Dragon Age II: Hawke the Nudist (FxF, FxM, FxMultiple)


Jun 21, 2015
Hi everybody! So, I don't do fandom stuff often, but I've recently been struck by a huge craving for this one thing in particular: I want to do a Dragon Age II roleplay about f!Hawke being a rather licentious nudist. Yes, it's silly and totally doesn't fit the source material at all. Yes, this would just be brainless smut. No, I don't care :p

My idea is that the Hawke family were always nudists, and very open about sex, long before the start of the game. In the past, they kept it at home for the sake of not drawing attention (what with having to hide from the Templars and all), but now that it's the second arc of the game and Hawke is respected gentry in Kirkwall, there's nobody who can really stop her from being as open about it as she likes. While she's still well-known throughout the city for all the same stuff as in canon, she's also attracted quite a bit of notice for walking the streets naked and bedding seemingly every unattached person in reach. I had it in mind that she's converted at least a few of her friends to her lifestyle--Isabela would think it was the greatest thing ever, of course, and Merrill would probably get into it too, since she hero-worships the both of them.

With that established, I'm looking for a partner to play opposite my Hawke. Ideally they'd be willing to play multiple characters, but if just one, I'd like it to be either of the two I mentioned who have gotten into Hawke's habits (Isabela and Merrill). Or possibly Aveline, if for some reason she's gone that way as well, though I find it harder to imagine her doing so. I don't really have anything specific in mind for what actually happens, but with the whole of Kirkwall available, I'm sure we could come up with something fun.

If you're interested, feel free to PM me anytime :)
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