The Wolf and the Dragon [rskde & LovelyDeadlyLadies]


Aug 2, 2015
In transit
Jon Snow wakes under a fur blanket, he was still freezing cold from the ice lake he had fallen into.. But at least now he felt a sort of safety. He looks down at himself, he was naked beneath the blanket and his scars from the traitors of the Nights Watch were showing, he assumed that he was naked because his clothing was probably frozen to his body and doing more harm to his body than good. Jon decides to lay his head back down, sighing as he closes his eyes once more.

He feels a presence in the room, and his black eyes open once more, scanning the blurry room until he can make out a figure sitting at the side of his bed, with ivory blonde hair and a beautiful face that he had found himself falling in love with. Though, Jon had been told by Tyrion that the majority of her close servants fell in love with her, that was why they served her, not because of fear used by tyrants such as Cersei, but love in its purest form. "Hey.." He says quietly, watching her from his weak position.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry." Jon says, he had seen one of her children fall beneath the ice lake with blood pouring from a wound it had sustained from the Night King throwing a javelin made of ice into its heart. His hand reaches out to take hers, giving it a light squeeze so that she would know that he was there for her.. It was the least he could do, after all.. He had called for her aid, and when she had come to him she lost one of the things that meant the most to her.
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