Night Stalkers


Dec 15, 2015
No relationship to the Capcom series.

In a sleepy New England town nothing ever happens. There is a drunk driver here, and a shop lifting there, but in this quiet town nothing news worthy ever happens. Until today. One man was found dead at dusk with his body covered in strange wounds and his wife was left comatose in a critical condition. Over the following weeks another two bodies showed up. Finally an FBI agent was sent in to investigate but he finds that there is far more to this toan then it appears, and he mist wonder witch monster is he looking for.

Characters needed:
note all can be any gender.

Frankenstein's Monster as Dr. Frankenstein, head of surgery
(Filled by X)

Zombie or Mummy as Head Nurse
(Filled by X)

Werewolf as local police chief
(filled by X)

Vampire as Town Mayor
(filled by X)

Normal human as FBI agent
(filled by X)
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