Rose's Requests 2.0

Jul 30, 2017

Well general stuff is that I normally play female character that normally have a bit of a bite but also like a challenge so although submissive males would be OK most prefer dominant males and like to try and get them to be submissive at times. They like to tease and one tends to bite and give men a challenge before allowing them to sleep with them most of the time.

If you have ideas and not sure if I'll be OK with them simply ask and contribute to the RP as well, I'm always open to my partner adding their own ideas.

I'm trying to get back into longer replies (20 lines +), I am a little rusty so be patient with me if you do one of these with me, my replies might not be so fast but I do think it through and put a lot of effort into any reply. So I can do both long replies and short ones depending on what I'm given to work with.

A few things:

- I prefer any characters in Rps I do to be 18+
- I do like to have a good story in my Rps and like to plan with my partners over PM
- If you are not interested please let me know, don't leave me hanging
- Please refrain from borrowing my characters, some of them I would've spent years refining.
- I do sex in my Rps but like I previously mentioned I do like a good story
- A lot of my Rps will be in the Taboo section


~The Forgotten~
Name: Seclusion Ash Alma
True Name: Calla Ash Alma
Age: Utopian Years: 19 Years; Human Years: Unknown (18 +)
Race: Utopian
Weapon: Deadly Score - Twin Bladed Souled Scythe
Eyes: Mismatched; Left: Golden Amber, Right: Blood Red
Hair: Coal black, straight, shoulder length
Skin: Ivory white
Wings: Deep midnight blue with ink black tips
True Wings: Silver, stained with blood but also has blood dripping from them.
Picture: Only difference is her left eye is amber not red

~The Immortal~
Name: Sayuri
Age: 20 years (In appearance, real age Unknown, 18+)
Race: Immortal Witch

~The Prophet~
Name: Haruna
Age: 21
Race: Human

~The Fairytale~ (On hiatus)
Name: Lilith Grimm
Age: 20
Race: Human/Witch


Black Butler/ Kuroshtsuji (Sebastian x OC) (Sebastian x Seclusion[Look above])
Soul Eater (OC x OC)
Hellsing Ultimate (Alucard x OC)
Ghost Hunt (OC x OC)
Fairy Tail (OC x OC) (Gajeel x Levy)
Naruto (OC x OC)


Death’s Heir

Status: Open

Looking for: Male, Non-Human

Story: Death wants to retire and as such organises for his heir: Seclusion, to finally pick a mate. However, out of all the candidates it seems there isn't one she likes. However, desperate to pass on his role to the next generation he talks to one of them who seems the best match and tries to persuade him to take a few more steps and try to get her to at least pair up with him.

Primal Instinct

Status: Open

Looking for: Male, Non-Human

Story: Another old topic I feel can flourish here. Set after the world ends and is starting a new with clans of other creatures but very few humans who have ended up scattered. Two of them meet, a human and someone from one of the clans what happened when they meet and what do they discover about the world around them.

Lost Geisha

Status: Open

Looking for: Male, Any species

Story: She'd already accepted her fate as a Geisha the moment she was sold by her parents, she'd learnt the dances, the etiquette and gotten used to the heavy clothing. However, what she had not been prepared for was too have the one thing she had left sold off at auction, she could not stay here any more and knew her only chance now was escape but that was easier said than done. Coming across a ronin she asked for his help, but will he accept or let her fall to the fate forced upon her?
Notes: Can be changed slightly if wanted, just PM me that your interested in the idea and if you want changes tell me.

Don't Fear the Grim Reaper

Status: Open

Looking for: Male, Non-human only

Story: The future seems to be getting bleaker with each passing day, but there is now a rebellion against those that have sought to control the lives of not just humans, but anything non-human as well; a group that claims to have the Grim Reaper on their side.The rebellion leader and his group soon organise a break in, to find out more information about this ‘Grim Reaper’ they speak of only to come across a prisoner, one that quickly persuaded their leader to let her come along.This woman threatens the very existent of the 'Reaper', their greatest enemy fears her. But is it really all as it seems?

Assassin's Assistant

Status: Open

Looking for: Male, Any Species

Story: After her abusive family (non-sexual abuse just to clarify) were killed, their bodies on the floor before her she just stood and looked to the man who’d killed them. He did not expect her to be there, there were no records of a second daughter for this family, although she didn't exist in any records anywhere, they had not wanted her after all. Seeing this an opportunity to finally get an apprentice, one that was not meant to be alive, one that he could mold instead of those selected decided to take her with him. However, he soon learns that there is more to his new apprentice assassin than originally thought.
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