A Whisper of Things to Come


Good Ideas and Bad Intentions
Aug 15, 2017
North America
Hey there time traveler, if you're digging into my past, enjoy your stay, just know some things have changed and some of this info might not be relevant anymore, and be nice to 2017 me, I wasn't very good at coding...

Welcome to my tender little slice of heaven, I hope you enjoy your stay.

(No walls of text here, we're living in the future! Click what you want, what you really really want.)

A Bit About Me
]Aww you DO care!
I do RP for fun, no drama. Its a hobby, and a release.

I write in the 3rd person using Discord or PM's, and my posting length depends on the context of what part of the story we're in, and the availability of my partner. I prefer 2-3 paragraphs, I often do more when setting a scene or an intro, or for some particularly descriptive naughtiness. I will accept 1 -large- paragraph responses if we are in an IM/frequent post situation, but dont often do it myself, and don't like it done too often. I am a pretty frequent poster, often times able to post several times a day with differing availability depending on the days, I prefer my partners to be able to respond in a decently timely manner, especially for one shots or short term smut driven scenes. I understand RL happens and takes front and center, if you are going to be delayed or not posting, please tell me, I'll do the same.

I am looking for partners who have a solid grasp of English grammar and spelling. I'm by no means perfect (I'm sure there are typos somewhere in this very post.) And I wont nag you on simple spelling mistakes, especially if you are using a phone as I do the same. But if you consistently make errors that break flow, either due to consistent poor spelling or lack of grasp of English language, I'm most likely going to kindly ask to end the RP as it does take me out of the mood rather quickly.

I am female, and prefer to play female roles typically in a sub position, but will consider playing futa or switch, with heavy dom roles or male roles considered if the story or setting is particularly enticing. I don't care what your gender/orientation is, play what makes you happy and we can both have fun.

I enjoy OOC chat with my partners, not required but very fun! Quips, jokes, and witty banter are appreciated. I enjoy discussing kinks or story ideas, as well as just chatting. I am a fairly open book so adult themes, humor, memes, and interests are always welcome

Speaking of kinks. Boom! F list This is by no means a full list of everything I'm into. I learn more and more about what leaves my panties in a wet crater on the floor with every story I get into. So if something Isn't there or you are curious about something, ask! I'm also a very visual person, if there's an idea or kink you are into that Im not feeling or dont understand, reference art can be a huge boon to your argument.

One small but incredibly important note. DO NOT ask for RL contact, I'm not looking for Facebook friends, or Instagram buddies on this site. I don't do pic swaps or facecams and I don't want to date you either, I just want your character to ravage mine until it cant move, you know, casual stuff. We can be friendly in chat and Much friendlier in RP, but if you push this, I will kick you out of my naughty fantasies so fast it will make your upper and lower head spin.

Aaaand were back to light-hearted. But seriously, I want to have fun, and I want you to as well.

My Specific Story Cravings - CURRENLY FILLED[/SIZE]]And what wonderful cravings I have.
A few specific ideas I would like to play out

***Survival by the Flip of a Bottlecap*** - FILLED
A dual survival story between a rough a tumble pair of wasteland wanderers, scavenging through the ruins of the futuristic 1950's world left to rust and burn. MC would be a younger girl (18-23) Brash and impulsive, cocky and a little arrogant. But overall realistic to the day in and day out dangers of the ruined world. YC would be an older man (preferably mid thirties range) who finds MC as a young girl, whether that be in some burned out raided caravan, or in a bomb collar being transported by slavers. YC takes her under his wing, and teaches her how to survive, how to shoot, how to scavenge, how to hunt and skin, and fish, and most importantly, how to kill the endless claw, fang, and gun wielding foes of the wastelands.

This isnt going to be a closed relationship type of deal, though lonely nights together have fostered a healthy sexual relationship between the two of them, this isnt just about falling in love with one another. This relationship is more about co dependence. 'you watch my back, ill watch yours, we work well together, we have fun, and we can fuck eachother when we dont have anyone else'. There will be intimate moments between the two, each others company the only real constant in such a wild world.

Story wise, this can go a variety of ways. a long journey through different terrains and locations, alternating between wilderness survival and urban spelunking. plenty of violence, hard choices, sexiness, romance, humor. and lots. and lots. of bottlecaps.

