after catching her fiance cheating her with another woman. Not ready to go back into the dating world she focuses her life on her work growing a bond with one of her favorites

Unfinished ideas

Android Slave
step sisters(NFSW)
slave girl
futuristic android(NSFW)
Futa trainer(NSFW)
bunny girl
Desert Warrior

face claims
Latex 1
Latex 2
More forced/non con ideas.

VR Nightmare:

Sentient codeoption: Based off the first episode of black mirror where someone collects dna of girls in order make scans of them to be uploaded to a personal VR server and live out what fantasies they want. the girls would be those who have slighted them or crushes who never became more then that.

Town of the occult (bondage, humiliation, multiple partners, lose of virginity.)

Off in the outlying land of the kingdom a seedy town forgotten by the king and and unprotected his force of knights and paladins the town becomes prey to bandits and demons. Until one Succubus claims the area as her own and protecting them. Slowly a cult forms around her as the citizens see her as an idol and not a monster. Her cult goes unnoticed for a while until they kidnap the daughter of a noble causing the king to finally take notice of the corrupt village.

Queen of the Ring: (humiliation, public, scenes, toys)

Down a dark alley lies the entrance to an underground fighting club that is unlike any other in the city. All the contestants are woman(or Futa) and the only way to win is to force your opponent to cum first. The victor gets a cut of the bets and the loser gets nothing except the shame of a loss.

Naughty Maid. (bondage, non-con, toys, slave training)

A fairly well off couple hires a replacement Maid after having the last one quit to move on and live her own life. They decide to take a chance and hire a younger woman in her twenty's hoping the youth might bring some life back into the house. Though unknown to the husband the wife has become rather bored with her life both in and out of the bed and soon turns her sights on the maid eager to explore the fairer sex for the first time in a while. This can go either romantic with the wife seducing the maid or using her position to make her more into a slave to test and try all the things her husband won't even give a second thought to.

1) Living Doll (craving): After years of seeing her uncle a letter arrives informing her of his passing and being the only family left she is left all of his belongs including the house. After a week of cleaning it out and fixing it up she discovers a locked closet in the basement, curiosity sets in as she tries to find the key and see what is inside. To her surprise it is a realistic looking doll, despite the latex skin it feels warm to the touch. She takes it up stairs with the intent of selling it. Though slowly she learns that it is no ordinary doll as it houses the soul of her uncle's mistress who wants to make her the new pet.

2) Evil Step Sister (craving) : A few years passed since and MC's father has moved and begun seriously dating again. It's not for a few months later that she learns that he is dating the mother of one of her rivals who is a complete bitch towards her. After a few unsuccessful protest the two get married and the families merge in one house giving her no break from on of the few people she hates

Disowned Heiress: Ashley never knew a day of work or putting in an effort to get by in life as she was the heiress to a large hotel chain allowing her father to spoil her. She tried college for the fun of it and soon dropped out not even after a week of classes seeing no point when she would never have to work again in her life. Her mother had passed years back in an accident and her father moved on quickly taking in a variety of lovers but none lasting long enough to be concerned about. Until his recent girlfriend who was lasting a lot longer then she liked and even moved. Normally she could convince her father to dump them but this one was different as a threat to her cushy life. One day the two of them surprise Ashley by packing up her room and kicking her out to make her own way in the world. She knew it had to be the girlfriend's idea as her father would never dream of doing this. A while passes and Ashley is barely scrapping by working minimum wage jobs living in the bad end of town. She invites the girlfriend over hoping to convince her to make her change her father's mind and let her come back home. The girlfriend agrees to consider it if Ashley does everything she is told making her work for a a chance back at the good life.

Cannon universe I know enough to play
World of Warcraft ( up to cataclysm)
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