Can I get a reason guys? (Comments welcome)


At parity with pears...
Apr 7, 2017
From the Flames of Creativity
For quite a while I can't seem to get as many roleplays going as I'd like. Roughly 80% of any roleplays I start just silently stop without warning from my partner.

During my first month here, I learned the hard way not to send frequent PM's to the only person I've been able to do a vore rp with here, and wasn't as patient as I should have been, as she is a purple name, nor did I bother looking at her forums, unknowingly doing things she didn't like to the point she doesn't want me to contact uer further. (By the off chance she sees this, I'm sorry for not realizing this sooner. Even with being new, that doesn't excuse my rude conduct back then.)

After that, I had several hits and misses, but for some of the ones that fell through, I did get a message saying they wanted to stop the roleplay. Now comes the reason why I said all this and decided to make this.
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