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Whimsy, Fairytales, Magic, and Stories

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Aug 5, 2014
Part the First, or How Things Came To Be

I accidentally stumbled across a beautiful, wonderful, and generally excellent webcomic (NSFW). It reminded me of an RPG from yesteryear that I loved - Changeling: the Dreaming. A world of dreams and ideas, elves and trolls, honour and romance, all just a breath away from our own. I suspect that the modern genre definition would be something like urban fantasy, but with less butch-lesbian-cops-boinking-vampires (it entertains me how frequent a trope that is) in recent urban fantasy. We could tell stories of crime and drama. (Something like Grimm). Or perhaps something a little more swashbucklering? I've not seen it, but I understand that what I'm after is rather similar to the Dresden Files. Or maybe even Bright. But all of these are perhaps a little darker than I have in mind. But! I'm easy to convince. Darkness and light are matters of degree, and all are changeable.

Part the Second, or The State of Things

I would like to find someone to write with to tell stories about a magical realm barely hidden from our own by a veil of unknowing. Of noble sidhe (or maybe ignoble (NSFW) ones). This being Bluemoon, there'd be smut. But to my mind, smut is best when it's in service to the story, rather than as something that happens every 30 paragraphs. Kinks are an awkward topic; listing them robs them of mystery and eroticism - they feel something more akin to a shopping list. I'd like 40kg of titfucking and 25kg of lesbianism please. See? They become something somehow pedestrian, at least to my mind.

I have a slight preference for IM (Skype, Discord, AIM), but can give PMs a shot. I have a strong preference for writing and description because here, in a world of ideas and imagination, words are our weapons and we should be able to use them well.

The other idea I have in mind is a GM-lead fantasy story (same understanding of fantasy as above, but could be proper-fantasy rather than urban fantasy) involving the ownership / management of a tavern. Your character would inherit / acquire / steal said building, and we'd then up with a fantasy slice-of-life-style game. No dice. No big-damn-heroes.

Whilst laid up in bed earlier this year with a broken foot, I actually got around to reading the Pathfinder rules. What surprised and interested me was the amount of space dedicated to the events that happen between the big-damn-heroics. What does the party do between dungeons?

This got me thinking - it'd be fun to run a "slice-of-life" inspired-by-D&D game. Or rather, a fairly freeform, sandbox game about characters and cities and people rather than about dungeons and dragons. To be clear, this would be free-form rather than dice-based (unless, of course, you really want to use dice).

Something like... Cheers! or Epic Tavern might be a good inspiration.

Style and Theme
I don't do grimdark. Instead, I aim for easy-going, chill, and fun. Funny too as situation demands. Perhaps even a little bit whimsical.

What am I looking for?
Someone interested in characters, interaction, and "slow-plot". There might be smut (who am I kidding? I'm on bluemoon - there'll be smut), but it won't be the be-all-and-end-all of the story.

How do I want to play?
Ideally, via some form of instant messenger. To me, roleplaying is about interaction; we're telling a story together based on how our characters interact. Discord, Skype... it's all good.

Well, this all sounds interesting. Now what?
Send me a PM and tell me about the kind of fantasy business / tavern / shop / guild you'd want to work in / run.
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