**A few themes**

-Realistic fights/shootouts/enemies - good for you guys/gals that like some military hardware porn or beastiary nerdiness. more vivid descriptions of the weapons or tools of survival, the kick and roar of an anti material rifle. Or the shape and characteristics of the creature that is soon blown in half by it.

-Moral dilemma/Walking a grey line - whether Conning a fresh blue vault dweller out of their nice pristine firearm. Stabbing someone in the back who is 'definitely' a raider. Or giving a quick under the table blowjob to a trader for an extra handful of bullets and bottle of water. The wastelands are harsh, and being a goody two shoes is the quickest way to end up six feet under

-Prostitution/physical bartering - A warm welcoming mouth, or tight sex is quite the valuable currency in a place where money has little meaning. MC uses this to her advantage, not just in negotiating prices for their scrap and supplies, but also with YC, often offering little 'favors' for the last swig of water, or the more comfy bed in the crumbling house they take refuge in.

-Friendly competition/entertainment seeking - The wasteland, while dangerous, can sometimes be a bit dull, dead forests or sprawling unused buildings blend together in between fights for survival, and our characters enjoy a little downtime. Gambling or bets of skill aren't uncommon, small wagers on who can make a difficult shot or climb a pile of rubble fastest are a common occurrence, with wagers ranging from bragging rights, to a handful of caps, who gets to be on top the next time they have sex. Beyond that, seeking the comforts and enjoyments of the pre ruined world are also included, coming across a batting cage, or a movie theater with a still working projector offer the couple a distraction from the road and a chance to bond.

Just to name a few

This doesnt 100% have to be Fallout based, though heavily preferred, but a similar feeling world to Fallout/Mad Max/Waterworld is preferable. Will consider zombie apocalypse if zombies aren't the main focus, this is more about survival from starvation, environment, and varied human and non human threats rather than just a single danger.

A few images for inspiration (Note, these are not necessarily face claims or even hard references, just something to give an idea)

A little friendly banter on the road.

Go on. Call me 'Little Girl' Again.

A veteran survivalist, a lover, and a mentor.

***Darkest (Sex) Dungeon*** - FILLED
"This expedition at least promises success"

The abby is a dreary and hard place to live, constant dangers of bandits, undead, and much much worse constantly threaten the barely standing little town. Anxieties run high, and sanity dwindles as constant horrors threaten to rend you limb from limb, how is one to keep from falling headfirst into a pit of depraved depression? By falling headfirst into the beds of a few eager women of course!

Your character is a newcomer to the quaint little town and its hardships, harboring a terrible inner secret you had traveled to this dark corner of the world. Whether here for riches, glory, or you just happened to hop the wrong stagecoach at the wrong time, a collapsed bridge on the main road ensures you wont be leaving any time soon. Familiarizing yourself with the hardship struck village. You soon notice among its citizens and adventurers, lie a few unique and rather 'welcoming' women.

- A young and skilled Plague Doctor with a history of less than innocent experiments and and deep curiosity for the more physical aspects of your ailment.

- A Just and fair Houndmaster, trying to keep the peace in the small burg, and seems to have an... Unusually close relationship with her trusty Hound.

- A devout Vestal, who in the public eye denounces your affliction, and behind closed doors, deeply desires you to relieve your sin inside her sacred temple.

- A mysterious chain adorned woman, with a branded 'A' on her skin, her hungering eyes hiding behind them a terrible beast in heat, who hungers for flesh in more ways than one.

- An exotic dark skinned Occultist, with a tantalizing array of 'curses' and a penchant for summoning tentacles.

These are but a few of the lovely ladies awaiting the arrival of a man such as yourself, the horrid death call of the abbey may end up swallowing your mind whole, but be is known that you will perish very well satisfied.

This story will require* your character to have a unique ailment, whether that be something based of a (better looking) abomination class character from the game, or some of the oldies but goodies like shapeshifting or controllable lycanthropy (please, Please. pleasepleasepleaseplease!) or some more unique and horrid creature stirring inside you that manifests in exotic physical and sexual ways. The more bestial you are, the better the chances of you fitting into the quaint doomed little town, and fitting inside many of its inhabitants.

