Kaybee's Chaos: Requests of all Sorts


Oct 12, 2011

Well good evening to you handsome gentlemen and any of you beautiful ladies who may have dropped in as well. Welcome one and all to the palace of my desires. Seek you to satisfy my wishes or your own, all you need do is ask of me and I will happily consider your request...

My age, location, and all other such details are of no import, I roleplay on Blue Moon alone, not through any variety of instant messenger nor over email. I am quite literate and more than capable of running more than one character though I confess my quality tends to degrade around four or five. I can write for and play both genders, although I find trying to write the male mind a little foreign at times I do my best and I have yet to hear any significant complaints.

Moving on to the meat of the matter, I would thoroughly appreciate it if bodily waste or other such disgusting things did not enter any Roleplay I am in. I can handle a little blood and gore in the appropriate context but I have difficulty in finding great pain pleasurable and so I simply hope that you would not expect me to find detailed desriptions of torture or mutilation enticing or arousing.

While I know many of you will simply skip over this initial bit of writing, I would like to ensure that you have at least read this by asking that you include the word 'Amaranth' in the subject line of any PM you decide to send me.

Now that that's out of the way...

A Mess of Plots and Pictures

(All Links Highly NSFW)​

Whore-ifying Transformation

Looking for a little bit of mind control for this one where a businesswoman -for some reason or other- ends up being slowly brainwashed into a company fucktoy. I would want it to be through drugs, or hypnosis, or even magical means that it happens, but the important part is the slow slut-ification of this young woman. From semi-sensible and private stuff like Handjobs during her morning carpool or sucking up to management for a raise progressing into greater and greater slutification until she's not wearing panties to work, working to please superiors and clients on business trips, or spending her lunch breaks whoring her ass out in the break room...

The Summit at Mount Hyjal (Warcraft III)

This one is based on a single image. Remember the end of Warcraft III? The battle of mount Hyjal? Orcs, Night Elves, and Humans, against the hordes of undead and their demonic masters?

For such an alliance, there must have been a meeting between the leaders. Sure maybe they just talked and made agreements, but what if it was something more... Intimate? Wouldn't that be interesting?

Adventuresses After Dark

These are three variants on an RP with the same general theme. You know in fantasy settings? All those powerful women who go adventuring? Who fend off monsters and mutants, slay demons and dragons, and topple gods and emperors from their thrones? The commanders? The leaders? The warriors?

Sure they may be strong, powerful, and independent, but that doesn't mean they don't have wants and desires and needs of their own...

The multiverse edition takes place at 'The Crossroads Inn' a multidimensional intersection bar where you would play some wanderer (or wanderers, I do love me some group action) stumbling in (could be from any universe, even our own) only to find a plethora of ladies from across the cosmos waiting around hoping for a nice encounter. The Fandom editions on the other hand take place within that fandom, and are thus slightly more constrained. You could play another adventurer, or a group of commoners, anyone really as long as they are from that same universe.

Also for the fandom ones, given that the adventurers in these dens of ill-repute are famous within that world I will offer massive bonus points for guys or gals coming in and fucking a 'lookalike' only to either never realize or only realize at the end that they've had the real thing... After all, who would ever believe that a renowned Heroine would actually do those kinds of things or hang out in those kinds of places?

Let me let you in on a secret about this place...

It should be obvious by now really, but some people can't seem to see it. All the women hanging about here, it's never the same ones from night to night. Oh sure some come back more often than others, but you can always expect a few new faces on any given stop. Not only that, but you never see them come or go at least... Not through the front door. They just arrive... and then they leave...

To say nothing of the fact that some of them don't even quite look human...

No... The girls here aren't from this world... They come from all over the place, and they've all got some impressive achievements to their names, not that you'd know it from how cock-hungry most of them are... That gal just down the bar? International super spy. That slut in the cat-ears? Assassin with a bodycount in the hundreds. That girl with the huge rack against the back wall over there? Saved her planet from a genocidal alien. Gal with the horns and the purple skin (and no it's not makeup, believe me I've checked)? Helped kill some undead monster her home called 'the lich king' or something...

Those three in the corner booth? Left one is an archmage who killed fear itself. Middle one is a psychic sniper who fights aliens, and the right one is an elven assassin. Not sure how they all know each other but I've long since stopped questioning this stuff...

I mean hey, you don't have to believe me or anything... I'm just the bartender, but take a room for the night with one of them and maybe you won't be so doubting in the morning? Up to you...

(Feel free to suggest other characters if you want, these are just the main ones I want.)

Dens of Debauchery are not uncommon across Azeroth. Goldshire inn may be one of the best known but all sorts of places grant quiet patronage to all races and all walks of life. Of course, ubiquitous across all such exotic and erotic locales is the women that work them. Some go for gold and silver, some seek connections, and many just want to get a good dicking or licking. Of course competition can be fierce, and whether they be customers, lovers, or fuckers, many of those that work these places turn to whatever means they can to draw in their marks. Looking or dressing like an important figure can be a big plus to, so you might just find some excellent lookalikes of powerful women from across the world...

At least... That's the surface of it. But there are always rumors that some of those gals are the real deal...

But c'mon... Who would ever believe that. Sure that night elf over there might have her look pretty down but do you really believe that the High Priestess of the Night Elves would ever do half the things I've seen her do? Oh sure you can look at the adventurer ladies but you know their armor's all fake. Maybe a rogue or a Hunter might spend some time in here, you hear all sorts of kinky shit about those types anyways. But you really expect me to believe those girls in the corner are a Priest and a Paladin? No chance... And don't even get me started on that 'demon hunter' up on the stage or that gal in the Alexstrasza cosplay. Never mind the twins pretending to be the Windrunner Sisters...

I mean if you wanna believe they're the real deal sure, but trust me. They aren't.

(They are of course... But that's for me to know, and your character(s) to find out, or not...)

(Coming Soon)

With that, alas, we are finished for this moment. I look forward to what offers of debaucherous acts you may send me, now and in the future.

Much love

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