*- I mean... I guess you could be some boring 'normal' adventurer, but im going to ask you to take a hard look in the mirror and ask yourself if that's really all you want to amount to. Joking aside, we can discuss it. (begrudgingly)


***Tipping the Scales*** - FILLED
everything[/u] to her students. Good for age play, MILF esque, and coddling]
-ALL characters are of 16+ age!-

Ms. Amelia Ekans (formerly Mr's.) Is a history teacher and swim coach at the high school in her town. A dedicated and friendly mentor, her greatest enjoyment is in seeing her students excel academically, and watching them grow into mature young men and women ready to face the world.

Six months after finding her husband cheating and her subsequent divorce, she was ready to swear off men for good and focus herself entirely to her students and her work. Though time going without a males touch and a rising desire to have children of her own have driven the maturely aged woman to notice a new carnal craving rising from deep in her loins, the assorted students she had sworn to nurture and guide.

Now with the constant day in day out assortment of young, virile, hormone stricken males to choose from, she finds herself struggling to keep her bodies' needs in check, to varying degrees of success.

This story takes place in a present time alternate Earth comprised entirely of anthro creatures, so grab your fur, scales or feathers. Pairings can take place inside the school, with little after class 'extra' credit. Or something outside the classroom, A student delivering a pizza to her home for instance.

A few favored pairings:

Dragons(pleasepleaseplease!)/Serpents/Reptiles - Something genetically compatible and a possible candidate as the 'donor' to start her family. (A+)

Canines - Wolves and Dogs, and everything in between, a personal favorite and always a welcome pairing (B+)

Everything else - From a humble avian exchange student, to a hung and horny jock stallion, OC's and Anthros from all species are welcome to take a class and learn a thing or two from a busty and very nurturing serpent.

A big shout out and hug to Sanctuary for helping develop this character and for being generally awesome. As well as a few talented artists for creating the reference material used in her character design.

*Warning NSFW and Sound*

Being able to swallow prey whole allows for some amazing blowjobs.

That's it, let it all out. Mmm, extra credit.

***League of Ladies - A Rumble in the Jungle*** - FILLED
Her heat had come at the worst possible time. The league match was in full swing and all she could focus on was the aching feeling deep in her loins, it was driving her mad and causing her to throw the match for her teammates. She couldn't go on like this, the estrus stricken female needed relief. That sound, someone coming? a member of the enemy team? An ally? She doesn't care, all that mattered was her body's need for a good hard rut, as the noise approaches, she looks to its source, hoping they would bring an end to the dizzying arousal.

A Dubcon story (too horny to say no) involving a male LoL champion (or futa) encountering a very needy champion in distress. Whether they are a friendly who wants to help her out of adoration and desire to help their team win the match. Or an enemy/rival who simply wants to humiliate and sate their lusts with a beautiful, horny woman. The end result is clear, this gorgeous creature needs to be taken, good and rough!

Choose your prey.

Gnar Anthro/Genderbent **

Kindred More canine version/blended with wolf *****

Nasus Genderbent *****

Nidalee ***

Rengar Genderbent ************ (pleasepleaseplease!)

Warwick Genderbent*** No genderbent images of warwick? internet you have failed me! Placeholder I guess...

Your character can be any LoL champion of your choice, open to negotiation, but a few are going to be a hard sell. Will even consider OC's, though preference will be given to champions. A few kinks to expect will be risk of pregnancy/breeding talk, light scratching/biting, light scent/musk play (in good taste), begging, and slight mind break. Many more are possible and some can be excluded by request, let me know what you're craving!

General Ideas, Themes, Pairings, and Hot Shots[/SIZE]]
Favored themes/kinks or pairings pairings or just something new that gets me heated. None are mandatory of course, but you'll certainly get my wail wagging. (and raising)

Noncon - I love forceful partners. Whether a beast ravaging a poor helpless maiden, or a lost battle ending with the victor taking the 'spoils'. Ideas involving rough forced sex are always welcome. No heavy gore, no underage. aside from that, degradation, light injury, and dark themes are all welcome. Does this rag smell like chloroform to you?

Dubcon - Blackmail, Intimidation, Bribery. Not all things taken must be taken by force, being crafty or making an offer too tempting to pass up can yield as much effect as duct tape and rope can. This can lead to mutual pleasure, or just as a means to an end, depending on the story. Well, if you promise not to tell...

Ferals - Anthros, shifters, and good ol' loyal beasts are a favorite of mine. Open to nearly any species suggestion with a good enough plot, especially ones that involve more animalistic features and actions. (Penile spines, flares, and knots. Mounting, breeding, tying, sniffing, biting, marking.) Good boy. Sit. Stay. Thrust Harder.

Short term/One shots - Come at me hot and heavy, give me a good setting and character, and then ravish me with it. Many of my longer term RP's started out as a single heated rut. I enjoy getting to know new partners through a nice hook up, and if things click with characters and setting, I'm always more than willing to go longer term, and if not, well everyone loves a bit of dirty fun!

Strong/Powerful Males - Whether you're a dragon, a werewolf or just a strong warrior, one of my favorite themes is of physically strong men. Whether its a Noncon/Dubcon/Con story, having a partner who can just press me against a wall, or pin me on a bed, just... nnngffff, Want. Note, please don't suplex me through a table, yes, this is a thing. That happened.

Armored/Martial Women - I love playing a beautiful woman in armor. No, not that steel bikini. I mean full on head to toe leather, chainmail, or plate. Something about the aesthetic really gets me into a characters when they are actually clad in armor that is legitimately helpful.

*Realistic* Penetrations/Anatomy - ugh... I hate explaining this one. When I say "realistic penetrations", I dont mean you cant breach my womb, or hilt my throat etc. And when I say "realistic anatomy" I don't mean human, by all means have at me with whatever species of penile shaped appendage your character happens to be wielding. This is more of a warning against people who like to be size kings. If I am playing a character who is 5'6" tall, and you whip out a 3 foot long pillar of flesh and attempt to 'bury your bone' I am going to kindly ask you to take a few steps back, help me rearrange my lungs, and drive me to my therapy appointment. This doesn't have to be an exact science, i'm pretty lenient about this, but it still comes up where my 'whispy elf maiden' is expected to take every inch of a fire hydrant. Ain't gon' happen. If you're packing a tactical nuke down there, be creative! there are plenty of warm places that can be squeezed together for pleasure. Thighs, arms, breasts, all 3, just please don't try to turn my characters holes into a clown car, they thank you for it. (if you're unsure about this, please ask, I'm a lot more open than you'd think)

Little romantic details - No, I don't want to be a part of your soap opera, calm it down Romeo. Basically all I mean with this, is maybe some details beyond the rough screwing. It doesn't have to be much. Just shot a months worth of pent up gooey lust into my wolf girls behind? Would it kill you to give me a scratch behind the ear? a friendly hug? an ice pack because you said 'just the tip', something!?


Just a couple of good ones I enjoy, plots can vary. Don't take this as anything close to a complete list, any other pairings will be considered as well as any level of consent.

Monster/Beast x Girl (Noncon/Dubcon)
M Dragon x F Knight/Adventurer (Noncon/Dubcon)
Geek/Goth F x Jock M
Brother x Sister (Dubcon)
Teacher x Student
Anthro x Anthro
F Anthro x M Human
F Feral x M Human

***Hot Shots***
Wandering one shot ideas that catch my fancy that I want to play out. (updated 9/17/17)

Public use play with partner playing multiples/gangbang scenario, prefer F Anthro x M Anthros or F Anthro x Humans but other pairings considered. Some scenario Images that could be fun. ALL NSFW Public Use and Stockades

Glory Hole play with partner playing multiples, would love some bondage included NSFW IMAGES Gloryhole Bondage 1 and Gloryhole Bondage 2

Seeking GM for possible Girl vs World, prefer fantasy, monster, or Fallout setting, darker themes/bad endings with multiple characters can be discussed.

Clinical sperm extraction with my character as a futa or male feral and yours as scientists forcefully milking them. Similar to this NSFW and this NSFW

If any of this interest you, please send me a PM! I request that you put more than a simple "hello, i'm interested" if something catches your eye or heats your loins, let me know what, and why. if you have a character idea or even some art for reference go ahead and let me know, story ideas are great too as well as any specific kinks you're into. I'll try to respond to everyone as I am able to, but if you don't receive a response back, please take a look at your post, if you didn't put forward any specific interests or ideas, try again with a bit more info for me to grab on to.

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